View Full Version : Throwing in the Towel

May 1st, 2009, 11:26 AM
This isn't meant to be a "poor me" sort of post, but I have to express my frustrations with someone since everyone around me has never dared to grow their hair past their armpits.

I recently went through some old photos from five years ago and realized that my hair has been more or less the same length all this time. It grows a bit more occasionally then I trim it but it seems that my dream of Crystal Gale-ankle brushing hair just is not in my genetics. My terminal length is around knee-length. My hair has not soared to my expectations and grown steadily towards my ankles. It's puttered out and I'm just now realizing my dream (since pre-kindergarten) just isn't going to be a reality. I'm bitterly disappointed.

The other thing is that I showed an old picture of me with "longish" short hair to my coworkers and they didn't even believe it was me. I wear my hair down as I walk into work (letting it dry out a bit more) but then I wind it up into my customary bun. My work necessities my hair be tied up least I accidentally strangle myself. I'm applying to grad school to be a librarian and it feels like I'm "becoming" a librarian stereotype with the bun and glasses. I guess you could say that I feel boring with long hair.

I'm afraid to take the next step and really cut it off, but I'm scouting for prospective hair dressers who'll listen when I tell them enough is enough. I'm afraid that tomorrow I'll feel differently. However, this dissatisfaction has been below the surface for awhile now.

Any last thoughts or recommendations as I weigh putting the shears to my hair?

May 1st, 2009, 11:33 AM
First of all, your hair looks beautiful judging from the photo.

I'm sorry that your hair will never reach your goals for it. Truly though, it is beautiful as is.
As for cutting it, I would wait if I were you. Give your self a time frame, say, two weeks. And if you still feel the same and want to cut your hair shorter, then do it. That way you avoid hasty decisions.

Have you considered doing something less drastic that may change the look of your hair? Maybe add angles in the front, use henna on your hair to change the color (I don't know if you do already or not), to make it feel new again without losing a lot of length?

Whatever you decide, remember it's just hair and it will grow back eventually if you decide you don't like it.

Best of luck!

May 1st, 2009, 11:35 AM
I have no real advice for you. I'm sorry that you cannot reach your goal, I understand how frustrating that must be! But, waiting it out a bit before any sort of cut is usually a good idea. And I just wanted to say that your hair is beautiful! :D

May 1st, 2009, 11:41 AM
Thank you. I'm working on growing my hair back with its natural color (its dark brown and the darkest brown hair color I can buy always is lighter and much redder than my natural color) for the last 18 months, so coloring isn't the way for now! I've added some bangs and was happy for awhile but that's lost its glow too.

Waiting is probably the best bet. I just turned 24 this week, so its disheartening to look back at photos at 19 and realize my hair is still the same length when it grew a foot the first year after a major haircut at 17!

May 1st, 2009, 12:06 PM
Sorry, but I don't know where you are located so my suggestion might not apply...

But, if I had hair your length I would be ecstatic (though I try to understand where you are coming from...) So, rather than go for a cut, can you make a special trip (like a spoil me to a major treat) trip to one of the George Michael long hair salons? Perhaps you and your hair need/deserve some TLC and going to a salon for this treat, especially aimed at long hair, will be a much needed revitalization.

What do you think? :)

May 1st, 2009, 12:08 PM
I am sorry that you are frustrated with your hair. :grouphug: I think that all of us get there at one time or another.

You say that your hair is the same length that it was when you were 19, and you are now 24. I have a question, have you grown any in that time? I know that my DD grew when she was that age. That could make your hair appear to be the same length. :rolleyes:

Have you undergone stress that would have caused a stall? Stress can cause stalls, I know it did for me.

I know that some of our other members have gone for years in a stall before it started growing longer again. I am not sure what caused some of their stalls, but they happen.

I know that I am not that long yet and may never be, but that is just my :twocents:

On the other hand, it is possible that doing a trim could make you feel better about your hair. Maybe you just feel the need to change, I would start though by finding a different style. It sounds to me that is your problem. You are tired of the way that you feel that you look. Styles might answer you problem.

May 1st, 2009, 12:21 PM
My God but your hair is beautiful.

Sorry, nothing useful to say...just that! As I pick my jaw back up off the floor (and concentrate on NOT frothing with envy).

May 1st, 2009, 12:21 PM
I think your hair is awesome! If you are feeling discouraged go to youtube and learn some cool new updos. That always works for me. Wait to cut.

May 1st, 2009, 12:21 PM
I think your hair is beautiful also. And the length is enviable.

What would you do with your hair if it were longer, that you can not do now? Anything?

As for feeling like your look is "boring," why not invest in some cool new glasses frames? Make them a fashion statement (like in advertisement photos for eyeglasses)

May 1st, 2009, 12:23 PM
There's absolutely nothing wrong with lopping it all off if you decide you want a change. Nothing at all. It sounds like you've got a couple of good reasons. It does suck that your terminal length isn't where you want it, though. As a fellow ankle-length coveter, I feel your pain.

You're right to wait, though. Wait for a while, think about it, get used to the idea, and don't make a drastic cut until you wake up one morning and think: "I'm really looking forward to that haircut. Let's go get one!"

May 1st, 2009, 12:28 PM
Okay, let me throw out some ideas - You said you have not colored it for the last 19 months. By average growth standards, which is only 6 inches a year, not a foot, you should have around 9 inches of virgin growth at the top of your head, starting at the roots. Measure your virgin growth, divide by 19 and that should tell you how much your hair is actually growing. Between any trims you may have had, plus the color that was used on most of the length, your hair could be breaking off at the ends and not achieving terminal length yet. I would stay away from any further dyes and give it 5 years before calling it "terminal". And while I completely understand the feeling that since it is not growing fast enough, you should just give up and cut it all off, when I have done that, I have always regretted the loss of the length that I DID have, and it took me that much further from my goal, and I ended up feeling even more frustrated than before I cut it.

May 1st, 2009, 12:31 PM
You say you were wishing for longer hair. Now you are on the point of chopping it off. That won´t make it longer, it´ll make it shorter.

May 1st, 2009, 12:32 PM
hi Lady Goddess!!! Wow, your hair is incredible!!! I'm assuming that's you on the right.....
I understand how disappointing it must be for you to not be able to reach your goal length of ankle........ but, girl, you have got some super beautiful long hair!!! Remember to be thankful for what you have!!! Sometimes we create high expectations for ourselves that are unattainable, and we only set ourselves up for disappointment.
So, here are some things to think about.
Why ankle length? Because it is something that you have wanted since you were a little girl? Imagine this... Crystal Gale always wanted hair past floor length, since she was a little girl, and when she found that her hair wouldn't grow past floor length, she decided that it would be better to cut it all off. (this seems like a form of self punishment..... like, if you can't grow long enough hair, you can't have it long!) So, you would have never been inspired to have ankle length hair, what then? You see, from your perspective, ankle length hair on Crystal Gale was perfect, the perfect length for her hair, and now, for you. And imagine if Crystal Gale had knee length hair, wouldnt you then think that knee length was the perfect length? But you need to embrace your authentic self, you are not Crystal Gale. What is so beautiful about people with long natural hair, is that they allow their natural self to be, they aren't trying to be something they are not, it is like the plumes of a peacock, and everyone is unique. Comparing ourselves to others will only bring pain and disappointment.
Learn to accept yourself, surrender your unattainable expectations and learn to love what you have!

May 1st, 2009, 12:55 PM
Here's my two cents for you...

Firstly I will have to repeat what everyone else already said & tell you that your hair is absolutely envious as is. Even at that length it really is long.

BUT it does sound like you're in a rut & want a drastic change be it longer or shorter.
You feel stuck in the same old style & boring. Trust me when I say I completely understand that feeling.

I have a suggestion for you. I worked with a girl who had hip length hair & was growing it a bit longer. She found a salong that worked for her & had it regularily maintained at a straight hemline but the she had these longish side-swept bangs & a face framing taper cut to the front to give her a a definite style all while still having amazingly long healthy hair.
I absolutely WISH I could have her hair. And when she pulled her hair up she didn't do a super tight bun but left some of those shorter strands around the face loose & it gave that sultry romantic look rather than looking boring. And with her hair down she had this anime or fantasy character look about her..exotic not washed out.
I honestly think that more than loosing or gaining length you might benefit more than anything from a style of some sort. And face framing is just that...it doesn't have to be layers all over. And the it could be actual bangs or even just the celebrity face framing look...I think something like that would really give you an internal pick me up. IF and I do mean IF you really want to take some length off than start with going to tailbone & see how that feels. If you want more off go back in a month or so.
Hair should make you feel good not dull & unhappy.

P.S. Ironically almost every guy I know seems to find the 'intellectual' woman with glasses as completely sexy & attractive. And I mean this because literally they've said so. I mean LOTS of guys. So don't sell yourself short. Good luck!

May 1st, 2009, 01:17 PM
Chiming in with the others that your hair is gorgeous!
I agree with many of the suggestions here, go to a long hair salon, learn a new updo, ect.

If you must cut- cut in stages. Maybe cut in some face framing layers or a fringe/bangs. Don't cut it all off at once, or you may regret it and then have to start all over. A few inches/cm at a time.

May 1st, 2009, 01:22 PM
Ok, I literally spent an HOUR writing a replyto this and it got eaten by the internets.

I am shaking my puny fist at the sky.

This is a shorter version, but hopefully still helpful.

At your length, the only way to get longer is to 1) prevent breakage and loss and 2) have your hair grow faster. That's true for anyone. There are things you cando for both of them, so I'm going to ask some questions to make sure that you're optimizing for hair health and length.

1. Do you drink enough water? Lady Godiva got a growth spurt when she started drinking more water, and she's at ankle.

2. Do you consistently take vitamins? If not, the best for hair growth is probably Flinstones's chewable (same profile as prenatal vitamins, but higher bioavailability) and possibly a MSM or biotin supplement as well.

3. Do you manage your stress? Stress can cause a stall and sugar, we are BOTH at super stressful ages. The last 5 years have not been kind to me, from 19 to 25, I can't imagine that you got through unscathed.

4. Do you brush your hair? Trade it out for a horn comb. Even if you comb your hair, get a horn comb.

5. You damaged your length with dye. Do you do cassia to help that? Vinegar or acid rinses? Oil treatments? Protein treatments? I'd say if you want to grow that long with damage you're going to have to get some cassia on those ends. Check out the Cassia threads, AND read everything the brilliant Nightshade has to say about growing hair long with damaged ends.

6. What do you do with your hair at night? Anything other than "in a braid, in a silk bonnet from Tenderheaded, on a silk pillowcase" is probably causing damage.

7. You have a pretty blunt hemline for someone who's stalled. What's your hair rubbing against at that point that's causing damage? For shoulder length to APL I always have people check chairs, there's usually one that's doing it. What's going on in your life at that point in your hair?

8. How often do you wear your hair up? You might need to do an updo challenge to get significant growth.

9. Cutting your hair because you are bored won't help with the bored. Often I notice women changing their look (haircut, new clothes, etc) when something else in their life is stalled or stuck. It gives you the illusion of things changing while the important things that are making you feel frustrated remain static. What's going on in the rest of your life that you'd like to avoid working on? You mentioned cutting bangs in and that working temporarily, but you're getting itchy again. This makes me think that cutting your hair isn't the answer and won't make you happy. Rather, you'll still be bored and unhappy, but now you'll have short hair and be even further away from your goal, and this thing that makes you feel special and pretty (having long, lovely hair) is now gone.

Not that I've ever done that myself, mind you... not once, not twice, and certainly not enough that I have an album of regrettable haircuts, wild hair dye mistakes, and an article on here about how to remove waist length dreadlocks without damaging your hair so bad. :rolleyes:

10. Guys worth dating (smart, kind, tend to have money to pay their own bills, interesting) have a thing for the nerdy girl librarian look. I was begged by a table full of men to stop playing with my hair by putting it in a one-stick bun and then letting it down at a pub ages ago, because ALL OF THEM were fascinated by it and didn't want to think of me "in that way". At the time I was 250 lbs, and there was a super cute girl there getting very pissed off because she was barely wearing any clothes, and I had all the male attention.

11. Instead of cutting, why not watch some of Torrin Page's amazing YouTube videos and learn some new, cute updos? I just learned a dozen from reading hair style blogs of mom's who do their daughters hair. Let me tell you, I can now ROCK a pair of ribbon braided pigtails.

Hope that's helpful, I had 14 but forgot the other 3. :D

May 1st, 2009, 01:24 PM
Oh, here's another one- if you have a low grade fungal infection OR a sulphur deficiency, that can stall growth- check out the epic Monistat thread. A lot of the women there get crazy growth- I think 2 inches a month isn't unheard of- and that could put you at ankle by the end of the year. Don't do anything nutty, mind, but just read the thread and think about it. You can tell if you have the fungal thing by going over your scalp with a blacklight and seeing if there's any glowing orange bits.

May 1st, 2009, 01:30 PM
You can tell if you have the fungal thing by going over your scalp with a blacklight and seeing if there's any glowing orange bits.

