View Full Version : Well, that was... odd.

May 19th, 2009, 01:46 PM
This morning I was at my desk, minding my own business, when one of my coworkers came over carrying a strand of hair and said "This was in the meeting room, I think it's yours."

Okay, so it was long, red, and obviously mine, which even though everybody sheds hairs it's kind of embarrasing that mine are so easy to spot. But instead of sweeping it into the trash and forgetting about it, she actually brought it to me. What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?

The bizarreness of it just kind of tickled me. I started wondering what other odd hair-related stories everyone might have.

Heavenly Locks
May 19th, 2009, 01:48 PM
Judging by the type of persistent digging, I can tell exactly when my husband has one of my hairs trapped down his pants. :o He usually gives it back to me too! eeeugh, no thanks!

May 19th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Um... yeah. That's pretty weird.

Maybe she's an OCD super-clean type that thinks "shed hair = dirt", and is trying to embarrass you for being so "dirty" as to leave behind shed hairs.

Other than that, I got nuthin'. :shrug:

May 19th, 2009, 02:13 PM
That's pretty odd behaviour. Iv'e never had that happen as such, but a few of us in work have long dark hair that occasionally pops up with odd hairs sellotaped to posters, or trapped inside a pack of paper, or statically clinging to a carrier bag.

We try to identify them...

May 19th, 2009, 02:17 PM
You need a kleenex box or a hair receiver, so that you can start putting the stray hairs in it! :D

May 19th, 2009, 02:21 PM
originally posted by MyFireElf

What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?

BWA HA HA HA!!! :rollin: Sorry, but I found that particularly hysterical.

I had a similar thing happen at my old job. I was the only one in our department with dark hair(the department was all women too, I might add), and my boss found one of my hairs near the printer and pointed it out to me. I said, "How do you know it's mine?" She said, "It's long, and it's black." I think she was more amused than anything else. So was I. :p

May 19th, 2009, 02:36 PM
One of my former friends once told me how grossed out she is when she finds other people's shed hairs. I think there was a message for me buried in her comment, so I made sure I had my hair secured up and back the next time or two that I visited her.

I think perhaps your co-worker feels similar and was letting you know that you're leaving your hairs around. To some people, it's like finding a scab or something.

May 19th, 2009, 02:53 PM
One of my former friends once told me how grossed out she is when she finds other people's shed hairs. I think there was a message for me buried in her comment, so I made sure I had my hair secured up and back the next time or two that I visited her.
I think perhaps your co-worker feels similar and was letting you know that you're leaving your hairs around. To some people, it's like finding a scab or something.

The thought had crossed my mind. Even though my hair is clean it always feels unhygenic to find sheds, so I try to be considerate of my coworkers and vigilant about catching them at work, and I keep my hair up so they (hopefully) won't fall out until I get home. That said, it does feel a touch unfair that a short brown hair could've belonged to anyone in the office, whereas mine are quite obviously mine! ;)

This particular girl and I are quite friendly, though, and if she was grossed out I think we're close enough she would just tell me. That's why I found it so amusing - her attitude was exactly the same as if she were returning something as mundane as my lost car keys.

May 19th, 2009, 03:02 PM
What a bizarre thing to do!

Someone opened the office biscuit tin once and found:

a) no more biscuits
b) one of my (in those days) long blonde hairs :o

(I was the only blonde on the team)

May 19th, 2009, 03:08 PM
Hahaha! This happens to me at college, too!
Some boy I've never talked to before wandered up to me in my Film class and went, "I found one of your hairs on my shirt, I thought you might like it back." Then handed to me, and walked away.
I was like... =/ Thankyou?
Damn my bright red noticable hairs! Haha

May 19th, 2009, 03:09 PM
I could see myself doing what she did, but I'd have been laughing my butt off that I could identify someone by a strand of hair.

May 19th, 2009, 03:10 PM
I think she was either trying to be funny or she was trying to make a point that she didn't like to find long hairs laying around. I wouldn't worry about it. Hopefully she won't do that again.

May 19th, 2009, 03:20 PM
How odd. I agree with the others that said maybe she has some sort of issue with shed hairs. But then that's her problem and not yours, and it's not as if you can help shedding is it!

As my hair gets longer I am always getting little surprises as to where they pop up when they drop out..... like a Hansel and Gretel type path of where I have travelled. But don't they seem to pop up in the most bizarre places!

May 19th, 2009, 04:23 PM
I brought a girl's hair back to her once, but it was in the food she made me.:bigeyes: At first she denied ownership and said that her hair was pulled back.:rolleyes: I countered by pointing out it was blond (my hair is brown), long (mine was short), wrapped completely around my burrito and neatly tucked in at the end.:luke: The manager sided with me and I got a new burrito. :cheese: I harbored no hard feelings, though; it's not as if my hair has never ended up in a batch of brownies. My mom says it ruins her vacuums, too. That's questionable in my opinion. Nevertheless, she brought me a huge mass of hair she pulled from the vacuum one day. I decided I might as well try the deny-ownership-thing and blamed it on my little sister.:gabigrin:

May 19th, 2009, 04:39 PM
I took part in an organised LHC swap and found a hair in the package I recieved. I knew it wasn't mine as it was far too long! Long hair junky that I am I measured it too... I can't remember exactly but it was at least 35 inches long:)

May 19th, 2009, 05:12 PM
I've had similar events happen to me. Long dark hair= me. My DBF is usually a pretty good sport about it and laughs as he pulls one from his shirt or pants. He doesn't complain though since I do his laundry for him.

My poor ex-roomie was a shed hair phobic. I was the worst person for her to live with in that case lol.

May 19th, 2009, 05:15 PM
That's...awkward. xD; To say the least.

May 19th, 2009, 05:22 PM
The thought had crossed my mind. Even though my hair is clean it always feels unhygenic to find sheds, so I try to be considerate of my coworkers and vigilant about catching them at work, and I keep my hair up so they (hopefully) won't fall out until I get home. That said, it does feel a touch unfair that a short brown hair could've belonged to anyone in the office, whereas mine are quite obviously mine! ;)

This particular girl and I are quite friendly, though, and if she was grossed out I think we're close enough she would just tell me. That's why I found it so amusing - her attitude was exactly the same as if she were returning something as mundane as my lost car keys.

She was probably just teasing you, then.:)

May 19th, 2009, 05:26 PM
I think perhaps your co-worker feels similar and was letting you know that you're leaving your hairs around. To some people, it's like finding a scab or something.

Honestly, would you pick a scab up and give it back to someone??? Ew.

But even shorthairs shed - they're just not noticeable.

DH occasionally picks up a stray shed that's gotten somewhere inconvenient and points it out to me.....my response: Gee, do you think I notice every hair that falls out of my head? Throw it away unless you need it for something!

May 19th, 2009, 05:38 PM
The first thing that crossed my mind was how she would have sounded making that comment towards you. If she was rude about it then I would think she was just not happy about her own hair. Or she could be like one of the people that don't like hair lying around ( like was already mentioned). That would still make me feel strange though. I would be thinking "Do you not have anything else better to do then go picking up my hairs." :)

I haven't had that happen to me at work. Mostly when my hairs are found, it has been within friends and family homes. My father in law in Denmark still finds my hairs around his apartment, but he just jokes about it. My grandmom once told me that she got one caught tightly around her toe after I visited one time. Oops. My dad used to get pretty upset when I was little because my hair always clogged the vacuum and I had to be the one to take scissors and try to cut the hair our from the bottom of it. That was a pain.

May 19th, 2009, 05:45 PM
Someone opened the office biscuit tin once and found:

a) no more biscuits
b) one of my (in those days) long blonde hairs

who took the cookie from the cookie jar? who me? LOL

HOpefully she was just trying to tease you. I think if she thought it was gross she wouldn't have picked it up. The only time i don't like shed hairs is in my food (from a restaurant) or in the movie theatre seats. For some reason i'm grossed out about that and need to wipe off my seat and put my hair up so it doesn't touch the seat :rolleyes:

May 19th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Judging by the type of persistent digging, I can tell exactly when my husband has one of my hairs trapped down his pants. :o He usually gives it back to me too! eeeugh, no thanks!

:rollin: Men are weird. I can totally see my fiance doing this too.

