View Full Version : Hi from both Philadelphia PA USA & Linköping Sweden

February 5th, 2009, 01:55 AM
New to the forums!

A little about me. I've never had really short hair but I do remember around 18 having hair to my shoulders.

I started growing my hair not on purpose. :p Just before I turned 19 I went for a "trim". I had just moved from Little Rock AR to Philadelphia PA and didn't know any hairdressers. I have quite thick hair that a hairdresser either loves or hates. She asked if I wanted something other then a straight cut. I should have said nah, maybe next time, but no... to trusting I am. I said if you are comfortable with the thickness, have fun. I just need to pull it back into a low ponytail for work. I'm not sure what she did, but some of it wouldn't tuck behind my ears. Thus, creating my fear of hairdressers :D

I know in the last 5 years I've gone for a cut maybe 4 times. That's the cause for my long hair :laugh:. I love it and not sure if I could ever cut it short.

About a year ago I met my boyfriend online. Feel in love sight unseen (wasn't a dating site) but he's quite lucky as he loves long hair :eyebrows:. He lives in Sweden :disbelief so right now I've traveling back and forth between Philly and Sweden while we figure things out. lol

I don't do much to care for my hair. I read awhile back to just shampoo the scalp, then condition the ends. This has helped with getting a little height around my face as it's sooooo round and I need it :p Since it's so heavy and long I lost some of that so that was fantastic!

Pardon the less then attractive picture and surrounding but I've been busy packing and selling stuff for the possibly impending move!!!


February 5th, 2009, 02:25 AM
Welcome to the LHC.

What part of LR did you live? Both my DD were born in AR, in and around LR.

I can understand a fear of hairdressers, my mom was one! :silly:

I hope that you and your DBF will be happy together.:D
Again welcome. :waving:

February 5th, 2009, 02:46 AM
Welcome to LHC!

February 5th, 2009, 04:23 AM
Thanks for all the welcomes!!!

Welcome to the LHC.

What part of LR did you live? Both my DD were born in AR, in and around LR.

Actually south of LR, Bryant/Benton-ish area.

February 5th, 2009, 05:57 AM
Welcome!! I live in a suburbs of Philly. You and your hair are lovely!! :flowers:

February 5th, 2009, 06:38 AM
Hello and welcome !!!
I'm up in Easton, Pa. That is a great photo too.:cheer: