View Full Version : Which toy was your first?
March 8th, 2008, 10:38 PM
We have so many, but to remember, which one was your first? Not counting elastics and scrunchies here.
I immediately said "hair sticks" in another topic, and I must admit now that I am wrong. A claw clip holding up a folded braid is what I used to do BEFORE the sticks. Pony tails and braids before that, but bands don't count, so.. claw clip.
As soon as I discovered LHC it was sticks though, wore them solid for weeks!
March 8th, 2008, 10:54 PM
I like claw clips, but I'm not going them, as I don't see them as anything new or exotic. And I know I abused my hair with some cheaper claws that grabbed and snagged. First real hair toy that was different than what other people around me wore was a hair stick by Karina. Plastic, but nice plastic: smooth and flexible. My first more expensive hair toy was a pair of sticks from maiden's treasures.
March 8th, 2008, 11:03 PM
I've had claw clips since about the sixth grade, and I still have a lovely teal butterfly one from that period, that I use to go with certain outfits in half-ups. My first pair of hairsticks came far later, in ninth or tenth grade, slick black plastic ones with rhinestones set in the top. I still have yet to buy anything handmade or otherwise really nice, mostly because I do not have a credit card. There are a couple hairsticks and a horn comb on ebay that I've been lusting after, though.
March 8th, 2008, 11:27 PM
I used nothing but elastics till I found this site. Practiced with a pair of black chopsticks till I got the hang of things. My first quality piece was a custom 3 prong tulipwood fork my Monkthemonk and it's still my favorite.
March 8th, 2008, 11:55 PM
I've had a few barrettes and many, many little clips over the years, but I only really put my hair UP in buns with elastics until I got a flexi-8.
March 8th, 2008, 11:57 PM
This was my first "real long hair hair toy". I scored it off Ebay for like $3. Still love it, but I should wear it more. :o
March 9th, 2008, 12:43 AM
My first hairtoy is from argusdesigns. Remember the nekkid man hairsticks? Mine is the one with the fairy:
Thanks for starting this thread, eadwine - it brings back lots of memories. And I so hope that argusdesigns will open their shop sometimes again...
March 9th, 2008, 12:52 AM
I've had so many clips and barrettes through the years, I prefer to remember my first real quality longhair toy(s). That's a pair of Quattro StarLite 4" U-forks and that's one of my best buys ever, this pair is much loved and used. I usually keep one in the shower and the other one is with me, in my purse, most of the time.
March 9th, 2008, 12:54 AM
My first hair sticks were made from shells nd brought in Bali in the early 80"s.
Also had a beautiful victorian tortoiseshell hair comb that I brought at an antique fair about 20 years ago.
But I have claw clips and hairsticks that I enjoy using for everyday.
March 9th, 2008, 03:58 AM
I want to say the Topsy Tail, but my memory of that segment of time is a bit jumbled together. I know what I had around then, but whatever came first is up in the air. This is where the dart landed this time. Hehe.
March 9th, 2008, 04:24 AM
- If elastics are out of the picture.. hmm.. My beloved topsytail maker! Thanks for reminding me, Gumball!^^ Before reading your post I'd have said jaw clips but.. oh yes, the topsytails^^ My mom always made topsytail styles on me as a child! I don't have it anymore, though.. I bought another i Spain last year..
- I do remember my first sticks! A pair of white bone sticks from LongLocks with golden middle pieces and red/pink beads on top.. I bought them in.. hmm.. November 2006 I think.. They're not my favorites to wear since the sticks themselves are a bit thick, but they're very, very pretty, *shiiiiney* and dear to me.. :D
March 9th, 2008, 04:26 AM
Hairsticks, back in around 1992. I just realized that I have that same pair of plan wooden hairsticks and have never bought more, because I started utilizing chopsticks!
March 9th, 2008, 04:55 AM
The first hairtoy I bought after joining LHC was a large Jade Ficcare Maximas. Before LHC I didn't know about Ficcares or how to use hairsticks or anything, really. Now I have quite a few. :lol:
March 9th, 2008, 05:02 AM
My very first hairtoys where Amishlike hairpins and a barette.
