View Full Version : Poll of Hair Length on Men's Long Hair Hyperboard

April 24th, 2009, 09:44 PM
Here are the current unofficial results of the hair length poll on the Men's Long Hair Hyperboard:

Short 0
Collar length 2
Touching shoulders 14
Mid back 18
Low back 6
Waist 8 (includes me)
Tailbone 0
Classic 5
Mid-thigh 1 (Justin)
Knee length 1 (Absalom)
Mid-calf 0
Ankle length 0

I suspect some of the "low back" answers should be waist length, and the lack of anyone at tailbone when there are several at classic is weird, not to say suspect.

Absalom appears here sometimes I think, and although Justin doesn't I think he is currently president or something at MLHH, and notable as one of the outliers with the longer hair. DavidN and Jason, who you know well, are in these results too.

Perhaps we should do a poll with the same categories for comparison, maybe also with male and female check boxes (I think there is at least one female in these "men's" results, but it is not one of the longer lengths). Can we do all that, or is that too many buttons and boxes?

April 25th, 2009, 02:16 AM
Ah I'd forgotten about that board :) Never posted on it but is how I found this one ages ago.
You could make a test post in the support forum or something, or maybe it's possible to edit your current post with a poll, to see how many options you can fit.

Mines just a little past shoulder length at the moment, I've never measured it properly though.

April 25th, 2009, 03:55 AM
Thank you for posting these results, Alun, and in fact it was through the men's hyperboard that I eventually learned about the existance of the LHC, when Jason told me about this community in January 2007.

Although Justin used to be president, he decided to step down about a year ago, but he is still a moderator. It would be great if he could join the LHC at some time in the future.

Once in a blue moon, I do see Absalom post on the LHC, and wish he were a little more active here, since he has a lot of knowledge to offer.

In answer to your post, my AVERAGE length is around mid back length, varying in length depending on wavy/curly it is due to humidity.

April 26th, 2009, 07:41 AM
Thank you for posting these results, Alun, and in fact it was through the men's hyperboard that I eventually learned about the existance of the LHC, when Jason told me about this community in January 2007.

Although Justin used to be president, he decided to step down about a year ago, but he is still a moderator. It would be great if he could join the LHC at some time in the future.

Once in a blue moon, I do see Absalom post on the LHC, and wish he were a little more active here, since he has a lot of knowledge to offer.

In answer to your post, my AVERAGE length is around mid back length, varying in length depending on wavy/curly it is due to humidity.
I'm here, David. I was very busy on that hair length thread. I tabulated the results and the 50th percentile is just past mid back length. I will post it soon on MLHH.


April 26th, 2009, 10:10 AM
I'm here, David. I was very busy on that hair length thread. I tabulated the results and the 50th percentile is just past mid back length. I will post it soon on MLHH.

Hi Absalom, do you think you could post a picture of the various lengths in the poll? I'm not sure where shoulder blade and midback are.

April 26th, 2009, 11:06 AM
LHC already has the Non-trimmers measure-in (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=2188) and Trimmers measure-in (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=2187) sticky threads.

My assumption is that these threads haven't been converted to polls (with tabulated results) because the board's software views voting as something that happens once, rather than a periodic survey.

Or perhaps we don't want to give the impression of having a length contest. :twocents:

April 26th, 2009, 07:49 PM
I'm sort of a member of the board too. xD; I've been lax in posting there; usually I only post if someone asks a questions about oiling or curly hair...

And that 'short' option is kind of relative. Was it asked if that was anything above collar?