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View Full Version : How often do you cut your hair? (when you are trying to grow it)

April 22nd, 2009, 06:03 PM
Hi there, I am new to this site. I am loving what I see! So much great info. I am also a henna user & have been for 1 year 2 months. I used to use boxed colors becuase i started greying at 16 (now 32). So my hair had a lot of damage.
I used to go for haircuts every 8 weeks but since hennaing, it seemed my hair felt pretty good (not too dry at the ends) right up until recently. It was 5 months! That is the longest I have ever gone between trims. Anyway, just wondering how long most of you go for trims when you are still growing it? My hair is just at shoulder length & I would like it to get very long.

Also, are most of you continually adding length to your hair or have some of you reached your goal length & just trim to maintain?

I went for a haircut for the first time in 5 months & the hairdresser commented on how 'rich & vibrant"the color was. wondered what i used. she also said, you must flat iron your hair? i said no...mostly just let it air dry (unless i am going out somewhere special). she was just floored at the condition. nice to have those responses from hairdressers.

April 22nd, 2009, 06:20 PM
It depends on the feel of the ends of my hair really. I don't have a set distance of time between trims, but I'd say I trim roughly 8-12 months apart.

April 22nd, 2009, 06:29 PM
Hello and welcome to the community!:) Isn't henna great?! I love it too and wish I could still use it.
Anyway, I have never really had a set time for trims but it usually ends up happening to many times in one year, and several inches each time. I trim way too much (it's a habit). I will now work on trimming only a 1/2 inch every 3 months..hopefully this will still keep my ends healthy and thick. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this wonderful place:D

April 22nd, 2009, 06:32 PM
I went over 3 years without trimming at all. I didn't take scissors to my hair during that time. No S&D, nothing. I ended up taking about 6 inches off at the end of that to get rid of thin ends.

Now I trim about 1-2 inches every 6 months. My hair seems to grow back before I can even miss it! o.O

April 22nd, 2009, 06:40 PM
Hello and welcome!! I only trim my ends when I feel they need it. I'd say maybe once or twice a year maybe more if they are really starting to bug me, and even than only a micro trim at best.

April 22nd, 2009, 06:41 PM
I don't cut my hair. I'll probably trim it though when it gets longer.

April 22nd, 2009, 06:41 PM
When I started off my hair was about at collar length - that was June 2007. I don't really cut my hair - I just cut the very tips off - or at the most 1/4". I would do that about every 3 months. My hair now is about 24"

April 22nd, 2009, 06:50 PM
I visit the salon when I notice tangles near the end, or any splits. If it is looking "blah", I know it's time.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:14 PM
Uggg. I trimmed mine tonight because it has been well over a year. It looks fine down, but when it is up, my nice cascade of excess hair that I let go from the bun now looks all bristly like a makeup brush. I hope it won't take long for the harsh looking edge to soften with growth.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:19 PM
It's been a year for me. I shall need one soon.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:26 PM
I just looked at your pics and I love your color. What kind of henna do you use?

April 22nd, 2009, 08:26 PM
I am growing from a pixie since 2004. I did have bangs maintained and 2 hair cuts sometime during 2005 because I wanted a style and I was not trying to grow my hair long.

So 2005 was my last time. I then decided to go terminal and leave it alone. About a month ago I got scissors to S&D with because as it grew past BSL I began to notice white dots and splits for the first time. I may trim later but right now I am doing S&D exclusively, every few nights.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:31 PM
I haven't cut since December-ish, and the last time I did, the lady insisted she take off 2 inches and thin my hair out... Going to try to limit myself to a half inch trim every 6 months plus S&D on occasion for now.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:32 PM
I trim whenever my ends start getting noticeably rough or tangled and clarifying/conditioning/oiling doesn't help. This usually ends up being 3-4 times per year. I think a better name would be a "dusting" since I barely cut anything -- literally a few millimeters max. On top of that, it's mostly just at the back; the hair on the sides and front doesn't get very tangled. I don't even notice a difference in the length, just fewer tangles.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:53 PM
HI there, I use Jamilia 2008 (started out with 2007 but now am into the 2008 batch). It is fantastic! I get it from Henna Sooq out of Quebec. http://www.hennasooq.com/usa-store/ You can order from usa or canada. Here's another link that carries the Jamilia 2008. It may be called something else though.

It's fantastic stuff. My hair is in much better condition than it was prior to henna.

April 22nd, 2009, 08:57 PM
Hi Suldrun, I have a few questions for you about abreviations.
you wrote:
"decided to go terminal and leave it alone."

What exactly does terminal mean?

"About a month ago I got scissors to S&D with because as it grew past BSL"

What does "S&D" stand for ?

" right now I am doing S&D exclusively, every few nights."

forgive my ignorance, thanks,

April 22nd, 2009, 09:07 PM
S&D is search and destroy. It is when you just go through the ends of your hair and only cut off the white dot or splits.

And terminal, in regards to hair, just means the the longest length your hair can genetically grow to.

I think I trim maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch off every 6-12 months. I find that my hair just doesn't get all that damaged at the ends.

April 22nd, 2009, 09:26 PM
Hi cleanbug, and welcome :)

I cut off my dreadlocks in early 2007 and then had my last salon haircut November 2007 to even things out. So no scissors near my head now for 17 months and I have no plans for a trim anytime soon....I am just growing out the silvers nice and long.

April 22nd, 2009, 09:29 PM
I used to trim every 6-8 weeks and got 4.75 inches of growth per year. Then I trimmed every 3 months and got 5.5 inches of growth. I don't flat iron, use the curling iron, color, or bleach. My hair is in good condition. I haven't trimmed for 9 months, and it grew 5.25 inches longer already! I like not trimming, but I think it's best to get rid of most obvious damage first, else your hair splits and breaks off.

April 22nd, 2009, 09:37 PM
Hi, welcome to LHC!

My routine so far has been to trim every six months. My last trim was about a 1/4 of an inch.

April 22nd, 2009, 09:45 PM
No cuts or trims unless I actually convince myself it's really needed and the stars align such as mum is not too busy to do the trim. So it ends up a 3 months to 3 years between trims. I do S&D occasionally instead. I don't have that many splits so trimming is not useful in that for me.

April 22nd, 2009, 10:00 PM
Well..I'm on the no trimming for one year challenge...I think my last one may have been in December or January. I'm doing this challenge to avoid unnecessary trims. My stylist is really very nice and sometimes i wanna get a trim just for something to do with it so this challenge helps in the way i don't make any rash decisions. I'll trim if i need to but i don't really have many split ends. *knocks on wood*
I occasionally try to S&D but lately i haven't got the time or the patience for that. So i don't want to waste any length trimming. Also i have wondered if trimming takes away from your terminal length so we shall see!
So now im strictly on a "just when it needs it" thing. And it doesn't seem like it will for a while. No wonder i wasn't getting very far! Now that i've been busy it seems to have a little growth spurt! yay!
and welcome :)

April 22nd, 2009, 10:19 PM
To grow hair exclusively for fast length, trim as little as possible. That's not necessarily not at all -- if you get more splits on the ends than you can snip individually (S&D), it's time for a small trim. Maybe 1/2".

The downside to going ages between trims is that the fast hairs get further and further ahead of the slower-growing ones, which can eventually make ends look thin and uneven (fairytale ends, eventually). Some folks like this look, and it's easy to bun, but if you want to thicken your ends, you need to trim more. To thicken and gain length, people like to trim half the growth every few months. To thicken faster, keep trimming hair back to a specific length regularly. For many of us, this is easiest if we just trim our own hair, rather than hoping a stylist doesn't take off too much.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:07 AM
Once a year since I've been growing it out. I might do a micro trim or S&D this summer if it needs it but I don't plan on cutting again until next January.

April 23rd, 2009, 01:05 AM
Uh... haha. I'm in the minority here. I microtrim once a month to get rid of heat styling damage. I'm quite sure to only trim off an eighth of an inch at a time, though, just to clean up the ends. Somehow, it still makes a difference.

April 23rd, 2009, 04:35 AM
Well..I'm on the no trimming for one year challenge...I think my last one may have been in December or January. I'm doing this challenge to avoid unnecessary trims. My stylist is really very nice and sometimes i wanna get a trim just for something to do with it so this challenge helps in the way i don't make any rash decisions. I'll trim if i need to but i don't really have many split ends. *knocks on wood*
I occasionally try to S&D but lately i haven't got the time or the patience for that. So i don't want to waste any length trimming. Also i have wondered if trimming takes away from your terminal length so we shall see!
So now im strictly on a "just when it needs it" thing. And it doesn't seem like it will for a while. No wonder i wasn't getting very far! Now that i've been busy it seems to have a little growth spurt! yay!
and welcome :)

It will take away from your terminal length in a way. A real terminal length hair would have a taper one end nd root theother when it sheds, like an eyelash does but loads longer.

Anything you trim off that hair will take that length off your terminal. Say you trim one inch per year, by the time the seven year old hair sheds it will be 7" shorter than it's terminal length.

S&D will have the same effect but you have to decide if you want true terminal length or less than terminal but without splits.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:01 PM
Once a year or so. Generally when my ends get bad :shrug:

Linda K
April 23rd, 2009, 12:21 PM
I haven't cut since December-ish, and the last time I did, the lady insisted she take off 2 inches and thin my hair out... Going to try to limit myself to a half inch trim every 6 months plus S&D on occasion for now.

Great scott! Why did she think she needed to thin out your hair!?!

Regarding the topic: I'm on the new side as well. I'm a fan of micro trim / dusting. Just to take off the ends - keep them fresh and healthy looking. I'm an even bigger fan of MALIBU Treatments - I believe it's made the difference between gaining length and bigger cuts. It removes mineral / well water deposits that cause a lot of dullness, snagging and limpness.

