View Full Version : Can Pantene cause hair thinning or loss?

January 28th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Not wanting to start a debate on this. But have you personally had Pantene cause hair loss in thinning for yourself or do you know of someone who experienced this? Yes I am thinking of anything that could be causing my problems. Also if you have had problems with this was the hair loss or thinning permanent or were you able to make a hair recovery. Thanks!

January 28th, 2009, 02:51 PM
I used to always use their products. I always buy my own shampoo now so i stopped using it because it costs a lot of money. The end of this summer i started using the renewal line they have and i seemed to have TONS of hair coming out in the shower... I got really scared that i would have bald spots. thank god i didn't, but i did stop using it. At that time too though i had permed and chemically straighten my hair with in a couple of days. So i don't know if the bad shedding was from that or the pantene or all the chemical but since not using their products i don't shed like that anymore.

Either way for me, that last time really freaked me out so i wont be using pantene anymore. Maybe you should stop using it for a bit and see how your hair does. I'm sorry to here this because i know when i thought i was going bald this summer it really scared me big time.

January 28th, 2009, 02:59 PM
I used to always use their products. I always buy my own shampoo now so i stopped using it because it costs a lot of money. The end of this summer i started using the renewal line they have and i seemed to have TONS of hair coming out in the shower... I got really scared that i would have bald spots. thank god i didn't, but i did stop using it. At that time too though i had permed and chemically straighten my hair with in a couple of days. So i don't know if the bad shedding was from that or the pantene or all the chemical but since not using their products i don't shed like that anymore.

Either way for me, that last time really freaked me out so i wont be using pantene anymore. Maybe you should stop using it for a bit and see how your hair does. I'm sorry to here this because i know when i thought i was going bald this summer it really scared me big time.

Hmm maybe I will give Pantene a break (I am almost out of product anyways) and see if it helps any. I don't know why I never connected the pantene with maybe contributing to my hair loss. Well we will see. Wonder if it was the pantene how long it would take to see improvement (as in new hair growth) ?

January 28th, 2009, 05:45 PM
Well for me i some hairs in the front of my hair line that are about 2in... so I'm guessing about it wasn't long before some hairs came back. But i dont really know why my problem was other then all the chemicals and pantene. I think i read you are going to a dermatologist, good luck with that. I hope you get some answers.

January 28th, 2009, 05:46 PM
I used pantene when I was in high school and I never noticed any hair loss.

January 28th, 2009, 06:03 PM
I started using the 2in1 for long lengths, and I barely shed a single hair, weird.

January 28th, 2009, 06:11 PM
I've used Pantene on and off for years and never noticed an increase in shedding or hair loss. In fact my current routine of CWC with a Pantene 2-in-1 (which oddly leave my hair less oily the next day vs. regular shampoo) and the Pantene for long hair conditioner seems to have cut my shedding down.

Are you loosing a lot of hair in the shower or are you noticing your hair is a lot thinner then normal? If it is just you seem to be loosing a lot of hair during washings switching shampoos might give you some sort of answer; either the shedding will continue or it wont. If it is less then maybe Pantene is the issue for you. If your hair is dramaticaly thinner then it was I would think figuring out whether Pantene is the issue will take longer since you would need to see either regrowth or at least a decrease in thinning.

You aren't on any new meds or vitamins are you? Under any stress, eating differently, exercising more/less, dropped a lot of weight, sick? Haven you tried anything new? If your loosing a ton of hair (way more then a normal big shed) maybe you should see a doctor.

January 28th, 2009, 06:16 PM
I used pantene for quite a long time a few years back. It didn't seem to do anything except make my hair even MORE fuzzy. I didn't notice any thinning.

Now that would be a kick in the balls for pantene if someone genuinely proved that it can cause thinning in some peoples hair.

January 28th, 2009, 06:28 PM
I have never heard anything about it being associated with hair loss, but it mgiht be a good idea to take a break from it and see what happens.:confused:

January 28th, 2009, 06:52 PM
here are just a few links on what others don't like about it, very convincing stuff everyone has there own opinions i am just showing the bad

generally they talk about hair loss, burning, build up and waxy feeling

* *user views /complaints**

*explains why it's not good for hair *

**cosmetologist explain why they don't like it***

Pantene admits bulid up from product

***health bord topic on pantene and hair loss***

just a few.. Like i said i wasn't looking for the "good" reviews mainly the bad ones so you can get the jist of the negitive and the positives ppl thow out there:)

January 28th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I have read the same complaint about a number of conditioners, not just Pantene. I do not think that Pantene versions necessarily contain more waxy type ingredients and silicones than certain other products.

They are constantly changing their formulas.

Pantene conditioners can be heavy and waxy type ingredients can clog pores. Silicones can be heavy. They vary in their density. But I do not believe that Pantene or any other hair conditioner can cause the kind of hair loss that you have experienced.

Here is a link on debunking the "Pantene is bad for hair myth" and to me, it is a myth.

January 28th, 2009, 08:07 PM
Pantene is really heavy on my hair but it never caused hair loss when I used it.

If your hair has one spot of hair loss it seems more likely to be something else and not a product since your hair would probably fallout all over and not in one spot. I can't see your photos yet so I am going going what you have posted about your thin spot.
I do hope the derm can help you or point you in the right direction.
People may think we are obsessed about our hair when we focus on thinness but to me at least I am defined by my hair as much as by other things.I think a lot of us here are or we would not be here.
I hope you find the answer soon.