View Full Version : Has anyone cut and NOT regretted it?

February 9th, 2009, 12:39 PM
It's been months. And months. And months. And I think I want to cut. It's been 12 years and I think I'm tired of the same old, same old. I'm bored. I've done updo's. I've bought new toys. I've done it all. It's not working.

My question is ... has anyone cut their locks and NOT REGRETTED it? I figure "it's hair, it'll grow back" and I can grow it out again. But I'm scared I will regret it. But at the same time I think I won't.

Share your "I cut it and I loved it" stories with me please.

February 9th, 2009, 12:45 PM
the last time i cut my hair from waist to almost pixie i LOVED it. i was sad for the loss of pretty long hair, but it was time, and i picked a cut i had always wanted, something shorter than i had ever had before. of course i immediately resolved to grow it back out again, but not because i didn't love it short. it was fun and spunky!

i liked to feel like i could be really experimental with colors and styles and not worry about long-term damage, since i knew i would be getting regular, styled trims for the next few years as it grew.

it is just hair and we all know it grows back... i say go for it if you are really "over" having long hair right now. just pick a style you really love (that suits your face and life) first!

be sure to post pics, too :)

February 9th, 2009, 12:46 PM
Every few years I cut about 6 inches, sometimes more. I don't ever regret it, and it makes my hair feel "new" again. ;)

February 9th, 2009, 12:46 PM
I've had long hair pretty much all my life - here are my "Big cut" situations and how I felt afterwards:

*17 years old, had my hair cut from waist/hip length to BSL before I left for college. I liked it - it made me feel more mature. :rolleyes:

*20 years old (?), had my hair cut to just below shoulder. I was getting sick of long hair and wanted to try something shorter. It was layered and cute. I liked it at the time.

*29 years old, had my hair cut from about waist-length to very very short... above my chin and majorly layered. This is my "boot camp cut" before I went off to Navy Reserve boot camp. I loved it, however I felt as if I'd cut off one of my limbs. My hair had become part of me, and without it I felt very shy and very exposed.

I've been growing since then :D

If you're really feeling the urge, maybe try just a couple of inches, something that wouldn't be a huge "AAAHHH!!" if you didn't like it.

February 9th, 2009, 01:00 PM
When I was little and cut my bottom length hair to my shoulders I didn't regret it at the time. Now I do. I regret each time I trim too, but when I look at my photos and see that my hair needs it, I am absolutely torn.

February 9th, 2009, 01:00 PM
it's really hard to tell if you'll regret a big cut. you have to take into account how your hair behaves in varying temperature and humidity and you'll have to learn how to deal with it.

i've done a (willing) big chop three times. the first time, i really liked it. i had fun growing it back, and i didn't mind the extra effort (blow drying) to keep it looking presentable. the growing in stage was kind of cool.

my second big chop was alright and it looked ok, i had gotten a gift certificate to an expensive salon and figured i might as well get every penny out of it. but i went to florida the next week and found myself regretting it big time. the humidity in miami was ridiculous and nothing would tame my frizz. i ended up walking around with a handkerchief on my head because i couldn't tie it back. :( for the rest of the time that it was growing back, i totally gave up on taking care of it and it looked totally horrible as it was growing in.

my third big chop, i did that myself and i really liked it. i had to rely on the blowdryer and the frizz serums, but it wasn't all that traumatizing.

the truth is, i only regret a big chop when my hair is growing in and it's in that nape to shoulder length stage where it's neither long nor short. it's really frustrating at that time, because the curls/definition don't look so cute, and all the time blowing it out doesn't seem worth it.

February 9th, 2009, 01:12 PM
Every time I had a cut from hip length to above waist I really liked it.
1. It cut down on my headaches. I think hip and below is too heavy for my sensitive head.
2. I was able to wear my hair down and loose again, and I didn't feel it was an option for me with longer hair since it would catch on door knobs, I would sit on it (lol), etc.
3. It was a change from usual, and I liked it.

February 9th, 2009, 01:19 PM
The only time I've really had a bit of mine cut was when I started university and felt I needed a change in style. It went from around mid-back to just below shoulder and layered, but I liked it :D After getting it dyed regularly in high school, the ends probably needed the cut, too. I did have a few moments now and then when it grew back when I got annoyed at the short ponytail I suddenly had, but I didn't regret it :)

Tap Dancer
February 9th, 2009, 01:22 PM
I never regret cutting my hair. I like to change my length/look/style (however you want to phrase it) several times a year, usually.

