View Full Version : Hello, hello.

April 6th, 2009, 09:44 AM
Hello, all. I joined this community several months ago but am only now finding the time to post an introduction! My hair is currently just shy of waist length, straight, medium thickness, and in fairly crappy condition (lots of splits, lots of broken hairs, very tangley). I'm hoping to grow it to tailbone length and improve its condition. I've never dyed my hair or used products or heat styling on a more than once or twice a year basis, but did use natural shampoos (first baking soda and vinegar, then a whole slew of food ingredients, then shampoo bars) for about nine months. I recently went back to commercial shampoo for convenience sake and because I was tired of the residue and afraid the damage was coming from the bars, since I've never been prone to splits or breakage before. I want to go back to the biodegradable stuff (for purposes other than having healthy hair) when I have better water and a tub I can actually use, but I'd love to find a way to do it without messing my hair up more. I've been on a cycle of growing my hair to waist and then cutting to chin or shoulder for probably the past fifteen years but would really like to grow it and keep it longer this time. I'm enjoying learning new styles, and hope to glean a lot of information from all the hair-care pros out there. Thanks for reading!

April 6th, 2009, 10:05 AM
Hi, it's nice to meet you. Happy growing! :)