View Full Version : Classic to Bra strap

April 19th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Well my sister hacked off 15.5 inches of my hair last night.

I cried for about an hour. Now, to be honest it needed a major hack job, I've just been too chicken to do it. I had layers razor cut in about a million years ago, and they were splitting clear up the length. And my taper was atrocious. Still the loss of length gave me the freak out.

Now the bottom is thick, and blunt and it feels smooth all the way to the bottoms, which now hit 2 inches below bra strap length. I guess it is in a great place to grow back to classic or longer now, huh?

This leads me to my next issue. What in the heck do I do with it. I have not been this length in about 5 years. I guess I am off to paruse the forum.

I'll post before and after pictures soon.

April 20th, 2009, 08:28 AM
Congratulations on taking such a big step! When I did my final "cut" (cutting off the worst of the damage- about 4 inches), my stylist told me that when I came to see her in a year, my hair will have grown twice as fast. She was right.

You'll also find that now that you've made a fresh start, you will not have trim so often, if at all. So, that's a plus! :cheese:

April 20th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Well my sister hacked off 15.5 inches of my hair last night.

I cried for about an hour. Now, to be honest it needed a major hack job, I've just been too chicken to do it. I had layers razor cut in about a million years ago, and they were splitting clear up the length. And my taper was atrocious. Still the loss of length gave me the freak out.

Now the bottom is thick, and blunt and it feels smooth all the way to the bottoms, which now hit 2 inches below bra strap length. I guess it is in a great place to grow back to classic or longer now, huh?

This leads me to my next issue. What in the heck do I do with it. I have not been this length in about 5 years. I guess I am off to paruse the forum.

I'll post before and after pictures soon.

I bet your hair looks beautiful, strong, healthy and shiny, now! You should celebrate: treat yourself to some hair toys, for example. :)

April 20th, 2009, 08:35 AM
I wouldve freaked out and thrown up:lol:. I am glad your happy with the cut, sounds like your hair needed it to be happy again.

Well my dear happy growing:toast:

April 20th, 2009, 08:38 AM
It takes a strong stomached person to do that - kudos to you! I went from nearly knee length to the current length you described, and I cried forEVER. But it needed to be done. And hopefully this time around I have been treating it more nicely so I don't have to do it again. :rolleyes:

Enjoy those thick ends, and yes you should DEFINITELY treat yourself to some cool hair toys!! :flower:

April 20th, 2009, 08:42 AM
I'd keep it up in a bun as much as you can so you can keep it protected. Then you'll reach your classic goal again sooner than you think.:)

April 20th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Congrats on thickening up the ends, even if it meant such a drastic cut. As long as you're happy with it ultimately, that's all that matters! :D

April 20th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Thanks for the good words folks. I was extremely MAD!! When she did it, she told me an 3 inches, and showed me, I agreed handed her the scissors I has sitting on for protection. Then she went above where she showed me on purpose. Now, if it had been anyone but this sister their would have been blood.

Here are the before and after pictures.


April 20th, 2009, 09:09 AM
WOah I wouldve been so pissed off:angry:!!! I thought you told her to. Sheesh well whats done is done I guess, now just on to more growth!!!. I had this happen to me too before but not so drastic. Now I trim my own hair.

They are looking very very thick like this very pretty still:D

April 20th, 2009, 09:12 AM
Wow! I would have been angry as well if that much had been taken off, deceitfully!! :mad: That's very uncool. But it does look very nice and healthy, and you'll have a great starting place for taking better care the second time around, right? Always a silver lining. :flower:

April 20th, 2009, 09:19 AM
I would be angry too, and not trust her again to trim my hair.

I hope you'll like your new length and that it will grow back nice and thick to the ends.

April 20th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Well i would have been mad too with her!!! You hair looks great though! It looks wicked thick now.

April 20th, 2009, 09:27 AM
Awww, I just commented on your picture to congratulate you reaching classic! :(

At least you can really look on the bright side of it, you hair and ends look amazing in the after picture, and look super-thick again! :D

And now when you grow it out it'll not look thin at all :)

April 20th, 2009, 09:45 AM
Your new hemline is beautiful. It has that I-cut-off-a-lot look, perfectly even and gorgeously thick. You might consider trimming your own hair next time :lol: but at least it ended well;)

April 20th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Thanks folks! Yes, self trims are the rule no matter what, here on out. I do like having the thickness of the ends. It took me 5 years to get from here to classic last time. Now, I don't think its going to take near that long, maybe a year- 2 max. I know how to take better care of my hair. Thanks to you folks.

All the hair do's I've been doing for the last few years wont work anymore. I got a hair stick bun to work this morning, so I am not losing any toys with the length! Just going to have to finagle them a bit.

April 20th, 2009, 10:25 AM
Oh my gosh; that was a hair cut and a half! Your ends do look nice and thick now, though. Happy re-growing!

April 20th, 2009, 10:29 AM
Thanks for the good words folks. I was extremely MAD!! When she did it, she told me an 3 inches, and showed me, I agreed handed her the scissors I has sitting on for protection. Then she went above where she showed me on purpose. Now, if it had been anyone but this sister their would have been blood.

Here are the before and after pictures.

Oh my god ! All the best for you , Cindy Lea1 ! I think I was angry and sad .

April 20th, 2009, 10:32 AM
Your sister did cut off a lot more than it was necessary but don't worry dear i am sure your hair will grow back to its original length pretty soon. And this time it will grow much more healthy and smooth.

April 20th, 2009, 11:04 AM
Cindy! {{{{hugs}}}} :grouphug:

I am so sorry that your sis was so deceptive!

That was cruel! I do think that your hair looks good now but it was not her choice!

Family! :justy:

Why do they think that they know better than we do? Well just put it in a bun and baby it and it will be back to classic sooner than you think and in even better shape!


April 20th, 2009, 11:11 AM
I think the ends look really nice and healthy now and I'm sure it will grow super fast. I would be extremely angry with my sis if she did something like that.

Just this morning, I was thinking I really needed a trim. This post reminded me that my husband thinks when I say a quarter inch I mean 3 inches.:mad: So, I'm going to put it off for awhile.

April 20th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Sister or not, there would have been blood if my sister had whacked half my hair off. At the very least I'd have sat her down and said, "Your turn now!" :evil:

That being said, it does look really nice and healthy, so maybe it's not all a bad thing.

April 20th, 2009, 11:59 AM
What's done is done.

Now keep those beautiful thick ends healthy and grow out the long hair of your dreams :)

April 20th, 2009, 12:03 PM
It does look great but that was very very bad of your sister to do that to you.

The ends look lovely and thick; it looks like it doubled in thickness!

April 20th, 2009, 12:09 PM
I'm so sorry, I'd be really mad. It looks very healthy, though.

April 20th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Your hair looks great now!!!! It will grow out so well now that it is nice and thick and even. :cheese:

:mad: That is the scary part of hair cuts, I have had many bad ones too. I do think you should self trim too. I am sorry that you had such a shock from it, I know it kills. But, your hair looks very good.

April 20th, 2009, 04:46 PM
WOW! that look so much thicker. But it was mean of your sister id have killed her for deceiving me (not really but you know) however, I have to say your hair was very long, though now you still have some great length with a much healthier look. Id lose length over healthy looking hair and I bet you, your super length will be back before you know it, although we all will do anything but lose any length, at times it can be a blessing in disguise to just bite the bullet and cut damage off.

Remember Spidermom's big chop last year? I swear it grew back in record time and it stayed looking so healthy. You will get that, I just cannot get over how thick it is now, it looks like a different head, excellent result!

April 20th, 2009, 04:53 PM
Think of it this way. You have an entirely filled-in BSL hemline now. Most people with BSL length don't have that kind of a hemline. So you're actually a step ahead of where you think you are.

April 20th, 2009, 05:00 PM
I think your hair is looking fantastic! i would be mad but then i think it is looking so much healthier now and your hair is still long! And i agree with you, one year from now it will be even longer ;)

April 20th, 2009, 05:05 PM
Thanks for the good words folks. I was extremely MAD!! When she did it, she told me an 3 inches, and showed me, I agreed handed her the scissors I has sitting on for protection. Then she went above where she showed me on purpose. Now, if it had been anyone but this sister their would have been blood.

Here are the before and after pictures.


I can't see any pics...
But for not telling you she was cutting off more than you agreed to, I would retaliate by mixing Nair with her favorite conditioner, I swear! Sisters...

April 20th, 2009, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the encouragement! I needed it. I figure I have a good base to go forward with from here.

SheWolf- The same pictures are in my album if you care to look. Although you owe me a new laptop screen mine is now covered with Mountain Dew! NAIR in the conditioner! I'm still giggling. Only problem is she is almost 200 miles away now! Next time I go visit I'm GOING to play some innocent prank on her for revenge though.

April 20th, 2009, 07:27 PM
oh goodness, for a moment I thought she did it while you were alseep!
I'm glad you don't regret it too much, it looks much thicker now :]

April 20th, 2009, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the encouragement! I needed it. I figure I have a good base to go forward with from here.

SheWolf- The same pictures are in my album if you care to look. Although you owe me a new laptop screen mine is now covered with Mountain Dew! NAIR in the conditioner! I'm still giggling. Only problem is she is almost 200 miles away now! Next time I go visit I'm GOING to play some innocent prank on her for revenge though.

If the album is in your profile, I'm still too new to access it. I can wait. :)
... And yes: a retaliatory prank is most definitely in order. *evil grin* Maybe others could chime in and offer suggestions? :eyebrows:

April 20th, 2009, 10:25 PM
Your hair looks great! It really does look a ton better. Now you can grow it as long as you like with lovely ends. :)

As to you your sister, I won't comment, but :tbear:

April 20th, 2009, 11:00 PM
looks really thick now :joy: and love your color.

3" that turned into 15"?? wow.. I'd be furious!
My mom kinda did the same thing when I finally agreed to chop off 10" inches in August.
Well, she started out slowly, cutting from tailbone to hip (3") and showed me the result. Even I could see that more needed to come off. But after that she just chopped right under BSL O.O - hey!! what happened to the agreed waist length? that would've worked just fine..

But.. like you I really loved the condition of my ends, so I didn't flip. And even though it was freaking weird washing it, and putting it up until about a week after - I'm happy I did it..

I'm now practically back to waist. so it's not too bad :)
Happy growing - you have a beautiful, clean slate now^^

April 20th, 2009, 11:11 PM
Looks lovely! Sorry your sister was deceptive, but enjoy how great your hair looks anyway.

April 21st, 2009, 12:37 AM
I'd have been angry as well, but sister may very well know best as it looks amazing!

April 21st, 2009, 01:00 AM
Whoa she took so much, I'd have killed anyone who did that to me friend or family doesn't matter. Looks good though but would have looked good the way you wanted. IMO it's cut more than needs to be.

April 21st, 2009, 01:34 AM
I would have been angry too.

BUT!........ Your hair looks AMAZING!!!! It looks 3 times thicker now. So that is a nice bonus. :) I also think that it will grow back much faster this time.


April 21st, 2009, 06:47 AM
I would be freaking out as well. If there be any consolation.....your hair looks very nice at the ends now. It will grow before you know it.

April 21st, 2009, 09:06 AM
On the bright side your hair looks alot nicer now:)

I would have been angry at someone for cutting off more than was necessary too!

April 21st, 2009, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the good words folks. I was extremely MAD!! When she did it, she told me an 3 inches, and showed me, I agreed handed her the scissors I has sitting on for protection. Then she went above where she showed me on purpose. Now, if it had been anyone but this sister their would have been blood.

Here are the before and after pictures.


I don't find them short at all. They look thick and healthy and I think that it was a very wise decision to cut them. Don't worry about their length. If your hair have no split ends or damage at all will grow longer very very soon and they will look more beautiful.
As I have said in another thread the goal is not only to have long hair but healthy and beautiful hair as well and this is not possible if half of our hair are damaged.
So don't worry. Your hair are wonderful, have a fantastic color and of course they are still very long.

( sisters have always the tendency to overdo it but I prefer them from the hairdressers. )

April 21st, 2009, 01:15 PM
Cindy your newly-trimmed hair looks awesome! :)

Is it really true that trimmed hair grows faster? If so, why? (That seems like a myth, similar to "if you shave your legs, the hair will grow faster." )

April 21st, 2009, 08:43 PM
Think of it this way. You have an entirely filled-in BSL hemline now. Most people with BSL length don't have that kind of a hemline. So you're actually a step ahead of where you think you are. this was how i saw it too, isnt it just so thick? i have to keep looking at it.

April 21st, 2009, 08:46 PM
Cindy your newly-trimmed hair looks awesome! :)

Is it really true that trimmed hair grows faster? If so, why? (That seems like a myth, similar to "if you shave your legs, the hair will grow faster." )I think so especially if you have a lot of splits, like it still grows regardless but it is so weak from splitting it snaps off, so you never gain any length and hit a false terminal length. Like rose bushes really, if you prune them regulary they blossom, but keep those dead bits on and they dont flourish as much!