View Full Version : hair and heritage

March 31st, 2008, 06:11 AM
Stupid question but it's been on my mind recently.

When my mom and dad would get overly nervous, both of them would develop bald spots on their heads. Dad's would be really bad, almost the size of a bread plate. He would get more than one at a time in random areas. Mom's hair would thin greatly and then develop the bald spots about the size of a tea cup. The doctors told them that it was nerves that caused them to have this problem, not giving them anything for it though. Once whatever "crisis" was over, the hair would slowly start to grow back.

Has anyone heard of this and is it something that is a per person type thing or is it something that is "passed along"?

March 31st, 2008, 12:36 PM
It might be a bit much for anyone here to answer definatively, but i'd say that yes it's likely to be a tendancy that's passed on, though not a certainty....if you get my meaning?

Does it happen to you? I think that's the main thing here....if it does, and you know it's caused by stress then you know what you are up against and are in a much stronger position to do something about it by using stress management techniques so that the stress doesn't build up and have to be expressed by things like hair loss. Massage, exercise, a good diet rich in whole foods and especially B vitamins, aromatherapy, meditation, yoga.....that's just a few "weapons" that are reasonably accessable to most people in stress management.
The most important thing though is don't get paranoid about it.....that is stressfull and could in itself create the problem you are worried about!

Good luck and relax hun :flowers:

March 31st, 2008, 01:17 PM
I agree that it is likely a genetic tendency. Hopefully this genetic trait will miss you? Hoping for the best for you!

March 31st, 2008, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the info. I really do appreciate it.

I fight off a lot of my stress by prayer and such. Listening to relaxing music and trying to not let anything really "bother" me. Which is totally hard because I'm hypersensative and very easily hurt by others.

I've not experienced anything like this, yet. I also remember it didn't happen to my parents until much later on in life.

Again thanks very much for your kindness.

March 31st, 2008, 05:08 PM
It is really odd that both your mother and father have the same unusual reaction to stress - one would think they got it from each other! Sorry, I really didn't want to joke about it. The way I see it, you have inherited a sensitivity to stress. BUT, whether your stress-related bodily symptoms are going to be the same, no one can predict. If you have not experienced anything like that in your stressed days, perhaps you don't lose your hair so easily? ;)

April 1st, 2008, 05:11 AM
Just my two cents -- but dietary, perhaps? Husbands and wives often eat similarly....
just a thought........