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April 1st, 2008, 07:08 AM
- The thread for LHCers without/that hate/that can't find scissors^^ you pick..
I felt like something was missing from the Polls and Projects-forum.. so I'm restarting the trimmers/non-trimmers threads, originally posted by Spidermom.. :D

April 1st, 2008, 07:21 AM
Yay! I really missed these threads! :cheese: May I suggest that those who can edit their posts go back to their original post to add new measurements. I think that was done in the old threads to make it easier to follow each person's growth progress.

I'm a non-trimmer, going for terminal. My last trim was on December 23, 2007. I only do S&D.

My measurements:
January 1st: 31" waistlength
February 1st: 31.75" (+0.75")
March 1st: 32.25" (+0.5")
April 1st: 32.75" (+0.5")
May 1st: 33.25" (+0.5")
June 1st: 33.5" (+0.25")
July 1st: 33.75" (+0.25")
July 31st: 33.75" (no gained length)

As my lately slow growth and stalling seems to be caused by breakage, I will have to start trimming until my old damage is gone. As my final goal still is terminal length, I will one day go back to non-trimming, though.

April 1st, 2008, 08:45 AM
Hurray! I was wondering if this thread would come back. I'm a non-trimmer for life and so I am going for terminal. I don't cut my hair for reasons of faith.

My measurements so far:

October 2007 28"
November 2007 29"
December 2007 30"
January 2008 31"
February 2008 32"
March 2008 33"
April 2008 33.75"
May 2008 34.25"

Trimmed quite a bit in June 2008. No longer a non-trimmer. *bows out of the thread quietly*

April 1st, 2008, 02:37 PM
I hope its ok, if I post here.
I would like to start measuring regularly to keep me motivated.

April: 55 cm (21.5")
May: 58 cm (22.8")
June: 59 cm (23.2")
July: 59 cm (23.2") I got a little scissor happy when I cut in my bangs and trimmed maybe 2 cm off my length. It seems like I trimmed off all my new growth. It was stupid and I won't do it again.
August: 61 cm (24'')

I will switch over to the trimmers tread.

April 1st, 2008, 02:51 PM
I am a non-trimmer, but i measure yearly. Last year (2007) i got 7.5 inches.

I never measure monthly i just find it obsessive:)

I usually just assume ill get 6 inches that way i wont be dissapointed but suprised.

The only purpose i see in measuring hair is a yearly goal tactic other than that it seems pointless and obsessive.

April 1st, 2008, 02:55 PM
I'm a non-trimmer simply because I KNOW I'd mess it up!!!! :) My last salon trim was a year ago. As for length...I haven't measured lately....I guess I should!

April 3rd, 2008, 03:47 PM
Non-trimmer out of laziness and fear of people with scissors. I love to see terminal but am taking it one landmark at a time. My most recent measurements:

Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

April 3rd, 2008, 04:00 PM
I trimmed in Mid February, but I am now a non trimmer, because I am not trimming for at least a year now.
March ~ 22.5 inches (Going for waist)

April 3rd, 2008, 04:01 PM
Well I'm gonna give a short hairtrim history.

In November 2005 I had 1" trimmed.
In early June 2006 I had 2" taken off.
In late June 2007 I had 1" taken off.
This June I plan to get at least a short trim.

Right now my hair is at 'almost' 49". Last June, it was 46" AFTER my trim, so in these past 10 months I've only grown 3". :( My hair seems to grow faster if I trim just a tad off every 3-4 months or so.

April 3 @ 48.75"
May 3 @ 50" 1.25 growth spurt!
June 3 @ 50"
July 3 @ 51" 1" of growth!

April 5th, 2008, 04:38 PM
Started at 16.5 inches in April 2007 and this month I am at 23.25 inches. 6.75 inches in one year without trimming.

April 6th, 2008, 03:30 AM
im going to join this if this is okay. I have just cut 1" off (end of feb) and dont intend to cut now until next feb. Prior to this i went 2 years without scissors.

im 22.8" at present and really am hoping to get to waist by next Feb, its 7" off so i think if I dont cut I should get there!

April 7th, 2008, 09:16 AM
I had a big chop last spring, from tailbone to BSL. I haven't trimmed, and currently measure at 33" - a little past waist. I don't plan on trimming for at least another year, just occasional S&Ds.

April 8th, 2008, 08:14 AM
I joined the non-trimmers back in November '07. I am planning on going at least a year before my next trim.

I don't remember my measurements in November & since my tape measure is still packed away I'll have to come back and add my new measurement later on in the month.;)


April 12th, 2008, 07:19 PM
Haven't trimmed in three years. . . still not trimming. I've had a long stall since about December, but thank heavens it's finally over. I was ready to throw out my measuring tape. It doesn't matter anyways because some of my layers seemed to have caught up in the meantime.

January 2008: 34"
February 2008: 34"
March 2008: 34"
April 2008: 34 1/4"

Florida Mom
April 12th, 2008, 07:29 PM
I just had a trim - it was great - only about 1/4"..... and I don't plan on doing it again for a year. Excepting the occasional S&D.

April 13th, 2008, 01:40 AM
I haven't trimmed my hair in about 7 years, but I do a bit of S&D.

My hair is about 62" when wet and about 60" when dry and brushed fairly straight. The waves make it difficult. :shrug:

April 13th, 2008, 11:27 PM
I'm a non-trimmer. The last time scissors touched my hair was August 2006! I stopped trimming just to prove to nay-saying friends and family that one doesn't need to cut her hair to keep it long and healthy. :) It's been great to retain my length.

April 17th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Whew! Finally got my measurements from the archive.

Nov. - 31"
Dec. - 31.5"
Jan. - 32"
Feb. - 32" (no growth)
Mar. - 32.5"
Apr. - 33"
May - 33.5"
Jun. - 34"
Jul. - 34" (no growth)
Aug. - 34.5
Sep. - 35"
Oct. - 35" (no growth)
Nov. - 36" (+1 inch!!!)
Dec. - 36" (no growth)
Jan. - 36" (no growth) ~ Planning a slight trim to get the three or so hairs that are 37".
Feb. - 36" ~ Trim took more than planned.
Mar. - 36" (no growth)
Apr. - 36" (no growth) ~ More hairs there.
May - 37" (+1 inch!!!) ~ Shedding is way down.
Jun. - 37.5"
Jul. - 37.5" (no growth) ~ More hairs there. Added weekly coconut oil massages, herbal washes.
Jul. 30 - 38"
I've trimmed back to 34" with an option to go back farther to 32". The ends are just too thin, so I'm going to maintain here for a while. I don't know how often I'll trim. The good news? I love the trim!
Aug. - 34"

April 18th, 2008, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the tip, Flaxen!

Here is my table:
April 15, 2007: 16.5 inches
April 30th, 2007: 17.0 inches
May 31st, 2007: 17.5 inches
July 1st, 2007: 17.75 inches
July 10th, 2007: 18.25 inches
August 7th, 2007: 18.75 inches
September 1st, 2007: 19.5 inches
September 30th, 2007: 19.75 inches
October 31st, 2007: 20.125 inches
December 1st, 2007: 20.5 to 20.75 (settling on 20.7 for the sake of arguing for 0.6"/month growth over the last 7.5 months)
December 31st, 2007: 21.625 --> almost an inch of growth!
February 1, 2008: 22.0 inches
March 1, 2008: 22.75 inches
April 1, 2008: 23.25 inches
April 30, 2008: 23.5 at shortest and 24.25 at longest few hairs. Thinking about getting a 1/4 inch trim.
June 1, 2008: 24.0
July 1, 2008: 24.5
August 1, 2008: 25.0
September 1, 2008: 25.5
October 1, 2008: neglected to measure
November 1, 2008: 26.0
December 2008 - January 2009: Here I gained an inch and then trimmed an inch, then continued with not trimming.
February 2009: 27.0
March 2009: 27.25
April 2009: 28.0

April 20th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I have not trimmed in several months (I have S&D though)

It was after a trim in October '07 that I decided not to trim my hair for an extended period. A goal with some friends is may but I am thinking of going the full year, or close to it. We have a friends wedding we hope to go to in October so maybe a 'clean-up' trim at that point. I hope to be another 3 inches by October this year.

Length history: (will update often)
Sept 24, 2007 - 41 1/2 inches after 1 inch trim
Oct 25, 2007 - ?? after a 2 inch trim (no measuring)
Dec 3, 2007 - 40 1/2 inches
Feb 12, 2008 - 41 1/2 inches
April 18, 2008 - 43 inches

April 22nd, 2008, 01:04 PM
I started at about 21" in September 2007 (last trim, and the first one in 18 months) and am now at about 25.5" with no intention of trimming for at least another 18 months.

April 26th, 2008, 02:27 AM
Well, I only do S&D

Jan:34.5 Inches
Feb: 35.5 inches
I was under a lot of stress here so i think that might be why I slowed down in growth
1st March: 36 Inches
1st April: 37 Inches
26 April: 38 inches

April 26th, 2008, 07:53 AM
I haven't trimmed since July, although I think I'm going for another very small trim in June, and after the summer may do small trims to get rid of layers, but I haven't trimmed since my last measurement, so here they are:

26 July 2007: 19"

31 July 2007: 19.5"

20 August 2007: 20"

30 August 2007: 20.5"

Here ends my compulsive measuring stage. Here also ends my lovely superfast summer growth. My next measurements are a bit random in terms of dates, but I've resolved to do a better job in future.

20 October 2007: 21"

12 December 2007: 22"

23 April 2008: 24.5"

Note: I always round to the nearest half-inch, because otherwise I manage to confuse myself (I suppose it comes from being taught metric at school, where it's all in decimals, then looking at the measurements of inches, which are in sixteenths and it all just makes my head hurt).

April 30th, 2008, 11:50 AM
I measured a day and a half early :o, and came up with 27 inches (with a few hairs at 27.5), which is an inch more than last month! :cheese: Yay for spring/summer growth rate increases!

April 30th, 2008, 12:22 PM
I am not against a trim if I need one but I haven't felt I needed one in a long time. My last cut, I went to waist length in January '07. Currently between tailbone and classic.

May 6th, 2008, 06:37 PM
Since it's the beginning of May, I measured.

Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

May 6th, 2008, 07:55 PM
I'm a non-trimmer (with random S&Ds) but I almost never measure.
Wish the site had a way to keep track of when you changed your measurements on the avatar section, but I do believe I did that measurement maybe a week after the site came back up.
Maybe I should start measuring more often.

May 11th, 2008, 08:53 AM
I joined the non-trimmers back in November '07. I am planning on going at least a year before my next trim.

I don't remember my measurements in November & since my tape measure is still packed away I'll have to come back and add my new measurement later on in the month.;)


Okay, I had my daughter measure and she read it at 34".
At this point, I don't even rem. my last measurement or when it was. So we'll start from here and move forward.


May 11th, 2008, 02:51 PM
So I measured the other day, and I seem to have stalled where I was when LHC came back up. This is pretty distressing, and I'm sure it was caused by stress, but I really want some new growth. :(
I'm going to have to start taking hair vitamins again and see if that helps, cause this is a bit depressing.

May 11th, 2008, 08:03 PM
I was at 22.5" in April 2008 when I first discovered this site, and now I'm at 23" at the longest layer. I'm not planning on trimming at all until most layers are at BSL. I have a long back so it'll be a while:rolleyes:

May 11th, 2008, 09:03 PM
I was at 22.5" in April 2008 when I first discovered this site, and now I'm at 23" at the longest layer. I'm not planning on trimming at all until most layers are at BSL. I have a long back so it'll be a while:rolleyes:

Awww, at least it's a long back and not long legs like me... I shudder to imagine how long it will take to get from thigh to knee on me, or oh dear thigh to ankle on me..... :shudder:

May 12th, 2008, 05:43 AM
Long legs! That's hilarious! As my dbf says to me: if other women heard you complaining about your long legs they'd gouge your eyes out :D. But I'd rather be like you, have the long legs minus the long torso. I tried uploading an avatar pic (to no avail), because 23" on my back doesn't reach down very far at all.

May 13th, 2008, 11:23 PM
I haven't cut or trimmed in 10 months, so do i fit in here?

Have not cut or trimmed since June 2007.

Length after cut in June 2007: 21 Inches
Length on May 2008: 27 Inches.

Well Due to damage and uneven hemline i cut 2 inches off my hair in July 2008. so the new length was 25 inches.

haven't measured yet this month but will measure in september 2008 and see how much growth i've had. for now until at least December i plan not to cut, so i wonder if i am a trimmer even when i trim only twice a year or a semi-non-trimmer?

Anyway, Going For terminal or to either Classic or mid-thigh. Have hit classic a couple of times, but hoping to get to mid-tigh and stay there for life. (with small trims to keep length and destroy damage.)

May 14th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Long legs! That's hilarious! As my dbf says to me: if other women heard you complaining about your long legs they'd gouge your eyes out :D. But I'd rather be like you, have the long legs minus the long torso. I tried uploading an avatar pic (to no avail), because 23" on my back doesn't reach down very far at all.

Ahhh, but long legs, short torso means the belly pooch shows so badly when I gain weight. haha.

Hmmm 23" wonder where that reaches on me. I'll have to check at some point.

May 15th, 2008, 02:00 PM
Thought you guys might find this interesting (feeling sick so I'm not doing homework, but I can do this!):

May 16th, 2008, 02:08 AM
27 and a quarter now. It won't make my waist by my birthday like I had hoped, but by Christmas it should be pretty long. I was wearing it in a French twist the other day and someone asked me how long it was. Yay! First time it has looked long!

May 17th, 2008, 09:21 AM
I need to measure again soon. Hope I've gotten some kind of movement.

May 30th, 2008, 12:59 AM
cscheck: thanks for the graph.
now we can have growing competitions. :)

May 30th, 2008, 08:41 PM
Oh, cool, cscheck! Thanks for doing that. :grin: I hope you feel better soon. :flower:

ETA: Oops, you are probably all better by now. ;)

June 2nd, 2008, 11:36 AM
Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

June 37"

June 5th, 2008, 05:22 AM
I haven't cut now for about a year at least, so I think I fit right in here. :) If I trim even an inch off, my hair shrinks up another 3-4 with the curl it seems. :p

My hair growth (since I started measuring) has been:

June 2008 27.00"
May 2008 26.50"
April 2008 26.00"
March 2008 25.50"
February 2008 25.00"
January 2008 24.00"
December 2007 23.00"
November 2007 21.75"
October 2007 21"

I'm noticing a trend that when it was shorter, it grew faster and now it's starting to slow down. I'm hoping that may be the winter months, however.

June 5th, 2008, 06:31 PM
I would like to go at least a year without a trim.

June 6th, 2008, 02:39 AM
I would like to go at least a year without a trim.

Welcome on board. :)

June 24th, 2008, 09:55 AM
I am not going to trim for at least a year, maybe more, I am looking forward to the fairytale ends!

June: 32'

June 28th, 2008, 12:18 PM
I think I fit more over here than over there, since I had a trim when I got my bangs back in March, but the last trim was about two years ago, so it doesn't exactly qualify as "regularly". And it's probably just going to be S&D for about that long again, assuming my bleached ends don't *fall* off on their own. I also haven't been measuring lately since I've been away from the forums so long, but I *think* when I got here I was about 19".

Starting from 30". Go.

July 2nd, 2008, 06:47 AM
Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

June 37"

July 38"

July 2nd, 2008, 06:50 AM
Thought you guys might find this interesting (feeling sick so I'm not doing homework, but I can do this!):

Oh my gosh, this is so awesome, cscheck!!! :rockerdude: Thanks for making it :flower:

July 8th, 2008, 11:29 AM
ok, I'm going to start measuring more frequently now. Today I measured in at 26.25 inches. My long bangs (which I might actually trim) are now 12.25 inches. The last time I measured was when the forum came back, and it was 24.5 and 10.

July 9th, 2008, 08:29 PM
Just checking in with my July measurement and my yearly total. I've gained 1" since June putting me at 51" now!

Last year, from the end of June to this July I've gained 5" So that's just a little bit below average. But as y'all will see from my continued documentation, my hair grows in spurts.

July 15th, 2008, 05:23 PM
Question: if you don't trim do you still S&D for splits?

I know that I can get a little overzealous sometime with that!

July 27th, 2008, 06:54 PM
ok--I am totally sold! Gonna hide the scissors for a while & start measuring on the first of each month... (do s&d's count--since they aren't changing your overall length?)

July 27th, 2008, 07:20 PM
I am a non-trimmer, but i measure yearly. Last year (2007) i got 7.5 inches.

I never measure monthly i just find it obsessive:)

I usually just assume ill get 6 inches that way i wont be dissapointed but suprised.

The only purpose i see in measuring hair is a yearly goal tactic other than that it seems pointless and obsessive.

I think you just totally described ME--pointless & obsessive! *giggle* I am the same way with weighing myself--I am controlled by those stupid numbers *sigh* Do they have measurers anonymous?

July 30th, 2008, 02:17 AM
A couple of days ago in the shower I noticed that the very ends of my hair do reach the tailbone already! At least I know it is growing, as a pic taken about 1,5 years ago shows that it didn't reach even the waistband of my pants back then. But ugghh why does it have to grow so slooooowly :demon:

July 30th, 2008, 03:31 AM
Yay! I've found this thread again at last! Still not trimming, apart from the odd S&D. Here's the stats (yes I am sad enough to keep them on an Excel spreadsheet). :rolleyes:

Month Inches
Apr-07 40.00
May-07 40.50
Jun-07 41.00
Jul-07 41.50
Aug-07 42.00
Sep-07 42.25
Oct-07 42.50
Nov-07 43.00
Dec-07 44.00
Jan-08 44.25
Feb-08 44.50
Mar-08 45.00
Apr-08 45.50
May-08 46.00
Jun-08 46.50
Jul-08 46.75
Aug-08 47.50

Hopefully should reach my goal length of 50" by Christmas! But will I stop there, I ask myself...? :ponder:

Paradise Lost
August 3rd, 2008, 01:01 PM
Mid-July 08: 26.8
Aug 08: 27.4

August 3rd, 2008, 02:17 PM
08 June 32"
08 July 32"
08 August 33"
08 December 34 1/2" (had hubby do micro-trim to even things up)
09 January 35" (actually a millimeter over that!)
09 February 35 1/2" (actually end of february, I can probably count this as March's measurement also)
09 April 36" (and my first goal was reached - woo hoo!)

August 3rd, 2008, 05:17 PM
August 2008 - 37" - slow, but sure...non-trimming does pay off!

August 5th, 2008, 12:49 PM
My first measure in! I went from 18.5 inches to 19 inches in a month. That's just normal for most people but not me. It had to be the vitamins. Maybe the boar bristle brush too.

