View Full Version : Deciding on a Goal Length

Jessica Trapp
April 28th, 2009, 03:54 PM
How did you come up with a length goal? Did it change over time?

just curious,

April 28th, 2009, 03:57 PM
I just decided to let it grow and see where it stops. Hasn't stopped yet :)

April 28th, 2009, 04:00 PM
For me, my decision of waist (hip, MAX) was a function of what I think is aesthetic; of my hair's texture; of the kind of updos I want to do; and my desire to wear my hair down sometimes.

April 28th, 2009, 04:00 PM
Hair that goes past the hiney and touches the legs has always caught my eye and given me serious envy. That's how I ended up with my goal of classic length; almost there!

April 28th, 2009, 04:03 PM
I've always thought hip-length hair was gorgeous, and I particularly want it for myself because it's long enough that I'll hopefully be able to do multiple updoes with my thick hair, but short enough that I'd be able to wear it down without sitting on it.

April 28th, 2009, 04:05 PM
I just basically wanted the longest hair I could either have or stand which is terminal/ankle.

April 28th, 2009, 04:07 PM
hahaha I've thought about a goal, but I don't think I've ever really had a solid one.

I'm at tail bone now, classic would be the next logical step, with my waves dancing around classic is still a long way off. But even though classic is going to be a while yet, I'm thinking knee or ankle. I originally wanted tail bone, then tail bone wavy, then a tail bone length braid, then a knee length braid - with my thickness though a knee length braid is probably past terminal.

So I'm in here saying - I've been here what...3 years, and I still have no goal - no I do have a goal and I keep changing my mind :D

April 28th, 2009, 04:16 PM
I've spent my whole life changing my hair to suit other people. As a kid, I was in foster care and every set of parents (22 total) wanted my hair different.

When I started high school I grew it out to about waist, but chopped it off in college. Then came bosses, kids and a critical DH. I permed it, colored it, cut it...it seemed every other day someone was saying "do something with your hair" or "you'd look so much better if you...."

Finally I decided to stand up for myself, and do what I want. It took me a long time to figure out what that was, but finally realized that I really want a braid that reaches my ankles. I'm just beginning to turn gray, so with a little luck my hair will reach my anklebone, my silvers will start coming in more, and I'll be a little crone with a braid that slaps the back of my calf with every step. :)

Unfortunatly, I made that decision years ago, but wasn't able to get there. My hair reached mid-back, and went no further. It wasn't 'till someone directed me here that I began discovering what I was doing wrong, and how to make it start growing again. Now, I hope to be at classic by Christmas, and it's all "south" from there. :)

But...I might change my mind along the way. I'm keeping the option to say "no more" if I really get tired of it, because I don't want to make myself feel obligated again, not even to my own desires or fantasies.

April 28th, 2009, 04:19 PM
I settled on waist length because I want my hair to be "long" but still versatile. I want to be able to wear it down when it is long, and I think once to get past waist it gets hard to do that. Also, I think waist length would suit me and my hair type. I had class with a girl who was basically my hair type twin, and her hair was waist length. I thought it looked amazing.

April 28th, 2009, 04:28 PM
I decided on an ultimate goal of hip length because I'm not sure if I'd be able to manage hair longer than that. Who knows, though. Once I've reached my goal, there's a good chance I'll decide to keep on growing.

April 28th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I'll be a little crone with a braid that slaps the back of my calf with every step. :)

That is such a stupendously charming image that I don't even have the right words for it. But I want to be that little crone too.

April 28th, 2009, 05:09 PM
I just put down "knee" as my goal because it strikes me as the maximum length I expect to be able to deal with. (Longer than that, I suspect, will end up getting caught in the wheels of office chairs if I ever have it loose while sitting at the computer!) I'm not really sure how long I want it -- for now, that's just "longer," and I can always stop or cut it back if I decide to stay at a given length.

April 28th, 2009, 05:13 PM
Yeah, I think my goal length changes on a hair addiction basis. First it was shoulder length, but I didn't count on how wide my hair was going to be :) Then it went to chest length and now I would like (if possible) mid-back length. I doubt my hair will go much further, but we'll wait and see. :D

April 28th, 2009, 05:22 PM
My end goal is terminal length, and it hasn't changed (and it's been a 'goal' since long before joining here). It's somewhat a product of wanting to see how long it'll grow, and just liking/being drawn to long hair in general.

April 28th, 2009, 05:34 PM
That is such a stupendously charming image that I don't even have the right words for it. But I want to be that little crone too.

Well, I'm behind you length-wise by almost a foot, but I'll be happy-as-clams if you'd like to grow along with me. :)

April 28th, 2009, 05:51 PM
just curious, what did you do different to make you hair grow longer since researching this site?

April 28th, 2009, 05:55 PM
My ultimate goal has been to see how long my hair will grow, and the goal length in my stats to the left of my posts changes as I reach mini-milestones. Classic is my current mini-milestone, I reached it in March of this year, and did a trim of nearly 2". I look to reach it again by the end of next month, probably. Then my goal will be mid-thigh, then knee, and so on until I can see that I've hit terminal. So I guess that while my long-term goal doesn't change, my short-term ones do as I go along. :flower:

April 28th, 2009, 06:04 PM
Yeah, my goals have changed repeatedly... My first listed goal was ankle, and keeps morphing. I'd like an ankle length braid... but the likelihood of my genes supporting that is slim to none. My hair tapers and thins, and although the apparent thickness will change with recovery trims, it is unlikely that it will look any good at that length.

I think hip and then classic are more realistic, based on what I think my hair can support. I don't wear my hair down often, so comfort when it is down is not so much an issue. I just don't like the four strands reaching my knees with a teeny tiny braid at classic. It isn't for me (which isn't to say that it isn't cool on other people).

I guess I'll be changing my avatar info...not sure to what

April 28th, 2009, 06:15 PM
just curious, what did you do different to make you hair grow longer since researching this site?


First, I started doing S&D to get rid of my split ends. That helped a bunch, as my hairdresser always did just what I asked, but I always had to trim more than I wanted to just to keep the damage controlled.

Then, I learned to stop letting my office chair trim my hair for me. After reading here for awhile, I realized I was stuck at the length I was for over ten years, because that's how long I've been working on the internet and sitting in this chair. I stood up, turned around, looked down, and realized that the bottom edge of the backrest was making the splits I was always cutting off, and trimming my longest hairs, too. :mad: All those years of sheer frustration and I was literally sitting on my answer. :( But if I hadn't come here, I would've never realized that.

Just before I came here I started taking gelatin everyday, and I knew that was helping some of my strands become thicker. But after doing some serious research, I started using the Monistat. I've been doing that in three-month cycles, and I do get more growth when I do.

Finally...catnip. I can't say it's been a miracle and that I don't have splits. I do. I just don't have the thousands of them that I had everyday before.

So...from mid-back abyss to mid-butt now since I've been here. And I hope to just keep growing...and growing...and growing. While I'm upset I wasn't able to reach my goal years ago, I'm very grateful and happy to be back on the right road at last. :)

April 28th, 2009, 06:18 PM
This is in cleanbug's question to what did "I" do to get my hair to grow. You asked!

Quit cutting, dyeing, shampooing, brushing, perming, blowdrying, wearing it down.

Started catnip soaks, coconut oil, herbs for hairwashing, shampoo bars - though my hair did not like them very much, henna for coloring and conditioning, SMT's, wearing it up every day, amassing a vast (to me) collection of hair toys to keep my happy with it up, treating my hair like antique lace, trying new things one at a time to see what worked, apple cider rinses, seamless combs, boar bristle brush for distributing oil, compuslively reading LHC posts before work, at lunch, after work, in the evening.... Sorry so long, I hope this gives you some ideas! Some thing work for one person and not another, you have to find what works for you and your hair. Gentle neglect seems to be the common theme, though. Good luck!

April 28th, 2009, 06:31 PM
I decided by looking at pictures of long hair and seeing what most appealed to me visually.

I like the look of waist length or tail bone length at the very longest. My personal opinion is that there are some people who get in such a rush to have long hair that they don't trim off the long scraggley parts and to me long isn't pretty if it isn't thick and healthy looking.

There are very few pictures of long hair that looks well kept past waist or tailbone that I've seen, so waist it was for me.

April 28th, 2009, 07:22 PM
When I decided to first grow out my hair, I only wanted it "longer". After finding this site, I decided that I would go for waist and see how it was. Now that I've hit waist, my new goal is hip. After that, I may try for tailbone, or may just keep it there while I grow out my henna.
In other words, it changes a lot.

April 28th, 2009, 07:59 PM
At first I wanted to grow out my hair for 1 year. Just did that and want more length. So, I want to grow for 2 more years and maintain there. I want Midback length hair when dry :D

April 28th, 2009, 08:08 PM
I used to have waist length hair and I really liked it. It was easy to take care of and I could wear it up. That is my first goal. It was my goal when I first started poking around for long hair styles and care tips. I found this site and it was exactly what I needed! My goal has stayed the same, but....

I love the look of healthy, thick, blunt cut classic hair......and I may shoot for that or I may just stay at waist if I'm content there. I am going to decide when I get to waist with no layers.

April 28th, 2009, 08:08 PM
I guess I thought the longest I would ever have it would be at knees. Its very long,yet I could still wear it down and not step on it etc. Of course it was all a learning experience and still is.
I had had it at waist to mid butt for so many years that it didn't seem long to me anymore.
Growing it to knees was like starting over.
Knee length is a nice length...still extreme, but manageable!

Jules diamond
April 28th, 2009, 08:22 PM
I just decided that hip would look good with my hair type and height. I'd love to see a picture with someone with hair like mine at my goal, but I have yet to find it.

April 28th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Um, goal? Do I have one? (I'll have to post this and see what I said!)

hmm, let me think... when I joined, I think I wanted BSL hair, as I knew my short hair was really damaged, and I couldn't really imagine it long... so I thought I'd grow to BSL (really long! I thought that was!) and keep it there while I trimmed off damage.

But once it got to BSL, that seemed short. So I let it grow, still figuring I'd pick a length and trim for damage. And now it's about hip (wet/uncurly -- it's far from that dry!) and I'm still waiting for the right length to stop and trim... (I trim regularly, but only 1/4"... I mean, to stop and maintain till the damage is gone.)

Now? I am so curious how long my hair will grow!!!

So goal = ???

And good to see you, Jessica Trapp!

eta -- yes! I see the current goal I've entered really is "???" I have no idea what my genetic hair growing potential is, and it's still thick at waist/hip, so I am curious!

April 28th, 2009, 08:58 PM
How did you come up with a length goal? Did it change over time?

just curious,
my current goal is waist, I've never had hair longer...and once I get to waist I'll be maintaining to grow out layers. however I also want fairytale ends so my ultimate goal is tailbone since that's about how long it will be by the time my fairytales develop. more or less :)

April 28th, 2009, 09:19 PM
I decided I liked where 34 inches hit on me for now, but that's by no means where I plan to end. I just don't like to get too ahead of myself.

April 28th, 2009, 09:35 PM
I don't have a specific goal. My plan is pretty much to let it grow until it becomes so cumbersome that I can no longer stand to maintain it. I've had several very short haircuts and I used to tend to fall back on wearing it around shoulder length. I guess my original goal was just to find out what it was like to have long hair. It is just about waist length now, which is longer than it has ever been. I'm not planning on any drastic cuts any time soon, but I probably won't let it get much longer than it is now.

April 28th, 2009, 09:39 PM
Right now my goal is to get to BSL, then waist and maybe hip or tail bone! We'll see how it looks :)

Cinnamon Hair
April 28th, 2009, 10:01 PM
My original goal was classic length. Then my hair kept growing. Knee length seemed like a good stopping place to avoid it becoming overwhelming. There is a good possibility that I may grow longer or, less likely, trim to classic but for now my plan is to maintain at knee to improve horizontal volume.

April 28th, 2009, 10:15 PM
When I first came to LHC I knew that I wanted to grow my hair to classic, as that was the longest that I had ever had before.

