View Full Version : Is there a bun thread?

Heavenly Locks
February 10th, 2009, 11:15 PM
I looked in articles but didn't find what I wanted...

I am looking for a compilation thread that has pics/links/directions to all the different types of buns. :)

I'm a bun idiot and only know one that I 'made up' so I can't even search for them since I don't know what they are called?

(I wish I could just sleep with my face on my laptop and learn through osmosis!)

February 10th, 2009, 11:20 PM
Have you seen this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=11763) thread? I'm sure you could find plenty there!

Heavenly Locks
February 10th, 2009, 11:30 PM
ooh awesome thread gumball! :) I saved it to my subscribed threads.