August 6th, 2008, 08:59 AM
July 08: 26.25"/12.25"
August 08: 27.25"/13"
:cheese:an inch growth in a little less than a month!! That makes me happy.

August 9th, 2008, 11:52 AM
my first salon trim was a nightmare. at the time my hair was almost to my butt. I was a 6th grader. The stylist said she wanted to take off my split ends. I didn't think it would be much she ended up cutting my hair up to my shoulders. I was beyond miserable for the next 7 years or so. It's finally almost that long again but was full of bad split ends since I never went near another pair of scizzors. For the past 10 months I have been trimming a centemeter or two every 2 to 3 months. My hair does seem to be healthier. I shall start tracking and post in the other thread.

August 12th, 2008, 12:32 AM
I do not want to trim until my Ph.D. thesis is finished. The last visit of the hairdresser was in april. So:

July 08 -- 19"
August 08 -- 20" (Thats a lot of growth. I guess, I did not measure correctly last time.)

August 12th, 2008, 11:58 PM
Summer 2008 Reached 30" So far...:)
I was at 25" in October 2007 when I joined after my last trim.
That is 5" an average of 1/2" pr. mo
I am happy:inlove:

August 17th, 2008, 03:54 AM
August: reached 32.3 in (82 cm). I've been shedding a bit and was afraid my growth was hindered.. but it's going fast ;)

August 17th, 2008, 06:42 AM
August 17th: 23 inches! Go me!!!:)

August 25th, 2008, 02:56 PM
I S&D sporadically to regularly depending on my mental state, it helps keep me from chopping oddly enough.

July 2, 2008 = 19 inches
August 1, 2008 = 20 inches
September 2, 2008= 21 inches
October 1, 2008 = 21.75 inches
November 2, 2008 = 22 inches
December 1, 2008 = 22.25
January 2, 2009 = 22.50
February 1, 2009 = 23.25
March 2, 2009 = 24 inches
April 1, 2009 = 24.25 inches
May 2, 2009 = 24.75 inches
June 1, 2009 = 25.5 inches
July 1, 2009 = 26.25 inches
August 1, 2009 = 27.25 inches
September 2, 2009 = 27.75 inches
October, 1, 2009 = 28.00 inches
November 2, 2009 = 28.25 inches
December 1,2009 = 29.00 inches
January 2, 2010 = 29.50 inches
February 1, 2010 = 30.00 inches
March 2, 2010 = 30.00 inches
April 1, 2010 = 29.5 inches (due to a trim for my wedding-no this is not an April Fools Joke, but I am back on the non trimming bandwagon)
May 2, 2010 = 30.00 inches
June 1, 2010 = 30.25 inches
July 2, 2010 = 30.50 inches
August 1, 2010 = 30.75 inches
September 2, 2010 = 31.00 inches
October 1, 2010 = 31.50 inches
November 2, 2010 = 32.25 inches

August 29th, 2008, 09:43 AM
31.8 inch. It's finally growing again :D

September 16th, 2008, 05:55 PM
33 1/2! Slowly getting to my goal!:)

eta: Oops! I am actually at 34 inches! yey! I just measured and re-measured.

September 21st, 2008, 08:51 PM
August 17 2008 22.5"
September 17 2008 23.5" YAY, an Inch! I have never tracked my hair growth before!

My hair didnt seem to grow very fast because it was so damaged and I had to experiement with techniques to keep the ends healthy and stop breaking off. The more experience I get with growing it out, the faster it seems to grow because im progressivly getting better at careing for it.

And, I dont know if it is working, but Last month I started to take silica. I think it might be because hair on average grows about .5" a month... Ill just have to keep taking it.

September 30th, 2008, 05:05 PM
Sorry for the measure-in spam, but since I've been more of a non-trimmer than a trimmer, I went ahead and posted everything so far.

Probably the main reason behind lack of trims is that my 'end goal' is terminal length. So...why trim? :lol:

Oct 2004 - 31.00"
Nov 2004 - 31.75" (+.75")
Dec 2004 - 32.25" (+.5")
Jan 2005 - 33.00" (+.75")
Feb 2005 - 33.50" (+.5")
Mar 2005 - 33.50" (No growth)
Apr 2005 - 34.00" (+.5")
May 2005 - 34.25" (+.25")
Jun 2005 - 34.75" (+.5")
Jul 2005 - 35.25" (+.5")
Aug 2005 - 36.00" (+.75")
Sep 2005 - 36.00" (No growth)
Oct 2005 - 36.75" (+.75")
Nov 2005 - 37.50" (+.5")
Dec 2005 - 37.50" (No growth)
Jan 2006 - 37.50" (No growth)
Feb 2006 - 38.00" (+.5")
Mar 2006 - 38.50" (+.5")
Apr 2006 - 39.00" (+.5")
May 2006 - 39.00" (No growth)
Jun 2006 - 39.50" (+.5")
Jul 2006 - 40.00" (+.5")
Aug 2006 - 40.50" (+.5")

I accidentally trimmed my growth off for August...snipped the end of my braid (shed hairs that were stuck/hangind down), and, well, accidentally caught the longest three or so hairs...oops.

Sep 2006 - 40.50" (+.5")
Oct 2006 - 40.75" (+.25")
Nov 2006 - 41.25" (+.5")
Dec 2006 - 41.50" (+.25")
Jan 2007 - 42.25" (+.75")
Feb 2007 - 42.75" (+.5")
Mar 2007 - 43.25" (+.5")
Apr 2007 - 43.75" (+.5")
May 2007 - 44.25" (+.5")
Jun 2007 - 44.75" (+.5")
Jul 2007 - 45.25" (+.5")
Aug 2007 - 45.25" (No growth)
Sep 2007 - 45.75" (+.5")
Oct 2007 - 45.75" (No growth)
Nov 2007 - 46.50" (+.75")

Then, trimmed 1", so started back at 45.5".

Dec 2007 - 46.00" (+.5")
Jan 2008 - 46.25" (+.25")
Feb 2008 - 47.25" (+1" - boost from starting iron supplement)
Mar 2008 - 47.75" (+.5")
Apr 2008 - 48.25" (+.5")
May 2008 - 48.50" (+.25")
Jun 2008 - 49.00" (+.5")
Jul 2008 - 49.50" (+.5")
Aug 2008 - 49.50" (No growth)
Sep 2008 - 50.50" (+1" - boost from starting thyroid medication)
Oct 2008 - 51.00" (+.5")
Nov 2008 - 51.50" (+.5")
Dec 2008 - 50.50" (-1" - shedding, no trim)
Jan 2009 - 51.00" (+.5")
Feb 2009 - 51.25" (+.25")
Mar 2009 - 51.75" (+.5")
Apr 2009 - 51.5" (-.25" - shedding again)
May 2009 - 51.5" (No growth)
Jun 2009 - 51.75" (+.25")
Jul 2009 - 52.0" (+.25")
Aug 2009 - 52.0" (No growth)
Sep 2009 - 52.0" (No growth)
Oct 2009 - 50.75" (-1.25” - shedding)
Nov 2009 - 51.5" (+0.75”)
Dec 2009 - 52.0" (+.5”)
Jan 2010 - 50.75" (-1.25" - shedding)
Feb 2010 - 50.5" (-.25" - shedding)
Mar 2010 - 49.50" (-1 - shedding")
Apr 2010 - 49.75" (+.25")
May 2010 - 48.75" (-1" - shedding)
Jun 2010 - 48.75" (No growth)
Jul 2010 - 48.75" (No growth)
Aug 2010 - 49.0" (+.25")
Sep 2010 - 49.0" (No growth)
Oct 2010 - 49.0" (No growth)
Nov 2010 - 49.5" (+.5")
Dec 2010 - 48.75" (-.75")
Jan 2011 - 49.25" (+.5")
Feb 2011 - 49.25" (No growth)
Mar 2011 - 49.5" (+.25")
Apr 2011 - 50.25" (+.75")
May 2011 - 50.25" (No growth)
Jun 2011 - 50.25" (No growth)
Jul 2011 - 50.25" (No growth)
Aug 2011 - 50.75" (+.5")
Sep 2011 - 51.25" (+.5")
Oct 2011 - 51.75" (+.5")
Nov 2011 - 52.25" (+.5")
Dec 2011 - 52.75" (+.5")
Jan 2012 - 52.75" (No growth)
Feb 2012 - 52.0" (-0.75")

/growth info spam

I had large sheds in first half of 2008 (~40% loss) and June 2009 to August 2010 (70-80% loss).

I eventually stopped measuring monthly. As of September 2015, hair is 55.5".

September 30th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Unnamed, that's not spam, it's awesome. :rockerdud

November 17th, 2008, 12:25 PM
I am trying to not cut my hair until January 2010.
So 2009 will be my No-trimming-Year!

Only S&D, if its necessary!

November 18th, 2008, 12:42 PM
I haven't trimmed in 6 months, trying to make it another 6 before I tidy things up around the hemline. 18.5" today, up a full inch in the last month!

November 24th, 2008, 10:19 AM
I'm a non-trimmer as long as I can. During this year I've trimmed my hair already 3 times and that's quite enough. Or should I say too much.. Because of my growing project I had to do it in order to maintain my mental health, but from this point on I'll keep away from the scissors! I will keep an eye on my ends and observe their condition and hopefully won't have to trim at all during 2009. I have a mission :cool:

And to avoid total off topic, I measured my hair yesterday: 15''. I must have been smoking something bad when I first registered, 'cause I had put on my profile info that my hair is currently about 23''... Talking 'bout a brain freeze! :dizzy:

November 24th, 2008, 11:00 AM
Hi! I've trimmed so much for so many years that I know a lot about hair growth while trimming. But I don't know anything about non-trimming, so I decided to try it for one year. My last trim was July 18, 2008. At that time, my length measurement was 33 inches. I am checking it with a length picture and measurement every quarter. In October, the length measurement was 35 inches. Whoo-Hoo! 2/3 inch growth per month!

December 12th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

June 37"

July 38"

December 39.5" only 1.5" over 5 months. I hope it's not slowing down for too long.

December 14th, 2008, 06:26 PM
I trimmed a month ago (after a few years non-trimming) and still don't find it worth it for more length over time
Dec '08 48"

December 16th, 2008, 09:14 PM
I trimmed around September. Not planning to trim for some time. Length is 33".

December 19th, 2008, 07:05 PM
As of today 15.5, going to try not to cut in 2009...

December 21st, 2008, 09:08 PM
Today I'm 31"
I haven't grown much in the past couple months. I'm not planning to trim for 4-6 months.

December 29th, 2008, 04:18 AM
Hey nontrimmers :)

I'm a guy who buzzed my hair on April 25, 2008.

It's been 8months of growing and I have 4 inches on hair! 1/2inch a month!

No trims in 2009 so by the end of 09 I should have 10 inches of hair! :D

Lisa Marie
January 10th, 2009, 04:53 PM
No trims since Sept 08. I'm at 19 inches now. 1 inch of growth in the last month!

January 10th, 2009, 06:04 PM
I buzzed my hair back in October, but have been letting it grow out since. I want to grow it out till its down to my waist. Im still really short (2 in)

January 12th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Not trimming this year. I started out on January first at 33.5.

January 12th, 2009, 06:01 PM
I started out with my hair about chin length in June 2007. I did not cut it again until Nov. 2008. I cut 1/4 inch off then.
I dusted the ends off in Jan. 5, 2009 Length now: 23"

January 12th, 2009, 11:42 PM
I'm a non trimmer from February 2008, yay! You can see how much I grow my hair under my avatar:)

Oh - I hope I'll be non trimmer as long as it's possible. On February 2009 I'm going to put henna on my hair and...growing, growing, growing more:) After 11 month I don't see any split ends, but I really care for my hair.

January 14th, 2009, 11:40 AM
My first growth post! Oh my, this is so exciting. :)
Actually, I'm cheating just a bit as it's only half way through my first month but I couldn't keep this to myself...after two weeks my hair has grown 3/4 inch and is up to 17 inches. Yippee! *does a little dance*

January 16th, 2009, 11:34 PM
This is the first time I've thought about keeping track. I just joined LHC at the end of 2008, and I have seen a remarkable difference in my hair in the last few months. Significantly longer, and more lustrous!

I figured out that almost everything I had been doing was wrong! :eek: I've started: washing less often, using shampoo without sodium laurel sulfate, using a better conditioner, BBB, and applying oil to my dry, VERY TANGLY hair. Also, I've stopped trying to comb it when it is wet -- a complete hair-ripping disaster! Today was my first hot oil treatment (a work in progress, for sure).

So when I started, I think I was at 27", and now I'm around 28" (low BSL on me), and it looks 1000x better! Thank you LHC! :cheese:

I'm going to see just how long it will grow. If it goes past my tailbone, I'll probably trim.

-- biglesliep

January 26th, 2009, 06:52 PM
I measured my hair a few days ago and it was 35.5 inches.

I'll be back to say for sure when my last trim was!

January 26th, 2009, 07:24 PM
My hair has grown 4 inches in 6 months without trimming. Nice!

January 28th, 2009, 04:15 PM
I went hunting through my receipts from last year but didn't find the one from my trim.

I'm guessing that it was almost a year ago, based on the length of the "bangs" that were cut in.

ETA: Okay... DBF remembers that it was in March of 2008, the last time I had my hair professionally touched. (We went together and after that I just watched him!) Since then I've done my own S&D's and trims (trimming only the damaged portions of each little group of hairs... takes forever lol.

I'm only doing S&D's now. (Hopefully this doesn't count as trimming!)

January 29th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I have decided to keep track for the first time ever! My hair is 36" at its longest, and I haven't cut it for years, so that may be terminal. However, I have been very rough with my hair, so there may be another few inches, I hope.

But more importantly, due to trich and rough treatment, I have lots and lots of shorter ends of every length, and my braid tapers a lot and quickly. My husband says that there's a noticable thinning at 28" - that's definitely not terminal, so my primary goal is to grow this thicker length longer.

February 5th, 2009, 10:12 AM
What the..... When I joined here in early December, I measured at 31". Haven't measured since.

December 2, 2008: 31"
February 5, 2009: 31"

WAH!!! Two months of NOTHING! My shedding has slowed considerably, and I need a massive S&D....but really... that's frustrating....

February 18th, 2009, 01:04 AM
14.5"! I know its not much, but I've come a long way

February 18th, 2009, 05:02 PM
My hair started out at 0" many years ago (10!) and now I am here:

February 2009: 27.5"


March 1st, 2009, 06:16 PM
I measured in at 36" today :cheer:

March 16th, 2009, 07:42 PM
After several months of not growing due to severe anemia, my hair is growing again now that my iron stores are on the rise! :cheese:

I grew a whole inch in a month. I guess my hair is making up for lost time. I'm now at 21"

Cindi Eponabri
March 16th, 2009, 09:38 PM
I guess I'll start keeping track of my length too... I am a non trimmer. I just joined and I measured in at 36 inches.

Cindi Eponabri
March 16th, 2009, 09:39 PM
Oops, that should have been 35 inches. Wistful thinking, I guess.

March 22nd, 2009, 12:27 PM
I used to be a trimmer, maintaining lenght at low to mid thigh (mabe 65")then around 1988 I caught my braid in a car door and was embarrased when it yanked me off my feet.
Cut it off at the nape of my neck the next day.
Promptly discovered cowlicks at my hairline that make short bangs stand straight out on one side and sideways on the other.
Spent the next year under a bandanna.
Grew it for a while, trimming on and off, did one silly poodle perm with bangs, trimming every so often (another 2 years under that bandanna) until all the dry and bleached quasi-curls were gone. Got a new chop of 6 to 10 inches every year or two to keep it all just above waist length.

Chopped from waist length to mid-back when the hairdresser for my wedding couldn't figure out what to do with it. That was September 2000. Now it's at 42" and I leave it alone. It was a nice suprise when the ends got pinched 'you know where' in the shower, about a month ago.

I would like to attain terminal length, but I may end up becoming one-hair-at-a-time trimmer again if split ends become annoying.

March 23rd, 2009, 11:14 PM
24" at the tip of my V-hemline, or, just at tailbone. :)

I was at classic before I cut it to maybe 12". I just stopped trimming about 6 months ago- I was keeping it at waist for a while.

April 2nd, 2009, 09:45 AM
My first measurement since I started growing it out again was last night. I got 15.5 inches. Here's growing!

Heavenly Locks
April 6th, 2009, 01:16 AM
No trims since Oct. 2008 and I am at 25" WOO hooo!

April 7th, 2009, 01:53 AM
Mine is at terminal length which is about 55" when measured using the LHC method. It ties into a ponytail a bit over 41" long.


April 14th, 2009, 12:22 PM
After my last micro trim, I'm at about 29.5"

April 23rd, 2009, 10:38 AM
I have decided to keep track for the first time ever! My hair is 36" at its longest, and I haven't cut it for years, so that may be terminal. However, I have been very rough with my hair, so there may be another few inches, I hope.

But more importantly, due to trich and rough treatment, I have lots and lots of shorter ends of every length, and my braid tapers a lot and quickly. My husband says that there's a noticeable thinning at 28" - that's definitely not terminal, so my primary goal is to grow this thicker length longer.

Quarterly update time! (I didn’t want to be discouraged, so I decided to measure quarterly instead of monthly.)

I had my DH measure my hair today, again with freshly-washed air-dried hair.

At its longest, my hair is now 34” long, not 36”. I have no idea why. DH has advanced the hypothesis that my hair is in fact thicker and with fluffier texture, and this is contracting it a bit, almost like curls. Also, I have been doing S&D and since it’s so thin at the bottom, maybe that has contributed. Personally, looking in the mirror, I think it is a bit longer– I will have someone take a photo and I will put it in my album next to my January photo.

The good news is that (according to DH’s subjective judgement), the main fall-off in thickness is around the 29” mark, not 28”. Even better, my ponytail thickness is at least 6.5cm (DH says closer to 7cm), up from 6cm.

My trich ends on the crown are getting noticeably longer, which is good. I still twiddle with my hair, and even occasionally pull out by accident (ie, with very, very slight pressure, which I hope means they would have been shed soon anyway), but I am definitely breaking the habit of pulling. DH actually made an unsolicited comment some weeks ago; he examined the crown of my head and said “It really does look much better. You must actually be laying off it!” Pause. “It doesn’t matter what colour it is.” (The growing-in area hair is white.)

During our hair-measuring session this morning, he also said, “It’s definitely thicker and much better-looking. And I really like the different ways you are doing your hair now.” And so do I!

April 27th, 2009, 08:02 AM
2008 Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

June 37"

July 38"

December 39.5"

April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch. But my ends look much better now.

April 30th, 2009, 08:21 AM
I measured a day early, and came up with 16 inches. I've grown 1/2 inch this month! :D I'm slowly, but surely getting there, haha!

May 15th, 2009, 10:44 AM
Wow! It looks like your hair grew one inch a month? Where you taking any supplements to make your hair grow quickly during this time? I am impressed.

May 18th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Hubby measured yesterday and my hair is 24 inches. It was 22 inches in January 2009 so it has grown 2 inches in 4 months :) Last year it averaged slightly less than that, this year I am taking Biotin 5,000 mcg daily.

May 19th, 2009, 10:50 AM
May 19, 4 weeks after last measurement....I gained another inch. Dry I measure it 16 1/2" and wet or flat ironed Its measuring 17 1/4" whooo hooo!!! no pics this month though, in 4 weeks I will start my offical measure in photos with my striped shirt.

May 27th, 2009, 07:39 PM
I will try to join this challenge.
May 27, 2009 my hair measures 25"

June 28th, 2009, 07:21 PM
June 28 2009 - 18 in when straightened or pulled straight

July 3rd, 2009, 12:51 PM
32 inches! I'm measuring my longest strands, not from my hairline to the bottom because I essentially have long layers in my hair. My bangs and top crown layers DO NOT reach down to the length I have at my nape. I did however measure from my hairline to my ends and got 39 inches, however as I said before none of my strands are 39 inches long and so I do not count it this way.

July 3rd, 2009, 12:56 PM
I'm at 37 1/2 inches, up a 1/2" since last month.

I only snip splits. I admit that my hair really does need a good trim, but I'm holding out for another year.

July 4th, 2009, 01:02 PM
DH says it measures 39" :)

July 7th, 2009, 09:56 AM
24" and growing strong!

July 7th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I'm trying not to trim my hair until January 2010. I will see then how to proceed after that. Possible options are either continue the non-trimming, or S&D only when splits start to show, or get things evened-out a bit and then resume the non-trimming. For the longterm I am aiming for fairytales at fingertip length.

Here are my quarterly measurements. I used to get a solid 0.6" / 1,5 cm a month during my previous journey with close to one-length hair. It is growing significantly slower this time and I do have loads of layers (starting at chinlength). I wonder whether they cause the slower growth.

January 2009: 25.6" / 65 cm
April 2009: 26.4" / 67 cm
July 2009: 27.75" / 70,5cm
October 2009
January 2010

I will update the list in October :)

July 13th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Non-trimmer out of fear of people with scissors :rolleyes:

June 2009: 24"
July 2009: 25" :)

July 21st, 2009, 07:49 PM
I haven't trimmed in over a year. Reason being the last time I went for a "trim" the lady cut like 6 inches off :mad:, and it upset me. So I am slow to trust another one.

July 21st, 2009, 08:10 PM
January: 21" (above BSL)
February: 21" (no growth):(
March: 21 1/2" (1/2" growth)
April: 21 1/2" (no growth):(
May: 21 1/2" (no growth):(
June: 22" (1/2" growth)
July: 23" (1" growth/slightly below BSL):cheese:

Weird growth huh?:confused:

July 22nd, 2009, 12:58 AM
i don't know if i'm a non-trimmer, but have not trimmed since January 2009. i measured on Jan. 2009 22 inches, measured again on april 2009 and had gained 1 inch. to 23 inches, but ever since april i have not grown even 1 inch. will check again in spt. to see how much my hair has grown.

July 23rd, 2009, 11:25 PM
It's been about...9 months I'm guessing, since I've trimmed my hair. It might be longer, I can't remember. :) My hair is currently at about 32.5 inches. I don't plan on trimming anytime soon, but I may have to a tiny bit because the last few inches of my hair are really damaged. After that, no trimming for me.

July 25th, 2009, 04:21 PM
It's been years since I've had my hair trimmed. Can I join?

July 2009-- 24"
December 2009-- 28"

July 26th, 2009, 09:24 PM
Been a non-trimmer since my big cut the end of May, and will be a non-trimmer for at least a year I hope. Depends on how bad the layers are growing out.

May 28 '09~20 inches (+1 in)
June 29 '09~20.75 inches (+3/4 in)
July 26 '09~21.5 inches (+3/4 inch)

Marilyn Sanmo
July 29th, 2009, 11:59 AM
i haven't cut my hair 1 1/2 years, it's healthy, but i'm asking my, what to do with the few splited ends. Only cut them? Or cut all hairs one inch or two?

The Drood
August 1st, 2009, 02:08 PM
Just cut the split ends off. I believe it's referred to as "S&D" on this board (Search and Destroy I think..).

August 1st, 2009, 07:54 PM
August 1, 2009: 26.5"
September 1, 2009: 27.5"
October 3, 2009: 28"
November 2, 2009: 28.5"
December 1, 2009: 29"
January 1, 2010: 30"

August 3rd, 2009, 12:29 PM
I'd like to join! Haven't trimmed my hair since my big chop :( on 05/14 and do not plan on trimming until my hair reaches BSL. So this is my first measure-in:

08/03/09 = 14 1/2"
10/28/09 = 16" ..... Making progress...
11/30/09 = 17"

August 16th, 2009, 06:56 PM
Ohhhhh I'm so excited!!!! I measured twice, then had hubby come measure for me, and it's true-- I've grown! :D

When I joined this forum, I measured in at 17.5", and just now I found that I'm at 20"!!!!

Twenty twenty twenty for meeeee..... :cheese:

August 17th, 2009, 06:12 AM
Congratulations halo_tightens :)
Every inch gets us closer to our goal.

August 17th, 2009, 07:48 AM
Thank you GermanCurl!!!! I'm suppose I knew my hair had to be growing in the meantime, but I'm still so excited to see it in actual numbers! :p

August 22nd, 2009, 03:28 PM
I haven't trimmed since i hacked off my 24" hair to just above my ears back in 2006! Now my hair measures 25.2" inches and I'm terrified of scissors! I might trim some split ends but that's about all I'd do.

August 25th, 2009, 09:41 AM
I cut back to APL at best the end of last year to even up and get rid of the dry, damaged ends. Thanks to Coconut oil, braids and updos, I've not touched scissors since, except to keep my bangs in check! I haven't measured total growth, but I'm at BSL now with no split ends visible, and not too much tapering! :-)

August 25th, 2009, 09:47 AM
22 1/4, up 3/4 inch from July. That's 3 months in a row of 3/4 inch growth. Woot!

September 1st, 2009, 01:43 PM
The last trim I got was 6 months ago and I don't plan to get anymore. I lost some length from a long overdue S&D but now my ends are clear and undamaged.

2 months ago: 53"
Today: 54"

I plan to measure every month from now on. 6" to my goal!

God bless,


September 3rd, 2009, 12:35 PM
I think maybe I need to join this no-trimming club. My hair doesn't seem to be growing much at all...

Mar. '09: 16" (had a "dusting" at the salon)
April '09: 17" (had used MegaTek for one month)
May '09: 16.75" (had dusting at the salon)
June '09:17.25"
July '09: 17.5"
Aug '09: 17.25 (had dusting at the salon)

Even though my hairdresser shows me how much he is cutting off, and it looks like less than a qtr inch, it negatively impacts my already-slow growth rate. :-(

FWIW, I'm already doing scalp massages w/MT and bringhraji oil, getting exercise, protein, taking hair vitamins, stopped using SLS and cones, but none of this is helping me gain measureable length.

September 12th, 2009, 09:14 AM
It's about time I joined this club!

Some hair history...

February 2006 - Had Classic length hair and cut 10" off for Locks of Love
November 2006 - Cut 12 more inches off for LOL which brought me to just past shoulder
July 2007- Found LHC (YAY) at around 27"
March 2009 - Got bored and cut from around 39" to 21.5"
May 2010 - Needed a change and had my BSL hair layered. The shortest layers are shoulder length and the lady only took a couple inches off of the length.

March - 21.5"
April -
May -
June -
July -
August - 24.75" (+3.25")
September - 25.25" (+.5")
October - 26.25" (+1.0")
November -27"(+.75")
December -

January -
February -
March -
April -
May - *Layered hair*
June -
July -
August -
September - 30.25" (+3.25" since NOV. Cause of being layered)
October -
November -
December -

January -
February -
March -
April -
May -
June -
July- 35" (+4.25")
August - 18" Chopped drastically
September -
October -
November -
December -

January - 20" (+2")
February - 21.5" (+1.5") I highly doubt that. Think my DH measured wrong.
March -
April -
May -
June -
July - 24.25" (+2.75)
August - 25" (.75")
September -
October -
November -
December -

January -
February -
March -
April - 29" (+4")
May -
June - 30"(+1")
July -
August -
September - 31" (+1")
Have been lazy about measuring, but that makes this journey go quicker in my opinion. I'm not constantly measuring and worrying about my hair.

September 14th, 2009, 07:18 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

May 36.25"

June 37"

July 38"

December 39.5"

April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch. But my ends look much better now.

September 42" - I'm kind of glad my hair has slowed down but I hope it doesn't last. I would love to make it to knee or longer.

September 17th, 2009, 07:11 AM
Last trim/haircut was August 2008: Cut from 27" to 22" and today my hair is back to 27" albeit much more layered, sigh... I wish It grew faster :(

September 20th, 2009, 05:19 AM
last time i trimmed was may 2009. i want to go back to S&D and microtrimming in the end of 2010. but i don't want to microtrimm more than twice a year. my goal is somewhere between waist and hip without layers and a straight hemline. at the moment i've got lots of layers, but i don't want to get rid of them too soon.

may 2009: 38 cm (15")
september 2009: 46 cm (18.1")
october 2009: 47 cm (18.5")
november 2009: 49 cm (19.29")
december 2009: 50 cm (19.7")

EDT: I'll try not to trim until 2012

September 20th, 2009, 06:56 AM
I stopped trimming in May and surprise, surprise... :eyebrows: my hair is finally showing some significant growth! :lol:

Seriously though, it did need regular trimming for a year and a half, to get rid of some bad perm damage. Now this is about all gone, I can finally have fun.

My hair has grown 2 inches since May, and is now at 35", i.e. longer than it's ever been :cheese:

I may do a dusting around Christmas to even out the hemline a bit, but for the next few months I still plan on letting my hair be, and above all - letting it grow all it pleases :D

October 3rd, 2009, 11:17 AM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"

April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.

September 42"

October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again. :cheese:

October 14th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Ummm. I haven't cut/trimmed in about six years.
As of right now I am at 46", I think. XD. I don't have a tape, so I'm guessing, but that's what it was the other week I checked, so.

October 15th, 2009, 11:20 PM
Non-trimmer out of laziness and fear of people with scissors. I love to see terminal but am taking it one landmark at a time. My most recent measurements:

Feb 34.5"

March 35.25"

April 35.75"

I really like your bun on your Avatar...very unique;)

October 15th, 2009, 11:23 PM
I am not going to trim for at least a year, maybe more, I am looking forward to the fairytale ends!

June: 32'

Are fairytale ends when you don't ever cut or can you do a dusting? I really want that style...so romantic!

October 15th, 2009, 11:26 PM
I have not trimmed since July! I am not sure of my growth because I just started measuring since I cut of damaged hair. I am at around 20 inches?

October 18th, 2009, 11:10 AM
20.5 inches as of today.
9.5 till I get to waist! :cheese:

October 18th, 2009, 07:21 PM
20.5 inches as of today.
9.5 till I get to waist! :cheese:

Way to go....we are about the same length! I like your thinking with the glass half full attitude :)

October 19th, 2009, 11:12 AM
Today my hair is 29! I really hope to be at waist by christmas:smile:

October 20th, 2009, 05:06 PM
I am looking for instructions on "dusting". I can't find them anywhere and I know they are out there....help?

October 21st, 2009, 09:36 AM
Hello there!
I've non-trimmer for 33 days :) /i had my bangs evened out and dusted/
My hair has been growing 0.8 inch (around 2 cm) for the past 3 months...so its not conclusive average growing, but its good for me :D
I have become officially hair-maniac in summer, when I started growing out the the pixie...
My hair has never been longer than chin-length... so its a whole new territory for me :eek:
Have a nice evening :)

October 22nd, 2009, 09:41 PM
Hey non-trimmers :) 2 months since my last trim, and I hope I'll control myself for not trimming until next year :justy: !

November 2nd, 2009, 04:33 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"

April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.

September 42"

October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.

November 43"

November 3rd, 2009, 08:50 PM
I really don't know how long since my last trim, but it had to at least last January or maybe a little earlier. I wasn't on LHC then, and didn't pay much attention to such. The first of October I started measuring and was at 34". Nov. 1 ,I was at 34.75", maybe half an inch to go to TB. I promised myself that I would not trim until the end of the year, but then will probably trim away some of the ends, working toward a better hemline.

November 28th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I'm still kind of new at this but I am a non-trimmer and since I just learned how to measure hair (I never thought about it before) it is 54" long with the last cut being July of 1998.

I am going to really try to post more and learn more about my hair. I also need to post enough to see everyone's pics.

December 1st, 2009, 01:59 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"

April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.

September 42"

October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.

November 43"

December 44"

December 10th, 2009, 11:53 PM
Let's see. From about Mid October to now, I've gone from 17.5" to 19.5". I haven't had a trim since March or April of this year and I don't plan on trimming it... at least not until July of 2010 (and more than likely it will be a dusting and/or barely evening up the ends). I want to keep all the length I can get! :)

December 13th, 2009, 09:03 AM
I've been a non trimmer for as long as I can remember, going to start using S&D though... I haven't been takign very good care of my hair, the only part I cut is my box fringe. - I look wierd without it.

December 17th, 2009, 02:11 PM
I'm a non-trimmer and just updated my original post. I haven't had my hair trimmed since May 31, 2006.

July 2009-- 24"
December 2009-- 28"

December 22nd, 2009, 04:31 PM
I am at 45 inches after having 6 inches cut to even out my layers... not trimming again till after my wedding next October but will do oleo caps every month to keep lubed.

January 3rd, 2010, 04:45 PM
39.75" - up 1/2" from last month.

I will be receiving my first trim in two years next month. Then I plan on coming back to this thread. :D

January 7th, 2010, 10:40 AM
well, since I decided that trims are a luxury that my money cannot afford I guess I'll join up here. Less than a week ago my longest layer measured up at 25inches. I'll try to measure every month for a while to see what my growth is like!

January 7th, 2010, 01:27 PM
Hello there. I am a recent no trims joiner. As of January one :D
Beginning measurement is 13 inches (i cut off the mullet of doom) I am already up to 13.5 :D

January 10th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Non-trimmer as of August 2009 :cheese:

January 16th, 2010, 08:31 PM
Just checking in. No trims since September of 2008.

January 18th, 2010, 08:55 AM
I'm just a newbie here, but I'm haven't trimmed since January 2009. My ends are in pretty bad condition, but I just can't bring myself to cut off the 4 or 5 inches that I would need to to have perfect ends. Plus, I kinda wanna see what my hair does if I just let it grow. I'm far far away from fairytale ends, but I think they're so beautiful and dream of having them one day. I've got to find a tape measure and see how long my hair is by LHC standards. I've never actually measured my hair before so it should be fun.

January 18th, 2010, 09:49 PM
Kay! I took my measurements today and I'm at 23 inches now. I'm guessing that this time last year, when I started growing, my hair was 12 or 13 inches; It was a bit shorter than chin length. So, about 10 inches in a year. Is that about average? I have no idea.

January 19th, 2010, 10:16 AM
Kay! I took my measurements today and I'm at 23 inches now. I'm guessing that this time last year, when I started growing, my hair was 12 or 13 inches; It was a bit shorter than chin length. So, about 10 inches in a year. Is that about average? I have no idea.

Um, no, that is close to double what average growth rate is (6" per year). ;)

January 20th, 2010, 05:27 PM
I have decided to become a non-trimmer. I haven't had a trim since May '09 and my hair is 18". I don't know what my measurements where then but my hair was pretty short.

January 21st, 2010, 10:04 PM
46.5" last month.
47" this month!

And it seems as if the the longest strand of my hair touches the back of my thigh! This is exciting. XD.

January 21st, 2010, 10:06 PM
1/2 an in. from New Years so I'm finally at 20 in. Wheee!! Reached one of my mini goals. :) Now on to APL, another 1.5 in or so. By my calculations... I should be there in about 2-3 months. ^^ I'm excited but I wish I could get my hair to at least waist length sooner... grrr hair grows so slowly and there are so many updos that I want to try!

January 21st, 2010, 10:07 PM
Um, no, that is close to double what average growth rate is (6" per year). ;)
Wow! Awesome! I should probably check my measurements though. ;]

January 22nd, 2010, 05:31 PM
On Dec. 14 I measured 20", today Jan 22 I measured 20.75", so 3/4" growth in a little over a month. It appears my hair is growing only slight faster than average. I always thought my hair grew pretty fast. But who knows, I've read that hair grows faster in the warmer months, which are coming.

January 26th, 2010, 07:43 PM
December 1 - 23.5 inches

January 26 - 25.0 inches

Wow, I'm doing something(s) right! Ever since I got off of cones, I've noticed a good difference. Not to mention, I've been eating more vitamin-enriched foods, and walking outside around five miles per day, so that's made a difference.

February 1st, 2010, 06:28 AM
I have to start again. I trimmed in the end of 2009 :mad:

I started this year with 43cm.

February 16th, 2010, 12:58 AM
20.5". grr, the "Can I call this Arm Pit Length?" stage.

Keep It Flowin
February 17th, 2010, 11:35 PM
I used to have my mother trim an inch off every 2-3 mos when I was younger. I had great hair that grew rather quickly. Then as I got older and left the nest life takes over and our routines change. The trims became less frequent and I recruited a friends mother in the place of my mother at least once a year until a move out of state kept me from regular trimmings. Bad experiences keep me out of salons normally but I wanted to "freshen up" my cut/style after at least two years of no trimming and a lot of growth! Plus when I sat on it one day at work and my head yanked back I thought I needed to take some off =/ My hair grows REALLY fast in the FL climate. I have since been growing and trimming out that disaster. I think it has been between 3 and 4 years now since that happen. Since then I trim my own hair as I see fit or when I think of it. Although lately I've been obsessing on the dry damaged parts and pick/trim here and there. The longest parts or "length" as it appears to be called here was down to my tailbone. I cut 6-8" off about a year ago to give my shape a more rounded taper than my previous drastic V taper. I've been trimming here and there at the sides because they seem most dry and damaged as to promote growth and for a healthier look. Haven't really accomplished that yet. They seem to get shorter and shorter.

