View Full Version : Different Brand of Co-Worker!

Peggy E.
March 13th, 2009, 08:30 AM
The home health assistant I have now is great and I absolutely love her - AND she has the most gorgeous long, wavy strawberry-blonde hair!

You can imagine my horror when last week she announced she was cutting her hair short and donating the rest to (guess who?!) - Yep, Locks of Love! No one had been coercing her to do this, she simply thought it would be a nice thing to do for someone (I did say she was a super lady, didn't I....).

We had a bit of a discussion - why she wanted to cut her hair (she was bored with it and didn't know how to style it); I gave her some information on LOL and steered her towards some of the other charities who collected hair for cancer patients (her brother died last year of cancer, and she was wanting to help a child with a wig). LOL doesn't do this and she was not aware of that fact.

Anyway, I went into my "Do it if you feel you must and it will make you happy, but....jeesh, you've got the most gorgeous hair!" advice. She knew I was heavy into long hair, so I didn't think my input would carry all that much weight - though I was able to help with the donation bit.

I figured she'd walk in the door Monday with short hair and I'd have to act like it was really cute and "oh, boy, what a difference" sorts of statements that aren't out-and-out lies, but skirt the fact that you think the person has made a desperate mistake without coming right out and saying so.

She hadn't cut it! She also works part-time at the post office and when she mentioned that she was going to cut her hair, every single person there - including customers at the window - had a fit and told her NOT to do it!

So, sometimes co-workers DO get it right! ;o) We're working now at finding styles for her to break up the monotony, but easy to throw together early in the morning. I was so happy to see that hair still where it belonged - on her beautiful head in all its shimmering glory!

Just thought I'd share a happy story for a change! :o)

March 13th, 2009, 08:36 AM
I do so like a story with a happy ending.

March 13th, 2009, 09:02 AM
Wow that is great! How wonderful you said something to her before it was too late. Another LoL donation averted! It really irks me that there is so much misinformation floating around out there about that nefarious organization. I'm sure the two of you will have fun talking about styles and hair toys.

March 13th, 2009, 09:16 AM
I have a co-worker that regularily donates to LOL. She doesn't really have long hair, but cuts it to chin length, grows it until she has the necessary length and then cuts it again. She does this every couple of years. I have tried to steer her to a better charity and she says she'll look into it, but I think her stylist handles all the details, so maybe it's the stylist I need to persuade...

March 13th, 2009, 09:46 AM
What a refreshing co-worker story! Thanks for sharing, and I'm totally in the camp that would have persuaded her to let it be and stay long!!! I can't stand Locks of Love, and as I've learned more about that company, it offends me more than ever to have someone suggest that I donate to them. I usually now just say, "I'd rather find a charity that doesn't have so much negative publicity and very questionable practices, and just donate money!" ;)

heidi w.
March 13th, 2009, 10:35 AM

Along with this site.

She may also find tutorials on youtube!

Wish I could show her some of my long hair videos that I own (not of me)...she'd like a lot of those looks. Drop dead GORGEOUS. Jim Bushe (not sure how to spell his last name).

heidi w.

March 13th, 2009, 12:20 PM
I do so love a story with a happy ending :)

Thank you for persuading her not to cut it!! I try that and nobody listens to me :(

March 13th, 2009, 01:54 PM
That goes to show how important a hair compliment is. I have cut my hair in the past because I thought it was ugly. I only got input after I cut and everyone was outraged. If they had only said something before, I wouldn't have done it. Good for you, Peggy E! You did a very kind thing. :)

March 13th, 2009, 02:36 PM
So...what exactly DOES Locks of Love do? People are always telling me to donate to it.....which irritates me. I've heard that they throw a lot of hair out....but is there more to it?

March 13th, 2009, 03:01 PM
That is a great story Peggy! Thanks for sharing it with us.:)

March 13th, 2009, 04:29 PM
So...what exactly DOES Locks of Love do? People are always telling me to donate to it.....which irritates me. I've heard that they throw a lot of hair out....but is there more to it?
Not only do they throw allot out but they sell alot too. There are many threads on this practice, even the BBB don't find them as a good charity. According to their guidelines they refuse to give up their financial info in full.

Do a search here and you will find much good info on them.

March 14th, 2009, 10:03 PM
That is great, Peggy E! She gets to keep her gorgeous hair because of you, and LoL doesn't get to throw it away. I *so* adore strawberry blonde hair. It's beautiful.