View Full Version : Do I just look better with short hair?

May 21st, 2009, 04:29 PM
Hi everyone! I had really long hair in highschool and loved it. I cut it to chin-length my sophomore year of college, grew it out again, and cut it my first year of grad school. Here's the thing -- every time I cut it back to chin-length I get LOADS of complements from people, get hit on/stared at by guys, the popular girls talk to me, and one person invariably tells me "never grow it out long again -- it look so much better short".

So do I just look better with short hair or was I not styling it properly while it was long? Do people think it looks better now because I'm using better shampoo/anti-frizz creme and styling it better or should I "never grow grow it long again" because there's something about my face that looks better with short hair?

I really want your input guys. My dad and my boyfriend put in two big votes for long hair and my mom says that it looks good either way. I just feel like I have the potential to have long, healthy, beautiful hair with the right routine but I don't want to spend the next two years of my life with hair that I'm unhappy with, even if it is long. I'm just hoping for BSL. Do I listen to my friends and keep it short or grow it long and prove them wrong?


May 21st, 2009, 04:32 PM
Well...of course I am biased towards long hair, but do you have any pictures of yourself with long and short hair that we could compare?

Tap Dancer
May 21st, 2009, 04:33 PM
I can't vote until I see pics. :)

May 21st, 2009, 04:34 PM
Your hair is for YOU. Other people mean well, but let's face it, they aren't wearing your hair on their heads, day after day. Your hair should make YOU happy, not your friends and relatives. They have their own hair!

So go with what YOU want to do, and just smile and nod when someone tells you that you look better with short hair. If long is what you want, then go for it! Also, remember that you can style long hair in a bazillion ways to make it more flattering. Short hair is pretty much the same all the time.

May 21st, 2009, 04:38 PM
Ok, I was just too ditzy to look at your profile...you do have pics. If those two pics are representative of the lengths you refer to...I don't think long hair is bad on you at all. I think people were reacting to the frizz factor you had before. Apparently you have now found a way to tame the frizz and I think it would look awesome long.

May 21st, 2009, 04:56 PM
I think everyone could look lovely with long hair, but not everyone looks great in short hair. Maybe it is just the shock of change ,or you don't let your face show when your hair is long, you can have it long and keep it all up out in public and your face will be the focus! My vote:Go with your hearts desire!

May 21st, 2009, 04:58 PM
I can't vote until I see pics. :)

Me either :)

Ok, I was just too ditzy to look at your profile...you do have pics. If those two pics are representative of the lengths you refer to...I don't think long hair is bad on you at all. I think people were reacting to the frizz factor you had before. Apparently you have now found a way to tame the frizz and I think it would look awesome long.

Tried viewing your profile and I don't see any hair pictures or albums. Pretty flower though.

May 21st, 2009, 05:00 PM
it may be different this time like with the advice off this site you hair could look better long, shorter hair looks better sometimes because the ends are not so old, so therefore undamamged give long hair a go if thats what tickles your pickle, if not its ok to have shorter hair!

May 21st, 2009, 05:08 PM
I don't see anything more becoming about the short hair on you; the long looks good, too. Wear it how you like it and ignore the nay-sayers. They can cut their own hair if they want.

May 21st, 2009, 05:11 PM
I went to your profile and saw the long and short pics. I thought the long hair looked great on you. The only real difference I noticed is in the long hair pic you look carefree and relaxed, in the short hair pic you look like a modern day college student. Maybe that's what people around you prefer you to look like?

May 21st, 2009, 05:15 PM
I think you are cute with short hair, and that's why you get the compliments. Not everyone looks so good with short hair, and I notice those that do get the most compliments because they are pretty enough to pull it off.

You look lovely with longer hair as well. I vote for grow it out. At least that way if you decide long hair isn't for you, you can say you gave it a try and then go cut instead of wondering "what might have been." ;)

May 21st, 2009, 05:15 PM
Aha! I see the pictures now, (not sure why I couldn't earlier) but I honestly think that both short and long looks really good on you, so I think you should do as YOU please with your hair and feel beautiful whatever your choice. :)

May 21st, 2009, 05:16 PM
I invariably get the same compliments when my hair is short. I have a very young-looking face, so whenever I cut my hair short, I always get told I look more mature and professional looking (now that I think of it, are they calling me old? :laugh:) My view on it is, grow your hair long with your new routine, and if you don't like it, you can always chop it off. It's much easier to cut hair off- not so easy to get it long!