May 19th, 2009, 07:19 PM
This morning I was at my desk, minding my own business, when one of my coworkers came over carrying a strand of hair and said "This was in the meeting room, I think it's yours."

Okay, so it was long, red, and obviously mine, which even though everybody sheds hairs it's kind of embarrasing that mine are so easy to spot. But instead of sweeping it into the trash and forgetting about it, she actually brought it to me. What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?

The bizarreness of it just kind of tickled me. I started wondering what other odd hair-related stories everyone might have.

What the...hell? I haven't read all the responses, but...that was just so uncalled for. Someone bringing you a hair? Because, what, unlike the rest of the natural mammalian world, you're never supposed to shed any individual hairs, and if you do, you should hear them falling to the ground or something?

Gosh. What a twitt!!

Hugs to ya.

May 19th, 2009, 07:27 PM
Honestly, would you pick a scab up and give it back to someone??? Ew.

OMG! Nonono, unless I saw someone pick it off and leave it on a table or countertop, and I had a tissue handy. Then I would.

May 19th, 2009, 07:46 PM
...I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?...

That has to be the best response should she bring you another in the future. Or you could pat her on the head and empathetically say, "Goooood Girl!" LOL How funny.

My DH used to hate finding hair in the hair brush or the bathroom sink so would call me into the area to show me the scene of my crime. We now share our home with a Golden Retriever. He hasn't said anything about shed hair in a long time. LOL

May 19th, 2009, 09:15 PM
... What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun? ...

Bwahahahahahahaha! Should this happen again, I think you should say that to her!

May 19th, 2009, 11:47 PM
:laugh: An old boss of mine tracked one of my hairs to her home via her wool coat that catches everything. And somehow this hair got into her hubby's stuff. :rollin: My hair caused a jealous tiff...

May 19th, 2009, 11:53 PM
My mom says it ruins her vacuums, too. That's questionable in my opinion. Nevertheless, she brought me a huge mass of hair she pulled from the vacuum one day. I decided I might as well try the deny-ownership-thing and blamed it on my little sister.:gabigrin:

Ooh, yeah, it ruins vacuums. I'm the only true long-hair in the house, so I know it's me, and it definitely does. Mum doesn't complain; she just bought a Dyson, which is just a scaled-down industrial vacuum cleaner. XD

I don't know if my boyfriend's mum has figured that one out yet... She's the only short-hair in her house, and complains all the time about all the long sheds everywhere... *Laughs*

May 19th, 2009, 11:58 PM
I think she was probably doing it to try and make you laugh or otherwise be cute about it. Someone who genuinely had a problem with your hair probably would have been uglier about it.

To be honest? It sounds like something I might do. But then again, I'm a few pints short of a liter, so... :shrug:

May 20th, 2009, 02:04 AM
I get this type of dialogue from my mommy dear all the time. I like to keep my hair open when i am at home so obliviously they tend to shed and her sharp eyes spot it and just pick it/them up and tell me "You dropped something, if you don't want it then throw into the dustbin".

May 20th, 2009, 02:25 AM
That's a really odd thing for her to do... I think I'd be offended that she didn't just throw it away and not make an issue of it, lol!

May 20th, 2009, 03:34 AM
Someone did that to me too. .............................. except the hair was Bleach Blonde, sholder lenght, Very Black Roots.

Mine ............. I've got natual blonde roots.................. and a heck of a lot longer

I looked at it and laughed, It's not mine

May 20th, 2009, 07:11 AM
I actually had a really funny experience at work. One of my coworkers commented that there was a spider web near the front door that he kept brushing against. I forgot about it until one morning I'm in my office and I hear 2 other coworkers come in and one of them said "Leni's hair is still there". I thought to myself "Yes, it is, because I'm not going to cut it". Just then, one of them walked in and said "This is what we were talking about" and handed me one of my very long hairs. Apparently this hair had gotten caught on a screw on the door jamb and it was tickling people as they walked by! :gabigrin:

May 20th, 2009, 07:37 AM
A LOT of people are very disgusted by shed hairs.

I can't be friends with those people, because wherever I go I leave a trail of shed hair. People have complained before but no one has ever returned one to me so matter-of-factly, lol.

