View Full Version : How long for dye release?

March 18th, 2009, 04:42 PM
So my henna samples are setting up for a strand test. How long does it take for the dye release? When I put a dab of henna on my skin I have a very faint orange stain. Should I let it release so the sample stain is darker? Can you tell I am impatient?:rolleyes: It has been releasing for about 3 hours.

March 18th, 2009, 05:42 PM
I would recommend waiting until you get a bright orange stain. With a bright orange stain, I achieved a vibrant color, and with a faint orange stain (I'm not sure if dye had not released or if it had demised) I got faint orange color. Some people have said that dye release is easier/faster in the warmer months. Of course it depends what kind of stain you are seeking. Keep checking, and you can refridgerate or freeze it if you run out of time and need to save it for another day...

March 19th, 2009, 01:09 PM
There are about as many different answers to this as there are people who henna. For me I do not dye release at all. I freeze directly after mixing, then defrost and use immediately.

(and yes I did do it this way for my hair mat samples)

March 19th, 2009, 01:57 PM
I think that may depend on how long you're planning on leaving it on...

Overnight and I'm sure the dye will fully release on your head.

An hour? Wait until it's bright.

I usually wait as long as I can stand it, but I also freeze my henna prior. :)