View Full Version : Is this possible ?

March 12th, 2009, 06:48 AM
Hiya everyone,
I'm really new to henna (and LHC too :)). I have always been to scared to use it but after seeing all the lovely henna heads on here i just had to bite the bullet.

I didnt go the full hog however i bought 2 henna bars from lush. One rouge and one noir. I used 4 rouge blocks and 2 noir. My natural hair is medium brown with no red in it, so if left alone its sort of blonde at the front but really dull every where else. I'm also starting to go grey. My hair was dyed premenant red/black colour over 2 years ago but it faded i have also put various semi permenants on it since :(

Right now i've finished my hair history hehe :) can i ask if it would be possible to make my hair more red than it has gone and its just a medium/dark brown now with a hint of red. I thought it would turn out too orange if i used just the rouge bar because the lush girl said :(. I dont really want orange and it scared me. I am thinking if i follow the hennaforhair website instructions and just use henna properly and without the indigo. Would this help ? Then what would happen with my roots ? Would i have two different hair colours ??

Sorry for all the questions

Stephanie xx

March 12th, 2009, 08:05 AM
I don't have the answers to your questions but please don't be sorry for asking! ;)

March 12th, 2009, 09:52 AM
I'm inclined to tell you to wait for a little while. Indigo has a tendency to fade, while henna rarely does, so you might actually get more red in the next few weeks. If you want more red after that, you can always do straight henna again. The results can start a bit orangey (more so on blondish hair), but it gets redder with each application. (Also, don't freak out if it's a bit oranger than you want right after hennaing. The color deepens a bit over the next few days.)

March 12th, 2009, 11:05 AM
Can't argue with Anje, you might also try to BAQ henna, as for some people the results may be different. I can not speak from experience as i only use the powdered kind, but i seem to remember reports. Take a look at nightshades article and maybe try a visit to the henna thread and H4H.

March 12th, 2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks guys, i'll wait a bit then Anje and try just henna in a few weeks if it isnt redder :)

If i just used henna on its own from now on would i end up with a line where i stopped using the indigo ?

Stephanie xx

March 12th, 2009, 02:55 PM
That depends on how indigo fades on your hair. On some heads indigo is permanent from first application, on some people it fades no matter how many times they redo it.

Thanks guys, i'll wait a bit then Anje and try just henna in a few weeks if it isnt redder :)

If i just used henna on its own from now on would i end up with a line where i stopped using the indigo ?

Stephanie xx