Huh... learn something new everyday. :p

May 1st, 2009, 02:43 PM
You know, something else to think about.

It is possible that height makes a difference. Crystal Gayle was supposedly only 5'1" so her length might appear much longer on her than it would on someone who is 5'9" for example. I would be careful about visual comparisons. :)

May 1st, 2009, 02:45 PM
I recently went through some old photos from five years ago and realized that my hair has been more or less the same length all this time....
The other thing is that I showed an old picture of me with "longish" short hair to my coworkers and they didn't even believe it was me.

Other wise posters have given you good advice, I'll just add one thing. If you are 24 now and have had knee-length hair since you were 19, that photo must have been when you were what, 16 or so, right? Or even younger?

Most people look pretty different at 16 and 24, hair or no hair. The shape of my face changed dramatically between 16 and 20; I lost my round cheeks and gained cheekbones, though my weight hadn't changed much.

May 1st, 2009, 04:23 PM
Please pay attention to MadPirateBippy's posts. She gave some wonderful advice. What I don't understand is you have knee length hair and you say it won't grow longer but you want to cut it shorter? I'm sorry but I don't quite understand that logic. Cutting hair only makes it shorter. If you true terminal length IS knee length, then why do you want to cut it? Why not look for reasons to be happy with what you have now? I think knee length is quite long. Is it really that much less than ankle length? Take your time and if you think you really want to cut some off, then do it later on. I hear a lot of frustration in your post. Won't you be even more frustrated if you cut it?

May 1st, 2009, 04:36 PM
From other people's replies that I can't think to add to, I'm going to reinforce:

1. Check your roots. It feels like my fringe isn't't growing out, but it'd been all purple, and the purple is now at my cheekbones. We set too high standards sometimes.

2. What's breaking it? You don't have enough taper for it to be real life terminal. Do you wear a studded belt? Do you put yourbraid inside your jacket without realising the tassel sticks out the bottom? Both these caught me out before now.

3. How long would cutting it make you happy for? It didn't make me happy for long. Or te hundreds of members on here who cut and grow.

I hope whatever you decidewill make you happy but rather than throwing the towel in please wrap it around a conditioning treatment for a few hours instead.

May 1st, 2009, 04:48 PM
My hair was classic length when I cut it back to pixie.

At first I was thrilled. But then I started missing it. I'd have dreams where my hair would be back and I'd say "thank goodness, cutting it was just a dream!" and then I would wake up and it wouldn't have been a dream but reality and my long hair was gone.

If you cut back, maybe do it bit by bit. Go to waist first, wait a few months and see if you want to grow or cut more. If you grow from there you don't have so far to go!

Also, if you are trying to get to your own colour there is a better way. Buy a dye that is your natural colour, DYE your hair that colour. A perminant dye won't wash out - instantly your hair is your natural colour without taking years to grow out.

May 1st, 2009, 06:42 PM
I already responded to this thread once, but thought I'd also mention my own big-chop experience. Not as big as the chop you may be contemplating, but I did cut my hair from waist to chin about a year and a half ago.

Though I'm growing again, I don't regret it at all. I really did want a change, and I got one. Chin length was entirely different, and it was fun to be in a whole 'nother category of hair length and style. Before the cut, people who couldn't remember my name would always remember my hair, and I was tired of having such a standout feature. I didn't want to be "that girl with the hair" anymore. (And it was only bloody waist length! It's big, though.)

It sounds like you've had very long hair all your adult life. Maybe it actually is time for a change.

OTOH, you may feel very odd with short hair, since that isn't something you've had, and it sounds like you've been attached to the idea of floor-length for a while. If just having knee-length seems disappointingly short, well.... cutting shorter may be a very painful experience.

(I'm applying to an MSLIS too! Librarians with buns rock the house!)

May 1st, 2009, 06:49 PM
I think you have beautiful hair! Also, your length is remarkable - I'm sorry its not the dream length you hoped for, but it is still amazing!
It looks like you have gotten some excellent hair advice here, so I just wanted to say something about the stereotype of the librarian with bun and glasses. In my opinion, stereotypes are junk! Don't worry about them - if you like to wear buns and glasses (versus a bob and contacts, or whatever), then that's great! Sometimes expressing ourselves overlaps with stereotypes, sometimes not. I think that being true to yourself is what is most important.

May 1st, 2009, 06:54 PM
Your hair is gorgeous, but I can understand getting bored with it.

I guess you have to ask yourself if you'd miss your long hair, what different types of styles would you prefer? I think most people pull their hair back when working--the other options is finding different hair accessories and styles to jazz up your current styles.

www.taaz.com is a good place to fiddle with new styles and see if shorter/longer is for you. It's fun! :)

Cinnamon Hair
May 1st, 2009, 09:30 PM
Just another voice chiming in with the same advice.

Knee length is quite long.
Cutting hair makes it shorter.
Terminal length on chemically dyed hair may be shorter than on 100% virgin growth. With knee length hair that means you might need to wait 8-10 years to get back to that length with virgin hair after dying it.

May 1st, 2009, 10:31 PM
Echoing what someone else posted about height: If you are comparing your hair at age 16 to age 24, you may have grown in stature during that time period - maybe quite a bit, so your hair actually has been growing all that time, but since you have been growing taller as well, you are getting the illusion of no hair growth.

May 1st, 2009, 10:43 PM
... Actually, since it would take you the same amount of time to grow out hair dye as to grow back from a shorter hair cut...

You could always cut to give yourself a change while you grow out the hair dye. Then, when it's grown back out, the damage will be lighter and you'll probably have a longer "terminal" length. You'll have shorter hair for a time (refreshing) and healthier hair for good (less dye - better growth), while you grow back out to your goal (without having to give up on ankle-length hair). I'd say that's the best of all worlds!

May 1st, 2009, 11:03 PM
Although I feel that I'm in no position to give advice, I still would like to comment..... your hair is crazy beautiful! Honey, you're blessed. There are a lot of people out there (including me) who would give anything to grow hair like that. Don't let your hair keep you down. I, personally, don't think I'd like my hair all the way down to my ankles. That's waaaaay too much hair for ME to deal with. I haven't got the patience. :) But, seriously, I know what it's like when you have this huge goal and all of the sudden you just can't reach it. It happens to all of us. But just think positively. So you can't grow your hair that long...... so what? You've got beautiful locks already! :) And let me tell you..... I'm in complete envy. But, at the end of the day, it is still your hair and your choice. ;)

May 1st, 2009, 11:04 PM
I just wanted to chime in, you mentioned you go to work and put your hair up in your "customary" bun. Could this be contributing to breakage? The same stresses put on the hair, in the same way, day after day, could be making your hair more vulnerable at one point. Changing up styles would help in that case. Plus there's all that other great advice to look into, vitamins, and water, and scalp massage...

Keep growing your beautiful hair any way you want to :) or cut it. Give it some thought. That's always sound advice (or it wouldn't have been given so many times already).

May 2nd, 2009, 12:04 AM
Try msm and hair vitamins! Try camellia oil, try megatek, TRY STUFF before you cut. You have nothing to lose by trying, and you might reach your goal!!!

I wouldn't give up that beautiful length just yet. I was 26 when I first cut off my then waist length hair. I am now finally trying to get back that length, AND STILL REGRET CUTTING IT and I'll be 45 at the end of the year.

I highly recommend waiting at least.

May 2nd, 2009, 12:39 AM
When I had dye on my hair, it would be terminal at BSL. Now that I am taking better care, and not being so harsh on my hair, it decided to grow much longer.

It has been to low tailbone, almost classic, but I cut to thicken the ends. My hair had stayed the same length for 3 to 4 years without cutting due to the dye. And not just because of breakage, it also affected the roots and just stopped the growth.

So I would give that some thought. Don't throw in the towel, it is too early, just stop and consider long before you decide what you really want. :twocents:

May 2nd, 2009, 01:26 AM
I just wanted to say your hair is stunning and very long! I would love to have hair likes yours!

Maybe learning some new fancy buns/hairstyles and buying new hairstoys will help :)

I too had long hair butt length and I got bored with it due to it not growing longer. I dyed it blonde with a home kit! :( and cut it shoulder length with layers.

I think IMHO that you should wait. Try all the cool suggestions that everyone has given here first :D and then if no avail and you still feel the same, try only a small cut first rather than drastic to see how you feel about it?

You have gorgeous beautiful hair! I hope you feel better about your hair soon :flower:

May 2nd, 2009, 01:49 AM
I think your hair is awesome! If you are feeling discouraged go to youtube and learn some cool new updos. That always works for me. Wait to cut.
I second the advice on learning some cool new updos on youtube. Sorry you won't reach your goal length but you can try to maintain the current length.

May 2nd, 2009, 02:51 AM
You have already received some good advice, so I will just say give it some more thought and definitely the 2 week rule. There is nothing worse then getting your hair cut off in frusteration.
You have gorgeous hair by the way!

May 2nd, 2009, 07:27 AM
I haven't read all the replies yet but....first of all it's your hair so you should do with it as you wish. I hope you don't cut it. Just because it won't be Crystal Gail length to me is not a good reason, Like I said though it's your hair so you can do what you wish with it.

It is beautiful even if it never grows another inch. Some people can't grow hair that long. I hope you can be happy as it is. There are so many things you could do with it. For me wherever my terminal length is I will be happy. Just having it long will be enough for me.

Maybe just concentrate on taking good care of it. Have fun with different styles. I don't know what else to say. It would be a crying shame if you cut it. :( In the end though it is totally up to you. If you do cut and regret think how long it would take to grow it back. I did that and do regret it to this day.

I guess I'm kind of predjudiced I hope you don't cut. I wish you the best and hope you can find happiness with your hair at whatever length you decide on.

May 2nd, 2009, 08:56 AM
I don't have advice about your hair......but I do have librarian advice :)

I have my masters degree in library science. I'm currently a stay at home mom and I'm married....

But let me tell you, when I was a single "nerdy" librarian with long hair and glasses I had NO problems getting men to like me. Good men like smart women. And glasses and long hair are two things certain men really like.

Just wanted to let you know that this nerdy librarian found the love of her life, glasses and all :)

May 2nd, 2009, 09:00 AM
I don't have advice about your hair......but I do have librarian advice :)

I have my masters degree in library science. I'm currently a stay at home mom and I'm married....

But let me tell you, when I was a single "nerdy" librarian with long hair and glasses I had NO problems getting men to like me. Good men like smart women. And glasses and long hair are two things certain men really like.

Just wanted to let you know that this nerdy librarian found the love of her life, glasses and all :)

Ha ha, I loved this response. I have occasionally thought about going back to school and working toward a library science degree. I do have the glasses to match, so I'm halfway there, I guess!

I've always been a nerd extraordinaire and I've never had trouble finding a dude either. I agree; many, many men love smart women.

May 2nd, 2009, 09:12 AM
You need to be happy about your hair. Long hair is not for everyone and there is no reason you cannot have it the way you want it. When I get the frustrated feelings about my hair, I remember one thing that happens when I cut my hair in the past. First, that for my hair type (straight) cutting it means I have to style it to look nice in a short length. I am no longer willing to spend that kind of time curling and spraying my hair every morning. It is as simple as that. The only hair cut I would consider is a tiny pixie cut or long hair that I can throw up into a bun. The other consideration would be that once cut...there is all the cut maintenance which would really cut into my budget at this time. These things help me realize that long hair is less troublesome than short hair.

May 2nd, 2009, 09:29 AM
I'd first try different updo's as has been suggested but if after that you still want to cut it, then do it gradually, to waist, then BSL if you like it. Maybe have layers put in.

May 2nd, 2009, 09:46 AM
I agree with the posters who say that maybe you are just bored or feel stuck in a rut in your life generally. And also that because your hem looks nice and thick, you have not reached terminal yet by a long shot. So you might just need a vacation, or start a new hobby, or go to new places to hang out in your free time. Meet some new people (who will also be awed by the beauty and sensuality of your incredibly gorgeous hair).

Sign me *green* with jealousy!

May 2nd, 2009, 02:26 PM
I have to say, that everytime I open this thread to read new responses, I skip to the first post just to see that pic again. :o
You try to grow it longer, but it doesn't happen so you cut it short? Doesn't make sense I'd say. But I understand part of the frustration.
Apart from all the wise advise suggested above - which I second, I have another idea maybe. You could try jazzing it up with temp dyes like manic panic or spacial effects. They are temporary, they don't harm the hair (you don't have to bleach it in order to dye it!), and they really not the color a nerdy serious librarian would sport. :D It could bring refresh your interest in having your long hair, and keep you busy, seemingly with your hair, but without the scissors part.

May 2nd, 2009, 02:28 PM
I have to say, that everytime I open this thread to read new responses, I skip to the first post just to see that pic again. :o

Ha ha...I did the SAME thing! It's enchanting, isn't it?

May 2nd, 2009, 08:38 PM
You can always clip in some crazy colored extensions ...

May 2nd, 2009, 09:16 PM
I have to mention that I've never once met a librarian with a bun o.o Actually I've only ever met one librarian with long hair, and it was a guy with a waist length braid! =o For what it's worth, I don't really see a typical librarian as someone with a bun/long hair and glasses. o.o Usually, it's an older lady with shoulder length hair or shorter, occassionally glasses, or it's a young guy/girl. =o So, I kinda of you as someone breakin' the mold (sp?) on the whole librarian thing 'cause you're a young lady with long beautiful hair! =D

May 2nd, 2009, 09:19 PM
Your hair is so beautiful.

In 2000 I cut my hair to my chin. I loved it! 3 months later I wanted my long hair back. It just doesn't grow that fast! :(

In 2007 I was wanting a change and a lady a work suggested that I get a wig. I wore it for months, and people really thought I had cut my hair. It looked real, and for $40 at a local wig shop, I couldn't have been more pleased. Although my hair was easy to get up under the wig, even being at waist length. Your hair is so much longer, and depending on thickness, it could be harder to do. I french braided my hair, and wrapped it around before applying the hair cap. My hair underneath just gave the wig a little more volume. I would use headbands and hair clips sometimes to give it an even more real look. It was so in style too. People told me I had the "Rihanna" look (short in the back and long in the front). :)

It seems like you have taken a lot of effort and waiting over the years to get your hair as long as Crystal Gale. So it is obvious that you love long hair. I would really think before you cut. Best wishes in what you decide!

My wig (which I have never worn since those winter months of '07-'08, and now my mom has it! :)):


Lady Godiva
May 3rd, 2009, 06:02 PM
I went through a period of very slow growth starting at about knee length, and then the ends thinned for a while, too. I thought perhaps mid-calf might be terminal length. I was even taking hair vitamins back then (I don't anymore). I didn't quit growing or cut off, but I gave it time and added one change to my "routine," which was upping my daily water intake a lot more from what it used to be. Ironically, it took having kidney stones to push me to drink more water, and in the process, my hair started growing stronger and faster. It got beyond the knee-calf slump and grew to floor length. So maybe drink up?

Goodness, you're only 24, too. Be patient with yourself! ;)

May 4th, 2009, 10:18 AM
Wow, your hair is gorgeous! :flower: Thank you for sharing the pic! Keep in mind that many people have terminal length ABOVE the knee, so you're in a happy minority to be able to get that long in the first place!

Be that as it may, though, if that's what it really looks like in the photo, then I doubt you're at your terminal length. Terminal usually doesn't look so blunt, there is usually strong taper starting at the sides, and ending in a v-shaped "fairytale" point. So it looks like you're either keeping it trimmed or experiencing some breakage. You might even be in a stall, as some suggested, since you're only in your early 20s. I wouldn't give up on that dream just yet. Try some of the things the others have suggested: vitamins, new hairstyles, WAITING before you cut... You might be surprised! :)

May 4th, 2009, 12:51 PM
As someone who recently went through a "I'm bored with my hair!" thing, I'd strongly advise waiting awhile. I was getting ready to do something drastic, and I'm so glad I came here, got some support, ranted, and most of all waited. I wasn't contemplating a cut, but doing a henna/indigo on my naturally red hair. I still do some henna, although I'm cutting back.

Every few years I get tired of my hair, and cut it all off. When I was 12, I cut it up to almost my chin. Never did that again, but when I was 16 I cut my waist length hair up to my shoulders. Then I grew it out, to repeat again at 19. Now I'm 22, and know I won't be doing anymore crazy cuts. As soon as they're done I hate them, and can't wait to get my length back. Long hair is beautiful and timeless. There's so much more to do with long hair than with short hair.

I got over my last binge of boredom by waiting, trying out some new hair products, getting foam rollers, and trying lots of pretty updos on youtube.

I also second everyone telling you to wait. Its very possible that you're growing out damage, and once that's gone you might get longer hair.

Your hair is gorgeous, and will be gorgeous no matter what you decide. I'm a girl, but I love to read and hang out in libraries, so I would definitely be your friend!

Good luck!

May 6th, 2009, 04:55 AM
Why not get a fringe put in if you haven't got one now that can be a nice change and then you still keep the length or just have a few inches off the back to have a shorter long haired style. You seriously have fabulous hair I am green with hair envy here haha :D if I were you I would not do anything drastic!

