View Full Version : Re-trying products and liking them

April 3rd, 2008, 09:11 AM
I have way too much time on my hands today :)

Anyway, do you ever not like a set of products or a product, set them on the shelf, get them out later and love them?

I did this with my Jessicurl products. I bought some Rockin' Ringlets and Confident Coils probably over a year ago. Though I loved the way they smelled they didn't really do that well on my hair, just mediocre. I decided to get them out yesterday and try again and I LOVE them! My curls are boingy and shiny and soft all at the same time!

Have you ever done this? I wonder why this happens? I am thinking it could be because I have learned so much about how to do my hair otherwise like when to put in the leave-in and how, how much product to use etc. hair is healthier etc.

April 3rd, 2008, 10:14 AM
This happens to me all the time Curlsgirl. I think I know why( for me at least), my hair being wavy is NEVER the same twice in a row, I write my hairtype down as a 2a for sake of average but in truth, depending on the weather, season, and my state of health and activity, my hair can go from 1b to 3a.:silly: crazy I know. I figuer that sense my hair is always different it's no wonder that it responds to different products at different times. No one product works day to day for me so I have a bunch of different products and use accordingly. Hope that makes sense.:Dcatfish

April 3rd, 2008, 10:26 AM
Yes, I've noticed this.

When I first started at LHC, I tried an experiment using conditioners with protein with poor results. My hair got dry, and every split end stood out vividly. (Which was a great opportunity to do some S&D and catch up on the split ends!)

But, after a year or so of CWC washing, with lots of moisture conditioner, I tried using protein again, and it worked well.

Since then, other people have observed (and been told at Enchantress and other knowledgeable places) that protein works most effectively on hair that is very well moisturized.

April 3rd, 2008, 10:30 AM
I'm not a big consumer. I will almost always use a product up before I buy something else. Therefore there's nothing on my shelf to re-discover.

April 3rd, 2008, 10:45 AM
I have some heavy cone leave in that was horrible for my hair but the next time I do a clarifying treatment,I'm going to give it a go now.My hair was hating cones and now they are starting to agree with me again.

I left shea butter alone for awhile and went back to it not too long ago,after I added some lavender EO(I hate the smell of pure shea)and it was better.Not great,but better than it was before.

April 3rd, 2008, 12:56 PM
I do this!

I think part of it, though, is having extra length. At shorter lengths, more heavily moisturizing products were just too much, so I didn't get much use from them.

Now that my hair's longer, I've revisited some of those dusty bottles under the sink with good results.

April 3rd, 2008, 01:06 PM
I wonder if it has to so with the ph of our scalp changing, and therefore affecting our hair?

April 3rd, 2008, 01:38 PM
I've often done this - with cosmetics/clothes/ornaments, you name it. It's one of the reasons I've never followed the 2 year rule for example - which dictates that if you haven't worn something for two years, chances are you never will - so give it away.

I've often had happy recourse to an older item of clothing/bit of makeup/ bottle of shampoo - and love digging about in various cupboards to see if I can reinvent myself!

April 3rd, 2008, 01:57 PM
I did this last night with some Burts Bees Grapefruit and Sugar Beet conditioner.

On it's own after shampoo it is far too light for my hair but I discovered it's great as a conditioner to follow a CO conditioner (I used Lush Coolaulin for the CO). The result was lovely soft misturised but not weighed down hair. :cheer:

So - same product used in a different way = total result!

April 3rd, 2008, 02:11 PM
All the time! :) I loved the scent of Hempz shampoo and condish, but I didn't like the way it made my hair feel. Now I use it all the time. I love it. I don't know what changed, but I'm glad it did.