View Full Version : those with waist or longer hair

April 26th, 2009, 01:44 PM
As your hair gets to longer lengths then do you have more tangles ?
ANd do things that used to make your hair easy to comb out (like cones etc.) not work like they used to? Just wondering if this is a typical thing when reaching long lengths. Yes I have clarified recently so I know it's not that. Thanks for insight.

April 26th, 2009, 01:48 PM
As long as my hair is braided, stays away from cones, heat and protien, generally the tangles are few. Generally I braid my hair and then put it up, only taking it down for sleeping. The next morning, comb out, braid and repeat.

Oils do help but you have to find the right one for you. Took me a while to find Emu Oil was my fave. Camellia fried my hair to the point of having to cut off about 3in.

April 26th, 2009, 01:54 PM
For my hair - yes. It even tangles when I braid it; all those shorter newer hairs that work their way free knot up. Lately I don't comb my hair out unless I have time to take it slow and work each tangle/knot free - once or twice a day. Nontwisted buns are best the rest of the time, a braid for exercise (buns slip out).

Cones do give me extra slip, but I have to keep it light. Too much of the coney stuff is worse than no cones at all.

April 26th, 2009, 01:57 PM
I never use cones. My hair is hip length, and my ends aren´t exactly in the best condition, so yes, there are tangles a-plenty. I wear my hair up every day.

April 26th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I haven't noticed any difference. As a matter-of-fact, lately, it's been easier for me to detangle and I don't have a clue why. Maybe it's the henna.

Normally, I wear it up in a quick wrap around bun secured with two big hair clips during the day. At night, I either take one hair clip out and sleep with a bun, or I just take it all down and let it hang off the edge of the bed. That's a bit tricky though because I have a cat. I've been forgetting to put on my sleeping cap. I really don't like to wear one, I feel so goofy in it.

I wash & condition with TRESemme (cones!). I finger comb in the shower with the conditioner on, and then after it's air dried just a bit, I use a wide tooth comb. I usually blow dry it, too, but I'm pretty careful about it. Sometimes I use a little hairspray.

I wish I could wear it down all the time, but I'm pretty active. It gets too tangly and drags on the floor while I'm loading the dishwasher, doing laundry, picking up, feeding the cats/dogs, and well, you know all the rest.:(

April 26th, 2009, 02:04 PM
My hair get tangles very easily, STILL..wonder if it will get worse and worse as it heads down to my feet. I hope not.

Usually, even braiding it, it will tangle and I can't afford to loose ends, they are as sparse as can be now. So, I wear it up most all the time.

April 26th, 2009, 02:16 PM
I was thinking about that this week, how much harder it is to deal with my hair at its longer length. With mine, I'm sure it's mostly the extra length. For example, try hand-sewing something with a yard-long double strand of thread. Then try it with an 8" double strand of thread. You'll see what I mean! The long double strand will twist, and tangle, and fray, and knot, but the short one will be just fine.

April 26th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Mine is tailbone. I don't use cones, don't keep it braided, and wear it loose most of the time. But I only get a few tangles on the very ends.

I get many, many more tangles when I braid it or keep it in updos, so for me letting it hang loose is better. But...keeping it up does help protect the ends from split ends, so it's hard for me to decide sometimes which is worse -tangles, or split ends.

April 26th, 2009, 02:17 PM
I used to use coconut oil on my hair which I found tangled my hair up more then anything and my hair still felt dry with it. Then I tried avocado oil and boy what a difference! It always leaves my hair silky soft. However that presents another problem, well not so much a problem I guess, but my hair is slippery and does not want to go easily into updos.
The few times I tried cones, my hair would get tangly and have massive amounts of static so no cones for me!
It seems though that as my hair gets longer I have to have different requirements for it. I guess that is the price we pay for being long hairs!:D

April 26th, 2009, 02:36 PM
Mine is more tangley as it gets longer. I use a tangle teaser and it helps alot.

April 26th, 2009, 02:42 PM
I was thinking about that this week, how much harder it is to deal with my hair at its longer length. With mine, I'm sure it's mostly the extra length. For example, try hand-sewing something with a yard-long double strand of thread. Then try it with an 8" double strand of thread. You'll see what I mean! The long double strand will twist, and tangle, and fray, and knot, but the short one will be just fine.

This is one of the best analogies I've ever seen!

When I was at classic my hair was a mighty amount less tangly than it can feel now. I think this was mostly due to not having layers, because that's where I tangle now.

I used to CWC twice a week and oil the ends with jojoba. Most days it was either a ponytail, braid or bun held with sticks. I didn't use 'cones then and barely do now.

I never needed to clarify, so I never did!

April 26th, 2009, 02:42 PM
I have less tangling than before but I suspect that's from better care. I hardly need to finger comb. I do not use cones as they don't agree with me on the scratch my skin off and plastic doll hair level. I do oil.

April 26th, 2009, 02:53 PM
I grew to a couple of inches below waist (probably about 32") and found tangles were much more of a problem - this was one of the main reasons I cut back to BSL. My hair is fine, wavy and thick and tends to tangle easily anyway and the extra 6" length made a lot of difference, especially to the tangling I experienced during washing.

April 26th, 2009, 03:19 PM
I'm going to have to say more tangles in general, but then my hair has always been fairly prone to tangles, I think due to being so very, very fine. And, well, as it gets longer there's more of it in a way to tangle. :lol: I do think I've had far less major tangling that takes a while to get out or that just won't detangle.

As long as I comb before washing (to get out sheds), and don't leave a bun or braid longer than about 12-24 hours and at least fingercomb in between the tangling however is very, very minimal. Longer and it'll start tangling in the bun or braid. I think some of this is just realising when the tangling goes from a little to a lot and heading it off before it transitioned.

Also, just recently by accident (bun kept falling out!) I found that I can sleep with my hair loose (draped out of the way) again without it being a mess by morning (plus with a overgrown crop of fairy knots). I've not been able to do that since I first reached waist length, back in 2003 (it wasn't nearly as bad at BSL). So in that aspect it's actually less tangles.

I don't use cones much at all. Oh, and if my ends are tangling I clarify, then if that doesn't work S&D, then if neither of those help and I know the ends are well moisturised I dig out the protein, and they'll be fine again for a while (in general my hair doesn't much like protein).

April 26th, 2009, 07:09 PM
I had tangle problems even when my hair was short! I am constantly finger combing and make a point to detangle at least three times a day. If I do that, it remains manageable. If I get caught in strong wind, all bets are off.

April 26th, 2009, 07:23 PM
My hair is actually less tangle-prone the longer it gets. It could be more due to better care though. :shrug: I think damage has a lot to do with it. I don't really have a damage issue.

April 26th, 2009, 07:40 PM
I have never had problems with tangling, and I've had hair varying from 2" long to about hip.

I don't comb or detangle at all when it's dry, just finger-comb with conditioner in the shower.

April 26th, 2009, 08:25 PM
I do not have hair that long currently but I had hair waist to thigh for many years. Yes, mine got much more tangly as it got longer. Cones helped a little but after a certain length I pretty much couldn't wear it down at all.

April 26th, 2009, 08:51 PM
I find that the longer my hair gets, the more careful I have to be. In handling, in what I put on my hair, in making time to rinse my hair really well, in making time to gently detangle ... .

Lately I've found that I need to be careful what conditioners I use on my hair, since anything that leaves too much residue or that makes my hair at all sticky, tends to increase the tangling issue. I recently tossed some conditioners specifically because they tend to help my hair tangle more than I'm comfortable with.

As some others have said, I need to condition, but also to be careful which conditioners I use. I've been happiest lately if I use one conditioner just for moisture, then a second one for detangling.

April 26th, 2009, 09:11 PM
Mine's mid-thigh, I use cones all OVER the place, and my hair's gotten less prone to tangling ever since it got past my waist. It combs really easily. I've noticed that it's more sweet-tempered when I've used henna recently.

April 26th, 2009, 09:35 PM
I definitely have more tangles,and I get more tangles when trying to make braids because the ends of my hair always braid together,it's incredibly frustrating.It makes me so envious of my best friend,whose nearly-APL hair is silky smooth,tangle free,and always looks perfect.Gah !