May 8th, 2009, 03:32 AM
I wanted to say that I have known several librarians personally, and spent a lot of time in libraries and I have yet to see a librarian actually sporting a bun. Like everyone else, I think you should wait a bit before doing anything drastic, but I also keep wondering, if you dislike having to put it up at knee, how is that going to be any better at ankle?

I think you should evaluate what you actually want to do with your hair, what look you are going for. Someone who wants to wear their hair down more often than not would probably be happier at a different length than someone going for the braid wrapped around the crown look... You know what I mean?

Whatever you do decide, your hair is lovely. Enjoy it.

heidi w.
May 8th, 2009, 09:06 AM
I only read the opening post.

I have this issue....puttering around the bottom of calves (I can't see your photo).

I also wear glasses and bun daily and definitely have the librarian look going.

I would not cut my hair because I can't reach my goal. That's not a viable reason, in my opinion. to create shorter hair.

Bored with hair might be....BUT this too is a solveable problem without cutting significant length off.

I am a person who isn't big on dressing every day, and I'd rather sleep in a bit extra than take the time to do a new updo every day. I've made peace with myself in this regard, so I don't mind looking like a librarian because we all know how sexy us librarians really are once the glasses are off and hair unfurls down!
(Yes, had to play with the stereotype)

You need a different part....even a zig-zag (criss crossing hairs). You need new updos (check out Long Hair Loom Styling Station - -free site -- people often give pix of their updo how-to). You need fun hair decoration elements: sticks (several here make sticks or swap stuff....Long hair Loom's webmaster FOX makes beautiful sticks -- you can pick your toppers -- she has a link over there, and they're not that expensive). Right now it's spring, what about a sprig of fresh flowers or fake flowers?

Take the usual same ole bun and add texture: braid then updo!

Make 2 smaller buns.
Bees Butt Bun -- easy and fast (great for hikes)...can be positioned higher so it is bent to curve around the back of the head.

You just need to allow some time to learn a few more ideas and get reasonably good at them so you can do them quickly.....and decorate a little.

You can do half up and allow length to fall in a kind of ponytail down the back.

And so on.
heidi w.

heidi w.
May 8th, 2009, 12:14 PM
If you cut, might I suggest a decent trim first.....just to see if that makes management and so on easier?

and then cut in increments until you find a spot you do like, that you also feel comfortable managing?

A lot of uber lengths tend to end up around mid thigh or classic when they cut back, generally.

heidi w.

heidi w.
May 8th, 2009, 12:17 PM
Thank you. I'm working on growing my hair back with its natural color (its dark brown and the darkest brown hair color I can buy always is lighter and much redder than my natural color) for the last 18 months, so coloring isn't the way for now! I've added some bangs and was happy for awhile but that's lost its glow too.

Waiting is probably the best bet. I just turned 24 this week, so its disheartening to look back at photos at 19 and realize my hair is still the same length when it grew a foot the first year after a major haircut at 17!

Do not compare. At 24, you're getting ready to experience a shift in hair growth. Also there is such a thing as between genetics and hormones, this is the max length.

The thing to work on then is keeping the hemline strong looking and the integrity of the hair overall in good shape.

You can always go for GORGEOUS hair! Sometimes length over integrity is not the way to go anyway. (I can't see your photo -- I'm betting it's beautiful. We ARE our own worst critics.)

Remember, the 2 week rule. Wait. See how you feel then.

What's your hair wash method, if you don't mind me inquiring?
heidi w.

heidi w.
May 8th, 2009, 12:20 PM
Okay, let me throw out some ideas - You said you have not colored it for the last 19 months. By average growth standards, which is only 6 inches a year, not a foot, you should have around 9 inches of virgin growth at the top of your head, starting at the roots. Measure your virgin growth, divide by 19 and that should tell you how much your hair is actually growing. Between any trims you may have had, plus the color that was used on most of the length, your hair could be breaking off at the ends and not achieving terminal length yet. I would stay away from any further dyes and give it 5 years before calling it "terminal". And while I completely understand the feeling that since it is not growing fast enough, you should just give up and cut it all off, when I have done that, I have always regretted the loss of the length that I DID have, and it took me that much further from my goal, and I ended up feeling even more frustrated than before I cut it.

You can aim to slowly remove old colored stuff by a kind of small trim every so often schedule. Microtrimming, or even somewhat larger trims, keeping the length at a certain length for a year or so. I did this for a while. (Not for reasons of color, though.)

heidi w.