View Full Version : I got the weird comment!O__O

May 21st, 2009, 05:16 PM
I was at work, breaking down boxes, and having a conversation with one of my employees. I forget how the conversation came up, I think we were discussing a customer who owned a salon. I passively mentioned I hadn't had a professional haircut in over 2 years and that I trim it myself. He also trims his own hair. So I mentioned that I just don't like how most salons are geared toward keeping hair short and I was growing mine out. I said "I'm growing it down to here" and pointed to slightly greater than classic length. He was completely aghast! He said nobody looks good with hair that long and that I shouldn't do it. :bigeyes::rolleyes: Then he jokingly said to me "I'll cut it while you're not looking!" :run:

I know he wasn't serious. He is a bit dramatic and flamboyant. But still. Worth noting. I got the weird comment!

So why such strong opinions? It's just hair, and it's not growing out of his head, but mine!:shrug:

May 21st, 2009, 05:19 PM
Wowzers, um yeah. Kind of speechless at that one. It does make me want to say something catty about something else men are obsessed with lengthwise, and cut it off while not looking.

May 21st, 2009, 05:21 PM
I don't know. Some people get positive squeamish about hair. And some people don't know what they don't like. When my hair was about BSL, I told my DD I planned to grow it out to classic. She told me "no - that would be too long." Now that I'm a few inches from classic length, she tells me "no-no-no" every time I get aggravated with my hair and say that I'm ready to cut it.

May 21st, 2009, 05:21 PM
Yeah, I don't know why some people have such strong opinions about it. I've admired very long and very short hair on different people.:shrug:
I get that kind of a reaction all the time from a friend of mine. She's like "there's long, and then there's just excessive. Why would anyone want their hair to be that long? There's a point where it's just too long". She maintains her position even if I argue that I agree that there's such a thing as too long if it's damaged and unhealthy at the ends, but if it's healthy all the way down, I don't see what makes it "too long". Meh. Whatever, we'll see what her thoughts are when I get to "too long". Which I hope is reeeeaaaallllly long, just to see what she says. :D

May 21st, 2009, 05:25 PM
Wowzers, um yeah. Kind of speechless at that one. It does make me want to say something catty about something else men are obsessed with lengthwise, and cut it off while not looking.
:rollin:That's evil!!!

May 21st, 2009, 05:29 PM
Wowzers, um yeah. Kind of speechless at that one. It does make me want to say something catty about something else men are obsessed with lengthwise, and cut it off while not looking.

:evil: hee hee!

May 21st, 2009, 05:45 PM
I was talking to one of my friends about long hair today, and she said that if she ever saw someone with hair beyond butt-length, she'd want to cut it off and then run away. She said it jokingly though, but still... if someone wants to have their hair that long, why is that any different than wanting any other kind of hairstyle? If I see someone with a hairstyle I don't like, that doesn't make me want to grab a pair of scissors and cut it into a different hairstyle.

I should grow my hair out to mid-thigh length or something just to annoy my friend, lol! It would take time though, my hair is only BSL right now.

May 21st, 2009, 06:00 PM
I can't believe that!! That's absolutely crazy!

May 21st, 2009, 06:00 PM
I'll go so far as to admit that there are lengths I think of as "too long," at least for my body. However, too long is probably the point at which a braid drags on the ground, so the hair has to be in an updo all the time.

That said, I've seen a few folks here with past-floor length, and I'm always impressed by it. I just know I don't want to have to stand on furniture to comb my hair.

The "I'll cut it when you're not looking" comment is seriously creepy. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the same dude (dud?) likes your hair when you do get it to that length. Sometimes people just have difficulty visualizing things.

May 21st, 2009, 06:17 PM
I totally agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion but along that same line everyone is allowed to look however they want. I don't go around to people with short hair and tell them it doesn't look good and they'd better grow it out. I don't preach that other people need to have my views on hair and I don't want other people telling me what to do with MY hair. Maybe I'd let the comment go about the length not looking good on anyone but I really don't like people joking they want to cut another persons hair off. I'm sure most people would be mad if someone ran up to them and shaved their head, it's the same thing to me!

May 21st, 2009, 06:35 PM
Wowzers, um yeah. Kind of speechless at that one. It does make me want to say something catty about something else men are obsessed with lengthwise, and cut it off while not looking.

So wrong... but so funny! :laugh:

Funny how when I cut my hair off to nothing, my family was in a huge uproar about it. Then as it grew back to APL (when straightened) they were fine. Now that it's MBL (straightened) they say it's getting so long, maybe I should think about cutting it! :rolleyes:

Sometimes people just like to be heard, I think.