February 9th, 2009, 01:25 PM
The only times i have regrating a hair cut is when i months later start to reconsider growing it out again. Then i usully end up wondering why the heck did i cut it in first place

February 9th, 2009, 01:32 PM
Last time I got mine cut it was very short, sort of what you might imagine a 1920's aviator wearing, but curly and with a long skinny ringlet on one side I left for braiding and decorating (I used to hang feathers from it sometimes!). It looked REALLY good on me, better than long hair. My head felt really light, and I had to start wearing a scarf and hat because I got cold easier. I was so thrilled with the way I looked, and my boyfriend practically went nuts over it -- he liked short hair best.

Then I bleached it paper-white (used a purple-dye-containing shampoo to keep it that way). then I dyed it a bright Carribean blue. Then it was an unnatural red. Then I tried dyeing it back to my natural brown and ended up with black, which I didn't like.

The problem was that I had to wash my hair all the freakin time, because my bangs would get greasy. And even worse, I had this haircut done spur-of-the-moment while out of town and could not find another haircutter able to maintain the style. It never looked that good again. Finally, I started dreaming at night that my hair was still long, and I'd wake up and miss it. That's when I stopped getting trims.

I really had a lot of fun with the short hair, though. Instead of being something I had to baby, I could treat it like a renewable resource, and do all sorts of crazy things to it, without thinking it was going to take forever to grow out. I'm glad I did it, though I doubt I'll do it again.

February 9th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Me! A year and a half ago I had thigh length hair that was driving me up the wall. I cut it to a couple inches above waist and have been keeping it between BSL and waist since then. I couldn't be happier - I love superlong hair but this is so much easier for me to deal with at this point of my life. (I can actually wear it down - before that would have been unheard of.)

February 9th, 2009, 01:51 PM
I cut off my pony tail about year ago, actually, and that was the first time that I didn't regret cutting my hair. I did it myself, and I cut inch by inch until I was happy with it (turned out to be about an 1.5" long). I just hadn't ever gone short enough, I guess!

I didn't wash it all the time, in fact, I washed it less! I didn't bother styling it either, because I thought it looked good. I loved having it short, it was easy to keep clean, and I didn't need to mess around with it. But then, I am not a very "girlie" girl. And I am growing it out now. That's because long hair fits my mental image of myself much better than short hair does.

February 9th, 2009, 02:04 PM
I cut my waist-length hair to bsl a few years ago. After having it at bsl for a year or so, I cut to a jaw-length bob and I really loved it. I was just tired of feeling my hair "on" me all the time. Of course, then I cut to pixie and I majorly regretted that (mostly because a pixie looks dumb on me).

My bits of advice, depending on what kind of person you are (and I have been all these kinds of people), 1) Cut enough to make a difference (like from waist to bsl or bsl to apl) and see how that feels. Having a chop without realllly chopping it might do it for you for now. 2) just go for it! but find a stylist you trust and sit with them for at least 15 minutes asking their opinion about what would work for your face, what will work for your routine, etc. Find a few pictures from magazines of a range of styles and ask for close friends opinions and your stylists opinions. This part can definitely be fun, the possibilties of imagining yourself with a new 'do are endless. 3) Maybe this isn't important to you, but it was to me: definitely think about your "style." I really felt that I had lost a big part of my style and my mojo when I cut to pixie. It seems silly, but I haven't felt comfortable with myself at all since I have been growing this pixie.

Good luck no matter what you choose! Of course, it is just hair and it will grow back, but I hope you can find something that makes you feel shiny and new!

Pegasus Marsters
February 9th, 2009, 02:10 PM
I didn't regret it (except when my a-hole ex-bf was constantly taking the p*ss for it. -_-), I just decided to grow it out again. But it was fun whilst it was short and growing it out has been fun.

February 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
I grew my hair out from birth- I maintained classic and went nuts in my teens and let it go to thigh-length.

I cut it when I was 17 because I wanted to be able to pin it up for horse shows. I donated the cut hair (geez that hank of hair was heavy!) to Locks of Love.

I'm growing it out again without bangs this time. I just dyed it red yesterday. :p

I spent most of my life with people nagging me to cut my hair, I cut it, and now they're nagging me to keep it shorter but I don't care. I love it.

February 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Yes, it's just hair and it will grow back (eventually). You're young enough to be able to experiment and not be too old if you decide you want to grow it long again. I've been buzzed and pixied a few times in my life. My hair was a buzz cut waaaay before it was cool -- I was in my twenties and my face was soft and feminine enough then to look good in it without appearing "butch." It required very frequent "touch ups," but it was a breeze to care for. Boring, but a breeze.

That said, I thoroughly regret my last cut, and I'm significantly older now (and a lot older than you are), so I'm going to be pretty darned old by the time it grows to where I'd like it to be. I had been tired of long hair, too, when I chopped mine off. But as soon as I did it, I regretted it, and what can be done in an instant takes years and years to undo.

I think it depends on what you have in mind. If you have just a trim in mind, or even quite a lot more, considering your length, you could do it and still be considered a longhair by most people's standards. Shoulder-length hair is considered long, but it might be a refreshing change for you. I would strongly caution you about doing anything more drastic than that, though, and even if that is your goal, I would suggest that you do it in baby steps...a few inches one week, a few inches several weeks later, etc., until you get used to it and see if it really is what you want.

Good luck, whatever you decide!

February 9th, 2009, 02:30 PM
Yes, it was inching past my waist with a lot of fairytale ends, so I cut it back to bsl. I was very happy with the length then, because I felt I needed a more sophisticated look at work, besides I'm on the petite side, so it wasn't such an overwhelming mass of hair, also easier to care for. Between bsl and waist is a very comfortable length for me now, and I have no regrets whatsoever cutting it when I did.

February 9th, 2009, 02:33 PM
Yep, I cut from mid back to shaved with bangs :D I think that was one of the most liberating moments of my life.

Like somebody else mentioned, just try a small cut and see how that feels. You can always cut more if you like and you don't have to worry about regreting a big chop.

February 9th, 2009, 02:36 PM
Yes I've cut my hair from mid-thigh to mid-back but I have not regretted it because I had to, I could finally sleep at night! Now it's growing back already past waist:D

February 9th, 2009, 02:41 PM
Yes, my last "big" cut was from around APL to bob. I realize it wasn't from a super long length, but it was from a length where I could wear it up in different styles if I wanted to, to a length that was too short to even pull into a ponytail. I had been inching steadily upwards from midback for a few years.

I loved that cut while I had it - it was fun to have the super trendy of the moment hairdo for awhile, but it never felt like it was really me, so here I am growing it out again.

February 9th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Well, I didn't regret cutting mine from waist to waay above shoulders/chin at all. This was because medication had made over half of my hair fall out. I maintained this cut for over two years and had a lot of fun with it, trying different styles, etc. I had always had long hair as an adult, and it was liberating to try new things.

But gradually I got tired of the "real" me not matching the idea of me I was never able to shake -with long hair. Also, some of my hair began to regrow (yaaay!). So now I am growing again.

I say if you really want to do it - don't go drastic. Cut some and then see; you can always cut again if you want to. Enjoy it!

February 9th, 2009, 04:07 PM
I've never regretted any of my haircuts.

The cut from waist to shoulder was fantastic because the the hair was very nicely layered, and long enough for my to pull back into a convenient pony tail.

The cut from BSL to pixie however was not that great, mostly because a pixie cut just didn't really suit me, and the bangs were just long enough to constantly fall in my eyes. But I was looking for a change, so it wasn't so much regret, as it was annoyance at the bangs :laugh:

Growing out from the shoulder length cut wasn't that big a deal, mostly because I could still tie everything back, but the pixie cut definitely went through some awkward stages where I was using loads of bobby pins. :rolleyes:

Frankly, it's up to you. It's hair, it'll grow back. :thumbsup:

February 9th, 2009, 04:33 PM
I always knew that I wanted really long hair, but I've had all different lengths along the way. I wouldn't say that I ever regretted cutting my hair exactly, but I did get bored with it and wanted to grow my hair long again.

You're bored with your hair right now and want to do something different with it. You may regret NOT changing it. I don't think that cutting it, then deciding that you want it long after all is going to feel any worse, and it might feel better. You can get some things out of your system.

February 9th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I spent the better portion of my life with long hair (waist +) and cut to pixie length in my mid to late twenties. I enjoyed having it short for a change! I kept it short for a few years, did the shoulder length thing for a while and waited till I was finally sure it was out of my system before making the decision to grow it again. It's been a little over ten years since that chop!

February 9th, 2009, 05:09 PM
I had three major cuts in my life, all of them from BSL-waist to chin/pixie length. In junior high, college, and mid-30's. I did not regret my hair cut at all. I liked my light bubbly hairstyle at that time. I enjoyed styling and curling. It was that season in my life I wanted that way.

After I have gone through those styles, I feel that I do like long hair and enjoy different updos now.

If you like to cut, maybe do so gradually instead of cutting very short all at once. If your length is 40 inch, that might be close to classic? So maybe to TB, then hip, waist... And see if you would be happy somewhere along the way.

February 9th, 2009, 06:25 PM
The only haircut I regretted was unpreventable. I was about seven years old and my friend and I decided to grow our hair out as long as we could. When mine got to mid-back, my mom made me cut it to chin length. That was very sad.

I got to choose how I wanted my hair after that, and I enjoyed every cut. The general length ranged from mid-back to chin level. I don't even regret the time when I had pink choppy highlights. XD

February 9th, 2009, 06:52 PM
I've regretted every haircut I've had.

I went from waist to very short layers in 1993 and I hated it.

Two years ago I got bored and cut off at least six inches I regret that too.

When I get bored I remind myself how much I hated it last time and also just how long hair takes to grow back

Good Luck with your decision :flowers:

February 9th, 2009, 07:12 PM
I adored my pixie, and my husband (then-boyfriend) kindly tolerated it. ;) But I got a lot of flack for it. I guess I looked rather masculine... anyway, pics on my blog. :D

I don't regret doing it. I've learned a lot about my hair at different lengths and what to do with it all. :) I've learned that some lengths work really well for me, but others are just a pain. It's been a process, and I wouldn't take back any of the learning!

February 9th, 2009, 07:27 PM
About every 5 years or so I go from waist to ears and then back again.

It's an adjustment for the first couple of days, :) learning how to comb and brush short hair again, but it's fun.

I enjoyed curling and dying and highlighting and just generally messing around.

Then I get to go through all the milestones and happiness of growing it again. I get to experience the "OMG I can put it in a ponytail!" stage, the "Holy Smokes it's almost BSL!" stage etc. all over again :)

So pretty much, nope, never regretted it. I love it short, then fall in love with it getting longer, get bored and then get to start the whole fun cycle all over!

I say go for it.

February 9th, 2009, 08:20 PM
I cut a total of 22 inches off my hair over a year period almost 4 years ago and looking back on it, I don't regret it. I think it helped that I cut in stages. First 10 inches to see what that felt like (didn't feel like a drastic change because it was still waist length). Then about 6 months later I got the itch to cut again. I hadn't had short hair since 3rd grade and I wanted to experience short hair. So, I cut 12 more inches off in November and had it layered a little bit. I did have my days where I missed it, especially when people brought up how pretty it used to be, but I liked the change too. I would suggest cutting maybe 6 inches off at a time, just so you don't do something you really regret later. Stay at each length for a few months to see what you like. It's kind of like pushing the rewind button. :D Whatever you do, I'm sure your hair will be beautiful!

February 9th, 2009, 08:57 PM
:raises hand: I did. Several times now.

About 2.5 or 3 years ago my hair was fingertip length. It was painfully thin. I wore it up all the time and it frustrated me. After months (a year maybe) of feeling this way, I decided to cut it. Hubby cut it from fingertip to BSL. Over the next year it grew to hipbone. I cut it back to BSL a few times. I now cycle between BLS and hips.

Any shorter than BSL and it feels short (for me). Longer than hip and it is too long to do anything with.

My favorite is just below BSL when I can wear my hair down and it doesn't get into everything.

I don't advertise my cuts (here at LHC). I figure I am growing and cutting it for myself. Heck, I don't even think I tell Lisajaney when I've cut and we talk on the phone 2-3 times per week!

eta: I was going to say, when I first went from fingertip to BSL I had intended on cutting off a few inches each month until I found a length I wanted/liked. I decided to go for a single cut. I'm pleased with my decision and results.

Jules diamond
February 9th, 2009, 09:17 PM
I usually end up regretting my haircuts, because I get them in the summer. It's so hot out and it feels really great to have light hair that you don't need to tie up. The trouble is I spend most of the chilly fall and winter months growing it to cover my neck again.

If I could get a cut that I knew would look really nice though I don't think I'd mind cutting it short.

February 9th, 2009, 09:25 PM
I cut layers into my hair and gave myself LONG bangs in the process, and also lost probably 8" in length. It's not as impressive as it sounds; my hair is THIN THIN THIN at the ends. (WAY fairytale ends) I love it. I have not regretted it for a minute. I left the bangs long-enough that I can still do a high ponytail (wore one today, as a matter of fact) and a FrenchTwist (that was yesterday's hairstyle) and I now wear it down a LOT more. It's between BSL and waist, and it's MUCH nicer for me. I haven't regretted it for a MINUTE. My husband tells me I "look like a moviestar". Who can regret a haircut when hubby tells them THAT? :inlove: (I will say that I believe he's completely deluded, the poor dear)

If you've thought about it for a YEAR, I'd be the LAST person to give you crap about it. I thought about MY cut for about that long. It was time, and I love it. The goal, for me, is HEALTHY hair that looks nice. My hair was healthy and is healthy. But now it looks way better than before, so I'm VERY happy with it.

