View Full Version : How exactly do you do this?

April 27th, 2009, 04:24 PM
I've always loved the style that Floor Jansen wears on the front cover of After Forever's "Remagine" (http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000AQVE4K.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg). I'm pretty sure that I can do it, I just need some help figuring it out. I know that the front is a dutch braid (tied off at the back of the head into a ponytail), but I've never seen anything on how to braid it from the hairline back. I've always seen dutch braids that start in the middle of the back of the head. How would you start a dutch braid at the hairline? Would you do it the same as a dutch braid from the back of the head, only further up? Any help would be appreciated! :redgrin:

April 27th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Yes, you do them the same way just closer up on the hairline. Mine always looks tiny at hairline and it gets thicker going toward the back of the head. Maybe if I had super thick hair it would be wider like hers:shrug:

April 27th, 2009, 06:55 PM
Yeah you just start it at the hairline but it won't end up as thick as that. I'm pretty sure they braided some fake hair, pinned it and then added her actual hair. If you don't have the fake hair then it will start out small and then grow in size as you go down your head.

April 27th, 2009, 07:03 PM
I have no idea what the back looks like so bear with me....What if you flipped your head upside down...ran the french braid from the nape of the neck up to your forehead hair line....Folded it back over the crown and pinned it???

OR flip head upside down, and start the french braid in the middle of your scalp I guess that would be crown?? Then proceed as above. You could put the ponytail at the point you started the french braid and comb the bottom loose hairs into the ponytail?

April 27th, 2009, 07:08 PM
I doubt that's real. The hair is scraped back from her hairline - if the braid was real, the hair would be pulled upwards toward the braid - unless she had absolutely, amazingly, mind-bogglingly thick hair and the braid is just taken from the very small section of hair on which the braid sits.

You could achieve a similar look by starting the braid right at the hairline (though my iii hair is still fairly thin at the hairline and couldn't achieve a uniformly thick braid like that depicted) - perhaps you could braid in some fake hair, ribbons, or a scarf to thicken it up? You'd probably have to use all your hair in the braid, and not just the forelock depicted in the picture, braid it to the back of your head and gather it in a high pony.

April 27th, 2009, 07:11 PM
I concur-er. That be a fake braid. And if you'd like to look like that, get fake hair. Or, start a new trend by (and I re-concur-er) starting the braid further up. :-)

Pegasus Marsters
April 27th, 2009, 07:19 PM
That HAS to be a fake braid. It's just impossible to create a uniformly thick braid from the hairline like that, that's THAT thick.

April 27th, 2009, 08:22 PM
I was pretty much expecting that it involved some fake hair. I'm just going for a similar look. I might eventually try it with some fake hair if I ever have the funds and can find something close enough to my hair color for it to look natural. Or, considering the punk influence, perhaps braid in some bright, unnatural color that compliments with my hair color... like emerald green or something? :p

April 27th, 2009, 08:49 PM
I was pretty much expecting that it involved some fake hair. I'm just going for a similar look. I might eventually try it with some fake hair if I ever have the funds and can find something close enough to my hair color for it to look natural. Or, considering the punk influence, perhaps braid in some bright, unnatural color that compliments with my hair color... like emerald green or something? :p

Green or pink would be awesome - post pics!

April 27th, 2009, 08:54 PM
It doesn't look like a dutch or french braid to me. Her hair is slicked BACK, not across in sections as it would be for such a braid.

If your hair is long enough this is what I think would make that look.

Slick hair back with product or water to make it very slick. Tie in pony tail. Plait. Bring plait up to the hairline, fold, pin, pin as you take it back again.

I don't know how it ends, not seeing the back of her head, but that would give that slicked back and thick plait look at the front.

April 27th, 2009, 08:55 PM
Green or pink would be awesome - post pics!
I will as soon as I can. Mom says she saw a lot of long hair for braiding (she said it was 3' easy) at the local Fred's, meaning it should be inexpensive. I'm going to go check that out and see if they have anything I can use. If they do, I'm SOOO going to try this. :bounce: