View Full Version : Thick-haired folk, what do you think of your hairtype?

April 26th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Sometimes I really hate the thickness of my hair. My circumference is a little over 4", and while on the one hand I like the way it looks in a plait or down, on the other hand it drives me mad that I'm past BSL and can do hardly anything with my hair! And the shedding :mad: I'm a F/iii, so I shed more hairs daily than the average person just because I have an excessive number of hairs on my head.

Now, on the other hand, I know that if I had thinner hair I'd probably envy me my hair, because thick hair can look impressive in buns, plaits, etc. In the end, I'm happy with my hair thickness, but sometimes it does drive me mad.

So to the other thickies, what do you think of your hair thickness? Love it? Hate it? Ambivalent?

April 26th, 2009, 10:28 AM
The greater the circumference, generally, the more cohesion; the less the circumference, the easier it is to do updos (to a point). It's a trade off!

I'm just above average in thickness I suppose and I really wish I could wear my hair down more often; while it's voluminous in texture, it separates a lot, and I can't stand it! Thus, voting cheese.

April 26th, 2009, 11:03 AM
My hair is BSL and has a circumference of 3.5" (also, I have bangs). I love having thick hair, but it sure makes buns more of a challenge!

April 26th, 2009, 11:13 AM
I have a little over 4 inches normally, but in the last year especially that has gone down almost an inch. I have had a lot of breakage, but OTOH there's a lot of short hairs on my head right now (so thankfully it's coming back). The hairs are too short to be measured, but I am confident it will be okay again. I had a rough time trying to take care of my hair lately due to health issues, and have treated it much too roughly. My own damn fault.

I've always hated the thickness of my hair when I was much younger. My hair never fit into a barrette for a ponytail and I guess that's part of the reason why it never got longer than BSL, I always had the urge to have it cut short again. There wasn't much I could do with it when it was longer. There were only ponytails and the elastic bands didn't fit well either. Besides that I had problems with it being wavy.

I am thankful that this place exists, that ficcares exist and flexi8s, so the issue with the thick hair has settled. I made my peace with it.

April 26th, 2009, 11:19 AM
When I was younger my hair was just a little over 4 inches circumference, but at that time the only hair styles I knew were ponytails and half-ups. I didn't get into braiding until it was BSL, and didn't do buns until it was waist length.

Now my hair has thinned after having a child and is 3.75 inches in circumference. At my length this gives no problems with buns and most updos, but I think it is too thin for my favorite updos (braids wrapped around my head).

So, I am generally happy with my hair, but would like it if it was a little thicker.

April 26th, 2009, 11:19 AM
The nice thing is that at tailbone I still don't have see-through ends even though I've got quite a bit of taper. The bad thing - sometimes it looks so big and bushy that I can't stand it.

April 26th, 2009, 11:23 AM
My hair is pretty thick. I measured the pony circumference, but I don't remember what it is. Most days I like it, but it can be difficult to get into updos. Just gotta learn to work with it.

April 26th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Most of the time I like it. Sometimes I wish it was a bit thinner so I could have more bumps on my braid. :o But the biggest thing is that summer is arriving (where I live, at least) and at my length, I still can't do a bun.

April 26th, 2009, 11:43 AM
(right around 4") I mostly like it, but I find you need a lot of extra length with very thick hair to do some bun styles...and then there's the weight. I think I would find something to be unhappy about no matter what my hair was like. ;)

akka naeda
April 26th, 2009, 11:46 AM
I like it, in fact generally I could do with it being a bit thicker:), apart from today (and similar occasions) when I have this suspicion that I have got headlice from my daughter and getting a fine toothed comb intact through hair as thick as mine is nigh on impossible.

April 26th, 2009, 11:53 AM
I love the thickness of my hair. My circumference is about 4.25, and seriously, I wouldn't mind having it even thicker.

The downside: Heaps of cool styles I can't do yet. But that'll pass, so who cares? Not me!!!

April 26th, 2009, 12:25 PM
I chose that I sometimes wish my hair were a wee bit thinner. Although I do love the thickness, there are very few buns that will hold securly in my hair. Also it is very heavy on my neck when I wash.

April 26th, 2009, 12:30 PM
My hair is between 4.25 and 4.5 depending on when I measure, and most of the time I love it but other days it drives me insane!
But, I wouldn't trade it :)

April 26th, 2009, 12:31 PM
I love it I wish they were thiicker much thicker. I would go crazy if my hairs got thinner. I love the way thick hairs looks.

April 26th, 2009, 12:43 PM
Mine is 4.25 and this is after loosing about 1/3 of it to a fungal infection. So of course my answer right now is I want it thicker.

The irony is that when I was younger, I was always complaining about how thick it was, how hard it was to get the shampoo on the scalp because it was heavy, etc. So one day when ripping a brush through my hair I had a thought, "Wouldn't it suck if I lost a good bit of my hair and it got really thinned out." Ah well um, careful whatcha wish for kids. I swear I will never take my hair for granted EVER again.

April 26th, 2009, 01:20 PM
My circumference is around 4.5 inches and I'm happy with it. I think it's easier to deal with and doesn't look limp and flat if it isn't recently washed (which is what happens to my sister's thin hair).

I think the only downside is that I get through kirby grips/hair bands really quickly as the weight/width of my hair can bend them out of shape or snap them (and I have occasionally lost grips in my hair and not found them for quite a while after thinking I've got them all out...)

April 26th, 2009, 01:24 PM
rather torn. i love my thickness but it's hard with a layer which i now have above shoulder length because of hormone hair loss when i was pregnant with my youngest which i didn't notice till loads of hair spouted out from no were and now it mushrooms on top on my hair which i had to layer to get it to merge in as i refused to loose the length. getting more manageable as it grows out now "slowly". if it didn't have the layers i'd vote first option but as i have these layer i voted - Generally I like it, but sometimes I wish it were a wee bit thinner

April 26th, 2009, 01:43 PM
One thing I've recently noticed that is kind of cool about having thick hair is that you can't see my scalp at all. Even if I part it, it kind of springs back so that there's no skin visible, just hair. I like that.

As others have said, I wrestle with the weight, drying time, and awesome ability of my hair to defeat hairtoys, but on the whole I like it. I voted "sometimes wish it was a little thinner", because I do. Just a leeetle.

Jules diamond
April 26th, 2009, 02:44 PM
I usually love having thick hair, because I can do more with it when I want to pt things up in a couple of buns, or different half ups, etc. But when it's humid or windy it's terrible to deal with, since there's no relief from it flying all over the place or heating up my back. I don't like wearing it up so much so it poses a problem. But if the weather's okay then the thickness otherwise is a plus.

April 26th, 2009, 09:28 PM
Currently at 4" or so. I used to have slightly thicker before the shed so I actually would have liked it to be a wee bit thicker but I'm fine with it. I don't remember it being too short to bun as I've had waist or longer for years I didn't know you actually could fit all your hair into a barrette until a couple years ago, I though they were for half ups only. :p

April 26th, 2009, 09:47 PM
I have a 5" circumference,which is good in some ways and not so good in others.
My buns are kind of massive,it doesn't look straggly,virtually no taper.But on the other hand,it can look like a horse's mane,I have to have longer hair than most others to do the same kind of hairstyle,and it can get really hot.
For the most part,though,I'm happy with it :)

April 26th, 2009, 10:45 PM
I used to hate it, but I've learning to embrace my tumble of waves. It can have a mind of it's own sometimes, but I've learned to love it as it is. I've also learned to work with it better, so that helps a lot.

April 27th, 2009, 02:07 AM
I have a circumfence of 10 cm (4"?), but I don't think of my hair as thick. In fact, I wish it was thicker. I love the look of a thick braid, and long, thick hair is very beautiful.

The only problem is that with my fine hair, S&D takes a looong time. Also, F/iii means that there are a lot of strands that may (and do, in my case) tangle. Not being able to do up-does is okay. I can wait.

April 27th, 2009, 07:00 AM
My hair has always been thick 4.25 - 4.5

Now with the added length I have ( knee length) it is more of a challenge to have a good comfortable bun. The best thing is the small claw clips so I can distribute the weight.
If my hair was not thick, I would not have it this long though,since I need it to look uniform down to the ends, and somewhat thick.( mine tapers of course)
Drying is harder with thick hair and at the back of my head, it takes a long time to dry.
But I love it and wouldn't trade it.
:DTry this BUN for thick long hair (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OZEDOMF5ek), it's my lifesaver!!

April 27th, 2009, 07:18 AM
I wouldn't change the thickness, but there are some drawbacks...as others have pointed out, the weight and the drying time can get pretty old. Combing/brushing can get obnoxious, and a pure BBB never gets all the way to my scalp. I shed like a cat, too, because I'm blonde and just have a ton of hair to cycle through, I guess.

The only thing I'd really change, I guess, is upgrade from fine to medium strands...the fineness and density of my hair make updos nearly impossible...usually the only hairtoys I can guarantee will stay put are claw clips, and once my hair passes BSL I really can't use them except for half-ups.

April 27th, 2009, 07:40 AM
the fineness and density of my hair make updos nearly impossible...usually the only hairtoys I can guarantee will stay put are claw clips, and once my hair passes BSL I really can't use them except for half-ups.

Same here! The only thing that holds my hair all day is claw clips! Everything else slips or hurts! So glad to find someone who can relate and uses claw clips!!!
Not sure why they don't work after BSL, seems they would still work. I use 6 of them at least! But my hair is more coarse, maybe this is why:confused:

April 27th, 2009, 08:01 AM
Same here! The only thing that holds my hair all day is claw clips! Everything else slips or hurts! So glad to find someone who can relate and uses claw clips!!!

Wow, I thought it was because of the fineness of my hair, how much body it lacked, but you've got much thicker strands than me! Crazy!

I've found shampoo bars can help some hair sticks stay in, but not without readjusting them every hour or so :rolleyes:.

I can't use clips bast about BSL because I just outgrow them...but I see in your photos you use multiple clips, so that makes sense.

April 27th, 2009, 08:20 AM
You know before LHC I never thought of the aesthetics of thick hair. I'm a bit of an odd person though, I don't think of the aesthetics of much of anything - I'm into comfort and ergonomics. hahaha I have never cared what the outside of my car looks like, as long as the inside is comfy I'm a happy camper :D

I never really thought of people having different thicknesses of hair - of course I always knew my hair was thicker than the norm due to wanting hair accessories and never being able to find any that would work for me in the store; but I never really cared - except for the fact that I couldn't use store bought hair accessories. I remember I think it was in the '80's and they came out with unbreakable combs. I was so stoked, I ran out and bought one...it lasted me a week :sad. But of course I also didn't know how to comb my hair either, my bohn comb will last my lifetime I'm sure - unless I lose it.

I've always been intrigued when I see someone can use a barrette to hold all of their hair in a ponytail. I never knew advantages of having thick hair (mine is 4.6") until LHC and trying to grow it. Now that my hair is tail bone, it's still very full on the ends - except it clumps into waves at the tips more than I'd like, that'll probably be lessened once all my layers are the same though.

I voted cheese since I've never really thought of thick or thin hair being pretty, I've always just loved long hair that's well taken care of.

Oh side trip ~

I had to take my freakishly moronic son to court (long story - he's 17 'nuff said) and my hair was in a bun. You have to go through a metal detector and I kept setting it off, the woman took her hands, apologized and squeezed my bun all over the place. It dawned on me that my bun is quite large compared to the norm, I guess it could look like I stuffed something in there :D It was finally determined my earrings were setting off the detector.

April 27th, 2009, 09:13 AM
I guess...if I'm honest I actually love having thick hair. I used to see it as a curse, but now since joining here I sorta came to be thankful for it and really appreciate it, and won't even consider thinning it out now! :)

April 27th, 2009, 09:17 AM
I love my thick hair. I can always find ways to make buns easier to make and I love the look of really thick braids. I find that to be a double plus.

April 27th, 2009, 10:53 AM
I put, i love it but sometimes wish it were a little thinner, but i dont really! :p just sometimes it drives me crazy being so fluffly, taking a day to dry and not being able to do most updo's untill my hair is a lot longer than normal people. 5" circumference here.

April 27th, 2009, 11:16 AM
Oh side trip ~

I had to take my freakishly moronic son to court (long story - he's 17 'nuff said) and my hair was in a bun. You have to go through a metal detector and I kept setting it off, the woman took her hands, apologized and squeezed my bun all over the place. It dawned on me that my bun is quite large compared to the norm, I guess it could look like I stuffed something in there :D It was finally determined my earrings were setting off the detector.

:bigeyes: Your poor hair must have felt SO violated.

April 27th, 2009, 11:23 AM
As much as it annoys me sometimes I still chose the first option, mainly because I like a bit of attention every now and then and with hair this thick in the country of the thin-haired it is relatively easy to get that attention :D

The weird thing about my hair is it actually feels even thicker the lower I go! No matter how well I try to brush it I always feel this 'bump' right above the ends when I run my hands through it. Any of you get this?

April 27th, 2009, 12:00 PM
When hair is long, I love my thickness. A bit hard with buns, and the length is not enough to reach for many dos. But Chinese braided bun is very good, even though braid not reach all the way 'round (I can use the tassel to get it to be able to secure).
At 32.5 I still can't do infinity bun, and orchid bun would like some more length to be secure. Any celtic bun or similar, I can't do either.

When I had shoulder length and made 40's reverse rolls hairdos, it was not very fun. Thick proooiiiinging rolls, and VERY big when curled.
And the slight waves I have, just #%¤&#"%#¤ when having shorter hair and loving symmetrical hair.

April 27th, 2009, 04:52 PM
I wish my hair were thicker and I had even thickness. It used to be thick earlier and I always liked it.

April 28th, 2009, 07:33 AM
I love my hair, and I love the thickness. I just get aggravated that it takes me so much longer to be able to do anything with it. Those are the times when I wish it was thinner. When it gets past that point to where I can put it up and forget about it, I love the thickness! :D

April 28th, 2009, 07:46 AM
I wouldn't mind it being a bit thicker actually. The thickness of my hair tends to be round the sides while the top is normal. I'd like it to be evenly thick, that would be nice.

April 28th, 2009, 07:55 AM
Isn't it funny that most of the time we want something different than what we have? I have come to the place where I love my thick hair! Sure, sometimes it has a mind of it's own, but I see it as an extension of the true me. I'm glad God is creative, and makes us all unique. It would be boring if we all were the same!

April 28th, 2009, 07:58 AM
I love my thick hair.
A stylist (who I no longer see anymore) thinned out my hair using shears, and now the middle to ends of my hair is thin and where it's growing back in near is back to its super-thickness. I can't wait until the thick part is longer so I can cut off the thin ends.
NEVER let anyone approach your head with thinning shears. Learned that the hard way.

April 28th, 2009, 10:14 AM
I love my thick hair.
A stylist (who I no longer see anymore) thinned out my hair using shears, and now the middle to ends of my hair is thin and where it's growing back in near is back to its super-thickness. I can't wait until the thick part is longer so I can cut off the thin ends.
NEVER let anyone approach your head with thinning shears. Learned that the hard way.

Aw, poor you! Those things should be banned. The first person not-my-mom to cut my hair when I was a kid used those all over my head every time.

Isn't that part fun when all the little short thinned hairs start standing straight up like Einstein? Sorry you got hacked. :grouphug:

April 29th, 2009, 08:14 AM
I love how thick my hair is, I really do. I figure it means when I'm older and start to think as people naturally do, I'll still end up with fairly decent (and LONG) grey hair. I love being able to brush my hair with my head facing down and having a huuuge amount of hair when I right myself again hee hee.

Saying that, it can be a pain when it comes to hair toys, I've snapped so many hair bands and sticks in the past (when my hair was long before years ago). It when you have a hair band twisted round twice, which is too loose, yet getting it round three times just leads to that straining feeling and the inevitable 'twang' at some point when it gives up.

April 29th, 2009, 03:29 PM
My hair is BSL and has a circumference of 3.5" (also, I have bangs). I love having thick hair, but it sure makes buns more of a challenge!

The nice thing is that at tailbone I still don't have see-through ends even though I've got quite a bit of taper. The bad thing - sometimes it looks so big and bushy that I can't stand it.

