View Full Version : Lightening Indigo

February 14th, 2009, 12:21 AM
First, I am sorry if this is already a thread, but I've been reading ideas all over this site, hennaforhair, and etc. and my mind is just boggled!:dizzy:

I haven't yet, but am thinking about doing either a: Henna&indigo mix, or a 2-step henna than indigo soon, but I am concerned about if I make it too dark, or if I want to lighten my hair later, if the indigo with turn a green color?! :confused:

What are the most recommended ideas, and which method of applying henna and indigo would be the most accommodating for lightening?

(I really don't want a green tinge sense {inshallah!!} I will be getting married this summer..Green hair in wedding pics, or ever quite frankly, o_O EW! In my humble opinion. lol)

Happy Valentine's Day, ハッピーバレンタインデー,Feliz Dia del Amor,
سعيد عيد الحب ,Bonne St. Valentin, everyone!!!!:inlove::heartbeat:kitten::love:

February 14th, 2009, 12:51 AM
First of all, if you are afriad you'll end up too dark, strand test and you'll see. Second of all, if you know you'll have a change of heart, I don't think you should go there. Indigo might fade away to some degree, true, but for the most part they both are very permanent. So either you are signing up for a commitment, or heading for a chance that you'll have to grow it out.
Lately there seem to be a henna lightening boom, but don't get confused, lightening henna is a risky process, and people ended up before having their hair cut short due to damage. Indigo seems to be even a greater disaster, because on top of lightening damage, your hair ends up green. So, if you feel like going dark brown for a while I honestly don't recommend you henna and indigo.

February 14th, 2009, 10:51 AM
I agree with Heidi. I wouldn't attempt it if you have any concerns of it going to dark. (which can happen very easily) Especially before your wedding! You could always strand test and do something after your big day.

Even though Indigo fades, it is permanent in regards to trying to strip it out of the hair shaft. You can lift every other color out of the hair but the blue in the indigo is what is remaining. Thus, if you mix the yellow of the bleach or peroxide with the blue of the remaining indigo, you will get green. :D

February 14th, 2009, 10:56 AM
DO you a strand test please on every way possible first cause it sadens me to see anyone bleach or take away henna cause it really is a gift from God to bring us this natural hair strengthing and color. You can try girltron's method which I think is really great idea she does indigo first then a day later she does henna that way its not too dark and gives warm tones. I'll be back with the article for you to try:)
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=102 Here you go

February 14th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Thank you so much!! I will most definitely strand test (this time! :cheese:lol) Also, thank you for the article, this might be a good idea for me!

Happy Love Day!!! :heart:

February 14th, 2009, 02:04 PM
Don't try to bleach out indigo, it *will* turn green.

February 14th, 2009, 04:13 PM
I just wanted to add that I used 2-step henna and indigo 3 or 4 times (can't remember for sure) and now the length of my hair is jet black, and nothing I've tried so far will even attempt to budge the color. I haven't tried actual hair bleach yet, but I have tried household peroxide (for over 24 hours, on shed hair) and had no color change!

February 15th, 2009, 01:25 AM
I just wanted to add that I used 2-step henna and indigo 3 or 4 times (can't remember for sure) and now the length of my hair is jet black, and nothing I've tried so far will even attempt to budge the color. I haven't tried actual hair bleach yet, but I have tried household peroxide (for over 24 hours, on shed hair) and had no color change!

Really? That's interesting! Bleach would definitely turn your hair green, as it won't lighten the indigo as it would lighten the hair underneath.

February 15th, 2009, 12:35 PM
Really? That's interesting! Bleach would definitely turn your hair green, as it won't lighten the indigo as it would lighten the hair underneath.

Yeah, that's what I've heard. I just want it to be closer to my henna-only roots. I'm afraid though that I'll get it to lighten a bit, then go over it with henna and have it turn black again! :shrug::

February 15th, 2009, 12:55 PM
First, I am sorry if this is already a thread, but I've been reading ideas all over this site, hennaforhair, and etc. and my mind is just boggled!:dizzy:

I haven't yet, but am thinking about doing either a: Henna&indigo mix, or a 2-step henna than indigo soon, but I am concerned about if I make it too dark, or if I want to lighten my hair later, if the indigo with turn a green color?! :confused:

What are the most recommended ideas, and which method of applying henna and indigo would be the most accommodating for lightening?

(I really don't want a green tinge sense {inshallah!!} I will be getting married this summer..Green hair in wedding pics, or ever quite frankly, o_O EW! In my humble opinion. lol)

Happy Valentine's Day, ハッピーバレンタインデー,Feliz Dia del Amor,
سعيد عيد الحب ,Bonne St. Valentin, everyone!!!!:inlove::heartbeat:kitten::love:

2 step indigo has been reported to be the hardest to fade or lighten.

Indigo has been reported to fade for some people and not so much for others, but the 2 step has been the worst with regard to darkening and then not budging.

Honey lightening has been reported to lighten some henndigo, with no green tone or damage to hair (honey lightening has not been reported to damage hair), http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=291759&postcount=2341, however nothing has been reported to move 2 step indigo under certain circumstances, except bleach and it both trashed the hair, and left a green tone, http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=11830.

Tai Shan Fan
February 15th, 2009, 01:43 PM
If you're not sure, I wouldn't go near henna or indigo. You have to be certain that a darker shade will suit you. This method isn't the way to find out, as it can be difficult if not impossible to shift. I do a 2 step process and get a soft black colour, which I love. But my natural shade is dark brown/black and I dye to blend in greys, therefore I was certain that my colouring could take the darkest possible shade and I love it :)

Remember that even henna on its own darkens up after several applications.

Regarding fading. I find that indigo gradually fades with each shampoo, but after 2 applications, it's pretty well fixed and permanent. Henna is permanent, so even if you get the indigo to fade, you'll be left with redder hair, which you may or may not want.

Do a search to find out people's struggles with removing henna and indigo. There are many. Some have more success than others with various methods, but it isn't easily reversed.

I don't say all this to put you off. I've used henna and indigo now for several years and am very happy with the results, but it's not for everyone - whether that's the hasstle factor, or just that they don't think they want to stick with the colour for any length of time.

Strand test. Try on some wigs and think carefully before you take the plunge. Many people find very darker shades draining on the complexion. If dark shades work for you this won't happen and your skin will look luminous.

Good luck with whatever you decide :flower: