View Full Version : How much time between milestones?

Heavenly Locks
May 5th, 2009, 08:11 AM
How much time did you spend between your milestones? Did you trim? Which 'span' took you the longest? :)

I started at APL (http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h94/HeavenlyJumper/Japan/DSC_0003-2.jpg) in October 2008. It has been just past 6 months and I would say I am at a strong BSL (http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h94/HeavenlyJumper/DSC_0036-4-1.jpg). (meaning that my hair completely covers my bra strap in back and a little more)

My next milestone is Waist, at only 2 inches away, I don't think it will take me another 6 months. Maybe 4? After that is Hip and 4 more inches...then TB 3 more inches. (and beyond!)

I am also not trimming. :)

May 5th, 2009, 08:54 AM
I believe I am at "can I call this hip?" length. I could be solidly hip... It's just hard for me to tell.

It takes different amounts of time to get to different milestones. Though, I wasn't paying attention from shoulder to BSL, so that went by in no time! lol

The shortest distance has been waist to hip. There's not much distance there for me. The longest was probably BSL to waist. I think it took me 5 or 6 months? Something like that. And, I've done it twice now since joining LHC.

I trim 1-1.5 inches every 6-7 months. But, that's only been a recent addition to my routine. I've done it twice now.

My next milestone is tailbone, which I'm hoping to reach by the end of the year.

May 5th, 2009, 09:10 AM
I'll be watching this thread... I need all the inspiration I get.

For me I went from about chin to my collar bone in about 7 months. My hair doesn't look like it grew more then a 1/4" this month (hence the inspiration needed) But I'm hoping at the very least to be APL by September 09 which will make a year since the bob cut and no cutting for a year. I might cut a little at my one year mark, but I may not cut till after BSL length then get on a cut plan to get rid of the damage and still get to waist.

By the way, I'm 5'4".

May 5th, 2009, 09:43 AM
The time also depends on how tall you are. I'm about 180 cm so it takes me a longer time to reach a goal than (for example) my cousin who is 160 cm.

I like that I'm tall, but growing hair takes longer.

And my cousin who had lovely long hair in her teens has trimmed it short for a many years now, after she had her kids.:rolleyes: Some people just don't appreciate what wonderful hair they have. :D

Heavenly Locks
May 5th, 2009, 09:48 AM
I guess I SHOULD add that I am 5'2" (157.5 cm)

That definitely changes how long it takes you to get to a milestone ;) Thanks for pointing that out ShaSha!

May 5th, 2009, 09:59 AM
I am easily a year between milestones. I have curly hair that sheds alot. :(

May 5th, 2009, 10:17 AM
My initial goal was waist, starting with chin-to-APL layers... and it has taken four and a half years to get to my siggy pic length. Of course, it took until recently to realize that most of my length was going to the floors of hairdressers that didn't know what an "inch" (2.25cm) means.:mad:
I think I have a few months now to waist. It is about three inches away. And then on to hip!

May 5th, 2009, 10:26 AM
my hair was a little bit beyond waist when i joined last february. Three days ago it was an inch away from my tail bone but i had to trim to get rid of split ends, and now i ended up an inch shorter than waist. I'm devastated because all of my efforts since joining LHC has gone away :(

May 5th, 2009, 10:47 AM
I guess I SHOULD add that I am 5'2" (157.5 cm)

Yeah I was wondering about that :D. I've got about twenty miles between chin & APL (neck like a brontosaurus), and about forty miles between BSL & Waist. LOL! I'm thinking once I get to waist most of the mileage will be over.

I think it depends also on damage and layers, of course. I spent a good year getting all layers down from shoulder to BSL - no thanks to an overzealous hair stylist who rehacked my layers back up to shoulder again about 5 months into it.

Heavenly Locks, it sounds (and looks) like your ends are ready to go with minimal trimming or damage control. And that makes for a shorter time between milestones, too.

Madame J
May 5th, 2009, 11:00 AM
My initial goal was waist, starting with chin-to-APL layers... and it has taken four and a half years to get to my siggy pic length. Of course, it took until recently to realize that most of my length was going to the floors of hairdressers that didn't know what an "inch" (2.25cm) means.:mad:
I think I have a few months now to waist. It is about three inches away. And then on to hip!