ETA: What's this? My sis (TBear) has cut her hair??? Tomorrow morning, I'm calling you, TB! :scold: Seriously, she has told me the lengths her hair bounces between, but she generally doesn't tell me "Hey, I trimmed again". It just doesn't come up. And she knows I wouldnt' mind anyhow. I like her no-matter.

February 9th, 2009, 09:39 PM
I have cut my hair to pixie length twice in my adult life and enjoyed it both times. I did big dramatic chops, but waited til I felt confident I was ready. I think the growing out phase is fun too.

February 9th, 2009, 09:55 PM
I have always cut and regretted it but then I would cut again. This is the first time I have resisted it! :) (may be due to LHC's support)

February 9th, 2009, 10:11 PM
I had shoulder length hair and then cut it to a little bit shorter than chin, then I cut even more to a pixie and it was the best decision I could have made with my hair. I didn't take care of it before and now I do.

February 9th, 2009, 10:20 PM
5 years ago I cut my waist length hair to just sweeping the top of my shoulders. It was so short I couldn't put it in a ponytail. It was fun to have a drastic change. I dyed it too. I enjoyed the change, but immediately purposed to grow it back out again. I found that it was too much work for me. Constant stying was required and I don't like to blow dry, flat iron, etc. I'm a wash and go girl. I also discovered that I prefer long hair. Now I have the bottom six inches of my hair I need to cut off because it's the old dye job. Not sure I want to take all six off at once though.

February 9th, 2009, 10:24 PM
In general, I've had a lot more regrets after botched dye jobs than haircuts. Usually I've thought about it for a while and am very excited about a new cut. Can't think of one where I was really disappointed... although once I ended up lopsided and had to go back to get evened up. That wasn't so great.

February 9th, 2009, 11:23 PM
I shaved my head when it was down to... APL or so? It was also green. It was a fabulous experience, but I am getting a little impatient in growing my hair back.

Obviously, I'm not suggesting you go that extreme, but maybe a change would be nice. Maybe a small trim and a color change?

February 9th, 2009, 11:27 PM
I cut fron waist back to shoulder several years ago and really liked it. I liked it so much that I then had it cut to about 2 inches in the back and chin length on the front. (I also enjoyed doing this because the look on my ex husband's face made my day because he had always begged me not to cut my hair! :D ) This got annoying in its growing out phase so I shaved my head except for 2 braids on the front. I really enjoyed being bald, but I got bored with it after a while. The worst part of cutting for me is the growing out. I really prefer long hair and looking like a shaggy poodle for over a year just isn't something I want to repeat.

February 9th, 2009, 11:38 PM
I cut from below APL to really short a few years ago and didn't regret it a minute. It was so much fun to change styles and colours every 2 months.

February 10th, 2009, 03:08 AM
I got a cut today and I don't regret it! It's still long (by offline standards, not LHC standards), now the ends are just fresh, it has shape and it suits me.

I attribute the success of my hair cut to my hair dresser doing *exactly* what I wanted, and to my self for knowing *exactly* what I wanted.

Hair cuts don't have to be a disaster if you know what you want (and your absolutely sure you want it) and you have a hair dresser that will cut it that way!

It also depends on your personal goals of course -don't get your waist length hair cut to you shoulders if your trying to get to tailbone, etc :P

February 10th, 2009, 03:12 AM
Maybe you can start little by little. Cut some and see if you like it or if you still feel like you need to cut more. If that is the case, do so until you feel confortable with your new haircut.
Hope this helps

February 15th, 2009, 03:57 AM
Normally I don't like getting it cut. Stems from forced cuts for convenience as a child I think.

However, when I was nearing the end of my first pregnancy I went from past apl to a pixie and I loved it. The difference that time was that I really wanted the cut, it was marking the beginning of a new era in my life and the cut I got suited me and was fairly easy for me to manage.

The hairdresser was very nervous because she thought my hair was so long. (So did I at the time. I know better now. ;)) She wouldn't do a pixie at first. She did a mullet type thing that I hated and I had to work hard to convince her to go shorter. It was fun surprising everyone with it too because they're used to me saying I'll get a cut and coming back only a few inches shorter. No-one was expecting such a drastic change. The only person who didn't really like it was DH, although he tries to be supportive of these things.

I was happy with the shorter lengths while my children were very small but eventually I started getting fed-up. The lack of options and styling upkeep are too much for me to handle. I can honestly say I didn't regret the cut, I just hate that awkward growing out phase between pixie and shoulder.

If it's been months and you're still feeling this way then it's probably time. I would say don't go for a safe slightly longer cut if it's not what you want. You will always regret a cut if it's not a style you love no matter the length. Better to go short and really love it.

That said, if you're not sure speak to your stylist. She might not be averse to doing a couple of different styles in one sitting if you want to see how a longer one looks. The one that did mine seemed to really enjoy herself. She was quite happy to do it shorter when I said her first attempt was still too long. I don't think they get much opportunity to do long to really short cuts, it's like handing an artist a blank canvas and saying "create". And they do like to snip.

February 15th, 2009, 04:33 AM
I've had big cuts (as in shoulder-length to one-inch spikes) for several times in my life, and never regretted... but then again, I am pretty unfamiliar with the emotion and term of 'regret' - there are no wrong decisions, only lessons to learn, as far as I'm concerned.

February 15th, 2009, 05:09 AM
I've cut it several times. Some I've regretted, and some not.

The ones that have caused regret have been the times I was making a decision out of emotion.

"I'm so frustrated with that jerk. I know what I'll do, I'll chop my hair!" (I know ... I know ... makes very little sense when you write it out, but it seemed reasonable at the time.) I went from wait-length to a curly, shaved-neck kind of style, and it was not so good!

The times I've had it cut less drastically, and because I had thought it through, I didn't regret. I was donating to Locks of Love every couple years, and was able to get a nice length cut off, and still have it at BSL afterwards.

Speaking of such, there seems to be some concern here about Locks of Love, but I can't find a place to read about what's at the root of it. Someone had written about it, and I found a link in the archives, but it went to a site with nothing posted. If anyone can point me in the right direction to learn what's up, I'd be thankful.

February 15th, 2009, 05:31 AM
Since my hair is curly, every time I have cut it, I very much regretted it. Anything above shoulder length frizzes like crazy. It's not as bad as it has been now that I have decided to embrace the curliness and just let it do as it wants. I'll have to figure out something as it gets longer!

February 15th, 2009, 05:33 AM
I had my hair cut Thursday. It was a chin length bob. Now it is layered. It got rid of lots of the dyed damaged hair, and what's left is curly and I love it!!

February 15th, 2009, 05:40 AM
I cut my hair from BSL to shoulder 18 years ago. It's not something I'd ever do again, but I did enjoy it at the time for a couple of years.

February 15th, 2009, 10:07 AM
I went from midback to Beckham-style graduated bob (there's almost no hair left on the back, LOL) and haven't regretted it because it had to be done, as i was tired of henna and layers.

First I was afraid of friends might keep saying how fabulous my hair looked, but they seemed to LOVE it short, they're now trying to convince me to keep this style for longer. :D

going gray
February 15th, 2009, 11:19 AM
A year is a long time to wait, I agree with the ladies that advised you cutting it maybe 4" at a time. Back in Dec'07, I cut my 26" hair, it was great for about a month, then I was SO sorry, & it was such high maintenance!

February 15th, 2009, 11:52 AM
Often! I used to grow my hair and then, for whatever reason, in the winter (this makes no sense b/c it's freezing) would feel the urge to cut, often to a chin length bob. Didn't regret 'til it gets around my shoulders, and even then, only b/,c for my of my life, that's where it's been. I guess I either like it loooong or short!

February 15th, 2009, 12:53 PM
I didn’t regret my very drastic cut. Yes, it was a very big pain in my bootie a lot of the time, but I didn’t regret it. It is just hair and it did just grow out again. I learned a lot about myself and the people along the way and I’m glad I did it

It's been months. And months. And months. And I think I want to cut. It's been 12 years and I think I'm tired of the same old, same old. I'm bored. I've done updo's. I've bought new toys. I've done it all. It's not working.

My question is ... has anyone cut their locks and NOT REGRETTED it? I figure "it's hair, it'll grow back" and I can grow it out again. But I'm scared I will regret it. But at the same time I think I won't.

Share your "I cut it and I loved it" stories with me please.

February 15th, 2009, 03:07 PM
I always loved long hair, ever since I was a little girl. But I never grew it out until the end of college. Then I wore it long, about waist length for several years. I liked it a lot and enjoyed having it long.

