View Full Version : Are curls more desirable?

January 26th, 2009, 07:04 AM
I started thinking about something. My dad had 3a darkbrown curls and none of his 3 daughters got curls. Only my oldest sister is a wavy 2a/2b. I was talking to my mother about it and she said: "I always wished that one of my children would have curls like your father"

And I often hear things like that when there is a baby on the way: "I hope he/she will get the curls from his/her mother/father"
I've never heard: "I hope he/she will have stick straight hair"

Or just about people in general: "oh, she/he has lovely curls"
and never a word about 'lovely, straight hair"

Anyone else experiences this? I must admit I always have found curls very special, but maybe that is because I'm straighthaired.
Is it a cultural thing? Are curlies more rare?

I'm being a bit philosophical right now...


January 26th, 2009, 07:07 AM
I bet many a curly mother/father wish their child would inherit the straight hair of the other parent. ;)
That aside, I think you have a point - curls are often considered to be more "ornamental", more unusual, than straight or even wavy hair.

January 26th, 2009, 07:11 AM
I think it has to do with curls being a rare thing. My dd got her curls from her daddy (not as tight amen) and she always gets comments on how "lovely her curls are or what pretty hair she has" I wish she has my wavy hair because curls are very hard to keep moisturized.

January 26th, 2009, 07:30 AM
Having a super curly headed grandchild, a super curly headed daughter, being a curly head myself and having a mom with super curly (kinky) and a grandfather with the same hair type...I can assure you that it is in the eye of the wearer! I have always wanted thick straight hair. In our family we all blame my mom for the super curl/frizz/kink we have going on. A constant refrain in our house when I was growing up was, "Mom, why did I have to get YOUR hair???" Poor mom.

January 26th, 2009, 08:02 AM
I was really curly when I was a small child, but the curls grew almost completely out when I got older. Eberybody viewed that as a kind of loss...("Oh my dear, where did all those lovely curls go?"):confused: Well, lately the curls decided to come back to me. They don't bother me, as they are not too frizzy and tangling. So I'm quite happy about it.:)

January 26th, 2009, 08:05 AM
As a curly haired person I have to say yes don't I!

January 26th, 2009, 08:06 AM
Having a super curly headed grandchild, a super curly headed daughter, being a curly head myself and having a mom with super curly (kinky) and a grandfather with the same hair type...I can assure you that it is in the eye of the wearer! I have always wanted thick straight hair. In our family we all blame my mom for the super curl/frizz/kink we have going on. A constant refrain in our house when I was growing up was, "Mom, why did I have to get YOUR hair???" Poor mom.

Hehe, poor mom indeed.:)
You have such beautiful curls though!
And not only curlies have frizz, you know :p

I'm a mixture of colours, I have dark blonde hairs and dark brown hairs. The brown ones are curled, especially when I just washed my hair. =frizz

harley mama
January 26th, 2009, 08:29 AM
I think it depends on the person. Some people are drawn to curls and others like the straight look. While I appreciate all hair types, I seem to be attracted to curly hair more often. Probably because I have finally embraced my curl! :)

January 26th, 2009, 08:32 AM
Having a super curly headed grandchild, a super curly headed daughter, being a curly head myself and having a mom with super curly (kinky) and a grandfather with the same hair type...I can assure you that it is in the eye of the wearer! I have always wanted thick straight hair. In our family we all blame my mom for the super curl/frizz/kink we have going on. A constant refrain in our house when I was growing up was, "Mom, why did I have to get YOUR hair???" Poor mom.All curlies do not feel this way though. I USED to before I learned how to take care of it and how easy it is. Yes I like straight silky hair too though, hence the avi pic but I do think curls are less common and probably why people comment so much.

As a curly haired person I have to say yes don't I!Well of course! I say yes too! :D

January 26th, 2009, 08:34 AM
I'm a very curly person, and I must agree on this. Random people tell me they love my curls, on a daily basis! they really represent me.
they are a little more special, but not more beautiful than straight hair!(:

January 26th, 2009, 08:39 AM
Perhaps it is more desirable due to it being more unusual. I don't know though. For me personally I ended up with wavy hair, had little ringlets as a child. All my family had straight hair, my hair was viewed as flawed. It was like my hair was supposed to be straight but it didn't work well that way, so I was forced to comb it with a fine toothed comb until it dried in the hopes it would be straight - it became a frizzy mop that way, but apparently that was more desirable than my curl/wave. Even now I prefer my hair straight, I was thrilled last night to take my hair out of the bun it was in to find it was about 1c.

January 26th, 2009, 08:40 AM
Oh, no! That means I am totally NOT desirable?:eek:

January 26th, 2009, 09:16 AM
Oh, no! That means I am totally NOT desirable?:eek:
No, Akiko, your hair is just adorable!:waving: I wish I had that beautiful shimmer on it! The only thing I don't like about curly hair is that they don't shine as much as stick straight hair does.

January 26th, 2009, 09:17 AM
I'd say it depended on the person, one thing may be desireable to one person, and another thing to another.

January 26th, 2009, 10:00 AM
Oh, no! That means I am totally NOT desirable?:eek:

I don't feel less desirable being a 1b :)

January 26th, 2009, 10:29 AM
I think they are. Maybe this stems from older generations when curls were the fashion? My grandmother (stick straight baby fine hair) used to give my mom (ditto) perms when she was a kid! Straight hair became the fashion in the '60s and '70s, but by the end of the '70s all the ladies were getting perms again (which I never liked the look or smell of).

My BF is wavy-curly (2c-3a) and I always have the same reaction to his toddler pics - "aww, look at those blonde ringlets!" and I have to say I hope our kid gets his more pronounced waves/curls. We are both fine haired, so we were both bald as kids and without some wave our hair can look flat and wispy. The term "baby fine" applied to me until I was a teenager or so! IMO, more wave/curl hides that flat fineness.

That said, I think a lot of people don't know how to care for curls at all. I know my mom never understood that my hair was wavy, nor did anyone in any salon I ever visited.

Straight hair does have its own beauty, too. I love how straight hair shines in a way mine never will!

January 26th, 2009, 10:41 AM
Grass is greener. My daughter got beautiful natural waves from her Dad's side, and what does she do every day? Straightens it.

If curly is so unusual and therefore more desirable, why are hair straightening irons so popular?

Also, I'd like to see a tally for this website where I could see how many people have anything other than stick straight hair, i.e. they have some curl, or all curl. Seems like to me that there are mostly wavy/curly people here than dead straight. Maybe that's because us dead straight, fine, flat-haired people have always been told our hair would look awful if grown long.

My theory: curly or wavy hair looks thicker, even if it's not, and thicker looks healthier when it comes to hair, even if it's not.

January 26th, 2009, 10:54 AM
I think the grass is definitely greener on the other side. Or, if you're in the middle like I am, on both sides! (Sometimes I wish my hair would be either curly or straight---just make up its mind!) Growing up, though, I had a couple of friends with that "hair so straight it won't take a curl at all," and they were jealous of my hair not so much because of what it did naturally, but because I could get it to curl easily. So I think we want what we don't have.

January 26th, 2009, 11:02 AM
In my mom's family people range from tight coils to waves, and the women all straighten their hair or loosen the curl. I've never heard anyone from a curly ethnic group say they hope their child has curls. On my dad's side, everyone has straight hair, and curls are considered sweet and pretty because they are something different. Personally, I love both!

People tend to place value on things that take work, skill or expense to achieve...for straight hair that will be curls or wave, for curlies that will be a sleek shiny look. Your hair will be admired more among people where your hair type is rare, that's my experience.

January 26th, 2009, 11:13 AM
I think it's just that kids look cute with curs. When you get older, it's another matter.:rolleyes:

January 26th, 2009, 11:43 AM
I think it's just that kids look cute with curs. When you get older, it's another matter.:rolleyes:

Oh great. Now I'M undesirable. :(

January 26th, 2009, 11:57 AM
I'd do anything for curly hair...but everyone always tell me how lucky i am that it's straight. I don't dislike straight hair but I wouldn't view myself as lucky for having it

January 26th, 2009, 12:05 PM
Oh great. Now I'M undesirable. :(

Hey, so am I!:(

January 26th, 2009, 01:01 PM
I have always wanted curly hair, but all my friends with curly hair say they want my straight hair. :p

January 26th, 2009, 01:18 PM
My mom always encouraged the little bit of curl I had in back. I think she thought proper little girls had curls. I think each and every hair type has it's own beauty. I love seeing the differences. Having come into hair awareness in the 60s I love straight thick hair. That's the hair that makes me spin around and take a second look. Since being on the long hair boards I've come to appreciate the beauty of long natural curls.

January 26th, 2009, 01:26 PM
I asked my boyfriend if he prefered straight or curly hair. He opted for straight hair.:( Well, I asked him, he was just honest. However I like my curls and the type of hair I have. Even the color and the white strands (there are only a few so far). The only thing I would like to change is length (longer!).:D To discover our own beauty is maybe one of the challenges we have to master in life.;)

January 26th, 2009, 01:34 PM
I love that there are so many ways to be beautiful. It makes it a pleasure to look through the hair albums, and to see other people in real life. The permutations and surprises are endless.

