View Full Version : kicking myself

May 20th, 2009, 01:34 PM
So this month (on the 23) SHOULD be my 1 year hair growth anniversary of not cutting my hair, but I tripped up and cut off some of the layers in February. It should be about 4 in longer then it is right now making it "is this APL yet?" leingth but its "bairly past the shoulders" I like it it looks good (for now,lol) but I just could kick myself for doing that, I wanted it done but not till now, I'm just so darn impaitent. Im trying to get better about taking care of my hair and I know this year (if I can keep away from the sissors {and I will}) I will make it into uncharted territorry so thats pretty uplifting, it just feels like forever away., I just feel like I backtracked 6 months and its really starting to get to me... I'm starting to realize everyone around me has hair at least down to their BS or farther
Ok I'm done venting now,lol thanks for "listning"

May 20th, 2009, 01:40 PM
I know how you feel. If i hadn't cut my hair in to a short spiky style 3 years ago I would be about waist right now, which is my goal.

On top of that the other night I have a dream my hair was BSL, i woke up and though it was true because it felt SO REAL! I"m still bummed about that dream!

I have 4 more months till my one year of not trimming is up. And at the point I'm wondering if i'll even trim because I don't want to lose anything. I bet I will have to because my hem line is crazy looking, or maybe i'll go another year with out trimming. Who knows.

May 20th, 2009, 01:45 PM
No worries, I've been holding back the scissors myself. I've always kept my hair between APL and BSL, so starting the growth process wasn't too difficult for me. However, the first thing I did when I started growing it out was to cut 1.5 inches (the bottom layer that had gotten really stringy looking). Thinking now that it would be that much closer to waist length right now is disappointing, but I also have to think how terrible it would look, like if I had only five hairs that made it that long. I'm still heavily debating cuttinf off the next layer, but I would have to take off about 2.5 inches to do that. Either way, I would still have "velcro ends" because the worst part about layering is that now I just have split ends higher up. If I wanted to get rid of all of it, I would probably have to cut back 5 inches.

By the way, don't worry about being the only one that early in your journey on this site. You're not. There are many trying to push to APL as we speak. At least your ends are probably beautiful right now, as mine are not. It's a definate balance between length and health as you're growing it out.

May 20th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Don't second-guess yourself and indulge in what-ifs; you'll be much happier (that's what I've learned). Once you've made a decision and acted upon it, it's too late for the alternatives anyway, so why put yourself through the shoulda-coulda-wouldas? Know what I mean?

(signed - the former queen of regret)

May 20th, 2009, 01:57 PM
Yeah I know spidermom thanks, I just get so fustrated with my own stupid actions/decisions. ♥

May 20th, 2009, 02:06 PM
I hear ya on that one!

May 20th, 2009, 02:21 PM
I look at it as: if you hadn't cut your hair, you probably wouldn't have been frustrated/motivated enough to join LHC, so you shouldn't regret it :) All you can do from this point is to be more determined than ever.

May 20th, 2009, 05:30 PM
Congrats on the "venturing into uncharted territory" mini-goal creeping closer and closer. It will (literally) be years before I see that, assuming the previous terminal at tailbone was a false terminal due to breakage.

And no, you are SO not alone in your journey. I'll be APL by . . . October? Maybe. End of this year for sure.

Then I'll get to fiddle with the "trim layers vs. no trimming" decision. Right now I'm leaning towards simply S&D any damage and let the layers grow/fall out on their own till I hit waist, then maintain waist until the remaining layers are all trimmed off.

However, the direction of the wind may very well change, and with it, my mind.

May 20th, 2009, 05:32 PM
I know what you mean, geez,If I wouldve never cut my hairs I wouldve been at least to ankle by now maybe longer :wail: I hate myself for having that stupid cut long ago :cry:

May 20th, 2009, 05:33 PM
You probably got rid of some damage so your hair will be healthier for it. I know that I cut off a lot of layers recently and I regret it and I don't. I regret losing the length but I'm glad to gain the healthier and thicker ends. It will make it easier to get what length I want and not have to cut off a lot more later on if it didn't look so great. Long hair is what I want, but good looking long hair.

May 20th, 2009, 05:37 PM
I know how you feel. If I hadn't trimmed my hair* in January, I'd be at shoulder by now. :mad: Every once in a while, I give myself a swift kick in the behind.

*: I found LHC the very next day. I was very upset to discover that the only reason it felt so dry was buildup. Yargh!

May 20th, 2009, 05:39 PM
It's great to vent. We all get that want to kick ourselves feeling for various things we do to the hair we're trying to take such good care of. You're off to a great start by joining us here on the forums & putting down the scissors for a while.
Spend lots of time this summer with oil treatments on your hair while it's in a pretty updo & before you know it you'll be amazed at how much it's grown & how much healthier it's gotten.

May 20th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Don't kick yourself. You will sprain your leg. Get someone else to do it!

Don't worry about when you cut it - setting a year is arbitory. It's better to cut it when it needs it then to wait another couple of months to the magical "year" date and maybe let the damage spread.

So you probably did the right thing!

May 20th, 2009, 08:26 PM
Last May, I cut my very heavily layered mushroom head hairstyle, which was APL, to shoulder length and even though it hurt to see the length gone, I haven't regretted it in the least because I'm now one length and almost BSL!

How's that for a run on sentence? :D

I think when you hit APL, you'll be so happy you did what you did! :cool:

May 20th, 2009, 08:51 PM
It happens. At least what you did was good for your hair and not something damaging.
You'll get there soon, and the less you obsess the sooner it will feel.

May 20th, 2009, 09:57 PM
I trimmed three inches of crap off last month (it really was crap) and I'm still trying to train myself not to miss it. I miss the tickle on the backs of my thighs in the shower--I really feel you on the loss of a milestone length.

I find that getting something else to obsess over for a while helps. I started an incredibly ridiculous sewing project, for example. Makes you less likely to fret and measure and regret; you just want to get it up and out of the way so you can do the other thing.

May 21st, 2009, 05:43 AM
Thank you all for making me feel better about it I know what I did WAS in fact the right thing, I was just having an off day and wanted to complain about something, i think its just that this stage is the hardest to get though... I look at pictures and I can tell it IS growing and its growing FAST I just always feel 3 months away from my next mini goal and right now Im about an inch and a half shorter then when I cut/trimmed it a few months ago. I knew I could count on you ladies to make me feel better, thanks ♥

May 21st, 2009, 05:57 AM
Awww, don't feel bad about it. Think of it this way - you probably cut damage out, which means when you do get longer, it'll look much better now!

Redheaded Raven
May 21st, 2009, 05:59 AM
I am sorry that you have regrets about cutting, but I understand. I wish that I had all of the length that I cut off in the last several months. But I told myself that I wanted healthy hair and not just long hair. So it really is worth it. But sometimes it just helps to vent. SO Vent away! LOL that is what we are here for. A shoulder to lean on or get wet with virtual tears. :rolleyes::p:D

Most of us have been there where you are, maybe that is some comfort? :grouphug:

Tap Dancer
May 21st, 2009, 06:45 AM
I did the same thing in November. My hair was pretty long (almost BSL) and I cut it up to my jaw in a bob. Now my hair is a few inches below my shoulders (it grows fast :)), but I'm happy I cut it. The layers were driving me nuts. I think it's easier to grow out hair that's all one length (or one length with bangs only).

May 21st, 2009, 06:46 AM
I hear you but if you needed the trim all is good, IMO. I cut 3 inches off at the end of February and most of it has grown back. I am taking off another inch at the end of this month.

I want a more blunt hemline. Growth is one thing but for me it about overall quality.

Sometimes trims are necessary. Sometimes trims are just a choice of making the hair look better.

The hair grows back and it is about your choices and your hair. When you reach your goal length, at least you will have the hair you wanted with care and maintenance, not just length for the sake of the goal.

May 21st, 2009, 07:41 AM
My hair lost about 3 inches due to trims this year, and it's growing so darn slowly. Durng the winter it barely grew. It's looking about 2 measley inches longer than last spring. I scold myself for the trimming, but reality is that my hair would be a mess without it. So I try to remind myself to be patient and to keep up the S & D so this year's trims will be more minimal. The more you think about it, the slower it goes!

May 21st, 2009, 08:07 AM
My hair lost about 3 inches due to trims this year, and it's growing so darn slowly. Durng the winter it barely grew. It's looking about 2 measley inches longer than last spring. I scold myself for the trimming, but reality is that my hair would be a mess without it. So I try to remind myself to be patient and to keep up the S & D so this year's trims will be more minimal. The more you think about it, the slower it goes!

There is an expression "A watched pot never boils." I remember a guy at university who had his hair cut and hated it (way to short for his liking). One day he just said that he was going home that night "to watch his hair grow", lol and he meant it, he was that upset.

Trims can be good things. It depends on why and how they are done. I have had my share of too short haircuts. But they do grow back.

May 21st, 2009, 09:26 AM
So my hair is just a little pass my collar bone. This morning after my shower I was looking at my wet hair and a saw while it’s wet you can totally tell that my hair it’s the least bit even. I have used the thinning sheers SO much over the last couple of years to rid myself of thick hair that now that I’m just letting it grow you can see all the different length. I thought to myself “HA! Even with my uneven hair they will never get me to cut!!!!!”

And then I laughed at myself.

May 21st, 2009, 12:57 PM
I did the same exact thing too! I had short cut last year, and it was grown out to my shoulders. Then I cut it again, and suddenly I no longer wanted short hair. On top of that, whenever I check out my hair in the mirror, I calculate roughly how long it would be now had I not cut it. ARGH.

May 21st, 2009, 04:00 PM
I know what you mean. The waiting can be so frustrating!! But it does feel good to have all the layers gone and it all one length, when it finally happens.

Since I can't say "Congrats on one year of not cutting...", I'll say "Congrats on one year of better hair care!" ;)

May 21st, 2009, 05:31 PM
Thank you Jamie (and everyone else) yes I am happy I cut off the layers it makes my hair look thicker, i guess its just im back at the same spot i gave in last time, but I WILL NOT THIS TIME!!! ♥

May 21st, 2009, 06:53 PM
See? Maybe what you did was a good thing, because now you get a fresh start. :D I did the same thing a month ago, by cutting off 2", lol.