View Full Version : People are finally getting it!!!

wolf girl
April 23rd, 2009, 11:06 AM
Here (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30337386/) is an article from MSNBC about how not using shampoo can actually be good for your hair. :rolleyes: I guess the author has been:eye: spying on us!

April 23rd, 2009, 11:15 AM
They even mentioned ACV rinses!

I'm surprised, actually. I rarely see articles like this that aren't tongue in cheek, or start out sounding like they're announcing a new lineup at a Coney Island Carnival.

"Sssstep right up, ladies and gentlemen, and feast your eyes on our latest attraction! She's savage, she's fierce, she's DIRTY, she's.... the woman who doesn't use shampoo!"


April 23rd, 2009, 11:22 AM
Wow this time I think they FINALLY got it. I find it very humerous that they think this is a "new" concept :crazyq:

April 23rd, 2009, 11:43 AM
Interesting read, but I won't be ditching shampoo. Not in my line of work ;) :D

April 23rd, 2009, 01:03 PM
Jeeesh :o That's a laugh, I remember seeing a sort of documentary movie about not washing hair and not washing at all and the bad side effect of all the commercial hygiene products... I don't recall it's name though...

April 23rd, 2009, 01:08 PM
Isn't it great to see stuff that's used here mentioned in other places? Even if they do act like it's a "new" thing, at least it will get more people thinking about alternative methods! :D

April 23rd, 2009, 01:15 PM
Oh yeah! :cheese:

But I do agree with the: "But many dermatologists, including Dr. Wilma Bergfeld of the Cleveland Clinic, are skeptical of the no-poo idea. She's mostly concerned that some might take the idea too far, failing to adequately remove scalp oil and subsequently inviting millions of microbes to a delicious feast. (That's when things can start to get smelly.)"
If people go no poo and do it all wrong, they can end up with quite a hair disaster.

April 23rd, 2009, 01:30 PM
These articles have been popping up a lot lately. Maybe one day I will be able to tell my friends that I was wash my hair once every couple of weeks without them get totally grossed out :P

April 23rd, 2009, 01:51 PM
Oh that's so refreshing to read!

It still won't change much, but if one person converts it's worth it.

Europeans and Australians have a more lax attitude toward shampooing, but in the U.S., the thought of going more than 48 hours without shampoo makes many squirm.

Where does this impression come from? Here at least you're lucky to find people who don't wash every other day.

April 23rd, 2009, 02:10 PM
Oh that's so refreshing to read!

It still won't change much, but if one person converts it's worth it.

Where does this impression come from? Here at least you're lucky to find people who don't wash every other day.

It is a bit laxer here than in Canada. Most people I knew at school in Canada shampooed (or claimed to do so in order to not seem like a dirty hippy, though what's wrong with hippies escapes me) daily, whereas most people I know here shampoo every other day, but aren't grossed out at the thought of occasionally going every three days.

I think the difference to which the article was referring is that in North America, daily is the norm, and less than every other day is "gross", whilst in Europe every other day is the norm, and less than every three days is "gross".

April 23rd, 2009, 02:35 PM
They even mentioned ACV rinses!

I'm surprised, actually. I rarely see articles like this that aren't tongue in cheek, or start out sounding like they're announcing a new lineup at a Coney Island Carnival.

"Sssstep right up, ladies and gentlemen, and feast your eyes on our latest attraction! She's savage, she's fierce, she's DIRTY, she's.... the woman who doesn't use shampoo!"


LOL. :D That's very funny. Do we belong in the Ringling Bros. circus?

April 23rd, 2009, 02:47 PM
Wow! I wonder if the author is a LHC member.

If you havn't read peoples comments to the story here is the link:

April 23rd, 2009, 03:11 PM
It is a bit laxer here than in Canada. Most people I knew at school in Canada shampooed (or claimed to do so in order to not seem like a dirty hippy, though what's wrong with hippies escapes me) daily, whereas most people I know here shampoo every other day, but aren't grossed out at the thought of occasionally going every three days.

I think the difference to which the article was referring is that in North America, daily is the norm, and less than every other day is "gross", whilst in Europe every other day is the norm, and less than every three days is "gross".
I really really really don't get this. Yes, there are people who have quite oily scalps, that can't go a day without washing. But it's not everybody! I don't think people who have dry scalps that don't get oily that fast will waste their time and money when their hair is perfectly fine and 'clean'. As a person with a scalp that don't get oily even on day 7, I can tell it's fairly intuitive thing to save yourself the bother and not wash your hair when it doesn't require washing.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:16 PM
I really really really don't get this. Yes, there are people who have quite oily scalps, that can't go a day without washing. But it's not everybody! I don't think people who have dry scalps that don't get oily that fast will waste their time and money when their hair is perfectly fine and 'clean'. As a person with a scalp that don't get oily even on day 7, I can tell it's fairly intuitive thing to save yourself the bother and not wash your hair when it doesn't require washing.

What makes even less sense are the people I've gone to summer camps with who only wash their hair once a week at camp, but wouldn't dream of doing that during the year. I don't understand this because if you haven't got a problem with washing weekly at camp, and you know your hair doesn't get greasy like that, why would you wash it more often than necessary?

April 23rd, 2009, 03:18 PM
Makes me tempted to try no poo again. I never gave CO a long enough chance, and I think I as using the wrong conditioner for the job. It is good to know alternative methods of haircare are slowly being unstigmatized.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:19 PM
You know, the stuff that we LHC-ers take for granted as "obvious" is not so obvious in most of the rest of the world. We're only a small population of the world, and not everyone reads our articles and posts here, or comes to us for advice. Especially if they LIKE shorter hair, and don't feel that we of the long-haired variety have any advice to offer them, hair-wise. The idea of not shampooing as often actually being BETTER for your hair was something that was foreign to me as well before joining LHC and being in better company. I always washed every other day, shampoo and conditioner, and was happy with it. I'm MORE happy without the poo, but hey, it was new to ME until October of '08. Just sayin.... ;)

April 23rd, 2009, 03:24 PM
What makes even less sense are the people I've gone to summer camps with who only wash their hair once a week at camp, but wouldn't dream of doing that during the year. I don't understand this because if you haven't got a problem with washing weekly at camp, and you know your hair doesn't get greasy like that, why would you wash it more often than necessary?
That's just silly.
I don't know, I've always washed my hair once a week, just the last couple of years it got up to 2 times a week. I'm still alive.
But there again, I don't live in the USA. :doh:

April 23rd, 2009, 03:28 PM
That's just silly.
I don't know, I've always washed my hair once a week, just the last couple of years it got up to 2 times a week. I'm still alive.
But there again, I don't live in the USA. :doh:

I do know two Canadians who both wash once a week, but they're both rather European in their outlook on many things (both of them have lived in France for several months) and both of them are hardcore campers.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:36 PM
I do know two Canadians who both wash once a week, but they're both rather European in their outlook on many things (both of them have lived in France for several months) and both of them are hardcore campers.
Well, I'm European, but not a hardcore camper for sure. :p
I think that people with really dry hair/scalp like me are really a minority, so the social norm goes by everybody else, who do need to was their hair more often (unless they push it LHC style :D).

wolf girl
April 24th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Wow! I wonder if the author is a LHC member.

I wondered that myself. If not a member, maybe a lurker.

April 24th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Quick! Hide! Someone is spying on us!

April 24th, 2009, 11:34 AM
This comment from the link LHGypsyRose gave really made me laugh:

When your scalp produces oils, it smells. When you workout and add sweat to those oils: it smells even worse. I wonder if these people doing the experiment have lost their sense of smell. Also, if you can't wash out those oils and sweat with shampoo on a routinely basis, your hair not only smells but it also looks greasy!

April 24th, 2009, 06:46 PM
This comment from the link LHGypsyRose gave really made me laugh:

:laugh: Yeah, this person is definitely NOT a LHC member.:D

April 24th, 2009, 07:33 PM
Oh that's so refreshing to read!
Where does this impression come from? Here at least you're lucky to find people who don't wash every other day.

Don't'cha know, an Englishman only bathes ev'ry ovver monf, guv? H'ain't 'elfy to do it more offen!

April 25th, 2009, 07:46 AM
Enfys mentioned this, but I'll mention this again.

Europeans and Australians have a more lax attitude toward shampooing, but in the U.S., the thought of going more than 48 hours without shampoo makes many squirm.

What the?

I'm pretty sure that the hair washing frequency in Australia is no different to that stated for the U.S.

April 25th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Very cool! I was at a store with a friend yesterday and she was eyeing all the hair products and I told her I just used Indian herbs now. Her eyes kind of glazed over and it didn't really sink in.

April 25th, 2009, 04:22 PM
I think it's great that people are doing what's best for their hair. As for me and my chronic scalp issues, if I don't wash everyday, I feel GROSS and itchy and my hair sheds because I end up scratching it so much. So I wash every day, but kudos to those who don't (and are clean)!

April 25th, 2009, 07:04 PM
How can not washing hair be a stigma or seen as dirty anyway when one of the main classic movie excuses for getting out of a date Friday night was "I'll be washing my hair"...Isn't that how we roll?

April 25th, 2009, 10:44 PM
It's great to see an article promoting healthy hair care, and not a negative stigma to be seen!

April 25th, 2009, 10:48 PM
I'm perfectly happy to dilute my shampoo and skip an extra day before washing, but the idea of never shampooing my hair makes me go "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"

April 26th, 2009, 01:15 AM
By the way, I love arguing with one of my friends about hair care, because she like me is very hair conscious, but she uses a lot of hair products on the contrary to my hair regime, She still thinks I will end up with stinky rasta looking hair by the end of the summer just because I'm on WO. I love proving her wrong :P

April 26th, 2009, 01:17 AM
They even mentioned ACV rinses!

I'm surprised, actually. I rarely see articles like this that aren't tongue in cheek, or start out sounding like they're announcing a new lineup at a Coney Island Carnival.

"Sssstep right up, ladies and gentlemen, and feast your eyes on our latest attraction! She's savage, she's fierce, she's DIRTY, she's.... the woman who doesn't use shampoo!"


Too funny, and quite accurate too!