View Full Version : All set to henna on Monday

March 21st, 2009, 06:19 PM
I will have no distractions on Monday so I decided to take the plunge. After doing 2 strand tests I have decided to go with henna and no indigo. My hair is medium brown and the pure henna looked great, not bright orange red as I was fearing until I realized henna doesn't lighten hair. I have let the strands oxidize over the last few days. Both colors look nice but I have made my choice. I also figure that I can do another application with indigo in it if needed.

SO, my burning questions ARE Should I mix up my henna the night before and let it release all night. I can keep my sewing room at a nice 68 degrees overnight.

Do you have a set amount of time after it releases to use it?

Or would you set it up on Sunday and put it in the fridge overnight?


March 21st, 2009, 06:46 PM
I henndigo'd yesterday. Well, last nite. I used 1/2 henna and 1/2 indigo, since the indigo was falling out... Anyway, I mixed the henna at noon when I was home for lunch in regular faucet water (which is well water and pretty cool temp wise) and mixed the indigo, added it to the henna, and went to town about 5:30 pm. A test of a bit of henna on my wrist gave me some color, so I knew the dye was releasing. Last time, I mixed it the nite before, put it in the fridge overnite, then took it out at lunch. Set it on the counter to warm until I got home after work, then mixed and applied. Both ways seemed to work well for me! Good luck and happy henna-ing!

March 21st, 2009, 07:29 PM
I usually let mine sit in my oven to keep it warm - the oven is not turned on, my house is cold, about 60 degrees. I mix with warm - not boiling water - and let it release overnight or at least 8 hours. This method works for me! Cannot wait to see your results!

March 21st, 2009, 08:00 PM
Great! Thank You ladies! I am very excited!:cheese:

March 22nd, 2009, 01:19 PM
Have fun and let us know how it turns out. :)

March 22nd, 2009, 01:32 PM
Will do! Monday can't come soon enough!:rockerdud