May 21st, 2009, 06:42 PM
That wasn't very nice. But yeah, unfortunately opinions are like buttholes, and everybody's got one. :rolleyes:

You're absolutely right, it's your hair, not his, and if you want it long then go for it. Long flowing hair is definitively feminine and beautiful. :flower:

May 21st, 2009, 07:37 PM
I'd have probably made some kind of comment I'd later apologize for lol. seriously, MY hair not yours so get over it buddy!!

May 21st, 2009, 10:26 PM
He could have said it better. In my opinion, not everyone looks good with hair that long.

May 22nd, 2009, 04:55 AM
Tell him you'll cut something else...while he's not looking!lol I wish somebody would....he better sleep with one eye opened!!

May 22nd, 2009, 05:02 AM
I was talking to one of my friends about long hair today, and she said that if she ever saw someone with hair beyond butt-length, she'd want to cut it off and then run away. She said it jokingly though, but still... if someone wants to have their hair that long, why is that any different than wanting any other kind of hairstyle? If I see someone with a hairstyle I don't like, that doesn't make me want to grab a pair of scissors and cut it into a different hairstyle.

I should grow my hair out to mid-thigh length or something just to annoy my friend, lol! It would take time though, my hair is only BSL right now.

Well, maybe that is just envy? They do not have such long hair and it makes them sad, so they pretend they dont have it because they dont like it, and go a bit too far. You know, the grapes are sour...

May 22nd, 2009, 07:34 AM
A lot of people are grossed out by extreme lengths (probably the same people who are disgusted by shed hairs). I don't understand why, but it's common.

May 22nd, 2009, 07:45 AM
It is just the sudden expression of such a strong opinion. Each to his own opinion, and that is fine. I don't force long hair on others. It's just so interesting to have such a vehement opinion about something like hair. I guess there is an ick factor to some. We all got thresholds I guess.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:21 AM
I believe anyone who wants to cut off long hair on others is too cowardly to actually embrace it, it is alot of work and attention needs paid and our society is so "disposable" and "microwave" ..if it takes too long forget it, if it is too hard, forget it..the old days of perseverence and patience for a good thing, working for what you want seem to be gone for the most part ..but not here! part of what I am loving about LHC is that alot of folks are down to earth( hair included HEEHEE)

May 22nd, 2009, 09:32 AM
At my old job this man and a woman sat in cubicles built such that her back was in front of his desk. She said something ugly to him and he got very angry, grabbed scissors and did, in fact cut this woman's hair off. This is at a professional, office environment in the financial industry - everyone talked about it for weeks afterward. Much discussion ensued because the woman was wearing a weave and some thought that made it slightly less awful. The man was fired immediately of course.

May 22nd, 2009, 01:08 PM
I can't believe adults think it's ok to say things like this when they're joking.

And it's always when you're not looking, or they'll run off, they never offer to stand around and face the music.

March 19th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Maybe he thought it was actually really, really cool and was just trying to get a reaction out of you in a wierd flirty way. Kinda like the boys back in kindergardten?

March 19th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Cut off his hair while he isn't looking!

March 19th, 2011, 07:02 PM
My response: (give a very serious look) "I'd cut you." (Then walk away)

I take NO chances.

March 19th, 2011, 07:46 PM
Sometimes people just like to be heard, I think.

Ain't it the truth!

March 19th, 2011, 08:24 PM
At my old job this man and a woman sat in cubicles built such that her back was in front of his desk. She said something ugly to him and he got very angry, grabbed scissors and did, in fact cut this woman's hair off. This is at a professional, office environment in the financial industry - everyone talked about it for weeks afterward. Much discussion ensued because the woman was wearing a weave and some thought that made it slightly less awful. The man was fired immediately of course.

He should have been charged with assault. So disgusting.

March 19th, 2011, 09:15 PM
Some people say stupid things like that out of envy I think?! Gosh I remember when I'd lost some weight and I had someone tell me I was getting "too skinny" I was like :confused: because I was still barely at a healthy weight for my height (I mean at the top end, so BMI about 24 to 25) and I've got a small frame so I still look chubby at that end, and even with a BMI of 20 I've got heavy legs and a belly and don't look skinny at all.

