View Full Version : My boyfriend cut his waist length hair

May 5th, 2009, 07:16 AM
:blueeek: Or should I say...I cut it off?

Yes, that's right. He's been talking about this moment since I first met him. I can't believe that it came, and so soon, too! He has had long hair for his whole life. Only once did he cut it shorter than usual-when he was 14, and it was an unintended mullet(aren't those the worst?). :rolleyes:

Anyways, he was pretty much only curious as to what it would be like to have short hair like the conventional guys out there.

He wants to donate his hair to a non-profit organization that creates wigs for women undergoing chemo treatment(they are distributed for free). I'm very supportive and happy about that, since my mother died of Pancreatic Cancer last month.

Not to worry. I steared him away from Locks of Love. He is considering Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. Does anyone have any other suggestions? :o

p.s, if you would like to see before and after photos, I would be mroe than happy to post them.

May 5th, 2009, 07:27 AM
:blueeek: Or should I say...I cut it off?

He wants to donate his hair to a non-profit organization that creates wigs for women undergoing chemo treatment(they are distributed for free). I'm very supportive and happy about that, since my mother died of Pancreatic Cancer last month.

Not to worry. I steared him away from Locks of Love. He is considering Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. Does anyone have any other suggestions? :o

p.s, if you would like to see before and after photos, I would be mroe than happy to post them.

Sorry to hear about your mum.

No suggestions as to where to donate it, but what a nice chap he must be to do this. Sounds as though you have picked a good one!

May 5th, 2009, 07:38 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom passing. I lost my mom to the same cancer. If you are interested, I strongly suggest getting "Motherless Daughters- The Legacy of Loss 2nd edition" by Hope Edelman. It helped shine a lot of light on things that never occured to me before.

May 5th, 2009, 08:16 AM
Thank you, everyone. It means alot. I miss her a great deal. Blackfoothair, I'm sorry about your mother as well. Can I find the book in pretty much any bookstore, like Barnes & Noble?

Sometimes I think it hasn't fully sunken in yet that she's really gone. I'm pretty good at hiding how much it hurts, most of the time. =/

And I think I picked a good guy, too :) He has helped me alot througout the most difficult time of my life. I don't know where I'd be without him right now.

May 5th, 2009, 09:13 AM
Yes, in fact, I'm pretty sure I bought mine at Barnes and Noble. The most important thing is, no matter how bad it hurts (and I know how bad it does) let yourself grieve. NO matter where you are, what you are doing, let yourself grieve for her.

Now, not to be totally off topic, can we see pics of your guy's new do? And before as well. :)

May 5th, 2009, 09:46 AM
Im sorry to hear about your mum, and will second that you've picked a good guy there!
Sorry to hear he cut if off, however, it will go to a good cause!

May 5th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Sorry to hear about your mom.

I also second the request for pictures! :D

May 5th, 2009, 10:12 AM
Sorry about your mom -- I know how sad it feels when your mother passes.

Yes, pix please!

May 5th, 2009, 10:13 AM
You could try Matter of Trust - they use hair to mop up oil spills.

May 5th, 2009, 10:20 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. It has to be very difficult. Sounds like you have a good man that is trying to help ease the burden. I don't have any suggestions on organizations but am interested so I'll be watching for this for recommendations. And yes, we would like some pictures : )

May 5th, 2009, 10:36 AM
Hugs to you for losing your dear mother. It's a very difficult rite of passage, no? :grouphug:

I think it's great that he wants to donate his hair to a worthy cause.

Pics would indeed be nice.

May 5th, 2009, 12:44 PM
As promised, here I am to share the before and after pictures.

And thank you once again to everyone who has given their condolonces for the loss of my mother.

(by the way, has anyone heard of Pantene's Beautiful Lengths?)

Here is the before(yes, that's my henna headed self giving him a kiss on the cheek :D):


Here is a related photo...it is the last picture of my mother and I...that would be my boyfriend to the right. My mother had a very concerned look on her face :p but she was actually having a conversation with my good friend, who was taking the picture.


May 5th, 2009, 12:48 PM
My condolences on your mother's passing.

You both are ADORABLE, and he's obviously a good one, long hair or short!

May 5th, 2009, 01:01 PM
My guy did the same thing. Well, he's looking for a job and thought there was some prejudice against his long hair so he had it cut (to about shoulder length) and donated it to Wigs For Kids (yeah, I steered him from LoL, too). It's still kind of long (for a guy) and I know he'll grow it out again

May 5th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Wow, he looks great with both long and short hair! Your hair is beautiful by the way! :D

May 5th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Would it be very wrong to suggest he looks better with the short hair?

Although it is lovely hair in itself (and so is yours!)

May 5th, 2009, 03:26 PM
He looks really good with short hair! And if he doesn't like it he can grow it again without worrying it won't suit him.

I'm sorry about your mum, it must be very hard. But at least she knew you'd found a great man to be with.

