View Full Version : Slightly Impatient

March 11th, 2009, 11:17 PM
So I think I've decided to do a year of putting my hair up...I keep trimming off all my length because my ends get SO damaged and I'm SO frustrated because it is just NOT growing.

So, do you have any tips on how to preserve ends of hair? What do I need to consider as I embark on my journey for hair up? What the HECK am I doing wrong?

And, stupid question, but my hair isn't going to change if I have it up all the time? I mean, I'm not going to take my hair down a year from now and find that it's not curly any more, am I? Obviously it wont be AS curly because it will be longer, but I'll still have my curls?

March 11th, 2009, 11:24 PM
So I think I've decided to do a year of putting my hair up...I keep trimming off all my length because my ends get SO damaged and I'm SO frustrated because it is just NOT growing.

So, do you have any tips on how to preserve ends of hair? What do I need to consider as I embark on my journey for hair up? What the HECK am I doing wrong?

And, stupid question, but my hair isn't going to change if I have it up all the time? I mean, I'm not going to take my hair down a year from now and find that it's not curly any more, am I? Obviously it wont be AS curly because it will be longer, but I'll still have my curls?

Putting your hair up won't make it lose its curls. Are you sure your hair hasn't grown? Sometimes it's really hard to see the change with hair as curly as yours is.

I just want to add that your curls are beautiful and I can't tell that your ends are damaged.

March 12th, 2009, 06:56 AM
I use coconut oil on the last 8 inches of my hair to help keep the ends from dryng. Catnip tea soaks have done the absolute most to prevent breakage and splits - without cutting and loosing any length. There are links to both on this site. Wearing it up will certainly help, and gives us excuses to buy hair toys to look pretty while it is up! Ktani wrote an article on how to use catnip tea, very inexpensive, and for me, works great. My hair has stopped breaking and is finally getting thicker. Good luck, I know curly hair holds challenges straight does not. And your hair is so pretty!

March 12th, 2009, 08:48 AM
The other posters have given great advice! But I would like to just add that there are NO stupid questions here!! Everything hair-related is trial-and-error, even to those who have been here for years. We don't have all of the answers for everything, but if you never ask, you'll never know.

It looks beautiful as it is, and I agree, it's harder to tell whether you've had growth when it's not stick-straight. Mine is quite wavy, and it's difficult to tell on me either without pulling it straight to measure with tape. Good luck!! :)

Peggy E.
March 12th, 2009, 09:53 AM
Since having my hair up every day, there's been far less damage to the ends - particularly in front, where I tended to brush and touch and mess with more often.

My hair is rather wavy now, but wearing it up has not made any difference in the texture, simply protected the length. I have never had much luck with oils, though - make the ends nice and crunchy! ;o(

I do a CO, cider vinegar/water rinse (I have sebhorea and this has done amazing things in easing the itching and scaling) and then a leave-in conditioner. Wash once a week, let air dry, that's that!

There are no promises, but this may very well help you protect those ends. I think curly/very wavy hair looks gorgeous up, with the beautiful wisps flirting about the lovely face and long neck. You'll look fantastic - have fun!