View Full Version : appalling news hair story

May 21st, 2009, 08:02 PM
I came into the radio interview with this mom part way through and from what I heard her describing, I thought she was telling a story from years ago when Canada had the residential schools that Native kids were sent to (to beat the Native out of them). I think they had similar institutions in the US and Aus.

Those of us who've pondered the issue about threats by others (including strangers) to cut off our long hair will KNOW this is a gross assault!

From "Crazy B**ches R Us (http://crazybitchesrus.blogspot.com/)":

This story is horrifying to any parent. How dare a school touch a child's hair? It's worse when you consider the child is First Nations and was growing his hair to participate in grass dancing as part of his spiritual/cultural tradition. It's the equivalent of tearing a cross off a Catholic child. Worse still the way it inevitably reminds us all of residential school. I think we all want answers on this one:


Blue Willow
May 21st, 2009, 08:09 PM
History is doomed to repeat itself, there are many times in history an indigeous people were villified in order to justify all kinds of atrocities..Many people like to justify evil on devils and such..seems to me people are carnal sensual and devilish and hardly need any inspiration to commit the most awful crimes..no, if there is such a thing as aa devil or demon, he exists within us, the same also with angels and fairy godmothers.

May 21st, 2009, 08:14 PM
History is doomed to repeat itself, there are many times in history an indigeous people were villified in order to justify all kinds of atrocities.

Well said, Blue Willow.

I tell ya, I'm not a violent person...but THAT story..... :demon: :guns:

May 21st, 2009, 08:16 PM
Ok, can we to the very least shave the head of the bigoted racist pig who did this? Or is he/she already a skin head? Geez people like that really get my goat. :mad:

May 21st, 2009, 08:22 PM
Ok, can we to the very least shave the head of the bigoted racist pig who did this? Or is he/she already a skin head? Geez people like that really get my goat. :mad:

While appalled at the story I do feel the need to mention that just as not all long haired people are hippies neither are all shaven headed people racist! :eek:

May 21st, 2009, 08:30 PM
While appalled at the story I do feel the need to mention that just as not all long haired people are hippies neither are all shaven headed people racist! :eek:

I never said they all are but ok.

May 21st, 2009, 08:34 PM
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