April 26th, 2009, 10:34 PM
Not really. I use coconut oil in the winter at the nape of my neck which gets a bit snarly because of sweaters and static, and on my ends, because it's just plain dry. I wear my hair up a fair amount of the time. I never brush, only use a wide toothed comb, never use -cones.... vinegar rinses seem to keep my hair really snarl free and more conditioned than conditioner did, so far, although I'm still fairly new to it. Oh yes, and I ALWAYS braid it at night! (it just stays in, I never band it at the end.)

April 26th, 2009, 11:31 PM
My hair is at tailbone when straight, and I have to say that whether my hair tangles more at this length depends on how I am treating it.

If my hair is happy with my current routine, then no it doesn't tangle more, it tangles less. However if it suddenly decides that it needs something different like protein, then it will tangle.

Currently likes what I am doing, which includes baking soda and ACV rinses instead of shampoo. Henna on the roots every 6 weeks or so, and every two to three day oilings on the length with VCO.:D

April 27th, 2009, 12:09 AM
My cone has given me the same result just like it gave me when my hair were shorter. And about tangles i think they have increased a bit more after i reached waist.

April 27th, 2009, 12:12 AM
No. My hair tangles the same at every length. Longer is not any worse. Mostly my hair is silky and does not tangle too much. But once in a long while I will find I have what I call 'hard tangles.' These appear for no apparent reason. My hair will just for a day or two develop nasty tangles, usually in the back, that just seem to lock in place. I have to do thorough finger detangling first, but even this is very difficult. It always feels like I must be ripping hairs out or off, but I don't actually lose hair. My hair feels like there is glue in there, but there is actually nothing. It's a mystery to me. I slowly and carefully detangle very thoroughly. This is when I pull out the fine tooth comb to finish up, to assure that every tangle is out. Then it does not happen for a year or so. I figure it's just a 'weird hair' attack, and don't worry too much about it.

I don't use cones at all. I'm mostly CO, but I'm experimenting with Indian herbal washing right now. So far, so good. However I wash, I don't condition, but just end up with a vinegar or citric acid rinse, which does not need to be washed out, and my hair is happy. :)

April 27th, 2009, 03:05 AM
I actually have fewer tangles, but I suspect that's because over the last few years I've gone from wearing my hair up about half the time and down or in a low ponytail with a barrette the rest of the time, to wearing my hair up most of the time and down only once or twice a month.

The one thing I found did kick in at about waist was the 'if you don't separate your hair all the way down the shaft with every couple of braid bumps, it will start braiding itself up from the bottom' phenomenon.

April 27th, 2009, 03:42 AM
Mine gets my tangly as it gets longer because thats where all the chemicals are. My virgin hair is relativly tangle free and it begins to feel rougher as it goes down. I remember when I had completly virgin hair (apl length) it was always tangle free all the way down. It would be so lovley to be like that again :D

April 27th, 2009, 05:44 AM
actually mine has most tangles when it was shorter, now its heavier and down, but it pretty much depends on how well its moisturized rather than how long it is.

April 27th, 2009, 05:46 AM
Only as you'd expect, there being more of it.

April 27th, 2009, 08:17 AM
It tangles just as much as it did when it was bsl or shorter for me. But my hair was like that even as a child. Given the chance it would form one big rat nest at the back. I just make sure that when it's loose I finger comb it a couple times during the day otherwise it's just to much.

April 27th, 2009, 08:31 AM
I don't think my hair gets tangled more due to the length (mine's roughly 38ish - about tail bone on me). I get my hair trimmed every 6 months, by the fifth month I notice a lot of tangling - sadly I'm too thick (in the head hahaha) to realize what month it is. As soon as I go for a trim, it's awesome - my hair has very few tangles. I just got my hair trimmed Saturday, it's mahvelous! Now in about 5 months I'm going to be trying to figure out what's wrong with my hair (you'd think I'd learn by now :D ).

April 27th, 2009, 08:48 AM
I've actually noticed less tangles, but I think it might be due to taking better care of my hair. When it was kneeish, I had horrid tangles, and there were days that I honestly got tired of brushing it so I just tossed it up into a bee-butt to get it out of the way. In those days I was washing every other day, and using Pantene like crazy, so I don't think the cones helped me with anything truthfully. At any rate, I'm not using cones now and it's even been almost a month since I've used my coney leave-ins.

And maybe my treatment of it while it's wet and when it's loose is helping with tangles too. Of course, I sleep on it loose and dry, so maybe I'm just an exception all the way around, lol.