March 9th, 2008, 05:09 AM
My first long hair style (before LHC) and toys was a folded braid with one of two beak/concord clips.
I can't remember my first hair sticks as they will have been cheapo ones which have long since gone out of commission, but I still have and adore my first proper (Quattro) stick. :inlove:
March 9th, 2008, 05:13 AM
Well, time to confess: I bought my first real hairtoy before I even joined LHC. I was lurking and somebody posted a thread about "look at this nice hairtoy on Ebay". :D I looked and went and bought it. It was very expensive and I had no idea how to use it but I just fell in love.
It was a Blondiesturn wooden hair fork. I have used it many times and it remains one of my favorites. I have to say no a bad choice for my first long hair toy, especially since Blondiesturn stuff are so hard to come by now. :)
March 9th, 2008, 11:54 AM
Pre LHC it was probably the huge, butt-ugly claw clip that I used to keep my hair up in the bath.
After I discovered LHC, the first hairtoy I bought was a cute pair of plastic hair sticks studded with rhinestones. Not as tacky as they sound, I promise. ;)
March 9th, 2008, 12:03 PM
My first hair accessories (as an adult anyway, not counting the fripperies my parents inflicted on me as a child) were lacquered chopsticks I bought in Japan. I would occasionally see hairsticks but never in stores, so I had no idea where to get them. That was before shopping online became some common. They worked quite well and I still have several pairs. I tend not to use them much these days, though, because I prefer stronger materials like metal and bone.
March 9th, 2008, 12:05 PM
Mine was a pair of Ma Fei hairsticks. Pretty, but both broke pretty quickly. A Ficcare is next.
March 9th, 2008, 12:05 PM
This was my first "real long hair hair toy". I scored it off Ebay for like $3. Still love it, but I should wear it more. :o
Nightshade, That is so pretty. I love it!
March 9th, 2008, 12:07 PM
I've had giant claw clips for years so I don't feel like they count... I didn't think of them as toys. My first offical toy was a pair of sticks from Claire's. I believe they were clear, frosted, with silver butterflies on the end.
March 9th, 2008, 12:15 PM
I've had giant claw clips for years so I don't feel like they count... I didn't think of them as toys. My first offical toy was a pair of sticks from Claire's. I believe they were clear, frosted, with silver butterflies on the end.
omg.I had the same ones but in pink and blue.I went on a stick buying frenzy after I joined here.I broke most of my new sticks though :(
March 9th, 2008, 12:17 PM
I'm pretty sure it was a hairstick. I'd get made fun of every day until I wore my metal spirally one and pointed out the the end of it was quite sharp and no one would suspect me if I stabbed the teasers ;)
March 9th, 2008, 12:47 PM
My first toy was a flexi
March 9th, 2008, 12:50 PM
I think it was Blondiesturn two-pronged fork, from e-bay. Two, in fact -- one, ebony; the other, bloodwood. (I love these forks!)
March 9th, 2008, 01:24 PM
A monk hair fork with stone inlays. Still love it, doesn't utilize it too much anymore.
March 9th, 2008, 01:28 PM
The very first toy I bought after joining LHC and deciding to try and "do something" about my hair were a set of plastic sticks from Sally Beauty Supply. I still have a few of those because you get them by the half-dozen. That was also the first toy eaten by my hair, *snap*!
My first quality toy was a tortoiseshell Ficcare from Nordstrom's. I'd heard about them and decided it was a nice excuse to go to the "fancy" mall. Now I have about 8 Ficcares, 2 Flexis and lots and lots of sticks.
March 9th, 2008, 03:42 PM
Strangely enough, my first hair toy was either a pair of Mei Fa hairsticks or a Ficcare Maxima... before I'd found LHC and "heard" of either of those! :)
capelli lunghi
March 9th, 2008, 03:56 PM
This was my first "nice" hair toy!.. lol
March 9th, 2008, 04:27 PM
I exclusively used elastics before I came here, though I had bought a pair of hairsticks from Claire's Accessories but it doesnt count because I couldn't use them. Then my first real hairtoy was a hairstick, which I had tried to win on ebay but lost.
I emailed the seller and she made another one just for me. I'd love to still have it but I was robbed of it by Security at Melbourne Airport. It sucks because had it been in my hair they would not have noticed it, and they were supposed to be posting it to me, we paid for the envelope and stamps and everything but it has never arrived... :(
It is still my favourite stick I had to date. I later got the same seller to make me another one in a different style, but that one I preferred. One day I will ask her to make me another one.
March 9th, 2008, 05:01 PM
LOL! :rollin: Am I the only gutter-minded person here who wishes this thread was called 'Which HAIR toy was your first'? :p
Anyway, if we're not counting bobby pins and scrunchies/elastics, the first hair toys I started using were a wooden hairstick from Claire's and a metal flower pin/mini fork from the Body Shop.
March 9th, 2008, 05:11 PM
I THINK mine was a pair of Mei Fei's wooden sticks in blond color if you are talking about nice hair toys. I have since lost one of them but I use the other one quite often. I ordered a Ficcare at the same time, a large silver primavera Maxima. They were both from Headgames and it took FOREVER to get them. It was OH SO painfully hard since they were my first after coming here! (where's that tongue hanging out the side smiley?)
March 9th, 2008, 05:29 PM
I feel the same way. I used to use jawclips a lot to get my hair out of the way but they feel more utilitarian than anything else. I used to like barrettes when I was a kid. I don't remember what the first one I got was, but this is my current favorite one:
I don't wear them much now. A friend kindly showed me how to use hairsticks late last year and I've been crazy about using them since. My father has started making me some really cool wooden ones.
Silver & Gold
March 10th, 2008, 06:33 AM
Like most other people I used ponytail holders, barrettes and clips as I was growing up. It's all I saw/knew.
And then one day I saw a woman holding her hair up with one hairstick and I was enthralled. I couldn't imagine how her hair was held up with one stick.
So when I decided to grow my hair out again I thought that I would dangle the "hair stick" notion as my carrot to keep me from giving in and cutting when I got to the nasty in-between stage.
Problem was, where to buy them?
So I started looking around online, which is one of the ways I found this site. I began to find all the beautiful styles of hairsticks out there. Purchased my first hairsticks and it's been love ever since.
I love them and pet them and say, "My precious, my precious". These are the first hair toys in my mind. All the other things were simply functional ways to put my hair up. But hairsticks are my precious.
March 10th, 2008, 06:51 AM
My first toys were a few silver ponytail cuffs, but I barely seem wear them anymore. About six months ago I got my first hairstick and have been loving it and the creative options it opens up. I just ordered my first fork Friday night off of etsy and can't wait for it to get here - then I need to figure out how to use it :)
March 10th, 2008, 07:22 AM
Same as a stick basically :) Have fun!!
March 10th, 2008, 08:58 AM
My first hair toy was a set of nightshades hairsticks.:D
March 10th, 2008, 09:15 AM
My first "real", non drugstore hairtoys were a beautiful pair of hairsticks that I got on Ebay, from a seller that is no longer there. From there, well......... :oops:
March 19th, 2008, 03:04 PM
My first hair toy was a Topsy Tail. I went through three of them, then found out that company is no longer in business. :( Just bought a brand new one in a batch of hair stuff on ebay. The fake Topsy Tails just do not do the trick. I wish the original ones weren't so prone to breaking, and that someone would revise the design and start making them again!
(this is my first post - so glad to find this place!)
March 19th, 2008, 03:10 PM
My first hair toy was a Topsy Tail. I went through three of them, then found out that company is no longer in business. :( Just bought a brand new one in a batch of hair stuff on ebay. The fake Topsy Tails just do not do the trick. I wish the original ones weren't so prone to breaking, and that someone would revise the design and start making them again!
(this is my first post - so glad to find this place!)
I got one at Claire's. Do you have one near you? They were around $3, though I got mine for half-price.
March 19th, 2008, 03:16 PM
Ponytail claw clips, the ones that are about an inch and a half wide with 4 teeth on each side and used for a peacock twist. I wore those nearly daily through my shorter growing-out days.
March 19th, 2008, 03:16 PM
Thanks for the reply - I used to get them at Claire's, AJoifulNoise, but our local Claire's doesn't carry them anymore. I asked them to let me know if they could order them, but they checked and said they couldn't. I wonder if it's a regional thing - they only stock what sells? Even our local beauty wholesale supply place said they couldn't get them. Very weird, as they are an awesome tool!
March 19th, 2008, 03:34 PM
Thanks for the reply - I used to get them at Claire's, AJoifulNoise, but our local Claire's doesn't carry them anymore. I asked them to let me know if they could order them, but they checked and said they couldn't. I wonder if it's a regional thing - they only stock what sells? Even our local beauty wholesale supply place said they couldn't get them. Very weird, as they are an awesome tool!
That is weird. Maybe I bought the last one they had. *suddenly has a whole new appreciation for her topsy-tailer*
March 19th, 2008, 04:46 PM
I am not counting hairties/scrunchies or claw clips, even though I never used claw clips until I started reading LHC... because I don't really like the way they look, they are mostly relegated to the shower, so I drop them into the 'tool' category.
As far as toys, my first were a humble pair of spiral-carved bone hairsticks and a 60th Street Eucalyptus fork... neither of those really get used too much anymore, because I'm not a huge fan of the fork's hold (maybe I should try swapping it) and the hairsticks because they're almost too short (!) now.
March 19th, 2008, 04:51 PM
I had jumbo claw clips back when I had long hair, but my first really nice hair toy was the 2 Ketylo sticks my parents got me for Christmas 2003, two days before I cut my waistlength hair off in a fit of insanity. I've been so excited that I can finally use them again. Only for half-ups, but still.
Nightshade: That green hair ornament is GORGEOUS.
March 19th, 2008, 04:51 PM
I think my Topsy Tail was my first hair toy. I'd had chin-to-shoulder-length hair before then, so I was limited if anything to scrunchies, elastics, barrettes, and head bands. :(
March 19th, 2008, 05:13 PM
I bought a pair of Mei Fa sticks from a shop when I was on holiday. My hair was too short to use them, but I knew someday I'd figure it out. And they were simple enough that I could wear them every day. After about 10 years I could actually *do* that! ;)
That really doesn't count the elastics and cheap barrettes I had. Also have a collection of hairbow barrettes, but the sticks came first!
March 19th, 2008, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the reply - I used to get them at Claire's, AJoifulNoise, but our local Claire's doesn't carry them anymore. I asked them to let me know if they could order them, but they checked and said they couldn't. I wonder if it's a regional thing - they only stock what sells? Even our local beauty wholesale supply place said they couldn't get them. Very weird, as they are an awesome tool!
I worked at a Claire's store for close to 2 years. They do not order any of their own stock. Records of the merchandise sold are sent electronically to the head office, which determines exactly what they will get. Besides memos about brand new products, none of us had any idea what would be in the boxes on stock day.
March 19th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Haha. From the title and before I read the first post, I thought "I can't remember, but it was probably a rattle or a stuffed animal."
Neon Gloss
March 19th, 2008, 05:53 PM
My first isn't necessarily MINE, but before my mom died, she bought black hair sticks with silver spiders on the end of each hair stick with red jewels for eyes (from hot topic). They're now mine. =)
I'm still wanting to buy my very own, though. Whenever I get money to spare. :P
March 19th, 2008, 09:00 PM
A single hairstick with a teddy bear popping out of a pumpkin. I rarely wear it (even in the fall). He is adorably cute and I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of him. He smiles at me when I brush my teeth and brush my hair (he is sitting in a vase on my bathroom counter).
March 19th, 2008, 09:11 PM
My first hair toy after joining LHC was a graydog fork made of cocobolo and a turquoise spiral inlay. I love it and wear it often. My first sticks were from our Nightshade lovely Van Gogh hair sticks. I love them too and where them when my hair is not as slippery. (2nd day or 3rd day hair) I can't wait for longer hair to where sticks more often.
March 19th, 2008, 09:18 PM
My first real one was a Ficcare. Before that it was all ponytail holders and drugstore barrettes.
March 19th, 2008, 09:36 PM
Mine were those claw clips, i think we call them butterfly clips here. They were my default hair style after one of my haircuts, then i realised that when my hair got longer it didn't look good, But the first hairtoy i bought after LHC was a hairstick i think!!! Because i didn't have one and they are all the rage here ;)
March 19th, 2008, 09:41 PM
My first hair toys were claw clips with crystals and plastic hair sticks from Claire's. Peggy E sold me my very first hair comb a few months ago and I am in LOVE with it. I've also started buying quality wood and bone hair toys from Etsy (I'm such an addict) and next one my list is France Luxe and Ficcare! :)
March 19th, 2008, 10:41 PM
A cheap plastic hairbrush that I wore for years until it broke in my hair. I think it was .50
Edit- be a little cautious with Francis Luxe stuff, they need to be filed often so they won't snag your hair.
March 19th, 2008, 11:17 PM
My first real hairtoy was a fork I swapped for here. I don't remember who it came from, but it's getting to be too short now. Before that, it was pencils, chopsticks and baby barrettes.
March 20th, 2008, 03:10 AM
My first hairtoy was a simple plastic stick. It´s already broken..too unstable for my hair. But now that I´ve got a bigger collection I´m not really sad about it. ^^
March 20th, 2008, 12:21 PM
I worked at a Claire's store for close to 2 years. They do not order any of their own stock.
Thanks for the info, Delilah - that's probably why the girl got back to me so fast! Hee. That must have been fun when you got a whole bunch of new stuff and had to find a place for it on those already crowded slat wall displays!
March 20th, 2008, 01:59 PM
Thanks for the info, Delilah - that's probably why the girl got back to me so fast! Hee. That must have been fun when you got a whole bunch of new stuff and had to find a place for it on those already crowded slat wall displays!
It was fun, but keeping accessory stores organized is a nightmare! Not only is there the necessity of using every square inch of wall space, but also a constant stream of people doing their best to undo all your tidying (ooh, the little ones especially).
Before that I worked at a card store, which wasn't any easier ;)
March 20th, 2008, 02:48 PM
My first "fancy" hairtoy was a wooden hairfork I picked up at the Ren Faire when I was 15 or so. The guy selling them showed me a quick french twist, and I was in love. Wore it almost every day for about a year. I still use it, but my hair's gotten too long for a twist, so I use it to secure a cinnabun. It chipped on one point, but I filed it down. 16 years later, it still works fine with an occasional oiling!
August 18th, 2008, 01:03 AM
My first real hair toys were a stick (I could not even use back then) and a hair slide from I bought it together with a brush.
Duchess of Erat
August 18th, 2008, 01:14 AM
Not counting elastics and scrunchies, I used to use barrettes, the small ones to make half ups and the bigger ones to make ponytails from when I was old enough to do my own hair. When I started doing updo's I used barrettes again (the even bigger ones). I never saw those as hairtoys though, just something to get the hair out of the way. The first thing I got that was special to me (as in I really like it and it wasn't the same old barrette thing with a different colour plastic on it) was a leather slide with a wooden stick through it. I still have that one though it's too small to hold an updo now (and I don't think I'll ever get rid of that one).
Hairsticks and forks I didn't discover until finding Raponsje and LHC.
August 18th, 2008, 01:34 AM
I had loads of stuff, when I had long hair as a child/teen. But I can't remember, what ;).
Now, my first real hair toy was a pair of hairsticks with silver toppers. I still have them and still love them. I should wear them more, now that I think about it.
August 18th, 2008, 06:11 AM
Barrettes. I used to pin up the top half of my hair once in a blue moon.