Um, an inch is 2.54cm. Yeah, when I was a kid with long hair and my mom took me in for a trim, the stylist had a ruler on her comb, so she would have me show her with my fingers how much I wanted off and compare that to the ruler on the comb. Smart lady.

I'm starting at solid shoulder length, but I have a very long neck, so that's over 20" measured from the hairline. I looked at my grown-out bangs and figured I've grown 4-6" in the last 6 (winter) months, so maybe I'll be at APL by the fall!

May 6th, 2009, 09:23 AM
It's hard for me to say. I was already a bit past tailbone length when I joined here, so I didn't realize that there WERE milestones, or that I was passing them. I really never paid too much attention to my hair before now (which is probably how it got so long so quickly - gotta love that benign neglect... :pinktongue: ).

My hair does seem to grow pretty quickly, and it took about 6 months to get from tailbone to classic length, which was a difference of about 6 inches or so. And that's with at least 4 mini-trims. I'm nearly right back at classic, after an almost 2" trim a couple of weeks ago. It's grown already a half-inch, I haven't measured it officially but I can feel where it is on my body. :D

I have the feeling that it will be pretty slow-going trying to get to knee from classic, though. :rolleyes:

May 6th, 2009, 11:01 AM
I started with a pixie cut and I joined LHC when my hair was probably ear lobe length. From there to shoulders (brushing the shoulders) it took me about 6 months. Brushing my shoulders to APL took 9 months. APL to BSL took 6ish months (depending on bra)
I think I'm in the longest gap at the moment; BSL to waist. I got to BSL in October and I've still got at least another 3 inches to . So it is probably going to be at least a year between the two. At least, at BSL, there are loads of things I can do with it.

From waist, I'm hoping there will be less times between milestones. Waist to hips is hardly any space at all.

May 6th, 2009, 11:51 AM
Height is really important - I have 6 inches between BSL and waist, and thanks to a growth stall in between it took me over a year! :shocked: I wasn't a happy bunny...

ETA: I'm in the No-Trimming Club :D

May 6th, 2009, 11:52 AM
How much time did you spend between your milestones? Did you trim? Which 'span' took you the longest? :)

I started at APL (http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h94/HeavenlyJumper/Japan/DSC_0003-2.jpg) in October 2008. It has been just past 6 months and I would say I am at a strong BSL (http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h94/HeavenlyJumper/DSC_0036-4-1.jpg). (meaning that my hair completely covers my bra strap in back and a little more)

My next milestone is Waist, at only 2 inches away, I don't think it will take me another 6 months. Maybe 4? After that is Hip and 4 more inches...then TB 3 more inches. (and beyond!)

I am also not trimming. :)
It (waist) doesn't looks like 2" to me though. Try marking on a wall your BSL and then your waist and measure the distance on the wall.

May 6th, 2009, 03:04 PM
It all depends on how tall you are, and it looks like you're 5'2"...I'm a shade under that.

Here is my timeline...
August 2007 - BIG chop from BSL+ to between chin and shoulders. (!!!) Lost about 10 inches.
October 2007 - another chop, went really short to an angled bob, meaning short short in the back, exposing my neck. Longest piece fell under my chin about 2 inches.
January 2008 - about 12" long, above shoulder length, still angled.
March 2008 - trimmed this month to even everything out, I was flirting with shoulder length but still above.
July 2008 - below SL @ 17.5".
October 2008 - hit APL @ 20 3/16" !
fast forward to today to avoid boring you....
May 2009 I'm at 23 3/4" after 1/2 " trim...first trim since 3/08. I'm at BSL, maybe a little more here.

By the end of the year, without trimming I should hit waist.

May 6th, 2009, 05:44 PM
It depends on height and body proportions. I have a very short neck so getting to shoulder length always happened quickly. It's been years and years since my hair was that short and I wasn't keeping records back then. Shoulders to mid back took about 2 years which wasn't bad. Mid back to waist took a good 3+ years and another 2 years to tailbone. I trim and like a straight thick hemline so that makes a difference too.