View Full Version : What to do with neck hair

April 6th, 2008, 12:13 AM
I was looking in the mirror today and noticed the baby hairs on the back of my neck seem to be more noticeable then they use to be. They really bother me! It's not so much the baby hairs on the center back on my neck, it's the ones that are starting to head to the sides of my neck. I don't want a hairy neck! :(

So what do y'all do about them? Please tell me I am not the only with these renegade baby neck hairs!?!?! I know I didn't use to have them, or at least they weren't as noticeable.

So ladies (and men if you are bothered by this too) what, assuming I'm not a freak and others get them too, do you do? I was thinking of shaving them? I'd think waxing would hurt way too much, and I'm a wimp. Or maybe just let them grow and join a circus??:o


April 6th, 2008, 12:16 AM
The baby hairs at the nape of my neck tend to curl, so I think they look pretty. I'm sorry your baby hairs bother you, but I'm sure nobody else notices them. Most people are thinking about what bothers them about themselves too much to be bothered too much about subtle things like that on other people. Know what I mean?

April 6th, 2008, 12:25 AM
Thanks. I'm OK with the ones at the nap of my neck, its the ones at the side that really really bother me, I feel like they cover 1/2 of the side of my neck! I know they don't, but it feels like they do. My best friend calls me crazy but then she is Italian and has had to wax her mustache ever few weeks since she was 13 (no offence to any Italians out there), so i guess some baby neck hairs arnt a huge deal to her.


April 6th, 2008, 12:31 AM
If you wanted to you could VERY CAREFULLY bleach them to make them less noticeable. If they bother you that is. I bleach my lip hair, I'm not a hairy person but black hair on fair skin does stand out.
I just let my baby hairs grow. They're cute and soft. Plus much of the sensation we get from being touched is from our little skin hairs being moved, and I don't care to lose any sensation on my neck, if you catch my drift :)

April 6th, 2008, 12:35 AM
Mine kind of travel down the side of my neck a bit, too. Actually, the side of the back. Anyway, I was counting those as nape hairs, though I guess they're not really. Anyway, I don't think it's a big deal either. I'd never notice that on anybody.

April 6th, 2008, 02:39 AM
My mom actually had the same thing. She has very short hair, and her hairdresser would always just shave the "neck patches" off, essentially reshaping her hairline on her nape, but eventually she got laser hair removal. It's kind of an extreme solution, but I guess they really annoyed her.

April 6th, 2008, 02:47 AM
Wanna see bad nape hair?

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7703/braidyc2.th.jpg (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=braidyc2.jpg)

And that is after just braiding, you should see it underneath, and also an hour from then! :lol:

April 6th, 2008, 03:35 AM
eadwine- Thank you for the picture. That's kind of what I have going on, makes me feel better to see someone else has it.

SaveTheTaipers- (love the name) Yea I know when you have short hair they will shave it. My mom has very short hair and gets hers shaved, but since she gets it shaved I cant tell how much she has and how noticeable it is. Yea, it doesn't bother me enough to get it lasered, even if I did have the money.

Delilah- I was thinking about bleach, may not be worth it, my skin is rather sensitive. Oh I feel ya on the upper lip, no where on my body do I get dark (like black) hairs except on my chin, a little patch as poped up recently. Annoys the crap out of me! I pluck them. And yes, got to love the neck sensation....

Spidermom- thanks

I don't know what I'll do. I may try and shave them, see how it works out. Good to know I'm not alone and no one else seems to notice them!


April 6th, 2008, 03:57 AM
Don't shave them. Trust me on that. Ever seen shaved beard hair on men? Those dots on the cheeks after a day? That is what it will look like on your neck then. It might get more attention than the loose hairs there.

April 6th, 2008, 04:45 AM
Because I have quite dark hair and very pale skin I think mine are particularly noticeable so I tweeze them. It takes about 10 minutes but I only do it once every month or so (when I suddenly notice them again) and I just use a handheld mirror to look at the back and pull out big clumps of them. I've thought about epilating but wouldn't be happy if I accidentally grabbed some scalp hair but tweezing works fine.

April 6th, 2008, 05:00 AM
Hi Jeni,

I'm absolutely with you on the "I'm really bothered by my neck hair" issue. I would LOVE to have a clean neck-hair-line rathere than those two hairy teeth. And mine grow quite long, around an inch or two. The only good thing I can say about them is that they do curl somewhat.

However, I don't think that either bleaching or shaving is a good solution. As far as bleaching goes: wouldn't that simply make it look like your hair really is very grey and you just missed those bits when dyeing it. I actually try to take care I catch all of those hairs when dyeing it, since I don't want to have a big "but really she is going rather grey already" sign at the back of my neck which is usually very visible since I wear my hair in a bun or ponytail most of the time.