I'm also growing out color. So I would like to just ask you to consider this question - how long into the future do you plan to color/henna? How long will your hair be then? Do you plan to cut your hair back to shoulder or something to 'get rid of' the color or just wait for it all to grow completely out at that time? As long as your on the shorter side now, just thought I'd mention it. There is a thread here to support others in the grow out process. No need to answer now - but some thing to consider as time marches on...
Oh yeah - welcome! :D

April 23rd, 2009, 12:32 PM
I get mine trimmed 1/4" every 6 months. This keeps my hair from getting too thin at the ends and keeps the fairy knots away. I've been seeing/dealing with fairy knots at the 5 month mark almost like clockwork, so I might switch to trimming every five months. Other than that my hair is quite full at the bottom and soft to the ends.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:34 PM
I haven't trimmed since August last year, and I intend to keep it that way.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:44 PM
I usually trim 1" off usually April of every year. In between that time I do no more then 1/4" trim and that is only if my hemline gets scraggly looking.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:46 PM
I don't.

I do S&D sometimes (maybe twice a year?)

But beyond that I just take good care of my ends and let it go.

It's been... 6 years since my last legit haircut (*cough* 1 inch =! 6 inches *cough*)

April 23rd, 2009, 12:54 PM
I think I've trimmed once about 8 weeks ago (the ends were feeling very strange and not bouncing back with TLC) before that it was probably 2 1/2 years ago?? I'd have to look up the dates but it's been a long time. Before that, another 2 years but that was a major cut: waist length to shoulder length.
It looked very good but just think how long my hair would be now if I hadn't done that!

Unless there is a reason to cut i'd recommend avoiding

I have a friend who just loves my hair ( and I envy her thick hair and curls!)
and she laments that hers just won't grow. however, she keeps getting regular trims and when I recommended avoiding trims and just cutting the split ends when needed she didn't seem to think that was a viable idea. I didn't push it but in my opinion, if you want long hair you shouldn't be regularly cutting it off for no reason.

April 23rd, 2009, 01:14 PM
I'm still fairly new to LHC, but when I was younger I had longish hair (around bsl) and took really good care of it. I barely ever "needed" to cut it and usually when to the salon every 6-12 months.

Now I am growing out a pixie and bleached/ manic panic hair that I covered up with henndigo. I am planning on not letting a scissors touch my hair till next Easter (a little more than a year without trims). At that point, I hope I can even out my cut to a chin-length bob while getting rid of any damage and colored hair. Needless to say, I have begun taking exellent care of my hair (cone free, pre-oiling, scalp massage, no heated styling tools), so I hope that not too much damage collects on the ends that was not already done from the bleach.

April 23rd, 2009, 01:30 PM
i'm doing a no cutting for a year. I have till sept making a whole year with no cutting or trimming of any kind. I'm doing this because i want length and i know i will have to cut some off that is damage (maybe not since i started using henna) But i really dont plan on cutting at all till i'm about BSL length. I want to be waist but when i get to BSL i think i want to get on a plan to cut every so offend to get rid of damage.

However i used to damage my hair SO bad before i was always cutting it off, which is why last sept i had to cut to a bob because my hair was breakin off.

April 23rd, 2009, 03:26 PM
I usually get about 1/2" to 3/4" of growth a month, so when I try for length, I do a microtrim of about 1/4" to 1/2" every three months or so. The trick is not to trim off all new growth, only as much as is necessary to keep it in the shape you want. But I only do it to keep my blunt ends (straight across). Trimming really isn't necessary if you don't mind your ends to be in a natural V-shape (fairytale). As long as you have healthy hair with no damage, trimming is really only for those who want blunt ends or trimmed U- or V-shaped ends. :)

April 24th, 2009, 10:35 AM
The last 4 years its been about once a year with alot of S&D. And when I do get a trim it feels like the worse day of my life. I only get about a half inch cut off. I know I should get more cut off to stop the splitting but I can't do it.

April 24th, 2009, 12:04 PM
I've been growing out from a pixie. When my hair was layered and short, I trimmed it every few weeks until eventually it was all one length. I was a bit obsessed about it, as I couldn't stand the layers and couldn't wait until they were gone. At one point my hair was really short, but all one length -- I looked like I had an upside-down bowl on my head. :brains:

Now that my hair looks a bit more "normal," I am just letting grow. I've taken the pledge to not trim for a year. It is still very, very blunt at the hemline, so I'm looking forward to it "loosening" up a bit, and not trimming should help that. My goal at the moment is to reach terminal length, with either an imposed V hemline or fairytale ends. So, at least for right now, I am not planning any further trims at all.

Of course, we'll see if I still feel this way in a year or so . . .

April 24th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Hi Suldrun, I have a few questions for you about abreviations.
you wrote:
"decided to go terminal and leave it alone."

What exactly does terminal mean?

"About a month ago I got scissors to S&D with because as it grew past BSL"

What does "S&D" stand for ?

" right now I am doing S&D exclusively, every few nights."

forgive my ignorance, thanks,

You must be using Punji Prime. So love that stuff :D