I didn't know that it was classic, I just knew that I could sit on it so that was what I wanted.

Then I found out about terminal, so I am growing to see what that would be on me.

Before LHC, my hairs terminal length was at or right below BSL. Because of the kind of treatment I gave it, that was as far as I could grow.

Now it is at tailbone and on it's way to classic and beyond.....:D

April 28th, 2009, 11:35 PM
Well...hmm... I don't really have a goal >.> I remember, though, it all began when I was really young thinking how it's not fair that girls could have long or short hair, but boys are supposed to have short hair. As I got older, I saw more and more guys with longer hair, and said 'Hey! =O I KNEW IT! I can have it long! =D' so... I decided I'd grow it. I had to fight with a lot of people, though. Everyone and their mother was against it, but I said 'Heck with you! >=U' and did it anyway. At first, I didn't think I'd go past my shoulders...but...well, I hate going to get my haircut, so... well, now it's about midback! xD I don't know when/if I'll stop. =3

April 29th, 2009, 04:15 AM
Hi ´Cousin´ :wink: good to see you around!

My goal when starting out from the pixie I loved for years was rather diffuse. I wanted ´long hair´ :p haha, big surprise. I did not think about how long though and never got around to set a real goal-length until now. Kind of: the journey is the reward and I´ll see where it takes me when I´m there. :D Clear as mud, I guess.

April 29th, 2009, 04:25 AM
I always wanted TB length hair which i think was far enough that i can maintain. So if you want to decide your hair length then think that how long can you handle them and you will get you Goal length :thumbsup:.

April 29th, 2009, 05:30 AM
Beyond classic.

April 29th, 2009, 05:33 AM
That's a good question! I guess I've always loved waist length hair, I don't really know why, so that's a goal I ultimately aspire to one day (though for now, I'd settle for mid back, that's what I'm aiming for in the next couple of years). For me, waist length was what I always considered long. However, now that I've been on this forum for a while, I will say that I do admire classic length hair. It's something that I might consider trying for, depending on how my hair looks when I reach my (ultimate) goal length of waist.

Heavenly Locks
April 29th, 2009, 06:31 AM
I have always liked long hair :) and my perception of 'long' has changed. I used to think that extreme lengths (TB+) were by nature damaged and unhealthy, therefore unattractive to me. I used to look at fairytail ends and think to myself "Gosh those are thin, they must be broken and awful, that person needs a trim" I used to think that only *insert stereotype here* type of people wanted extreme lengths. I also used to think that very long hair was boooring. Can't do anything with it at all. Gee, was I wrong! :ponder:

Now...I have seen the light! :hifive:LOL I know that fairytail ends are NOT ugly and they are not damaged. I have had many stereotypes blown out of the water never to return. In fact, now I want extreme length.

I used to think that BSL was long and waist was REALLY long...now...I think my idea of REALLY long is right around classic. Below that is mind blowing to me. :bigeyes: My perspective still might change.

So, when I got to LHC my goal was waist and I thought that's all I could wear beautifully. Now...I want more! Muahahaha!! I want waist, then TB and beyond I believe. If I make it to classic, I will decide how I like that on me. I can't wait. :cheese:

April 29th, 2009, 06:42 AM
Like many here, I think I'll see what terminal length is. Unless it gets to where I absolutely can't stand it before then.

April 29th, 2009, 06:59 AM
It's funny that you asked this question, as I just changed my length goal yesterday from terminal to classic (well, since you can't put "classic" in the field--it's too long--I put "butt" instead). As I have no idea where terminal will be on me, and taking into account that I'm pretty short and small, I don't think anything past classic would look good on me. I also think anything longer than that would not be easy for me to manage.

I like the look of fairytale ends, so, at least for now, I'm aiming for that at classic. My mission is simply to not trim at all for as long as possible (preferably not at all, until/unless I start looking ratty). If I do, it will likely be just to shape my hemline.

I chose classic as a goal because I want my hair to be longer than average (I want it to be "different" in that way), and because I think it will end up very pretty, if I can stick it out that long until it gets there. I also think it could be quite a versatile length, though my plan for now is to just wear it down.

Tap Dancer
April 29th, 2009, 07:03 AM
I'm so wishy-washy that I don't have a goal. And even if I come up with one, it's likely to change at least 5 times. :lol: Right now we'll say I'm aiming for 29 to 32 inches. I'm guessing on me that's between waist and hip. Who knows if I'll get there? ;) But, really, the plan is to leave my hair alone for at least 1½ more years. I should be at 29" by then.

April 29th, 2009, 07:21 AM
I've reached, cut, started over...

I want it to be very long, but I want my ends to look nice. I'm just not a fan of fairy tale ends. When they look too damaged to me, I chop the damage off and start again. Ditching the dye should help me to increase my length in a way that I can live with.


April 29th, 2009, 07:42 AM
When I first said I was going to grow it out, I had top of the butt as my goal. Beause that's how long it had been when I was little. But then somewhere between bsl and waist it became knee. And now my goal is really to just let it grow, maybe with a small trim every year or so just to keep the ends nice.

Jessica Trapp
April 30th, 2009, 08:16 PM
And good to see you, Jessica Trapp!

It is good to see you too (and all of the LHC hair junkies) :cheese:


Jessica Trapp
April 30th, 2009, 08:23 PM
I love reading all these answers. My own goal is "classic" and has been for... years. (I have complained ad nauseum that I have the slowest growing hair EVER and I really try hard to not be jealous, but sometimes I totally screw that up.) Anyway... I am *finally* getting "somewhat" close to classic. I'm at can-I-call-this-classic right now but the mop shrinks a lot when it dries. If I could reach somewhere between classic and knee I think I'd be delirious--please send hair growing vibes my direction. I wish I could find my hair journal. It's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long since I've been on LHC.


April 30th, 2009, 08:55 PM
_ Manageability
_What looks good
_As long as it looks healthy

April 30th, 2009, 09:34 PM
my main hair goal is simple: avoid scissors.

my hair is just shy of tailbone now.
I think this is the longest I"ve had it since high school.
it was knee length when I was 14.

I really don't know what length I'll like best or at what
length I'll start to find it cumbersome..... I figure I'll
know it when I get there.

I can tell you that I covet much longer hair! I can imagine being the crazy lady down the block with insanely long
hair and several cats :)

whose bun isn't nearly large enough!

April 30th, 2009, 09:41 PM
I remember a friend asking me once before I'd found LHC how long I was going to grow my hair. I said I wanted to be able to sit on it. Then I got here and I realized that I think classic draws attention to a certain area that I don't want to draw attention to, and I very quickly decided on knee. I think I may get there and keep going, though . . .

April 30th, 2009, 09:53 PM
I'm yet another who thought that waist length would feel long, but it turned out to feel so short!
Then my goal switched to classic, although that seems so far away.
Driving home from work today with my hair loose and in front of my shoulder, I thought how awesome it would be if the ends rested nicely on my lap. More than "touching" but less than "pooled" on my lap.
So that's my new goal!

May 1st, 2009, 01:33 AM
I remember a friend asking me once before I'd found LHC how long I was going to grow my hair. I said I wanted to be able to sit on it. Then I got here and I realized that I think classic draws attention to a certain area that I don't want to draw attention to, and I very quickly decided on knee. I think I may get there and keep going, though . . .

I'm assuming this area is the bum, but how can it draw attention to it when it's covering it? By my logic classic would be a great length if you don't want to draw attention to it because it's covering it, unlike hip, for instance, which hits right above it.

Jessica Trapp
May 1st, 2009, 03:36 AM
I've always wanted hair that could double as a swimsuit coverup at the beach.


May 1st, 2009, 03:49 AM
Well I have as a goal a hairy cape! :lol: So I guess that we both want it to be clothing! :agree:

May 1st, 2009, 05:42 AM
I would love love love to reach knee length. . .but I don't know if it's possible.

It sure will be fun to find out if I can do it but if not, I'll be happy to keep it at classic length.

Only a few little inches to go!

May 1st, 2009, 10:53 PM
Driving home from work today with my hair loose and in front of my shoulder, I thought how awesome it would be if the ends rested nicely on my lap. More than "touching" but less than "pooled" on my lap.
So that's my new goal!

What a poetic goal! :)

Now I want to rephrase mine. Hmm. :hmm:

May 2nd, 2009, 03:05 AM
The longest mine has ever been is waist and when I first joined this was my goal, nowadays I am just 4 months of getting to waist, it doesn't seem that long anymore so I am going to try for classic and who knows how I will change my mind when I eventually get there!

May 2nd, 2009, 05:14 AM
I did not have any goal length. I was just growing my hair and it was like some experiment. When my hair was waist length I keep it like that for year and half and than decide to try grow it longer to classic length. I learn some more things because there is diiference between those lengths. Long hair must be your big hobby when it is longer than waist length. I can say that I am enjoying this hobby and my hair is now knee length - 51 inches. I want to grow it longer but now it is not length that you can wear when you want. I think tahat hip length is maximum to wear and manage it.

May 2nd, 2009, 06:06 AM
I'm yet another who thought that waist length would feel long, but it turned out to feel so short!
Then my goal switched to classic, although that seems so far away.

Hahaha. Yes! Mine's right at waist length now, the longest it's ever been. But I look at some of the long-hairs here and think, "Aw! It's so short!"

May 2nd, 2009, 06:21 AM
I never thought that my hair could get as long as it is now.Not that it is *very* long,only TBL,but I previously thought that I could only get to waist/hip.
So now,I have no idea what my goal is.I adore the look of 'extreme' lengths,and hope I can get there,but we'll see.I know that I'd be deliriously happy with classic at least :)

May 2nd, 2009, 10:53 AM
When I joined LHC, my only goal was to have long hair again, after years (decades!) of short, sharp styles. I'd had BSL in the past, and now I wanted to surpass that.

However, within a few weeks of participating and reading the boards, I decided that my ultimate, fairy-tale goal would be tailbone. Even longer than waist! Princess length! So I set tailbone length as my goal, not knowing whether my hair could grow that long. And it's so close now... :D

I must admit that I was briefly seduced by the idea of mid-thigh length at one point. However, that's strictly a fantasy goal for me, as it would be impractical for my lifestyle (and updo laziness, LOL!).

May 2nd, 2009, 11:34 AM
Although I'm still relatively new here and I'm trying to grow out my damaged hair, I've decided on a goal length of tailbone. I chose this length because I don't think I could take care of anything longer than that. I also would like to see what my curls would look like at that length. :)

May 5th, 2009, 04:27 AM
My goals kept changing.....I first started on LHC with layered damaged and thinning hair....so my first goal was to make it look healthy....came in vitamins, diet,exercise etc....
Then came making it even,,,so off went layers one by one..which took ages believe me :smile:
Next was length.....but at the same time, thickness.....which has been my main goal...

So more than anything, i think my goal will be to let my hair grow long without making it look thin....the minute i feel its too thin in the ends, i will give a minor cut....

By keeping this thickness goal, i actually look after my hair-health internally with vitamins...

but i think classic would be real classy for the moment....as my hair is almost tailbone now

May 5th, 2009, 05:00 AM
My goal is waist, since I`ve never been there. It is thanks to co that I`ve been able to get as far as I`ve got now, without looking to "woolly".

If my hair looks good when it`s at waist, I will continue to let it grow.

Duchess of Erat
May 5th, 2009, 05:25 AM
At first the plan was to grow to a bit past waist and then get trims to get rid of the layers, or just cut back to BSL or thereabouts to get rid of them all at once.
I reached that goal, and just couldn't bring myself to make an appointment to get my hair cut, so waist became hip and I'm now about halfway to tailbone...
I guess somewhere along the way the goal became just 'longer' and no specific point on my body... We'll see what happens when I get past tailbone, it might get interesting then....

May 5th, 2009, 05:44 AM
My hair was already at waist and I was fairly happy with it. I wore it down almost all the time which is my favorite way to wear my hair. It wasn't until I saw someone with tb that I decided to grow it longer and knew I needed a new routine. I could conceivably go to hip, but not much further. I am already having issues with my hair being too heavy in some updo's, and I don't want give up wearing my hair down entirely.

May 5th, 2009, 05:57 AM
My original goal length was tail bone since that was the longest it has ever been (relative to my body), but I changed it to classic when I found out what length that was and I like the name... classic :D

May 5th, 2009, 06:00 AM
I'm not realy sure, I think hip length would be good for me, to my tail bone maybe? Or lower, so that I can sit on it, but then I'd worry about damaging my ends =\ I'll stick to waist length for now, but I've got a long way to reaching any of those goals...

May 5th, 2009, 08:19 AM
This will sound silly, but one of the major factors in determining whether I set my goal length at something like fingertip or knee, or decide to keep tailbone is whether hair starts getting caught you-know-where as it gets longer than this. Hair over the butt is good; in the butt, not so much.

May 5th, 2009, 03:13 PM
Well, I had it at BSL-ish for years, and my short term goal is to get back to that. I'm also kind of curious to see just how long my hair will grow, but I'm not sure if I have the patience for that. I love the pictures on here of knee-length hair. I think it's absolutely gorgeous, but I'm not sure I'd have the patience to take care of it if it were that long. So basically my goal is "grow it until I can't stand it any more."

May 5th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Well, I have two goals: I want to get to waist/tail bone (haven't made up my mind), and I don't want to cut at all until December 2013.

I want to get to waist/tailbone because I think that would look good, and hopefully work well, and feel good too. I want to be able to wear it down, and I don't want to sit on it, or have it go between the cheeks.

I want to wait 5 years because, well, after I decided to grow it out, I said I would. I just want to see how long it gets in that time.

May 5th, 2009, 03:53 PM
My short term goal is to get to BSL because that's where it was before I cut off the relaxer I was growing out. I have seen people with hair like mine at waist length and it was big, thick, beautiful, and the styles are endless. So ultimatly, I'm going to let it keep on growing to see how long it will get out of curiosity and to prove that it can be that long.

going gray
May 5th, 2009, 09:29 PM
Want enough length to be able to do those gorgeous updos. Now about 23", so still need some serious patience, my goal is BSL.

May 5th, 2009, 10:40 PM
I want knee length because at one point, my grandma had knee length hair (it was always in a pixie when I knew her), so I am pretty sure I can do that with my hair.

I also am at tailbone and it feels short. *sigh* I am totally a hair anorexic. I see other women with BSL length hair in person and I am envious of their length- hello! My hair is twice as long!!!

I don't think my hair will ever really *feel* long but I'd love for it to.

May 5th, 2009, 10:46 PM
Terminal. I have no idea where that'll fall. I've never had hair longer than 26''


May 5th, 2009, 11:20 PM
My goal is waist, but I'm not sure if I'll be satisfied when my stretched hair reaches waist or if I'll actually want it waist length curly...if that's even possible because my curls are super shrinky when they dry... I guess my goals will probably change as I progress though. The longest my hair ever got before LHC was BSL and that was when I was doing all sorts of horrid things like overlapping relaxers, bleaching it, blow drying and flat ironing it. It's a wonder I wasn't bald!

May 6th, 2009, 12:26 AM
Well, I was thinking about it one day, and was watching the movie "Clerks." So I was insanely amused by the number 37. So I measured what 37" would be for my hair and realized it is actually right around tailbone. And I decided to go with it, especially since I work in a retail environment and "Clerks" deserves a tribute. Not to mention it is a hillarious film.


May 6th, 2009, 01:00 AM
I think mine is about 38 inches now, I noticed the other day when I sat in my desk chair, it brushed the chair when I moved my head. I'm not sure how much longer I want it. I'm thinking maybe classic. When I came here a year ago, my goal was tailbone. I'm there so now I have no idea. I still like it and want it longer, so here goes. After a stall of several months at the end of last year, I'm hitting a growth spurt, too. So I have no idea what it's doing right now, hahaha.

May 6th, 2009, 01:36 AM
My actual goal length was BSL, but whenever I got a length I thought was my goal length I kept going. My stops were : BSL, Midback, Waist, Hip, TB, Midbutt, Classic..so far ;)

May 6th, 2009, 02:00 AM
I've been growing my hair out for years, though it's remained pretty much the same length for the past three, trimming off all the damage I'd done before I decided to take better care. Back in 2006 my hair was extremely curly so I got the thermal ionic straightening done and I loved it (but so expensive!) and it turned out to be close to waist length. However I couldn't leave well enough alone and even in addition to the chemical process which I'm sure would have been just fine by itself, I flat ironed after every hair wash so I acquired a lot of damage. I stopped that after about six months though. Then this past september I went to a stylist for a semi-permanent color job and he pulled out the scissors and proceeded to give me an "undercut" to make my hair "fuller". Well of course it didn't work, and now I'm stuck with reverse-layers. Half of my under-hair is just below shoulder length, and my top layer is various lengths, the longest part being almost tailbone. Sooo... my most immediate goal is getting my hair all one length without chopping up to the shortest parts, which is gong to take a while since the last six inches is the remnants of the thermal straightening + flat iron, and has splits throughout it. After that, my goal is to continue to keep good care of it and grow it as long as it will go. I'd love to have an ankle length braid.

May 6th, 2009, 02:12 AM
My first goal was waist. I will reach that goal in a few months. Then I want to let my hair grow to the tailbone. I don't want it longer because I have thin hair. In my opinion, my hair woldn't look good (I want to wear my hair down from time to time) if it was longer than tailbone. I'm not sure if I would let my hair grow longer if it was thicker...:shrug:

May 6th, 2009, 05:40 AM
Two things must be fulfilled before I decide to stop grow:

1. I want it to look good on me
2. I want it to be easy to maintain

So far my hair is somewhere between APL and BSL and it's extremely easy to take care off, and I like the look of it... this means I still haven't reached my goal length. :D

November 28th, 2017, 09:33 AM
I think I chose classic length because I just love the sound of that length, and because if classic length is my true (stretched) length, that'll put my curls somewhere around hip/TBL which is both gloriously long, but not running the risk of me sitting on them. I also find that hip/tbl hair is just at the edge of being gloriously long but still looking modern enough for most. And rather like a mermaid!

victorian girl
November 28th, 2017, 09:53 AM
I think I chose classic length because I just love the sound of that length, and because if classic length is my true (stretched) length, that'll put my curls somewhere around hip/TBL which is both gloriously long, but not running the risk of me sitting on them. I also find that hip/tbl hair is just at the edge of being gloriously long but still looking modern enough for most. And rather like a mermaid!

I like how classic sounds too! This length is my secret wish, actually. I first stated WL, but actually I was already there (stretched, mid-back curly) before my big chop, so I've decided to choose a more ambitious goal of TBL. Classic now seems almost unrealistic for me, and I can't really imagine myself there yet, but it will probably change in the future, we'll see.

November 28th, 2017, 10:21 AM
I don't have a specific length goal, just would like to know how long I can grow it and still maintain a perfect, blunt hemline. Or not. If it gets to be too much trouble, I won't continue merely to have a data point.

November 28th, 2017, 11:58 AM
I think I chose classic length because I just love the sound of that length, and because if classic length is my true (stretched) length, that'll put my curls somewhere around hip/TBL which is both gloriously long, but not running the risk of me sitting on them. I also find that hip/tbl hair is just at the edge of being gloriously long but still looking modern enough for most. And rather like a mermaid!

hehe i love how classic length sounds too.so i choose classic too.

November 28th, 2017, 12:18 PM
I think I must have surely answered this question once before, yet here this thread is and I haven't answered yet.

I had classic as a child. Maybe it's a throwback to those days for me, but I have always found longer hair (longer than BSL) appealing and easy for me, so that is why, I guess. Practical reasons.

Classic has always been my goal; but this next couple of years I am going to try and grow beyond classic.

November 28th, 2017, 02:07 PM
Current goal: getting back to waist. I've had it once, and didn't find it to be too cumbersome, but since I didn't have LHC then I cut it because I couldn't think of stuff to do with it and I was bored lol.

After that, probably TBL? And if that's fine, then classic, and if that's fine then FTL. I don't know if I want anything longer than that, though. But we'll see I guess!

November 28th, 2017, 02:10 PM
You don't decide your goal length; your goal length decides you.

And by that I mean: my goal changed after I joined LHC. Originally it was hip, now I'm leaning more toward classic.

November 28th, 2017, 03:21 PM
For me, at first when I joined LHC I decided to let it grow to Classic Length. Then, as long as I've been a member here I have changed it to letting it grow to terminal/ankles. I'm just going to let grow as long as it can grow. It is at it's longest right now. Which is WL.

Groovy Granny
November 28th, 2017, 03:53 PM
How did you come up with a length goal? Did it change over time?
just curious,

In 2013 I was growing out from chin and aiming for Waist; that was the length I have had in the 1960's and mid-late 1990's.

I hit that in 2016, and actually hit Hip later that year.

Twice in the next year I cut back to waist from hip+ (almost TBL the first time)....and now I have settled on a hemline hanging between waist and hip.

It can still be worn down because I have a short torso, is easy to care for and style with my arthritis, and still isn't usually heavy enough to cause headaches with updos.

That seems to be my 'sweet spot' and I don't plan to make any changes, though if I needed to, I could cut back to MBL and still be able to use all my hair toys in buns.

Beyond hip is too weighty/in the way...though I wish I could be comfortable at longer lengths....classic would have been nice :o

Maybe when I am 100% silver....my silver is very fine and wispy :hmm:
It is not much difference from my darker hair, but just enough that I notice the change in weight and texture :eyebrows:

November 28th, 2017, 11:51 PM
You don't decide your goal length; your goal length decides you.

This is very true :p
My goal changed from waist to (probably) calf length :)

November 29th, 2017, 01:00 AM
My goal length was waist but then I found LHC. :D It changed to classic. It seems like a lovely length and exciting too because my hair has never been that long. So if it's possible I want to grow my hair at least to classic length and after that we'll see..

November 29th, 2017, 04:32 AM
My goal is classic because when I was at TBL (before I got distracted and went for a pixie cut), I really loved TBL, but I wished my braid was longer. So classic it is.

November 29th, 2017, 05:02 AM
I started with Waist when I first started to grow and joined LHC but its slowly changed :)

Hip is my realistic goal as I'm pretty sure I can reach that eventually but my dream goal is classic, it just looks amazing! :)

November 29th, 2017, 07:50 AM
My goal is waist, I decided on that for practical reasons: it looks long, it's versatile when it comes to updo's but it doesn't take over your life when it comes to hair care. I have to wash it pretty often, and with a full time job and two young kids I don't know if I will be able to handle longer hair. However, if after I've reached waist (and it's still a long way until then) I think I can handle longer, I will try to keep growing, just out of curiosity. In my family it seems that no one has ever grown hair past waist, and the ones that have, don't actually take much care of it, so I would love to see if that's the terminal growth or if, with proper care, it can grow longer. Classic would be the final length though

November 29th, 2017, 09:12 AM
In my head when I think about how long I want my hair to be, the picture I see is between hip and TBL when worn straight. I don't straighten it very often, maybe 3-4 times a year, but that's also really the only times I wear it down out of the house. I'm closing in on APL in the next couple months, with the goal of hip by Jan 2020, although I may hit it earlier than that with my no trim challenges.

November 29th, 2017, 09:51 AM
I think I may go for hips as I want to be able to wear it down.
At some point I may have to change styling to avoid tangle nightmares and just opt for easy-going braidwaves. So depending on how that turns out I may just stop or continue. I don't see myself beyond hips in any case.

November 30th, 2017, 09:38 AM
For me health definitely beats the length so for me if hair is Healthy and do not tangle so much I would keep growing. And also as long as it dooesn' t bother me and there is no problem dealing with it every day. First I grew my hair I got to BCL length and it really started to bother me at that point so I decided to chop it off. This time I am growing to TBL but maybe when I get there I will cut back to BCL :)

November 30th, 2017, 10:20 AM
Mine is somewhere in between hip and TBL. I chose that because I want to be able to wear it down once in a while, and I was looking at pictures of people with long hair and decided that is my dream length. Long, pretty, but not too long for me.