August 18th, 2008, 06:50 AM
A plain wooden hair stick ,I think I paid 3 euros for it in 2004 . I gave it to my sister last year and she hasn't given it back even if she's never been able to use it . I am not sure it would be long enough now so I haven't asked her to return it , yet :D
It took a while for me to manage a decent bun that stayed up but after a few (hundreds) disasters I did it and it was :cool:
Buns and braids are my favourite styles now :)
August 18th, 2008, 06:53 AM
I had a leather slide in grammar school. I would wear a folded braid. About 92 years ago. :)
August 18th, 2008, 06:56 AM
A pair of MeiFa styx with green jade toppers, given to me by my sister probably in about 1996 or so. I only have one of them left - my hair killed the other one.
August 18th, 2008, 06:59 AM
A whirl-a-style bunmaker thingy was my first 'proper' hair toy.
August 18th, 2008, 05:51 PM
My first real, non-drugstore hairtoy was a Baerreis fork in the Egypt style in Gabon ebony. Ah, good times.....:)
August 18th, 2008, 08:38 PM
My first toy that wasn't a scrunchie or somesuch was this kind of odd contraption that allowed those of us too inexperienced to form a bun. It was about 10 inches long by two inches wide, with a four inch or so slit in the middle, made of green velvet with a wire inside. To use it you put your hair through the slit and then rolled it up or down and then twisted the ends together to finish the bun, or twist or whatever. It left a huge hunk of green velvet showing unless you spent a lot of time and a few pins spreading the hair over it. I was 13 and I loved it because I didn't have quite enough hair to make a real bun and had never had hair long enough to learn how to do it in the first place.
My first "real" hairtoy, as in, not drugstore in any way, came today as a surprise to replace a broken fork I received for my birthday. It was replaced with a black and silver beaded south african butterfly comb that I LOVE. Next on the list: a fork that doesn't break :)
August 18th, 2008, 09:56 PM
If we're counting high school when I was still relaxed, hair sticks! I bought them at some teeny bopper store, claire's or some such place.
Now...A flexi-8! That thing has saved me on many a bad hair day. Now the ladies here...I already got a ficcare, ketylo and wooden hair fork all within days of each other! Something tells me I'll need a shelf for hair toys!
August 19th, 2008, 12:42 AM
My first hair toy was a stick with a mother of pearl topper. I bought it at a store downtown.
I just added to my collection with a custom stick made by nightshade. Very perrty.
Ohio Sky
August 19th, 2008, 12:28 PM
I have one plastic Claire's stick that I bought like 5 years ago. Never really knew what to do with it until I joined here, but I guess that was my first!
August 19th, 2008, 12:40 PM
In middle school I used to cover my hair with bandanas a lot trying to cover up my blonde roots when a black temporary hair dye failed to rinse out. I think that I would sometimes use a pencil or a pen to hold up a bun, but I didn't really know about hairsticks until adulthood. I started with chopsticks.
August 19th, 2008, 12:47 PM
I wore leather slides back in highschool. But the first real toy I got as a result of hair boards was a medium matte silver Ficcare Maximus.
August 19th, 2008, 03:42 PM
Mine was (is) a leather barrette I inherited from my mum, as she cut her hair some years ago. My first "mine" hairtoy was a metal stick from a museum in Spain, it was the exact copy of an hairtoy they had there, from the pre-roman, celtic-iberian age.I bought it last year, I love it!
My first internet-purchased hairtisck has been..mmmmh...Cannot remember if an Amadife0 or a Yourcrowningglory, but happened this june :)
August 19th, 2008, 03:53 PM
My first was a two prong hair fork that Mary<>< sent to me :) I love it!:cheese:
August 19th, 2008, 08:20 PM
I wore leather slides in high school, along with leather headbands, but, as an adult, my first real quality hairtool was the cocobolo Baerreis fork I got in late 2006.
harley mama
August 19th, 2008, 08:27 PM
It was a fork I got from OhioLisa. I still have it.
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