While you can attempt to shorten the neck hairs regularly, I would stongly suggest not to shave the area. I was toying with the idea myself, until I once saw a woman with a bob who had had her neck shaved and "three day beard stubble" was showing. So not a good look! I believe that a shaved neck will only look good if it's combined with a matching overall extremely short hair cut.

I guess that short of laser hair removal the neck hairs are just another aspect of having to accept the kind of hair you've got - fine or coarse, straight, wavy or curly, thick or thin, sweet curling neck hairs or clear hair line.



April 6th, 2008, 05:04 AM
Wanna see bad nape hair?

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/7703/braidyc2.th.jpg (http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=braidyc2.jpg)

And that is after just braiding, you should see it underneath, and also an hour from then! :lol:

That is not bad at all. I have that too and I never considered it a problem. Actually I find it strange if people don't have it LOL. It's perfectly normal to have it.

Don't shave it! Some people do that and it really looks strange (unless you do it daily). I just put mine in my ponytail or bun (it is long). Or I leave it out, it's kind of spirally.

April 6th, 2008, 05:23 AM
I have it too. On the sides, they never grow very long, so when I put my hair up in a ponytail or updo, they're really obvious as they don't get pulled up with the rest of my hair.

Here's a picture that shows them off:


I used to hate them so much when I was in my early teens, but the truth is that until I saw this topic, I'd forgotten about them. I'm not planning to do anything about them, if people want to call me hairy or something (which they don't) then I will let my hair down and show them just how hairy I actually am :p

April 6th, 2008, 06:25 AM
I always have neck hairs sticking out, however carefully I put my hair up. mostly just pin them up with a bobby pin.

April 6th, 2008, 06:59 AM
I put my hair up in a really high bun to make sure it's all out of the way and then chop the neck hairs off with a pair of scissors. My hair is THICK so they're really noticeable =[

April 6th, 2008, 08:11 AM
I think the little soft neck hairs are pretty and attractive. I don't see a problem at all with the pictures you guys posted. I think it looks normal. Actually I'm kind of envious of those who have little neck curly-wurlies. I have a some straight little strands what don't reach into updo's. I just thought it was a normal growth pattern. I've been tempted at times to use an itty bitty rollers or a large perm rod to curl my neck straglies but that seems like way too much work.

April 6th, 2008, 08:14 AM
I'm also bothered by mine and I do shave them periodically. The good thing is that they don't grow nearly as fast as my beard or the rest of my head hair so I only have to do this every 2 or 3 months. I'm not sure if it would be different for a woman.

April 6th, 2008, 08:21 AM
I really wouldn't worry about them. I have them as well, and while it used to drive me crazy when I was younger, I don't mind them now. Sometimes I pin them up with bobby pins if they are long enough, but most of the time I just forget they are there. HTH!

April 6th, 2008, 08:25 AM
So... I also made a picture for you:
(They look quite greenish on that picture :ohmy:

I actually quite like neck hairs, I think they are s*xy :o

April 6th, 2008, 08:49 AM
I still think mine is the worst nape hair I've seen.


They don't grow any longer than this, and they're just thick and fuzzy at the sides. I think they look worse if I look at them from the side.

I've considered getting them shaved, but maybe I'll try bleach first. I bleach my arm hair because my arms are hairy and the hairs are dark.

April 6th, 2008, 09:32 AM
I was looking in the mirror today and noticed the baby hairs on the back of my neck seem to be more noticeable then they use to be. They really bother me! It's not so much the baby hairs on the center back on my neck, it's the ones that are starting to head to the sides of my neck. I don't want a hairy neck! :(

So what do y'all do about them? Please tell me I am not the only with these renegade baby neck hairs!?!?! I know I didn't use to have them, or at least they weren't as noticeable.

So ladies (and men if you are bothered by this too) what, assuming I'm not a freak and others get them too, do you do? I was thinking of shaving them? I'd think waxing would hurt way too much, and I'm a wimp. Or maybe just let them grow and join a circus??:o


I don't like mine either, they go down further on the left & right sides, more then the middle does. I think it looks ugly. I shaved them once, but you can still see where the hair is, you'd be kept busy shaving it all the time. i just leave mine alone, even though I don't like how it looks.

April 6th, 2008, 11:25 AM
I used ti trim neck hairs short once in a while, then I quit worrying about them and let them go natural. Now I'm much happier with the result, I won't shave them anymore!