May 21st, 2009, 05:24 PM
Ok, sorry, I should have posted pictures first! They're all in my photo album now (had to go to two computers to compile the pictures!) Some are long, some short.

May 21st, 2009, 05:24 PM
rani, you're a pretty girl both ways. I think you look more polished and sleek with the short hair, but not actually prettier per se. Have you ever considered face framing layers or side fringe as a way to break up the long hair?

I think very long, vs. midlength hair, could be the answer for you. Keep growing for a while.

May 21st, 2009, 05:25 PM
I think you look great either way. I think you look slightly better with longer hair, but obviously, I'm a bit partial to longer hair! :D

May 21st, 2009, 05:29 PM
I think your hair looks beautiful on the longer side. Not that I'm biased or anything...

May 21st, 2009, 05:41 PM
I think you can pull off long and short hair, just do whichever one you like more.

May 21st, 2009, 05:42 PM
Keep in mind we live in a mostly short haired society and anything out of the norm is odd to them.

May 21st, 2009, 05:44 PM
First, a disclaimer: I'm not a long-hair-o-phile, I'm only here to work out how to look after my hair at this length, and make it look interesting. I liked it best when it was a pixie cut. (I think I look plain with long hair.) I have to say, I disagree with your friends on this one. I like it long better. The important thing, though, is which do you prefer? You're not there to entertain other people's fancies.

(For long-hair, I'm looking particularly at that yearbook pic, which I think is gorgeous.)

May 21st, 2009, 06:04 PM
My only guess is that perhaps you look too young with long hair, thus men feel you are too young to ask out.

You have a lovely long face, and with the bob/shorter hair, it brings out your face more. However, I think it's GORGEOUS long too!! So, bottom line? You have to do what's right for you. :)

May 21st, 2009, 06:05 PM
I thought your dream hair was a picture of you too! You obviously able to have both long and short hair. I think people often like it when someone cuts their hair short because it's a dramatic change. You can't suddenly have dramatically long hair (without extensions). Therefore, you never get to say, "hey, I love your new hairstyle, it looks great so long." Invariably, it will be something more like you CUT your hair. Also, shorter hair is typically layered and styled so it's often more interesting. If you've had it short, grow it long. When you get tired of it, cut it back off. It's your hair, so as long as it keeps growing, have fun with it.

May 21st, 2009, 06:10 PM
I think you look very good with both short and long hair, but I think I like how you look with long hair better. That may be some personal bias slipping in, but there might also be some of what Themyst was pointing out -- that you look relaxed and happy in the longer hair pics.

In my experience, people always comment (almost always positively) when anyone cuts their hair or dyes it or does just about anything else that isn't absolutely horrifying. They notice that something's different, and want to let you know that they noticed the change. Negative comments are rare, simply from politeness. When your hair is slowly growing out, there's no obvious change to trigger the comments.
However, if you wear it up a lot, and then one day wear it loose, the compliments do come flooding in. Especially if your hair gets to the "unusually long" stage.

May 21st, 2009, 06:15 PM
I have to say I think you look better with long hair... and I'm not one of those who always prefer long hair. I think there are people who look better with short hair than with long hair (like my sister). You look great with both, but I think you're prettier with long hair. But of course, it's just an opinion. You should do what you want.

May 21st, 2009, 06:17 PM
I got compliments when I got a short cut too, but I think it's probably because there's a certain freshness to getting a sudden new look like that.

I agree with Anje. You get fewer compliments as a longhair because, by the nature of long hair, you can't get that way suddenly... it's so gradual that most people you know aren't aware of it changing in any way. They get used to your long hair, and won't be inclined to comment on what is so familiar.

People will pay attention to something fresh and new -- I'd say the short style brings a new focus to your face, so people all of a sudden notice things about you, like your eyes, and feel compelled to tell you how great you look. If anyone was to miraculously become a longhair suddenly, they'd be getting an extra influx of compliments too - because the long hair is something attention-grabbing which prompts people to realise how nice-looking you are in general. I hope that made sense :p

In my opinion while the short look does suit you, the longer hair still gets my vote. If it's what you want, go for it.

May 21st, 2009, 06:26 PM
I thought you looked beautiful with long hair!
Actually you looked like a model to me - I vote long hair!

May 21st, 2009, 06:50 PM
Well, it is true that some people do look better with short hair. On the other hand, I would hate for you to miss out on knowing what it's like to have really long hair. Especially if you're like me - I've had long hair all of my life, and it's even been about an inch or so away from knee length at one time. But back then, I didn't really know how to take care of it, and I didn't know all of the awesome hair styles and updos and braids that I know now that I've found LHC. Having long hair is a way different experience for me now that I actually know what to do with it.

You can always cut if you don't like it or it's getting in your way too much, but you can't always immediately grow it back long if you don't like it short, does that make sense? And shorter hair styles can be harder to take care of than long just because of the maintenance involved to keep the shape of the style you want. Bottom line is, it's your hair, and whatever you decide to do will be the right decision - because YOU made it. :)

May 21st, 2009, 07:03 PM
I have to say you look prettier with long,either way I think your very pretty:)

May 21st, 2009, 07:03 PM
I love your hair. :) The color is beautiful, and it looks really nice with those lengthy curls. Maybe it's hair envy? ;)

May 21st, 2009, 07:18 PM
I think the short hair makes you look very young and pretty and fresh. What concerns me is you are still asking for others' opinions rather than going with what you would like. You look like you have beautiful hair which would be lovely at any length.
You say "but I don't want to spend the next two years of my life with hair that I'm unhappy with, even if it is long. " Why would you be unhappy with it? Because of others' opinions or because of your own? I didn't quite understand that point.

May 21st, 2009, 07:22 PM
I vote for the long hair. Your hair is beautiful long!

May 21st, 2009, 07:34 PM
I think you should do whatever makes you happy. But since you asked...I think you look really really gorgeous with long hair. Not that I'm prejudiced towards long hair or anything :D

May 21st, 2009, 07:51 PM
Hi everyone! I had really long hair in highschool and loved it. I cut it to chin-length my sophomore year of college, grew it out again, and cut it my first year of grad school. Here's the thing -- every time I cut it back to chin-length I get LOADS of complements from people, get hit on/stared at by guys, the popular girls talk to me, and one person invariably tells me "never grow it out long again -- it look so much better short".

So do I just look better with short hair or was I not styling it properly while it was long? Do people think it looks better now because I'm using better shampoo/anti-frizz creme and styling it better or should I "never grow grow it long again" because there's something about my face that looks better with short hair?

I really want your input guys. My dad and my boyfriend put in two big votes for long hair and my mom says that it looks good either way. I just feel like I have the potential to have long, healthy, beautiful hair with the right routine but I don't want to spend the next two years of my life with hair that I'm unhappy with, even if it is long. I'm just hoping for BSL. Do I listen to my friends and keep it short or grow it long and prove them wrong?


Well, of course, you should decide whatever YOU want.

That out of the way, here are my thoughts:

1) The long hair picture from school:

Looks great - love the dark, long curls.

2) The short-haired pic:

You look more confident and "open". Perhaps that's why you attract more? The hair looks healthy & good.

I'd vote long, healthy hair. (and, my heavens, 2 years is a long time to stick with hair that makes you unhappy :) ).

May 21st, 2009, 08:21 PM
You look beautiful either way. You have a great smile. I think you should choose whatever you are happy with. I am biased toward long hair, though. But it's just me.

The one of the great things about long hair is you can wear down or up in different ways. It's more versatile than a short hair style. I did not see any updo in your album. I think it will look great on you, too. :)

May 21st, 2009, 08:33 PM
Hi Rani, I think that you look good with long hair.

I discovered here at LHC that there are better ways to care for your hair that results in more manageable hair.

May 21st, 2009, 08:36 PM
I like the long better on you.

May 21st, 2009, 08:37 PM
I vote for the long hair also! :)

May 21st, 2009, 08:46 PM
It's probably just that they notice the sudden change, so they comment on it.

May 21st, 2009, 09:17 PM
I prefer the long hair on you :) I think you should keep whichever hairstyle makes you feel happiest, though.

May 21st, 2009, 09:32 PM
With the pictures on your profile - I prefer the long look way better. way better. Maybe if I saw different short hair pics, I would like that look better on you, but I kinda doubt it.

May 21st, 2009, 09:32 PM
But don't forget, we're all kind of partial to long hair here. Maybe you should ask people in different social groups with you.

May 21st, 2009, 10:18 PM
But don't forget, we're all kind of partial to long hair here. Maybe you should ask people in different social groups with you.

(Speak for yourself...)

May 21st, 2009, 10:40 PM
I have to say that I preferred the pictures with the straighter hair. Yeah, I know, that's not much help, is it? OTOH, anyone who says you should never grow your hair back out is totally nuts. It looks good either long or short.

May 21st, 2009, 10:49 PM
I think I'm playing the part of a broken record here, echoing others, but it really is up to you. I mean, I'd hope you wear your hair how you like it, ya know? If it's a case of 'I like both! So which looks best?' Well, that's different, and after reviewing your pictures, I'd have to say long hair looks freakin' amazing! =3 And as a bonus, I believe you said your boyfriend loves it long, too, so... can't go wrong, right? =)

May 21st, 2009, 11:25 PM
It's up to you how to wear your hair. That said, I prefer the long. xD;

May 21st, 2009, 11:36 PM
Rani said:
I just feel like I have the potential to have long, healthy, beautiful hair with the right routine but I don't want to spend the next two years of my life with hair that I'm unhappy with, even if it is long. I'm just hoping for BSL.
My question is what do you like?

I cannot decide from the post.

How does long hair make you feel? Does it make you feel more you? Or do you feel like you are pretending to be someone you are not? Does short hair make you feel more in control?

Some times it isn't about the style it is about how the style makes you feel.

Having said that I like the long hair, but some styles give the illusion of short hair and a professional look, without the haircut.

Is that more what you are looking for?

I like long hair, simply due to the fact that I can create so many looks from it. With short hair you have so much less choice as to style.

Maybe you just need to learn some new styles and go from there. It would give you the choices that you are looking for.

Mostly you just need to find out what makes you happy and stick to that. :twocents:

Jules diamond
May 21st, 2009, 11:44 PM
Personally I think you look better with long hair.

May 21st, 2009, 11:59 PM
My theory is, when you get a new hairstyle, you have the confidence that comes with a new style. Everyone will compliment a new cut/colour, so you'll feel prettier, so you'll feel more confident...
Confidence = Attractive
So the reason people may find you hotter/prettier with shorter hair is because of the confidence with which you carry the look.
So, if you can have that same confidence with long hair, I see no reason why you should chop it short :) For the record, I have the same problem, haha!

May 22nd, 2009, 12:09 AM
I don't think I've EVER said this before... but I think you look better with short hair. Your hair is beautiful longer, but you just look so darn adorable with it short. But, I also think it would look good longER than what you have; maybe waist length? :wink:

May 22nd, 2009, 12:27 AM
I thought you looked very nice with both long or short hair. The first photo is a knock out - I thought it was a movie star or something! But the one with the short hair looks really cute too.

People are always complimenting you when you first get a hair cut because it's a sudden change, while long hair is a gradual change. If you could suddenly go from short to waist length (don't we wish!) I'm sure that people would be just as complimentary.

But you certainly look lovely with long hair, so if you want your hair long be assured that it's not stopping you from being pretty!

May 22nd, 2009, 01:27 AM
I think people always compliment shorter/new hairstyles because when someone gets their hair done, it's considered by many to be rude not to acknowledge it or something, and since it would be even ruder to say something negative, people always say nice things. o.o That's what I've observed, anyway. Spent the last 4 and a half years on another online community where that always happened. xD People picked up on it, and started chopping off and styling their hair into any which-way just because they knew people would be all 'oh em gee. u r sew kewl and sex-c!11 lolololz' O.o (Translation: 'Oh my God. You are so cool and sexy! laugh out loud', Note: Sorry if the net-speak hurt anyone's brain.)

May 22nd, 2009, 01:37 AM
I vote for the long hair. I went to your profile and checked out your photos and i liked your photo with the long hair. So if you want to take my opinion then you should go with long hair. Again i am not giving you any opinion based on any bias for long hair but just what i liked good on you :).

May 22nd, 2009, 02:41 AM
This is what I was thinking of saying (explained more clearly than I would have managed!)

In my experience, people always comment (almost always positively) when anyone cuts their hair or dyes it or does just about anything else that isn't absolutely horrifying. They notice that something's different, and want to let you know that they noticed the change. Negative comments are rare, simply from politeness. When your hair is slowly growing out, there's no obvious change to trigger the comments.
However, if you wear it up a lot, and then one day wear it loose, the compliments do come flooding in. Especially if your hair gets to the "unusually long" stage.

I noticed none of you pictures showed your hair up - you could have so many looks with it long. Try it long again and if it is not for you then chop it short! If you do decide to grow remember there will be a growing out phase where you might get comments about cutting. A part grown-out style looks a bit strange on just about everybody, so you must not take any negative comments about growing to heart. Persevere and decide what you like.

May 22nd, 2009, 05:11 AM
I used to have my hair long and although many people said my hair was beautiful when i cut it many said i looked better with short hair. And i dont really think its because i look better with short hair i think the real reason is the way i use it. Now i can do some styles with long hair that i didnt and that makes a real difference. I think that could apply to you , but the ultimate decision is always yours

May 22nd, 2009, 05:32 AM
I think you look better with long hair:thumbsup::hifive:.But you should always wear your hair the way that makes you feel good.

May 22nd, 2009, 05:36 AM
some people can and can't do short hair. your one of those who can. it's dependent on face shape i think and looking through your pics you can pull it off well. but the length of those curls would be a sacrifice and they do look sunning in your longer pictures.
hair is there to enjoy and express "yourself", enjoy it how ever your happy with it:)

May 22nd, 2009, 07:26 AM
You look nice both ways but I must say I like it better long. There could be all kinds of reasons people you know seem to prefer it short (although your nearest and dearest like it long, that counts for something) but as has already been said, your hair is for you. How do you want it to be?

May 22nd, 2009, 07:32 AM
Definately Long!!! Sometimes people just react to a change.

May 22nd, 2009, 08:28 AM
Like others, I think you look great either way. I think sometimes it is the more polished look of shorter hair that people compliment. But some sideswept bangs or face framing layer can help break up the long hair. Someone already said this, but I'm just reiterating the opinion.

May 22nd, 2009, 06:24 PM
Long looks lovely:)

May 23rd, 2009, 06:44 AM
I looked at your pics and I say definitly LONG!!!! You are pretty so you look good both ways but I think the long suits you so much better. I agree that you should not let others dictate how you wear your hair. You have to wear it how you like it. There will always be people who don't like your hair, your clothes, the music you listen too.....YADDA YADDA. Who cares?!

Do what you like. I wish you the best!!!

May 23rd, 2009, 07:40 AM
You know what ? You look gorgeous either way.So whatever YOU feel more comfortable with.

May 23rd, 2009, 10:22 AM
Hair isn't just about how you look -- it's also about how you FEEL. Do you feel better (or more feminine or more beautiful or more empowered) with short hair or long hair? Which one is easier for you to take care of and requires less maintenance? Girlfriends might tell you to cut your hair so that you are more like them -- long hair is unique and special, and they could be envious. You look lovely either way. Go with YOUR preference.

May 23rd, 2009, 02:58 PM
Thank you everyone who replied!!!! I LOVE long hair and I feel naked without it. I mean, I like my hair short but it just feels so unnatural on me. Plus short hair is very difficult to style and I need to be able to get ready (and look presentable) very quickly now that I'm starting my hospital rotations this July. I used to feel so insecure about having long hair, like it didn't look good on me, but now I'm glad to know that this is not the case. Thanks guys!!!

May 23rd, 2009, 08:49 PM
I like your short hair picture in the car BECAUSE it looks very shiny and polished, possibly because of the new products you are using, or maybeit was just straightened, and the fact that it looks interesting with face framing layers. There is no reason you can't keep a fringe and some longer side layers as you grow your hair back out. People have always commented favorably when I have changed my hair style or color. If it was longer and I cut it short, they usually say how fresh and sassy it looks. If I go from lighter blonde to more brown, they say how much healthier it looks, but when I went back to blonde, then I was told it looked so bright and sparkling. When I put in extensions, I was told how young and sexy it looked. When I took out the extensions, I was told what a cute sassy new hair cut I had.
People will notice and comment favorably on most changes - it's the change they are noticing.

Anyway - you look more casual with it long and more polished with it short. You also have it more off your face in the short picture, which gives a more open look, so maybe you want to experiment with more styles once it gets long enough to put up again. it's not that hard to make a faux bob with BSL hair. I think you will rock the Cotillard look - I like the side part.

Tap Dancer
May 24th, 2009, 03:43 AM
I just saw the pics in your album. I like it longer much better.