I often think that people get comments about stuff like "your hair's getting too long" or whatever, because people aren't used to it and even feel threatened by it?! I dunno, it's a weird phenomenon, but if you actually met someone and their hair was classic when you met them, I doubt you'd make that comment (well maybe some people would lol) but if it looks good I guess most people just say stuff like "gee you've got such long hair!" rather than "it's getting too long you should cut it" or "People don't look good with hair that long".

Anyway, I can't wait for the day someone tells me my hair's getting too long, or I'm getting to skinny again LOL!

March 20th, 2011, 05:34 AM
That's so weird. I mean I know not everyone likes long hair and that's fine, but why threaten to cut someone else's hair? Why do they care so much about hair that isn't even theirs?

March 20th, 2011, 05:40 AM
I'll go so far as to admit that there are lengths I think of as "too long," at least for my body. However, too long is probably the point at which a braid drags on the ground, so the hair has to be in an updo all the time.

That said, I've seen a few folks here with past-floor length, and I'm always impressed by it. I just know I don't want to have to stand on furniture to comb my hair.

Agreed. There are lengths that I think will be a bit too much for me, where I think I'd stop enjoying my hair as much (won't know for sure 'til I get there, of course). But on someone else's head, I don't understand why it's an issue; and admittedly, my main reaction to past floor would definitely be awe.

March 20th, 2011, 10:26 AM
At my old job this man and a woman sat in cubicles built such that her back was in front of his desk. She said something ugly to him and he got very angry, grabbed scissors and did, in fact cut this woman's hair off. This is at a professional, office environment in the financial industry - everyone talked about it for weeks afterward. Much discussion ensued because the woman was wearing a weave and some thought that made it slightly less awful. The man was fired immediately of course.

That is 3rd degree assault. <----To the OP, I might remind this guy of that. Sheesh, what a tool.

March 20th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Possibly a very weird question but in general if someone came up to you, even a stranger, and cut your hair (say from classic to bsl) couldn't they get in trouble from the law somehow. I know that sounds weird, but it kinda seems to me there might be something there. Not that I have ever heard of that happening, haha, I just always wonder the weirdest things:p

But yes, that was a weird comment, and to be honest this isn't the first time I have heard someone joke about something like this, although not to me as I have had short hair my entire adult life (it will get there).

March 20th, 2011, 12:19 PM
"I don't like your nipple rings. I'll rip them out when you are sleeping." :roll:

For some reason, when I read the first post I immediately thought of p*rv*ts.

March 21st, 2011, 12:36 AM
At my old job this man and a woman sat in cubicles built such that her back was in front of his desk. She said something ugly to him and he got very angry, grabbed scissors and did, in fact cut this woman's hair off. This is at a professional, office environment in the financial industry - everyone talked about it for weeks afterward. Much discussion ensued because the woman was wearing a weave and some thought that made it slightly less awful. The man was fired immediately of course.

WOW !! it actually sounds like he'd been thinking of doing it for a very long time ..

March 21st, 2011, 01:37 AM
I feel like people in general are opposed to hair in general. We are encouraged to shave, pluck and wax all unsightly hairs and can get carried away into thinking that long hair is unclean or unprofessional.
Sorry that the comment upset you. Dumb people are dumb.

March 21st, 2011, 11:48 AM
Some people feel 'safer' when people conform to what is supposed to be the norm. I've had funny comments all my life from people about my hair length. Jealousy and fear. Personally i think that is what it comes down to.

I think some people also get that childish urge to want to mess something up when it looks so lovely and unspoiled (lovely long, brushed hair), the kinda urge you get when you see freshly fallen snow and want to go and make your mark!

March 22nd, 2011, 11:51 AM
I actually had a conversation about really long hair a few days ago. Basically, one of my friends wants to grow her hair 'really long'. I asked her how long and she said to just below her jubblies. I pointed out that not only is my hair longer than that, my mother's is too and that I know people with hair to their bum. Then another friend came in asking how long I wanted to grow my hair. I said however long it gets and - get this- he replied by saying "ew really longg hair is gros and unatural."
Unnatural. Really.
Needless to say my mother and I were loling to bed that night!

March 22nd, 2011, 12:10 PM
I'm so sorry, Ravenna. What a creepy comment. =/

Thankfully I haven't received any comments like that yet, but I don't talk about my hair length goals to anyone other than family and very close friends. I have mentioned all my weird ingredients I use in my hair to more formal acquaintances as a joke while we were on the subject of hair- I haven't received any rude comments in response yet but I have received some strong "looks".