After finding this site I have become more hair conscious and actually measured my hair for the first time, according to this sites instructions. I measured dry then after further reading learned of "shrinkage" and that proper measuring is done wet so I remeasured.

Feb '10- Left front shortest layer 20"
Right front shortest layer 21"
Length (longest layer) 31 1/2"

I'm thinking about finding someone to "clean up" my shape and then practice something else I learned from lurking; "dusting" to promote healthy hair growth. I've also found different recipes or hair masks and applied one this weekend.

February 18th, 2010, 11:54 AM
New non-trimmer. I'm going to embrace my fairy tale ends and give up on the blunt hemline I never manage to maintain anyway. I'm going for terminal anyway.

May 1 2009-44"
May 18, 2009 last trim, removed 2 or so inches, so ~42"
February 18, 2010-49"
March 18, 2010-49"
April 18, 2010-49" Ok, I'm beginning to think I may have hit terminal just as I started measuring :(
May 15, 2010-49"
June 16, 2010-49"

February 19th, 2010, 12:19 PM
[Posted in August 2009]Ohhhhh I'm so excited!!!! I measured twice, then had hubby come measure for me, and it's true-- I've grown! :D

When I joined this forum, I measured in at 17.5", and just now I found that I'm at 20"!!!!

Twenty twenty twenty for meeeee..... :cheese:

Yes, I'm quoting myself, lol.

This shows me that I'm exactly average! This was six months ago, and I'm now at 23". It looks like I'm getting the standard half-inch per month.

Hey, that works for me! I might just make it to BSL by year's end, as I've been hoping! :)

February 20th, 2010, 09:13 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"
April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.
September 42"
October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.
November 43"
December 44"

Feb 44.5" (I caved again in January and trimmed about 1/4") And I have gained 10" of length in 2 years. While that's slower than when it was shorter I'm still very happy with the progress I've made.

February 24th, 2010, 03:23 PM
:Scissors: have not touched my hair in two years!

Not because that was my goal or anything. I got my hair cut 2 1/2 years ago and the girl really messed it up. Then I just stopped doing anything with it. I put it up for 6 months then trimmed it to even out the crazy zig-zag stair-step hemline the girl gave me and wore it up another 6 months. Scissors have been no where near my hair since. I started to wear my hair down again which is when I realized that my hair had gone from APL to waist in what seems like no time! So I never really tried to grow my hair. It just kinda happened because I was scared someone was going to mess my hair up. Now it is at hip and I have some damage on my ends. I'm thinking about a trim :hmm: ... I've been thinking about it for about 6 months so who knows when it will happen!

March 14th, 2010, 03:30 PM
last salon visit couple months ago, now have layers AGAIN after regular trims getting rid of ones a had from years ago:rolleyes: however this time had a wet cut and no razoring. coming up to 2months no trimming. I don't use blow dryer and hair is kept back most of the day, so will be leaving it to do what it wants;)
Happy hair growing all:drama:

March 15th, 2010, 10:39 PM
21.25" It's growing slowly but surely and now at a solid APL. About 3 more inches and I'll be BSL. :)

April 15th, 2010, 11:57 PM
No fair... didn't have any growth at all this month. If anything a quarter of an inch. :(

April 16th, 2010, 12:41 AM
Do bangs count? If so, they haven't been cut in about two years. If not, then my last, and only haircut out of infancy has been a decade ago. I'm at about 60 inches right now.

April 23rd, 2010, 02:41 AM
I guess I´m a non-trimmer, my hair was last cut in february 2009 (/ august 2009: a trim/shave only in the neck area) and I intend not to cut it as long as there is no need to.
However, if I get split ends I will trim.

I had layered short cut in feb 2009 and now my longest hairs are 11,8 inches. The shortest in the neck are about 4,7 inches.

EDIT. corrected the measurement

April 28th, 2010, 12:26 PM
105 cm!!!

I need 111 to classical length - I'm getting closer! :cheese:

May 1st, 2010, 07:20 PM
I guess I'm a non-trimmer. I don't get many split ends, so I only cut it if the ends feel damaged beyond repair. I measured for the first time today at 28.5". I want to get to around 35".

May 2nd, 2010, 10:44 AM
106 cm!!!

Only 5 cm until classical!

My last haircut was last summer (July or so) - the next will be at the end of this year.

May 2nd, 2010, 11:03 PM
22 5/8" after 3/4" of growth...still a ways from APL, I'll need another 2" before I'm really there.

May 3rd, 2010, 12:37 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"
April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.
September 42"
October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.
November 43"
December 44"

Feb 44.5"
April 42.25" - I trimmed again but it was worth it.
May 43" Back on the no trimming wagon.

May 5th, 2010, 10:27 PM
*sigh* No growth again this month.. Why is my hair stalling?? O_o

May 12th, 2010, 02:34 PM
I haven't actually measured my natural hair in inches, but I've just taken a picture of it and it looks waist length on my camera - I'm shocked! :blueeek:

There was me thinking it was BSL; it just goes to show how much I didn't pay attention to the length of my hair before I joined LHC. Haha. xD

May 27th, 2010, 03:42 AM
To those who dont trim-

Doesnt your hair get in bad condition? I thought trims were to get rid of the splits etc and not trimming would eliminate that. Im not here to be all funny im just curious as im addicted to a trim every 6 weeks at least and obv this stunts my growth! I've stretched it to 9 and managed but i cant help thinking my hair must be in terrible condition!

Im not like everyone else hear, i wash with cones, sulfates but i find they are good on my hair.

What do you all think?

May 28th, 2010, 02:47 PM
To those who dont trim-

Doesnt your hair get in bad condition? I thought trims were to get rid of the splits etc and not trimming would eliminate that. Im not here to be all funny im just curious as im addicted to a trim every 6 weeks at least and obv this stunts my growth! I've stretched it to 9 and managed but i cant help thinking my hair must be in terrible condition!

Im not like everyone else hear, i wash with cones, sulfates but i find they are good on my hair.

What do you all think?

Trims don't keep my splits at bay because the splits are throughout my hair (although mostly below shoulders). S&D helps with that. Trimming just reduces my length or creates a blunt hemline which only lasts a short time. So I've given up on them.

I don't think my hair is in terrible condition (it could be better, but :rolleyes:).

May 29th, 2010, 07:52 AM
I will do this too.:)

January 2008 34cm ( 13.4 inch ) --> i started growing hair
March 2010 72 cm ( 28.3 inch)
May 2010 75.5cm (29.7 inch)

May 31st, 2010, 05:08 AM
I so wanna be strong enough to do this too! Today's measure: 7 inches. >.<

May 31st, 2010, 06:30 PM
May 1: 18"
May 30: 18.5"

I wish it would grow faster!

June 2nd, 2010, 03:54 PM
Are non-trimmers allowed to dust?

June 4th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Wooo Hooo 37"...

June 4th, 2010, 04:29 PM
April 10th, 2010: 18"
June 4th, 2010: 19"

June 4th, 2010, 09:51 PM
Checking in. I've been a non-trimmer since 2004.

My longest shed strand was 51 inches.

June 5th, 2010, 02:40 PM
June 4th - 1.5 inches

Ugh.. so short

June 7th, 2010, 11:49 PM
May 15.5"
June 16"

Pretty average! I think I'm going to start with supplements and see what happens next month for fun :p

June 9th, 2010, 12:36 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"
April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.
September 42"
October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.
November 43"
December 44"

Feb 44.5"
April 42.25" - I trimmed again but it was worth it.
May 43" Back on the no trimming wagon.
June 43.5"

June 17th, 2010, 12:29 PM
2010 June 34"
2010 July 34 7/8"
2010 August 35 3/4"
2010 September 36 3/4"
2010 October 37 1/2"
2010 December 38 1/2"
2011 January 39"
2011 February 39 1/2"
2011 March 40"
2011 April 40 1/2"
2011 May 41"
2011 June 41 1/2"
2011 November 44 3/4"

June 28th, 2010, 02:55 PM
I did my first measure ever the other day!

June measurements:

July 1st, 2010, 08:03 AM
May: 18"
June: 18.5"
July: 19.5"

July 4th, 2010, 08:00 PM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"
April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.
September 42"
October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.
November 43"
December 44"

Feb 44.5"
April 42.25" - I trimmed again but it was worth it.
May 43" Back on the no trimming wagon.
June 43.5"
July 44"

July 8th, 2010, 01:08 AM
7.5 inches, so plus half inch this month.

July 11th, 2010, 07:16 AM
July: 51cm = 20 inches makes a plus of 0.5 inch

July 26th, 2010, 05:15 PM
starting length July 2010 16.5

July 27th, 2010, 03:29 PM
June 27th: 65 cm
July 27th: allmost 68 cm: (grown an inch)
September 1th: 68,75 cm: (grown a cm)
October 1th: 70,50: grown 1,75 cm

July 29th, 2010, 12:34 PM
I think I last measured in march, so that makes 4 months now!

- longest hairs: 36 cm = 14,17 inches.
1,5cm / month
- shortest hairs: 15 cm = 5,91 inches.
0,75cm / month

The hair in my neck seems to grow awfully slowly! :confused:
But otherwise the growing is going okay :)

August 1st, 2010, 03:11 PM
July 16.5
Aug 17.0

August 3rd, 2010, 06:55 PM
July 2009 = 58"
Aug 2010 = 62"

Its really slowing down now, 4" in a year, I dont think its going to gain much more length from here on in.

August 8th, 2010, 11:39 PM
just measured for the 1st time since May
+2'' in 3 month. Too bad that Summer is almost over, and it might slow down the growth.
Still, now I'm 26+ :disco:
Mercury Marquis (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Mercury_Marquis)

August 8th, 2010, 11:53 PM
I'm a non trimmer for the last 7 months and at least the next 1.5 years... but I'm not ready to measure in yet! I'm scared the ruler will tell me nothing new! O.O

August 30th, 2010, 07:50 AM
July 26 - 2"
August 26 - 3"

Qwerty Uiop
August 31st, 2010, 12:58 PM
I'm a non-trimmer for I forget how many years. I haven't noticed much growth, but just for fun I measured this morning and got a pleasant surprise: 36"!!!! Two inches in two years may not be exciting to you, but I've been pretty much resigned to being terminal at waist length so I'm happy that it may not be the case--although those two inches are probably just the result of having a baby (my hair grows during pregnancy) and then leaving it in braids 23.75/7 for almost three years. ;)

September 1st, 2010, 09:11 AM
July 16.5
Aug 17.0
Sep 17.5

September 1st, 2010, 11:19 AM
2008 Feb 34.5"
March 35.25"
April 35.75"
May 36.25"
June 37"
July 38"
December 39.5"
April 41.25" - caved and trimmed less than 1 inch.
September 42"
October 42.75" - Yay! It's growing again.
November 43"
December 44"

Feb 44.5"
April 42.25" - I trimmed again but it was worth it.
May 43" Back on the no trimming wagon.
June 43.5"
July 44"
September 45.25"

September 3rd, 2010, 02:16 PM
I don't know if I'm a trimmer or a non-trimmer. I'm in the no trimming club for now and am planning on not trimming for at least a while, but I know I will trim some day in the future to even layers out, and even with longer hair I guess I would want to trim once in a while to prevent split ends. I guess that makes me a trimmer. But for now I'm just letting it grow and will see how long I can take this without a trim. When my hair gets longer I will eventually start doing S&D when needed to avoid trimming. So I guess I'm a non-trimmer now.

Uh, am I a trimmer or a non-trimmer? :confused:

September 3rd, 2010, 02:20 PM
I think it makes me a trimmer so I'll go to the Trimmers Measure-In thread *slips away quietly...*

September 6th, 2010, 08:27 AM
i do s&d i think that counts as a non trimer myself ^_^

September 10th, 2010, 05:21 PM
Sept 10th, 2010

Please make sure you are sitting down...

28"! I gained an inch in 12 days?!?! I don't buy it, but DH measured twice, the second time he got 28.5" but I went with the more conservative measurement.

September 16th, 2010, 12:05 PM
I'm going to stop trimming. At the end of my 279 days of wearing my hair up I might trim again. Sort of like a reward for keeping it up. :p

October 1st, 2010, 02:37 PM
had a sad moment, thought my hair hadn't grown at all , but realized I was looking at the wrong line on the measuring tape :) happy to report I am keeping my average growth. This is normally the length where I cut my hair back to chin length, I put myself on no trim until Aug 2011 it will be interesting. :)

July 05 2010 - 16.5
Aug 01 2010 - 17.0
Sep 01 2010 - 17.5
Oct 01 2010 - 18.0

October 2nd, 2010, 06:29 PM
Oct 2, 2010 = 28.25"

Up from 28" on Sept 10th.

October 8th, 2010, 05:39 AM
August 2010: 25"
Sept 10 '10: 25.75"
Oct. 8 '10: 26.8"

one inch growth!! :D

October 8th, 2010, 04:42 PM
June 27th: 65 cm
July 27th: allmost 68 cm: (grown an inch)
September 1th: 68,75 cm: (grown 0,75)
October 1th: 70,50: grown 1,75 cm
November 1th: 71 cm grown half a cm

Seriosly? 0,50? That's ... totally unmotivating!!!!

Happy Phantom
October 26th, 2010, 02:31 AM
September '10: 58 cm
October 58,5 cm - I measured many times. Seems they are really not growing very much at the moment :(

November 2nd, 2010, 11:59 PM
I have never cut my hair (faith reasons) and as of now my hair is 38".
My mom has hair that nearly touches the floor, but I'm not so sure if I want THAT much hair...I'll have to wait and see.

November 6th, 2010, 06:30 AM
I measured my hair the first and only time when I was about to join LHC, since it said to put the length in inches... I think it was about 28", which is about 71 cm. I thought I'd start measuring every month to get a grip on if it grows at all. Not seeing any visible difference in length makes me depressed :p But it's hard to see small differences when you're only measuring against your own body. I think seeing growth in numbers would make me happy :D And whoa, it's totally a coincidence that my only measure was taken exactly three months ago to the day ;) It was fate, I swear. I did a small (I thought it was...) trim in August after the measuring, though.

So, here goes:

August 6th, 2010: ~71 cm, 28 inches?
I think this value must be botched, or I trimmed a lot more than I thought when I did my last trim in August...
November 6th, 2010: ~68 cm, 27 inches.
I must have trimmed more than I thought, but why isn't it growing? :( It's been three months! And I double-did the November measuring. This is even more depressing. Well, we shall see next month.
December 4th, 2010: ~27.5 inches
Oh yeah, finally some action! I think I might do a slight dusting of my very ends some day, though... I don't really count it as a trim, though; I see it more as a veeeeeery aggressive S&D :D I want to get rid of some splits and I see white spots at the ends of most hairs, so I'd like to limit my breakage as much as possible.
January 9th, 2011: ~28.5 inches
Seems the growth is speeding up! :D OH JOY!
February 9th, 2011: ~29 inches
Pretty average but nice :)

November 9th, 2010, 12:37 PM
Started taking sups in Sep guess they have kicked in :)
July 05 2010 - 16.5
Aug 01 2010 - 17.0
Sep 01 2010 - 17.5
Oct 01 2010 - 18.0
Nov 09 2010 - 19.0

mini goal apl 23-24

November 19th, 2010, 12:33 AM
Late Sept.- 21.75"
Today- 22.5" Slow progress but I'll take what I can get.

December 7th, 2010, 02:36 PM
July 05 2010 - 16.5
Aug 01 2010 - 17.0
Sep 01 2010 - 17.5
Oct 01 2010 - 18.0
Nov 09 2010 - 19.0
Dec 07 2010 - 19.5

mini goal apl 23-24

December 12th, 2010, 08:50 AM
28 inches from last month's 27.45 inches

December 14th, 2010, 09:06 AM
December: 28,75"

December 15th, 2010, 04:32 PM
The longest bit looks to be 23" now. Woot!

The crazy thing is that if I look back to April shots of my hair (yes I know, I sadly need to update my albums... these are all on my camera), it looks much shorter.

The worst of it is that my tapemeasure doesn't seem to match up with the growth I see. I think this has something to do with the fact that my hair can look almost completely straight one day (1bish) and wavy the next (more like 1c/2a). Even though the tapemeasure doesn't show it my hair looks to have gained 3-4 inches from April to December (that's including a 1-2 inch trim in May). It's much healthier too.

December 26th, 2010, 08:08 PM
I was at 20.5" in early december and I plan to measure before I leave for D.C. on january 3rd. Hopefully I can find a proper tape measure for the job. I've been taking hair vitamins for over a month now, so hopefully they've kicked in and ill have grown more than half an inch.

January 1st, 2011, 03:40 PM
Since I have started measuring my hairgrowth I've had the following results:

2010 (May untill December 18 cm growth)

May 50 cm ==> Mid-back
June 52,5 cm (+ 2,5 cm)
July 55 cm (+ 2,5 cm)
August 57,5 cm (+ 2,5 cm)
September 60 cm (+ 2,5 cm) ==> Waist
October 61,5 (+1,5 cm + trim 1cm actual growth 2,5 cm)
November 64,5 (+3 cm)
December 68 cm (+3,5 cm) ==> Hip

This year I've done my first slight trim of 1 cm. I want to specify that I am not a trimmer, so I post my progress in this thread.
I just wanted to try to do my own trim to straighten things out. I've been almost 1 year without a haircut or trim, which is a first for me. Therefore I wanted to try what it is like to do my own trims.
I don't think I will continue to do own trims, because I don't really need it (yet).
But maybe in the future this will change.

For 2011 no haircuts or trims for the challenge!

January 1st, 2011, 09:34 PM
23.25". Slow growing.

January 4th, 2011, 01:50 PM
think I about 23.5

January 6th, 2011, 11:10 AM
I should join this and forget about all trimmings at least for a year! I don't count S&D though, did it properly yesterday and now to go without next 2 months. Hair feels so soft now!

http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/9545/loviisahair01.jpg (http://img828.imageshack.us/i/loviisahair01.jpg/)

January 19th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I'm brand new to this site. I was googling how to grown long and healthy hair and found this site. I'm going to be a non-trimmer. I'm at 13 inches, been growing it out for a few months.

January 29th, 2011, 12:57 AM
December 25th: 32.5"
January 25th: 33"

January 29th, 2011, 01:11 PM
I actually trim once a year or so.
Right now, best as I can tell, my mid-back length hair is 29 1/2 inches or so.

January 31st, 2011, 10:00 AM
December - 25
January - 25.75

2/3 of an inch, awesome!!!!!!

February 1st, 2011, 12:22 PM
1/1 58 cm or 22,8 inches
1/2 60 cm or 23,6 inches