April 6th, 2008, 01:24 PM
Ah yes, neck hair. Here's mine after a day with the rest of my hair in an updo:

I ignore it. Actually, I think it softens the look a bit, and as long as my hair is going to be wurly I won't have the sleek updos that I crave so I might as well be a little messy!

April 6th, 2008, 01:26 PM
I dampen them to make them curl up. I've been complimented on them.

I try not to get too worked up about them. Just like I'm trying to make peace with my halo hairs and updos that are a bit fuzzy. Fuzz is okay. *repeats that to self over and over*

April 6th, 2008, 02:15 PM
I like them, and if put some water on them, a tiny bit jojoba oil and curl them around my finger, then when they dry I have perfect soft curls:)

April 6th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Thank you so much! Y'all are really sweet. I guess I have just never noticed them on other people, which should tell me how not noticeable they are. I'm just neurotic. I think the issue for me is a combo of they are longer and thicker then they use to be and since I have found LHC I have been wearing my hair up most of the time.

Thank you all for showing me you neck hairs. Makes me feel better. I wont be shaving them, 5'o clock shadow is not something I want on my neck. I make trim them, at least the ones on the sides, but who know, it's probably less hassle to just learn to love them.

Thanks again

April 6th, 2008, 03:20 PM
Thats funny because i was going to post the same question. I"ve shaved it, not a good idea, stubble. And i've tweezed it, and thats alot better to do. I have OCD, and it bothers the hell out of me. IF i had the money i'd totally get electrolisis. If they were curly and cute it'd be different, mine just looks bad.

April 6th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Mine are fairly thick, long and darkish, and I think mine grow a bit further down the neck than most of yours.

I don't know. My husband questioned it at one point (I don't really know why!) but decided to love them. When my hair is up he often comes to nuzzle my neck, and stroke them and says 'ah, how sweet'.

The only other thing I can think of is that I have a really long (but strong) neck - over 7 inches. Also I'm quite tall. Just wondering if those of you that feel particularly self-concious about this have short necks, and therefore feel those hairs are more obvious in some way? I don't know...

I love my nape hair, actually. I think it's sexy. So there! :cheese:

April 6th, 2008, 05:04 PM
Got you totally beat in the nape hairline department.
And if I'd taken a side shot, you'd be able to see the left side in all its glory. You can see them splaying out on the side.

April 6th, 2008, 06:14 PM
I've got plenty of neck hair, too. I just leave it alone. It curls into tight little circles some days.
(end-of-the-day bun)

April 6th, 2008, 06:18 PM
I dampen them to make them curl up. I've been complimented on them.

This is what I do. I dampen them with water, then push them toward the back and curl them around my finger. Then they dry into perfect little curls. I kind of like them with this treatment.

April 6th, 2008, 06:22 PM
I trimmed mine. I think it looks better now.

Here are both sides:

The problem I have with mine is they don't really curl, just stick out all over the place. I really should clip them up

April 6th, 2008, 06:23 PM
I'm neurotic, too. This thread appeared shortly after I posted pics on the "Hair Toy Challenge for April" thread that show masses of frizzy neck hairs. I keep thinking the OP was motivated to make this thread after seeing my pics. They are on page 11 of that thread. Go look. I've got more neck hair than any of you. I wouldn't care so much if it would behave and stay in an updo, but it is short and whispy and ultra frizzy, and going grey faster than the rest of my hair. Arrggg!

April 6th, 2008, 06:57 PM
My nape hairs are curly and super soft as baby hair. Some are shorter, but a whole group of them is nearly long enough to be caught up in a higher bun again. I'll be kind of glad of that, because it does look kind of messy when they come tumbling down. I almost always use a single hair stick to hold a bun, and sometimes I'll fasten one of my fancy barrettes just under the bun. It holds up many of the longer nape hairs and looks pretty too.

April 6th, 2008, 07:02 PM
*raises hand* Another neurotic person. I used to shave them, but my skin got irritated. Now I just leave them alone and avoid updos in public.

April 6th, 2008, 07:23 PM
I'm neurotic, too. This thread appeared shortly after I posted pics on the "Hair Toy Challenge for April" thread that show masses of frizzy neck hairs. I keep thinking the OP was motivated to make this thread after seeing my pics. They are on page 11 of that thread. Go look. I've got more neck hair than any of you. I wouldn't care so much if it would behave and stay in an updo, but it is short and whispy and ultra frizzy, and going grey faster than the rest of my hair. Arrggg!

I looked. I think it look like you have about the same maybe, although yours seems more frizzy, curly and coarser (and giving the appearance of a lot more nape hair). Might I suggest gel to tame them?