May 20th, 2009, 07:39 AM
I had one coworker ask to please see my hair "all the way down" so I unbraided it and shook it out and I was talking about how I was wanting it to get long and then maybe I would donate some of it and my boss says "Oh I thought maybe you just wanted to look like Cousin It." I thought that was a really rude thing to say but I chalked it up to jealousy (her hair is like an inch long all over).

This is the same boss that asked me on Monday if I was pregnant and when I said no she said, "Are you sure because that sweater makes it look like you are" (I'm 114 pounds, for reference sake). Honestly, I think some people just don't have a filter!

May 20th, 2009, 07:47 AM
Something similar happened to me when I was in 7th grade. I had TB length blonde hair. One time one of the cool boys came up to me with a long, blonde hair and said, "I think you lost this". I was utterly shocked because I was so nerdy as to be nearly invisible except at exam time, when everyone suddenly wanted to sit next to me. I told him to keep it, I had plenty more where that came from. I don't remember what he actually did with it...I think he just dropped it.

May 20th, 2009, 07:52 AM
Okay, so it was long, red, and obviously mine, which even though everybody sheds hairs it's kind of embarrasing that mine are so easy to spot. But instead of sweeping it into the trash and forgetting about it, she actually brought it to me. What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?

Just thank her profusely and tell her that you think you lost another one, and to please keep an eye out for that one also.

May 20th, 2009, 07:57 AM
Hahah! That made me laugh, who would even think to do that?

My hair is only around my shoulders, but a couple of months ago, a close guy friend of mine was CONSTANTLY finding my hairs on him.. we would be walking, and all of us sudden, he'd pull a hair off his jacket, and hand it to me, and say, "I think this is yours."

May 20th, 2009, 12:52 PM
I actually had a really funny experience at work. One of my coworkers commented that there was a spider web near the front door that he kept brushing against. I forgot about it until one morning I'm in my office and I hear 2 other coworkers come in and one of them said "Leni's hair is still there". I thought to myself "Yes, it is, because I'm not going to cut it". Just then, one of them walked in and said "This is what we were talking about" and handed me one of my very long hairs. Apparently this hair had gotten caught on a screw on the door jamb and it was tickling people as they walked by! :gabigrin:

Too funny. Even your hair has a great sense of humor! Tickle, tickle

May 20th, 2009, 12:54 PM
Just thank her profusely and tell her that you think you lost another one, and to please keep an eye out for that one also.

OMG, I nearly spit water on my computer. LMAO

May 20th, 2009, 02:40 PM
I had one coworker ask to please see my hair "all the way down" so I unbraided it and shook it out and I was talking about how I was wanting it to get long and then maybe I would donate some of it and my boss says "Oh I thought maybe you just wanted to look like Cousin It." I thought that was a really rude thing to say but I chalked it up to jealousy (her hair is like an inch long all over).

This is the same boss that asked me on Monday if I was pregnant and when I said no she said, "Are you sure because that sweater makes it look like you are" (I'm 114 pounds, for reference sake). Honestly, I think some people just don't have a filter!

She sounds like my evil cousin that I haven't spoken to in 25 years. Mean spirited people like that are usually pretty unhappy with themselves.

May 20th, 2009, 02:42 PM
Just thank her profusely and tell her that you think you lost another one, and to please keep an eye out for that one also.

:rollin: I love this, biggeorge!!

May 20th, 2009, 02:43 PM
Too funny. Even your hair has a great sense of humor! Tickle, tickle

:gabigrin: I get a giggle every time I think about it!

Carrie Ingalls
May 20th, 2009, 03:29 PM
A girl in my cabin at summer camp one year was talking in her sleep and after a little while she said (in a pained/incredulous tone) “Carrie, Carrie, why did you do it?” the whole cabin was in stitches laughing.

After she woke up we asked her what she had dreamed about and she said someone had used her deodorant, she knew it had to be me because there were long hairs on it.

I felt like saying: Yes, I like to take what has been in someone else’s sweaty armpit and rub that on my hair…no thanks.:rolleyes:

May 20th, 2009, 05:49 PM
I had one coworker ask to please see my hair "all the way down" so I unbraided it and shook it out and I was talking about how I was wanting it to get long and then maybe I would donate some of it and my boss says "Oh I thought maybe you just wanted to look like Cousin It." I thought that was a really rude thing to say but I chalked it up to jealousy (her hair is like an inch long all over).

