View Full Version : Bad Hair Week

March 25th, 2009, 08:14 AM
Hi Folks-
I am a newbie here. I am recovering from a bad visit to the hair salon, long story that I will share once I get my photos together.
But, today I would like to share a link to Bad Hair Week on Regis & Kelly:


Can't wait to share more, you guys are great.
I love, love, love the info about coconut oil!
Coconut oil has made a HUGE difference in my hair, also my wonderful satin pillowcases, Target has them on sale!

March 25th, 2009, 08:19 AM
i'm with you on the Coconut oil.
welcome :)

March 25th, 2009, 01:10 PM
I notice that these are all curlies or whurlies. They don't really need makeovers, just need to step away from the dryer and put down the brush.

March 26th, 2009, 07:15 AM
I hate it when the people associate unruly hair = bad hair. There is mis-information on how to handle curly hair.

Going to a salon is the biggest SCAM around. A friend of mine cuts hair and he says that he insists on doing highlights and color to all his clients, just so he can make more money. He knows that color is not good for hair, so he sells more product. He admits that the business is a scam.

Everytime I go to a salon they cut layers into my hair, even when I say NO LAYERS.
SO, I am NOT going to a salon for a long time. I am going to self trim!
You guys are great & I am so glad I found a place to be. I am so thrilled that I am going to grow out my hair!

March 26th, 2009, 08:24 AM
I hate it when the people associate unruly hair = bad hair. There is mis-information on how to handle curly hair.

Going to a salon is the biggest SCAM around. A friend of mine cuts hair and he says that he insists on doing highlights and color to all his clients, just so he can make more money. He knows that color is not good for hair, so he sells more product. He admits that the business is a scam.

Everytime I go to a salon they cut layers into my hair, even when I say NO LAYERS.
SO, I am NOT going to a salon for a long time. I am going to self trim!
You guys are great & I am so glad I found a place to be. I am so thrilled that I am going to grow out my hair!

here hear :)