I wish mine would grow long enough to fit into an updo, but they never get any longer either :shrug:

April 6th, 2008, 07:58 PM
Thanks everyone for all the pictures. I think I was just being neurotic, and the hairs aren't that noticeable. I was totally checking people's necks out today at wal-mart, which made me feel better to see how common they are. I took some pictures of mine and was going to post them (since y'all were so nice to post yours) but I cant figure out how to do that. Too bad, y'all could see my orange/reddish stripe from my experiments with henna and cassia. I'm totally starting a trend!


April 6th, 2008, 09:08 PM
I've got 'em too. They're a little exaggerated in this picture, maybe, because it's a twist and not a bun, so there's less grip in my hair. Generally I like my nape hair--I feel it softens the look of my updos. And if I twist it around one finger it sort of curls, and that makes it look better.

My sister shaves off her napehair when she gets her hair cut, but hers reaches pretty far down the back of her neck. I don't understand her need to do that, but it dates back to her mushroom-cut days (her hair is now lightly-layered, highlighted, and APL).

Growin' It
April 6th, 2008, 10:00 PM
I was a bit concerned about mine when I was younger, but don't notice them at all now.

On other people, I think they look quite nice. They hint at the personality of a person's hair, even when it's hidden in an updo. That's how I think of them anyway. :)

April 6th, 2008, 10:04 PM
I have always described myself as having a low hair line in the back. I see it as just something to accept. My hairs seem to grow pretty long so I just treat them like all my other hair. I would love a neater neck but it's hair and as such I just try to love and accept it.:wink:

April 6th, 2008, 10:21 PM
Mine grow very low on my neck, almost to the top of my back.:( Ever since marching band when I had to put all my hair under a hat, I have shaved them. Over the years, that hair seemed to migrate downward, probably due to the constant weekly shaving. One day when I can afford it, I am going to have laser hair treatment and try to have a natural looking hairline higher up. I am pale with dark hair so all my hair in awkward places makes me very self conscious.

April 6th, 2008, 10:50 PM
I was totally checking people's necks out today at wal-mart, which made me feel better to see how common they are.

One of my friend's once commented how some people's neck hair makes an M-shape and then for the entire day I kept seeing hairy necks. :lol: I'm glad you realize you aren't alone. I definitely have lots of little curlies along my neckline that will never reach an updo.

When they really bother me, I wear a low bun or braid to cover them with the length of my hair. But, I've gotten compliments on them too.

April 6th, 2008, 11:14 PM
I've definitely got the M thing going. And they are even frizzier than the rest of my hair. I never thought much about them until I read this thread. Now I'm giving serious consideration to shaving them off.

April 6th, 2008, 11:15 PM
I have awful ones, too. My hair is brown/black, so they're really visible, and several inches long. I think it's unsightly, but I try to forget about it most days. I'm glad that so many people can relate, though. It makes me feel better. :flower:

April 6th, 2008, 11:37 PM
I've definitely got the M thing going. And they are even frizzier than the rest of my hair. I never thought much about them until I read this thread. Now I'm giving serious consideration to shaving them off.

Im sorry Mely! I'm sure they are fine.

Mine aren't frizzy or curly, there really straight and super silky, probably the nicest hair on my head actually. :(

After seeing and hearing about everyone's neck hair, I am feeling better, much less self conscious that I am slowly turning into a gorilla-lady.

April 6th, 2008, 11:58 PM
Because I have quite dark hair and very pale skin I think mine are particularly noticeable so I tweeze them. It takes about 10 minutes but I only do it once every month or so (when I suddenly notice them again) and I just use a handheld mirror to look at the back and pull out big clumps of them. I've thought about epilating but wouldn't be happy if I accidentally grabbed some scalp hair but tweezing works fine.

Hey I had posted this same question on the old LHC - i did try tweezing it and i could take the pain ... so I have started shaving it -but heads up when it starts growing it is poky - being a guy i shave it everytime shave my facial hair - it may be slight extra maintainence for u

April 8th, 2008, 01:45 AM
ive never really paid attention to mine to be honest, im more paranoid about a large birth mark i have on my neck but what i dont see dont hurt me ( i say this about my bum too!)

April 8th, 2008, 02:05 AM
I have long/thick nape-line hairs too, some that reach nearly to my shoulders, some that don't, but none of them seem to want to go in an updo.

I don't mind them though, I think they're cute/pretty and very cute on other girls. If yours won't curl, try running hot water over your finger (please don't burn yourself! lol), twisting them around the finger and holding it there til it cools a bit. It shouldn't be enough heat to damage your hair, but it might make them curl. I use that trick fairly often.