This is the same boss that asked me on Monday if I was pregnant and when I said no she said, "Are you sure because that sweater makes it look like you are" (I'm 114 pounds, for reference sake). Honestly, I think some people just don't have a filter!

:mad: God, how amazingly rude!

May 20th, 2009, 06:04 PM
When I knit I end up knitting shed hairs into the item... they stick to my clothes and the yarn.
It the item is for me I sometimes just leave them knitted in to the fabric. Everything gets my hair on it anyways.

May 20th, 2009, 06:05 PM
In my experience when people find my hair they react in 3 ways
1) they see it, and go about their merry way.
2) they see it, pick it up and freak out about how long it is and play with it / see how much it can hold before snapping.
3) they return it to me and try to hide the disgust in their voice.

Best thing to do, say sorry and try to keep your hair up more.

May 20th, 2009, 08:07 PM
I would think she was just being friendly and it didn't mean anything. I often find my friend's hair and say "Oh look, one of yours!" and may hand it to her but there are no negative connotations. She probably hasn't thought twice about it and here are all these people attributing something nasty to her behaviour.

May 20th, 2009, 10:02 PM
When I was working (oh so long ago >.>;;; ) I was pretty well the only person with my hair this length. xD I mean, there were a few woman with waist length hair (at the time...not anymore) but it went from shoulder-ish to waist, and no one with length in between, so...whenever someone found one of my hairs, they KNEW it was mine xD ... >.> Fortunately, everyone was cool, and all I'd hear would be 'Oh! Corey was sitting in this chair! Looks like he's markin' his territory!' xD

May 21st, 2009, 11:30 AM
LOL Corey! LOL

May 21st, 2009, 02:54 PM
DBF likes to inform me when he's discovered one of my hairs in his pants. I also used to have a friend who'd end up with my hair on his jumper without even being in any kind of physical contact with me (it was obviously mine because it was long, blonde hair on a black jumper, and his hair is short and dark). The worst, though, is the hair that gets tangled round my fingers when I'm doing the washing up. Sometimes it's mine, sometimes it's my flatmate's, but it makes washing up so difficult!

May 21st, 2009, 03:48 PM
LOL!! That is really really odd. It's almost like accusing you of shedding on purpose and leaving it for her to find, isn't it? :pinktongue: People.

The only really embarrassing thing I can think of was last year when we were getting the house ready for one of our kids' parties, and I was trying to vacuum. The thing had gotten something stuck in the bottom of it, and my husband investigated, and found a ton of long brown hair wrapped around the wheel so that it wouldn't spin. So he sits down with scissors and tries to cut it off of the vacuum wheel, and while he's doing that, people start to arrive. He cheerfully explains what he's doing, and everyone laughs at me. I'm the only one with hair longer than shoulder length in my entire circle, besides my daughters. :rolleyes: So NOBODY understands.

May 21st, 2009, 03:58 PM
That's a bit awkward.
The only time I was given back hair, it was from the guy behind me in class. There were a few on his backpack, though I have no idea how they got there.

May 21st, 2009, 03:59 PM
Maybe your co-worker just thought she was being cute or funny. That's how I would take it. People have done it to me before. I think that if she was saying it as a hint that you need to quit shedding somehow...well(assuming you don't work in a restaurant) that is just shockingly rude and unreasonable....so much so that I wouldn't even care what she thought or take any trouble to to prevent shedding.

May 21st, 2009, 04:00 PM
This morning I was at my desk, minding my own business, when one of my coworkers came over carrying a strand of hair and said "This was in the meeting room, I think it's yours."

Okay, so it was long, red, and obviously mine, which even though everybody sheds hairs it's kind of embarrasing that mine are so easy to spot. But instead of sweeping it into the trash and forgetting about it, she actually brought it to me. What did she expect, that I'd say "Ooh thanks! I was looking for that!" and tuck it up into my bun?

The bizarreness of it just kind of tickled me. I started wondering what other odd hair-related stories everyone might have.

Hahaha. I don't have any stories like that, but the next time you find one of your coworkers hair (if you ever do), take it back to them and say the same thing she said to you!