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View Full Version : Effects of "Dovonex" on the scalp for Psoriasis?Your experience with psoriasis?

March 3rd, 2009, 03:07 PM
Soo about a week ago i finally went to the doctor a couple days! Found out that what i have on my skin is not..dandruff..or..Excema but..:-(Psoriasis:meditate: Yea..i just get all the luck -.-
It is on the left side of my scalp, around my ears (so that's what that was!:shocked:), and a little bit on my elbow. Luckily its not too noticeable. But pretty annoying. Having gone to the doctor...and getting prescriptions..and going through a whole medicine cabinet to get them because i don't have insurance..i have finally got them!
I got Dovonex cream to apply to the "plaques" and also some separate Dovonex for the scalp. Daily. But i was wondering has anyone encountered any negative side effects from using this? Honestly i much rather have my hair then have my scalp work with me. I am used to it anyways.....
So if you have tried this or know someone that has I'd love to hear about it.
Also what are your experiences with psoriasis? What helps? What makes it worse?
Will the scalp cream damage my hair? How long should this be kept on?
I also got some cream for my face. My skins not horrible but meh its not all that great either. I told them i was tired of break outs and they gave me "BenzaClin". Has anyone ever had experience with that? I just got kind of nervous after reading all the effects. Like how it has been a tumor promoter in studies...Is that only if i use too much?
Anyways any advice or stories would help helpful.
oh and if the medication clears it up will it be gone for a while or is it something i have to continue to keep it working?
I have enough for a couple months..after that with no health care I'm S.O.L
Thanks :D

March 3rd, 2009, 06:30 PM
Anybody? :)

March 3rd, 2009, 11:18 PM
:) I have psoriasis on my elbows and feet, and occasionally on my knuckles, wrists, knees... I don't have any on my scalp so I cant give advice about that in particular, but...
I use a betamethasone cream(but next time I'm in the doc will write me up for a non-steroid alternative). If I use it consistently it works very well, but I tend to forget and it returns quickly. It only really bothers me in the winter when all my skin is drying out from the dry weather, so I end up using it just for the season, and sometimes in the summer too :o when I don't want people to notice it through my sandals.
hope someone responds with scalp advice