November 30th, 2017, 08:56 PM
My goals have DEFINITELY changed over time. In the distant past, whenever I (rarely) dreamed about it, I thought I would never ever grow my hair past my butt. What I really meant was about tailbone length, which is where I'm at now. I thought it would be too heavy and tangly and not worth it, but so far that hasn't turned out to be true.

I think when I first found LHC, my initial goal was about classic. That felt almost like a fantasy goal at the time, but I quickly realized that it wouldn't take more than a few (more) years to get there. My goal length quickly jumped from there. I think my most long-standing goal has been to get the tie on my braid tassel to be at classic length. Either that or somewhere around knee is really what I think I want now.

December 1st, 2017, 02:58 PM
All i want is hair between classic and fingertip length. I want my long hair to be “special”- everyone around me has long hair, at least hip length, but few hair past classic. I don’t want my hair to be longer than fingertip length, maintenance seems like it will be too difficult. I’m currently almost TBL, and my hemline is thick and solid despite the damage it has sustained over the years (I abused my hair with heat and being rough until May this year), so I’m fairly sure I can get away with a decent hemline at classic, if I baby my hair

December 1st, 2017, 07:48 PM
For me, at first when I joined LHC I decided to let it grow to Classic Length. Then, as long as I've been a member here I have changed it to letting it grow to terminal/ankles. I'm just going to let grow as long as it can grow. It is at it's longest right now. Which is WL.

I am totally with you on this I thought waist length would be my goal, now at classic. I'm wanting to see how long it will grow ankle floor sounds pretty fun. don't think I will get that far but we can try.

December 2nd, 2017, 01:57 AM
To me, TBL looks the prettiest and is not That difficult to maintain.

Chiquita Banana
December 2nd, 2017, 08:01 AM
The longest my hair has gotten has been just beyond tailbone length and I don't think I'd want it longer than that. My favorite length (goal length) is anywhere between waist and tailbone because I can get my hair up into more styles. Many years ago when my hair had been shorter (anywhere between chin and bra strap), I found that it takes more work to style and I'm lazy. I love that I can braid it or wrap it up on top of my head in a few minutes and then out the door I go!

My general pattern over the years has been to grow it out and then donate to Children with Hair Loss once that cut puts it at mid-back. I know that many on this board would not want to do that, but I've really enjoyed that I've been able to help sick kids over the years and my hair grows relatively fast so it's not been a big deal for me. Right now my hair is at my waist and I will not be trimming again for all of 2018 so we'll see how long it gets! I went from mid-back to waist in a year, so tailbone by the end of 2018 might just be a possibility!

December 6th, 2017, 11:40 PM
This is very true :p
My goal changed from waist to (probably) calf length :)
Sarah your hair is stunning I would so shoot for floor if I were you. So jealous. In a good way.:)

December 7th, 2017, 04:45 PM
I am totally with you on this I thought waist length would be my goal, now at classic. I'm wanting to see how long it will grow ankle floor sounds pretty fun. don't think I will get that far but we can try.

When I first joined the LHC I set my goal to Hip Length. Then, I changed it to Classic. Congratulations that you have reached Classic Length!:) Yeah, me too also want to see how far I can grow. Because, I don't know what my terminal length is either. Yeah, I know the feeling of thinking that we won't make it as far as to the ankles but I feel that with proper care we will both make it. But I've always known that from my dad's genes I can grow Classic Length hair.

December 7th, 2017, 07:22 PM
My goal is tailbone because I believe I can grow my hair at least that long. I also feel like it will actually look long to me at that length. It's also a rare length around where I live. It isn't that unique of a length though. And seeing such long hair makes me want to see how long I can grow it. But I need to get to TBL first!

December 7th, 2017, 07:32 PM
My first goal was waist. Before I hit waist, I decided on hip. Before I hit hip, I decided on BCL. Before I hit BCL I decided on classic... Currently between BCL and tailbone, so far the goal is still classic. I keep telling myself this is as long a goal as I need before my hair will get too troublesome. We shall see.

December 8th, 2017, 06:19 AM
I used to just want to regrow my hair back to about APL after my friend had cut it to shoulder length and poorly done layers when she was only supposed to layer my hair, not shorten it.

Then I saw some girls, two best friends, one from my school one from another school in my town, who would do Youtube videos for fun and then had their hair to their rib cages, and I thought it looked so nice I decided I wanted to get there too after all.

As their own hair grew my goal extended too.

And then I saw extra-extra long hair on the web and my goal extended to that too. :-)

December 8th, 2017, 05:05 PM
I used to just want to regrow my hair back to about APL after my friend had cut it to shoulder length and poorly done layers when she was only supposed to layer my hair, not shorten it.

Then I saw some girls, two best friends, one from my school one from another school in my town, who would do Youtube videos for fun and then had their hair to their rib cages, and I thought it looked so nice I decided I wanted to get there too after all.

As their own hair grew my goal extended too.

And then I saw extra-extra long hair on the web and my goal extended to that too. :-)

My story is very similar to yours. I had a good girlfriend of mine in high school that used to have Hip Length hair, and then I also had another girlfriend at my church that had Ankle Length hair. At the time my hair was in a Chin Length Bob. But after my girlfriend from school graduated my hair has grown to Shoulder-Blade Length. So, from then on they both have been my inspiration for me to grow my hair out extremely long.:-)

December 9th, 2017, 03:50 AM
I thought of having hair MBL because it had been stuck at BSL for a long time. I got there and hair kept on growing. Now its just past waist. I decided to leave it and see what happens next. If I start to get uncomfortable with the length I can always reach for my hair shears to cut it to where I like it best.

December 9th, 2017, 05:38 AM
When I joined I was like :shrug: waist? Then I thought terminal, so I could find out exactly how long my hair would grow. Now I think the maximum length I'd like is BCL. My goal for now is hip.

December 9th, 2017, 10:30 AM
When I first joined the LHC I was barely shy of waist and thought that I wouldn't go any longer than that. After a week here I decided I liked TBL. When I got there for the first time I was so frustrated with my hair and washing it and wearing it up all the time that I chopped to just below shoulder. When I decided to grow out again, I thought, what the hell, let's see about classic. I'm back at TBL now and my habits and attitude have changed greatly so that I am still definitely enjoying and loving my hair, so I think classic will be a good end goal. I'm not sure I could keep it in good condition past that length, since I enjoy wearing it down. I also have no illusions about having an exceptional terminal length -- nor do I have the patience to discover what it is!

December 9th, 2017, 12:09 PM
At first my goal was hip, bit after some months I've like to hit tailbone! I'm past waist now :)

December 15th, 2017, 11:56 PM
When I first joined the LHC I set my goal to Hip Length. Then, I changed it to Classic. Congratulations that you have reached Classic Length!:) Yeah, me too also want to see how far I can grow. Because, I don't know what my terminal length is either. Yeah, I know the feeling of thinking that we won't make it as far as to the ankles but I feel that with proper care we will both make it. But I've always known that from my dad's genes I can grow Classic Length hair. I like your positive thinking im with you let's grow for it imagine ankle/ floor length how awesome would that be?

Ligeia Noire
December 16th, 2017, 11:02 PM
I had a limit when I got here which was knee... now I don't mind floor :p

January 8th, 2018, 09:47 PM
I used to have TBL+ hair thinking I'd keep growing it, then did a big chop to just above WL since I was tired of the damage (I was terrible to my hair). I knew I always wanted it long, but it bounced around a bit as I repeatedly butchered my hair with bad self-trims. Then, after the worst of these episodes that twice left my hair at APL, I decided to commit to growing it. I though between WL and hip was my goal, but then I got here and the rest is history. I don't know what I'll end up liking best, but I at least want to get to classic if not longer. At some point I want to maintain to achieve my perfect hemline but I think I'll be happy somewhere past classic...maybe even terminal just to find where it is!

January 8th, 2018, 11:06 PM
Yes, it has changed many times during my hair journey :) When I started the goal was at waist then hip and now I feel I want to go TBL or maybe even classic. I guess I have LHC-itis 😁

January 8th, 2018, 11:27 PM
When I was 7 years old I wanted to cut my hair, which I eventually had to do. Since then, I have never got back any hair than to the clavicle because I started to flatten my hair, colored it and use hair extensions. Today I want to know how I look in my natural hair and see how far it can be. However, I do not have the genes on my side.

Dancing Giant
January 9th, 2018, 08:43 AM
Before I joined LHC my goal was somewhere between waist and hip. My hair was that long a few years ago but I was tired of it and cut it into a long bob. I maintained this lenght for about a year and now I am growing it longer again. I saw some pictures here and decided that tailbone lenght is the lenght that I find the most attractive. When I reach that goal I will try to maintain a thick hemline and because my hair doesn't need much care, especially trims, I will probably grow it a little bit longer after that. Maybe to classic lenght, maybe longer.

January 9th, 2018, 04:41 PM
I like your positive thinking im with you let's grow for it imagine ankle/ floor length how awesome would that be?

Yes, let's grow for it. I could just imagine ankle/floor length, and how awesome it would be to reach it! I know that I have a long way to go even before I get to even classic length but I know that I will make it there in a year an a half from now. Because, now my hair is waist length.

January 10th, 2018, 08:57 PM
You are just slightly behind me I am just about classic and trimmed 1" off the ends plan on going the whole 2018 year with no trims. Hope we both get some good healthy length, step by step I guess but yes floor would be amazing, happy growing.

victorian girl
January 11th, 2018, 03:29 AM
My goal is slowly moving from waist to TBL to Classic to mid-thigh... and I'm not even at APL curly yet.

Joyful Mystery
January 11th, 2018, 10:20 AM
I was 2" shy of waist when I chopped my hair to chin December 2016. I didn't realize how attached to my hair I was and felt extreme remorse over what I had done. After lurking for a bit, I joined the LHC four months post chop with my goal of knee already in mind. The very first thread I subbed to was No Trims 2017.

If I can reach knee, I may just grow longer. :lol:

January 11th, 2018, 10:34 AM
I was 2" shy of waist when I chopped my hair to chin December 2016. I didn't realize how attached to my hair I was and felt extreme remorse over what I had done. After lurking for a bit, I joined the LHC four months post chop with my goal of knee already in mind. The very first thread I subbed to was No Trims 2017.

If I can reach knee, I may just grow longer. :lol:

I bet you will, too! :p I can just imagine your glorious hair at knee length!

January 11th, 2018, 11:10 AM
When I first started growing my hair, I only knew I wanted it "long". I had had it around hip length when I was a teen, and I missed it. At some point, this goal evolved into "as long as it will grow", although at that point I didn't think it would grow much longer than hip, or at most tailbone. I also wanted my hair to be as long as possible on my wedding day (although I hadn't ever dated at the time).

By the time I joined this forum, I had already passed tailbone, and I had lurked around for a bit, so I knew that I could probably grow it a lot longer. So I chose a goal length based on what I thought would be most beautiful, but still practical for me, which ended up being mid-thigh.

What's interesting is that now that I have actually passed mid-thigh, I'm feeling that my growing journey is pretty much done. Part of me wants to grow to knee just to be able to say I have done it, but another part of me is saying that this is getting too long for what I can personally handle. I've been toying with the idea of cutting back a bit ever since I reached mid-thigh in the fall, but I also know that I want to try dyeing the ends before I do it (since I could just cut the dyed ends afterwards if I didn't like it). But we're actually talking marriage now, and I wonder if I hadn't better wait after it's done to dye/cut back...

Joyful Mystery
January 11th, 2018, 11:28 AM
I bet you will, too! :p I can just imagine your glorious hair at knee length!

Oh my goodness! :blushing: :flower:

January 11th, 2018, 04:53 PM
My goal length has changed. Originally I wanted Hip and I still kind of do but for my first goal length I am just concentrating on APL. I think it's easier to take little goals along the way being that my hair is so short right now.