(right around 4") I mostly like it, but I find you need a lot of extra length with very thick hair to do some bun styles...and then there's the weight. I think I would find something to be unhappy about no matter what my hair was like. ;)

Ditto- I experience the same issues. . .

April 29th, 2009, 03:32 PM
Buns can definitely be a problem. My hair has a TON of slip, too, which doesn't help.

But that's ok. Lots of giant roller pins, I haven't even bothered with bobby pins since my hair went past bsl. Those are a joke.

April 29th, 2009, 03:38 PM
I'm a F/iii, so I shed more hairs daily than the average person just because I have an excessive number of hairs on my head.

I can calm your mind, you do not shed more because you have more hair :lol:
It is different for everyone no matter what the number of hairs on your head. People that shed more ~can~ experience more taper sooner but there is both, many thickies and thinnies like that :)


Ok I guess I do count as "close to a bit thicker?" I'm at 3.9" right now, sometimes around 4"..
My hair is supersleek and it compresses so well you would not believe it. Dry, wet and oily are all the same..^^
Therefore I like some extra hairs, maybe even a tad more than I have now. But in general I would just be superhappy if my hair tapered more slowly.

April 30th, 2009, 09:16 AM
I really like the thickness of my hair, it makes a difference from all the kids with thin limp hair that you see. I like the slightly bonkers look that it gives me too. :silly: The lack of ability to style my hair is not a problem for me because I'm a lad. I would funny walking about with an updo :p I would like a bit less frizz, but it comes with the territory in curly heads.

April 30th, 2009, 04:50 PM
Mine is a little over 5" thick and for the most part I love it! I like how it looks in braids and buns but it is a annoying that at lower BSL I still can't do a figure eight, infinity or most other updos. It can also be very time consuming to care for but overall, I wouldn't change it at all!

April 30th, 2009, 05:10 PM
I really like having thick hair but I wouldn't want it any thicker because it pulls heavy on my scalp. I would trade half my thickness to less taper:rolleyes:

April 30th, 2009, 05:22 PM
This thread has confirmed for me that thick hair is, in fact, completely awesome (although not without difficulties). Wish I had some! :D

May 1st, 2009, 01:43 AM
I like my hair most of the time, but since my hair is rather short and thick, i can't really do any up do's which annoys me sometimes.

May 20th, 2009, 02:05 PM
I like how my thick hair looks, but sometimes it's a lot of work. My detangling sessions average 90-120 minutes (once a week) and during wash day, I'm usually wishing I had less dense hair.

May 20th, 2009, 02:30 PM
I like how my thick hair looks, but sometimes it's a lot of work. My detangling sessions average 90-120 minutes (once a week) and during wash day, I'm usually wishing I had less dense hair.

Definitely the main drawback! I put detangling day off for 2 weeks sometimes :o which only means I spend more time detangling...

May 21st, 2009, 12:52 PM
I'm an ex-thickhair because I've shed a lot but when it used to be thick, it was really thick. It annoyed me because updos never worked and it was really hot in the summer when I wore my hair down.
Now I kind of miss my thickness. :/

May 21st, 2009, 01:09 PM
I love my thickness. Which doesn't mean I don't see any drawbacks. Number one is that my scalp freaks out easier - it can hardly breathe underneath all the hair. Contemporary, 'fashionable' hairstyles are also much easier with thinner hair, in my opinion. I've never had a sassy little ponytail because all the weight dragged it down immediately. And French twists, or at least the imitations I manage, look a bit ridiculous on me.

Still - I would never trade it! It's my one bodily feature that I always liked.

May 21st, 2009, 04:38 PM
Definitely the main drawback! I put detangling day off for 2 weeks sometimes :o which only means I spend more time detangling...

That was me this past couple of weeks. It is really not a good idea!

May 21st, 2009, 07:30 PM
I love my thick hair. I used to hate it when it was shorter (because it would look "poofy" and weird), but now it looks great... and I've realised I do not want thinner hair. I recently got bangs, and I've also shed a lot lately, so I definitely feel a difference in circumference when I hold my ponytail, and I don't like it at all. It's still thick though, but I want it to feel as thick as it used to.

Even though I used to wish for thinner hair when it was shorter, I always felt kind of proud anyway when people told my how thick my hair was and how jealous they were (and I still do, of course, now that I've grown to love my thick hair).

May 21st, 2009, 07:53 PM
Love it, but it's so heavy! (And I shed like mad, too, being a F/iii as well.)

May 21st, 2009, 08:26 PM
My hair is nearly 4 1/2 inches in circumfrence, and it doesn't bother me. It doesn't feel heavy, and it doesn't seem to affect my updos, but I'm an updo klutz anyway. It does look bushy occasionally, but I tend to flaunt it.

May 21st, 2009, 10:37 PM
Mine is 4.5 after being thinned. Really regretting it now, but I was getting BAD headaches.

It bums me out sometimes, because I see such fabulous hairstyles on here that I so badly want to do as well, but my hair just won't let me sometimes... :(

May 21st, 2009, 10:54 PM
Ok, silly question. Is the circumfrence you're all measuring , that of a basic cinnamon bun?

No, that of a pony-tail, minus elastic. The diameter of my cinnamon bun is more than 4 in, so that would make the circumference somewhere around 13 in. My pony-tail circumference is somewhere just above 4 in.

May 21st, 2009, 11:25 PM
No, that of a pony-tail, minus elastic. The diameter of my cinnamon bun is more than 4 in, so that would make the circumference somewhere around 13 in. My pony-tail circumference is somewhere just above 4 in.

Doh! I was hoping I fixed that post before anyone saw!! :p

May 22nd, 2009, 12:13 AM
Doh! I was hoping I fixed that post before anyone saw!! :p

XDD Feh, no worries. Circumferences are hard things to think in terms of. Diameters are far easier.

Gothic Lolita
May 22nd, 2009, 12:55 AM
I like my thickness! Sometimes I even wish it was a bit thicker but then I'm reminded that certain updos would take even longer hair to be achieved. That cures me quickly!

May 22nd, 2009, 07:01 AM
I love my thick hair at longer lengths like now but really hate it at say APL or shorter. It's a total annoyance. Now I like that my braids are still thick and my ends too at waist length. I also think about how it will be (hopefully) when I get older and most people's hair starts thinning that I will maybe have enough to not be so thin. :pray:

May 24th, 2009, 03:42 PM
I had to take my freakishly moronic son to court (long story - he's 17 'nuff said) and my hair was in a bun. You have to go through a metal detector and I kept setting it off, the woman took her hands, apologized and squeezed my bun all over the place. It dawned on me that my bun is quite large compared to the norm, I guess it could look like I stuffed something in there :D It was finally determined my earrings were setting off the detector.

I would have been positively furious. Seriously, if anyone ever did that to me, I'd probably lose it right there and break their hand or something. I'd be irritated at having to take it down, but I'd rather take it down than have some random security person with grubby hands (because they touch, by necessity, everything) touch my hair.

May 24th, 2009, 04:35 PM
I love it most of the time, but in the summer it can get annoying. Plus the detangling xS
I solved it with getting an undercut, went from 6" to 5", and it's easier to handle now. :P

May 24th, 2009, 06:19 PM
I would have been positively furious. Seriously, if anyone ever did that to me, I'd probably lose it right there and break their hand or something. I'd be irritated at having to take it down, but I'd rather take it down than have some random security person with grubby hands (because they touch, by necessity, everything) touch my hair.

I'm sure if you'd considered it that much of a problem, she would not have been upset about you letting your hair down to demonstrate there was nothing in it.

May 25th, 2009, 08:13 AM
I'm a smidge above 4"

Generally I like how much hair I've got NOW. Back when it was shorter and I'd wear it loose alot more often, due to my wave (and not knowing how wavy it actually was) my hair had a tendency to get wild and bushy. Attempts to control it only made things worse, and when people said I had "wild" hair it was not meant in a complimentary way. However, I always liked my hair and felt that it was more a blessing than a curse.

At the moment it's in a single braid which doesn't start noticeably tapering until about.. since it's in a TIGHT braid its majorly shrunken.. so I'd guess about mid-thigh length. That in my opinion is the best thing about having alot of hair and a long growth cycle - the lack of taper.

Thickness PLUS length poses additional challenges.

Weight distribution can be an absolute nightmare. Three strands pulling the wrong way can make an updo fail. I also have to combine toys for maximum stability - beak clips must be secured with a hair tie over the updo, and more often than not I have to use two toys for stability. The keys for getting all this hair to stay put is a solid base, and my favorite tool - knitting needles. They make the best sticks (thin and light) and if you bend them in half, they make the best forks. The type of hair ties I use are those ones that are made out of nylon stockings that don't have any glue or metal, and more often than not I have to stretch them out by hand several stretches before I can use them - two wraps is too loose, three is painful on the fingertips to complete. If I need to buy new ones, I'm consciously aware of others watching me test the stretchyness of hair ties before I buy a pack (the stretchier the better). I try not to be too obvious, but still, I have to.

May 28th, 2009, 04:05 AM
I used to think, maybe it would be nicer if it was a bit thinner. I had vitamin deficiencies and so, my hair got a bit thinner. I hate it, 'cause 1) now it's thinner 2)still can't do those particular hairstyles.

I'm very happy that my thickness is coming back, I don't mind it at all. And now, at least I'm genuinely loving it. All hairtypes have their problems. I'm just happy that it looks thick and full when it hangs loose :)

May 28th, 2009, 04:20 AM
I love my thickness! If it wouldn't be this thick, nobody would notice my hair, since it's only slightly past BSL. But now, people comment on my thick curly hair, because it's just MORE.

So Yes, I love it(:

May 28th, 2009, 04:22 AM
Hate it with a passion. My circumference is 5" and up and it makes styling almost impossible, even at BSL. I can't wear any regular hairtoys (I can't wrap a jaw clip around all my hair, for example, never mind use one to hold it up) and it looks horrendous down because instead of having hair lying on my back/shoulders, I have hair lying on hair lying on YET MORE HAIR. Given the chance, I'd switch my hair to average thickness in an instant.

May 28th, 2009, 02:57 PM
I used to think, maybe it would be nicer if it was a bit thinner. I had vitamin deficiencies and so, my hair got a bit thinner. I hate it, 'cause 1) now it's thinner 2)still can't do those particular hairstyles.

I'm very happy that my thickness is coming back, I don't mind it at all. And now, at least I'm genuinely loving it. All hairtypes have their problems. I'm just happy that it looks thick and full when it hangs loose :)

Same with me. When I was younger I was always complaining about how thick my hair was. Due to a crappy fungal infection I've lost about 30% of my hair. Its slowly coming back now but, it made me be thankful for what I have/had.

January 19th, 2016, 10:40 PM
Glad to have thick hair even if at times it takes ages to dry and many hair clips/combs wont fit due to too much hair,but happy with what i got.

January 20th, 2016, 05:30 PM
Even when my hair is at hip, I can still barely make a bun from a french braid (hair is very coarse on top of being thick). So there's that. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I like that my hair can get really long and still not look scraggly.

January 20th, 2016, 05:45 PM
I love having thick hair. I do like having it layered, to bring out the waves. Having thick hair reassures me that if I do face hair loss, I'll have some time to fight it before it gets too bad.

My hair is also coarse and wiry and tough so it survives abuse well.

January 20th, 2016, 05:46 PM
My hair measures in at a circumference of about 4.5-5" so not super thick but I love it! I used to hate it when I was younger and was so envious of the girls with fine, shiny hair that you could ruffle with your hands but I've had a change of :heart:. I actually wish my hair was a little bit thicker :laugh: but I am happy with what I've been given and will treasure it while I still have it :bluesmile

January 20th, 2016, 05:54 PM
I love my thick hair, though it's on the thinner end of thick at 4.25". I love not having scalp cleavage. love the way it looks thick - my two gripes with it are that it's much too hot to wear it down in summer - it feels like wearing a sheepskin coat - and also, I lost a third of my thickness in a shed and though the thickness is returning, it will take years to reach my ends, and for that I am sad. Otherwise I am very happy with it. (Apart from needing another foot or two in length :lol:)

January 21st, 2016, 01:45 AM
I also have the trouble of my hair making me hot in summer, but it makes up for it by keeping me warm in winter! In summer I wear it in two braids; some people think I look like a 12 yr old, but I really don't care. So long as I'm comfortable with a minimum of effort, that's all that matters to me.

I measured my hair today and the circumference was 4⅛" (11cm). That's not counting the hair that gets ripped out by my cheap plastic brush and my impatience.

I do find it difficult to style my hair, because it's heavy and my arms get tired, because it tends to not fit in most hair accessories, and because the wrong weight distribution (such as a ponytail coming straight out the back) gives me a headache. And then there's my pet peeve: I can't do a full ponytail with a size S FlexiClip, because I just can't cram my hair into it no matter how I try (and I've tried many times); it always feels like it should work, but is just barely too much. But when I use the size M clip, it slides down. So, I evidently need either slightly thinner hair, slightly thicker hair, or a FlexiClip between small and medium!

On the whole, though, I like the thickness of my hair. I like how it looks and feels so substantial. I like how it has volume without needing to be fluffed up. And (I just found this out today!), I like how I can make a good-size bun with a half-up, and still have a decent cascade of hair going down! I took a picture, but I can't add attachments yet, and I don't have it uploaded anywhere to link to. :-(

January 21st, 2016, 05:56 PM
Here's the aforementioned picture, sorry it's a little blurry and not very good lighting, but you get the idea.


January 21st, 2016, 07:03 PM
Here's the aforementioned picture, sorry it's a little blurry and not very good lighting, but you get the idea.


Wow thats lovely hair you've got :)

January 22nd, 2016, 11:26 AM
I put mine down as ii/iii, it's just over 4.25". It can be a lot to manage sometimes and there were a few times in my teens when I wished the hair wasn't so big but mostly I'm happy with it. I'm not the one with the thickest hair in the family, I'd be average to them.

January 23rd, 2016, 09:52 AM
Since I have long hair, I'm happy with my thickness of ~4". It is less obvious when my ends get scraggly. The downsides are longer drytime and that it may be too hot to wear down when the temperature is in the 80s F.

January 24th, 2016, 12:40 AM
Here's the aforementioned picture, sorry it's a little blurry and not very good lighting, but you get the idea.


Very pretty hair, languagenut! I love the half up half down style :heart:

Lady Menelwen
January 26th, 2016, 12:16 AM
I measured my hair and I have a 5 in (12.7 cm)! No wonder I boil in the Texas heat every summer!

I like it. I could be like my mother and very thin, fine hair and it'd just not be a happy time for me.

January 26th, 2016, 05:53 PM
I'm a iii, my ponytail is usually between 4.5" and 5, when my hair is long. Now that I've just made it to ponytail (from pixie) :cheer: and not all my ends meet the actual ponytail the cicumference is not as big. I've always loved having very thick hair....even if it does quite a bit longer to get to the point where you can really do a variety of up dos and braids. :cheer:

January 26th, 2016, 06:02 PM
I can't post pics just yet, but I updated my profile pic to show my newly developing ponytail, and its relative thickness. I'm so happy to have my ponytail again, and very happy to be amongst those who understand!

January 26th, 2016, 06:03 PM
Oh well, it didn't update after all. Please pardon the newbness...ack! I'll get this down.

January 26th, 2016, 07:28 PM
String cheese?

I used to wish my hair was thin when I was into J-Fashion and saw all these girls doing cute pigtails and tiny little braids at the side of their hair and just in general all these hairstyles that for some reason look way better on thin hair. I also thought that thin hair = always silky and no tangles, which isn't true. Now I really like my thick hair because I hope to be an old lady with long gray hair and the more i have now the less I have to worry about thinning hair in old age... maybe? Sometimes i even wish it was thicker! But that'd be biting off more than i could chew.

February 4th, 2016, 01:25 PM
Usually I only hate it when I try to put it up and I end up looking like a xenomorph. It's why I tend to stay away from any french twist variations. I'm also very particular when wrapping my hair in a scarf. Other than that, it's wonderful and I love it.