After my first child was born, I got it cut. I started with a couple of trims, a few inches at a time. Then I let my stylist have free reign to cut it into a layered shoulder-length style with bangs. At the time, I wanted something more professional looking and stylish and I felt like I was ready for a change from the long hair.

I was very pleased with my new haircut and enjoyed wearing that style for the next year and a half. Until we moved to another town. From that point on, I couldn't find a stylist who cut it right and it never looked as good again. I started hating the bad haircuts and didn't like how I looked, so I resolved to grow it out again.

I still liked long hair and I thought since I was past 30, I was probably "running out of time" to wear my hair long (ha!) So, I let it grow out again. When I did it, I had no real plan for how long it would get. I just grew it out. At first I trimmed regularly to keep it waist length as before. Then it got away on me. I let my time between trims go longer and longer and my hair passed hip and tailbone length. At that point, I decided to keep growing and found LHC.

So that's my story. I did cut my hair and when I did it, I liked it. But eventually, I came back to long hair again and it is the hair I really love.

Good luck deciding.

If you do it, make sure you go to a really *good* stylist whom you really trust and who listens to your wishes and also has good sense about what will work with your hair type.

February 15th, 2009, 03:26 PM
If you do it, make sure you go to a really *good* stylist whom you really trust and who listens to your wishes and also has good sense about what will work with your hair type.

I definitely second that advice! I've had short cuts that I loved, and short cuts that I literally hid under a scarf for months at a time. My last waist-to-chin chop was a total sucess; it was fun having bouncy hair that wasn't heavy, and I was ready for a change. I'm in an awkward growing-out phase now, but I'm still glad I did it.

If you don't currently have a stylist you trust, look around for people with great haircuts, ask them where they go, ask the stylist lots of questions before you even sit down in the chair. Maybe get a "trial chop" of a couple inches so you can see if they really listen to you before you go whole hog. Enjoy!:scissors::inlove:

February 15th, 2009, 03:57 PM
Cutting and then growing it all back seems to be some kind of eternal cycle for me- it happens about every four years on average! My last cut was a year ago to an ear length layered choppy bob- it was light and gorgeous and really suited me. Only being able to do one hairstyle though was what did it to me (and I thought I was bored with long hair!) and so now I am growing again :)

February 15th, 2009, 05:30 PM
A few years ago, I was working in a hair salon, so I served as an advertisment for a lot of the stylists, as I was a college student and could get away with it :)

I went from brown with auburn streaks, to blonde streaks, to black hair, to platinum blonde. Once I went totally blonde, my stylist friend razored my hair down so it was about 3 inches long all over- a very shaggy pixie with flippy ends. On the one hand, I loved it when it was wet, as all I had to do was put a bit of paste or gel in and I was done. Day to day, the upkeep couldn't be beat.

However, once I started to grow out, and color less, I had a lot of issues because my hair was razored and the ends completely frayed once I stopped regularly trimming. That was most definitely not fun. I might eventually go back to a chin-length bob if I don't like long hair (I'm giving myself 3 years to grow it out, the time I'll be in grad school) but no shorter.

Good luck!

February 15th, 2009, 06:17 PM
I cut my hair a few years ago. I am growing it out now, I don't regret it - my hair was badly damaged.

If you have really thought about it and think it is what you want, then you should do it.

February 15th, 2009, 08:06 PM
I don't hink I've ever regretted it. It's fun to try different things.
I had a big cut after summer, and my hair would probably had been hip by now if i hadn't. It was damaged by lightening hair dyes.

February 15th, 2009, 09:31 PM
The first time I cut from just below waist up to apl when I was 18 and I loved it.

The second time I was ---->This<---- close to classic and I cut back to tailbone for health and I love the results. Sure I miss the the length, but I definately don't regret it.

February 24th, 2009, 06:58 AM
My sig pic was taken less than a week ago. I do not regret the lopping off.

February 24th, 2009, 08:47 AM
As far as being bored with your hair: It helps to be where you can meet new people. In a new setting, you get to be "the lady with the cool-looking long hair", whereas if you're around the same people all the time, everyone gets used to you and no one fusses over you anymore. LOL. At least this is what keeps it fun for me; I've had my hair long all of my life, and I couldn't imagine cutting it in a major way again. And compliments really do help!! (Even if you're not a very superficial person, it will still make you feel good)

ALTHOUGH...the time I did cut it majorly, I went from knee to below BSL. So...probably from about 50" to about 30". That was a major cut. But it reallllllly needed it. It was lank, stringy, dyed to death, over-dried, and really uneven (not in the attractive, fairy-tale sense.....in the neglected sense). So really the only reason I cut was to get rid of damage and start over.

If you feel you need to cut, more power to you. It's your hair, your head, your decision. :)

February 24th, 2009, 10:38 AM
I used to have my hair very short, and I do not regret it. Then again, I do not want to do that again.

I enjoyed it for a while, but did not like the amount of money I had to spend for trimmings every few weeks, and taking the time for that. Every morning I had to do some styling (instead of just a ponytail with long hair if I'm busy :o ).

It was fun while it lasted, but longer hair is better suited for my temperament :p

February 24th, 2009, 11:16 AM
My hair was at least BSL since I was 12. It got as long as past my rear. I prefer the BSL length because it's easier to brush out after washing. I was starting to DREAD washing my hair when it was real long. The brushing out was a pain and took SO long. I am now considering going a few inches shorter with a "U" shape so I can still ponytail. I guess after 40 years of REALLY long hair, I just want a change. And I do love the 3 minute brush out vs. the 30-minute ordeal. I have never regretted cutting but have never gone short, either.

February 24th, 2009, 11:16 AM
I've had several big chops from my first one at 13 (from knee to chin) to my last one just before i discovered the community (apl to pixie) and never, ever regretted them.
But think it's because they were successful in getting me the look I wanted...

February 24th, 2009, 11:19 AM
Can you please tell me where is the guide/directory to the abbreviations? I figured out bsl myself but have no idea what the rest are. Thanks.

February 24th, 2009, 11:40 AM
I have had a few big chops in my life:

At 8 years old from past waist to earlobe. Wrong cut, didn't flatter me and I grew it out asap. I did regret that cut.
I had a few bsl - shoulder cuts since then.

Then in 2003 coming here I was at 60cm / 23" roughly. I grew to about 85cm and then cut it december 2005 to a full bsl layered style. I loved the layers and the length was fine. I did grew it out again (with the layers) because I had no idea what I wanted with it. Then I got it cut again sept 2006, past waist to shoulder length. I loved it. No regrets at all.
I am still doubting what to do next as I have been hovering between shoulder and bsl, between layers and blunt cuts since. It is now just past APL with layers as short as the corner of my mouth.

I cut my hair for similar reasons you give. Being bored with wearing the same style day after day. The most comfortable and hairfriendly styles just don't flatter my face at all, even though I like my hair long from the back. I have not regret any of the haircuts I got since coming here, although I do miss my long hair. To me, that are two completely different things.


February 24th, 2009, 12:26 PM
Can you please tell me where is the guide/directory to the abbreviations? I figured out bsl myself but have no idea what the rest are. Thanks.

Here ya go, Sandigirl: LHC Terms and Abbreviations (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=10). :)

February 27th, 2009, 04:17 PM
I once cut my hair from butt length all the way to my shoulders. And Yes at first I was sad, and later I liked the way it was so easy to put in a little tail, or jus let loose. But I always kept a weakness for long hair. And grew it back out. Now that might take a long time, but also that's fun! See it grow long again.

Für immer
February 28th, 2009, 12:08 PM
the only time I cut my hair and felt any regrets was in during the summer
before the 9th grade.
(it was the first time I cut my hair by myself)

Nowadays I feel pleasure cutting it

February 28th, 2009, 01:34 PM
I have had all lengths of hair, waist length to flat tops (hippie era to punk era). I enjoy hair as an accessory reflecting where I am in life, what journey. Well, really it is more spiritual than that even.

I truly enjoyed hair cuts I had in the past (not my avatar!) and if you do decide to cut, I suggest getting a very trendy edgy cut, not a soccer mom look. Short hair should be spicy and fun! otherwise a woman can look frumpy and mannish IMO:)

Für immer
February 28th, 2009, 01:39 PM
sounds nice :D

March 2nd, 2009, 10:23 PM
I've gone through many cycles of long hair, cropped hair, and growing out again. Cutting isn't a big deal for me, but after having short hair for a year or two, I always start to want it long again. Today I just got 1/2" cut off, and it feels so much smoother and easier to comb through. I think my ends were getting a little ragged. I'm less focused now on gaining length and more focused on growing out the damage and just maintaining just below BSL. I trim about 1/2" every 3-4 months. I'm sure someday I'll crop my hair again. People always tell me that short hair brings attention to my eyes and cheekbones, and I do agree but I just love how long hair looks, too.

Edit: remember those "Crissy" dolls that had a long ponytail that could grow? I want adjustable hair like that.