March 22nd, 2011, 01:06 PM
Ugh. I do hate personal remarks.

Eryka, that is exactly what I was thinking :twisted:

March 22nd, 2011, 02:11 PM
Since this was two years ago, I'll assume he never followed through. :lol:

March 22nd, 2011, 02:32 PM
Hi ravenna, I am not able to see your hendigo process link yet, but was wondering if you could maybe pm me it? I am very interested in doing this, will be my first time...and I LOVE how your hair looks!! Thanks!

June 30th, 2011, 01:17 AM
Even reading about it makes me mad :/

Vanilla Mint
July 1st, 2011, 03:26 AM
"Haters gonna hate." is all I can say to that. I get really annoyed when someone assumes I can't maintain a healthy head of hair at whatever length I wish to. :|

July 1st, 2011, 04:05 AM
I don't know if all boys even think about if the hair is healthy or not... My closest friend (who is a boy) definately likes my (BSL) hair & compliments it when it is down & encourages me to grow it to at least waist, but when he sees a friend of mine with I guess hip length hair which always looks beautiful & healthy, he says oh it's too long !!! Weird. ! !

July 1st, 2011, 08:32 AM
I was wondering about the assault aspect. Could you get someone charged for cutting it off and would it stick? You know how people are, "Oh, it's just hair. It's not like he actually hurt you or anything. And it'll grow back."

I know that if anyone did it to me, I would LOVE to press charges against them. does anyone know of any cases where this has happened?

July 1st, 2011, 08:38 AM
I was wondering about the assault aspect. Could you get someone charged for cutting it off and would it stick? You know how people are, "Oh, it's just hair. It's not like he actually hurt you or anything. And it'll grow back."

I know that if anyone did it to me, I would LOVE to press charges against them. does anyone know of any cases where this has happened?

Answering my own question:
I found this: http://www.kitsapsun.com/news/2008/may/30/po-man-charged-with-assault-after-cutting-womans/

A Port Orchard man was charged with third-degree assault after allegedly cutting a woman's hair as revenge for theft of his tire rims.

A woman who had returned with her 13-year-old daughter from camping went to a friend's home to pickup some belongings,

according to a probable cause statement filed by the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office.

She told sheriff's deputies that once there, she saw Chad Daniels, 34, walk to his car, grab something out of it and walk toward her. She said he grabbed her by the back of her hair, pulled and started yelling about someone stealing his rims.

The woman said she was screaming, "No, don't, don't cut my hair, don't do this in front of my daughter."

She said he yelled, "Just let me finish and this will be over." She told sheriff's deputies that she reached back and was cut. She said he cut about 6 to 7 inches of her hair.

The woman said her former boyfriend had stolen Daniels' rims and that Daniels was getting revenge.

The comments at the bottom really made me :mad:

July 1st, 2011, 08:47 AM
a co-worker of mine used to pretend to cut my hair off every time he saw me. He would have scissors in his hand and come up behind me, tug on my hair while opening and closing the scissors. When I made a fuss about this, he was offended - don't I trust him? Ummm, NO!

August 22nd, 2011, 09:41 AM
wow what was his problem! if someone ever told me they would cut my hair when i wasn’t looking i would tell them and loose a hand in the process you come near me with scissors and get stabbed with them!!

August 22nd, 2011, 10:58 AM
I actually had someone I work with who hasn't seen my hair loose in awhile ask (quite loudly, I thought) "How the hell do you go to the bathroom with that hair!" (she worded it a little more colorfully, though). I use it to wipe with, what else? Geez..... :gabigrin:

P.S. I've had several people tell me they will cut when I'm not looking and I tell them just as quickly that they will be facing a physical assault charge in the blink of an eye. They think it's a funny thing to say. Grrrrr.....

August 22nd, 2011, 11:18 AM
I have that dream all the time where I wake up and someone has cut off all my hair. My hair grows so fast I think after the initial shock I would be okay with it. I try not to get too attached to my hair because I might have to cut it again for work or for convenience because my work/job/school doesn't allow for more than 5-10 minutes in the shower and another 10 minutes to get my hair immaculately pulled back and ready for the day.

That said, it would be hard if my hair was shoulder length since my hair is so thick it wouldn't pull back into a neat bun. And it helps that I've found awesome websites like this! =)

August 22nd, 2011, 11:29 AM
Are you in charge of his hours? I think you should cut his pay short - see if he really likes things being shortened. Besides, he obviously doesn't have a significant other to pay for, since he doesn't seem to know what looks good.