May 5th, 2009, 03:37 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Your BF sounds very sweet to sacrifice his waist length hair and contribute it to such a worthy cause. :)

May 5th, 2009, 05:22 PM
One of my best friends died of PC, and seeing that pic of your mom reminded me so of Tink. :( I really miss her, and you must miss your mom something awful. You had her 18 years and you've got a good man to stand beside you. :)

He looks fine with short hair, and his long hair was lovely. Your henna is great!

May 5th, 2009, 05:26 PM
I absolutely love that pic of you and your mommy and boyfriend. That is lovely. I am so very, very sorry to hear your sad news.

May 5th, 2009, 05:45 PM
I thought about the pictures, and I think that the fringe (bangs) suits him and that he looks better clean shaven than with just a little facial hair. I don't think fringes for long haired guys are really 'in', or have been for quite a long time, but it would probably suit him.

I have known three people who died of pancreatic cancer, and know that it is not a nice way to go, if there is such a thing. They lived anywhere from three months to a year. My parents know of one other guy who was alive long after his diagnosis, but his was fully operable, and it is almost always found too late for that.

My cousin could only have a different operation that only removed a blockage, and he lasted maybe a total of six months. He was suddenly like a very old man, instead of a vigorous middle aged one. The last time I ever visited him he was spending nearly all his time in front of the TV in his basement den, drifting in and out of sleep due to the painkillers, although once he did go out of the house while I was there, and two months later he was dead. He left a wife and two grown up daughters, the eldest being married with a small child.

You have my sympathies.

May 5th, 2009, 07:09 PM
Due to the distance, my mum first met him when she was in the hospital. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. We showed up in the hospital just after sunset and the hospital room was very dark. It was the first time I had ever seen her in such pain...the first time visiting her without my boyfriend, she was sitting up and cried tears of joy when she saw me walk into the room. This time, it was very different. She was laying down and could barely talk. I couldn't control my tears and ran to the bathroom for tissues. When I came out, Jesse was holding her hand and talking calmly to her. After a few days, she seemed so much better. She could even walk and eat food. This was in late December(she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer around Thanksgiving). By the end of the week she was transferred to a nursing home to spend a few weeks so she could have care during her first sessions of chemotherapy. She seemed much better, and told me how much she adored my boyfriend and told all the nurses that he is her future son in law. Funny thing is, I never told her that we were together. We didn't really act like we were more than friends, but mothers really do know everything. *sigh* She told me one day that she was happy for me, and felt like everything was going to be okay because I have him in my life and she can tell how much he truly cares for me.

He was there for us until the very end, constantly giving her backrubs, footrubs, running errands for her...hell, driving cross country so we could see her. I'm not sure how I got so lucky. I never thought I could love a guy, let alone trust one...and I never thought I would end up in a relationship after my abusive last relationship. But somehow I ended up with someone more amazing than I could ever imagine. I often think to myself, there's gotta be a catch. But then I realize I shouldn't be such a pessemist :b and if my mother thought he was good, she must be right.

The most painful part was watching my mother fade away. The elimination of food, then drinks until she stopped talking and only slept. Then she required a cathater(sp?) and an oxygen machine. She had beautiful hair. It never fell out, even after chemo. If I could shorten my life by several years just to bring her back cancer free to live happily and without pain, I would do it without a second thought. If only it were a realistic one.

Alun, I'm sorry to hear about all the folks you knew with Pancreatic Cancer. I really hope that someday soon there will be a cure, or better treatment options. My mother lived for 4 months after her diagnosis. She was given 6 months to a year. I don't really understand why doctors say such things...it only discourages people and makes them feel as if they have an expiration date on their bodies, IMO.

May 6th, 2009, 01:07 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom passing away, that must be such a hard thing to go trough. I wish you all the strenght you need!

Is your boyfriend happy with his new hair? I think the long hair looked better, but I'm always in favour of long hair :D. Do you like the short hair?

May 6th, 2009, 05:12 AM
im really sorry to hear about your mom, cancer makes us suffer a lot not only because sometimes it means only that the person will past soon but because you have to wait until that day and that is really painfull to know and to wait.. i had a grandmother that passed from skin cancer and it was really harsh to deal with it. But we do most of the times so i hope you have everything you need to go back to your life. Your boyfriend seam to be a really nice person and i know how important it is to have someone so supportive and so everything. It makes all the difference really... and i am really glad you found him.
About his hair i must say, i actually like him with short hair better :)

May 6th, 2009, 06:13 AM
I am sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my dad when i was 16 and some days still it is hard to believe. I think your guy looks better with short hair :D

May 6th, 2009, 09:50 AM
I am really sorry about your mum too!(hugs)
Your boyfriend sounds God sent,all the stuff he did for your mum was awesome.He is also such a cutie both with long and short hair.Personally I prefer guys with long hair, but then again I'm hair crazy!! He looks great both ways.