January 26th, 2009, 01:52 PM
Well, curls on babies is pretty cute. But honestly I know of more curlies and wavies who straighten their hair than I know straighties who curl their hair.

January 26th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I think curls, like many things, become more or less desirable, depending on what happens to be the "fashion" at any given moment.

I also think sometimes curls and waves on adults are seen as messy - I once overheard a former boss of mine commenting that she thought my waves were unprofessional when I wore my hair loose. I've also had friends refer to my hair as "I've just had sex hair" when I've worn it long and wavy.

So maybe its more "desirable" in some senses and situations than others.

(sorry for the rambling thoughts...)

January 26th, 2009, 02:13 PM
I agree that it has a lot to do with fashion. It seems like a people are going to a lot of trouble to make their hair straight these days. But I hear my mother and her friends talk a lot about how they went through hell trying to get their hair curly. I'm kinda glad that my hair is kinda in the middle and I go either way with minor effort. Although sometimes my hair gets kinda crazy with parts wavy and parts completely straight.

January 26th, 2009, 02:38 PM
My theory is that curls are desirable if you don't have to care for them yourself! :lol: The old "the grass is always greener" thing kicks in here. I think lots of people with straight hair admire curls, but the reverse is also true. Looking around at all the people who straighten their hair I find it hard to believe that curls are coveted very much. :rolleyes: I know lots of people who straighten their hair and say they admire my wurls, which confuses me a tad!

I don't know if curly haired people are rarer. I'd be hard pressed to name anyone in my recent acquaintance who wore their hair curly, but who knows how many of those people were straightening their hair in one way or another? :confused: Aaaargh! My brain hurts...

I admire most healthy-looking hair. I think naturally straight hair can be just as gorgeous as wurly hair, but hair that's been flat ironed just looks wrong to me. So.... thin and kinda wispy. Do you know what I mean?

January 26th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Rohele, your old boss sounds jealous, if you ask me. ;) I'm sure your waves are eye-catching.

I admire most healthy-looking hair. I think naturally straight hair can be just as gorgeous as wurly hair, but hair that's been flat ironed just looks wrong to me. So.... thin and kinda wispy. Do you know what I mean?

Yeah, I don't like hair that's been traumatized. I would love to convince the curly and coily women in my family to put down the hair dryers and flat irons! People look best to me in their natural or close-to-natural hair.

January 26th, 2009, 03:07 PM
Rohele, your old boss sounds jealous, if you ask me.

Perhaps... At the time I was mortified however, and was very careful to wear it up after that (lol in a messy scrunchie bun no less, because a scrunchie looks sooo much more professional than long loose groomed hair :rolleyes: ).

January 26th, 2009, 03:11 PM
I asked my boyfriend if he prefered straight or curly hair. He opted for straight hair.:( Well, I asked him, he was just honest. However I like my curls and the type of hair I have. Even the color and the white strands (there are only a few so far). The only thing I would like to change is length (longer!).:D To discover our own beauty is maybe one of the challenges we have to master in life.;)

I have super curly/kinky hair, and believe me the bold part of your statement is the most important thing that we can do for ourselves as women. The haircare industry did not come up with heat and chemical straighteners because the population at large feels that curls/kink/frizz are beautiful.

As for me, I love the variety of styling options that my hair type allows me to have. I can wear it straight, wavy, curly, or kinky with the assistance of the right products. Some would not agree, but I find those factors to be the beauty of 3c/4a hair.

January 26th, 2009, 04:07 PM
Both my boys have very tight curls and can do nothing but keep them very short. Any growth just ads to the afro look! They get it from their father.

My hair was stick straight and smooth until I was 40. Then it went curly. I can tell you that curly hair is much more forgiving then straight hair. If you have a bad cut with straight hair you can tell. With curly hair it just sort of disapears into the curls

Same with styles - they stay much more easily with curls then when my hair was slipery straight.

And half up styles look amazing - with the up bit staying well because curls hold a style, and the curly bit hanging down.

I'll be devistated if my hair ever goes straight again!

January 26th, 2009, 04:16 PM
In my teenage experience, it's depended on what's in vogue. I was always content with having straight hair and other girls always told me how lucky I was for not having to haul out the flat iron every morning. In the past few years, though, curls have become the preferred look. Most of my straight-haired friends are torturing their hair every morning with curling irons.

Personally, I love the look of waves or loose curls over straight, but I'm grateful for having the low maintenance hair that I do. Besides, I can always do some nice bun curls!

January 26th, 2009, 04:25 PM
I dont think either one is ultimately more desirable, but it seems to me that there is way more anti-curl sentiment in the media and advertising. Actually, maybe they are more anti- natural texture than anti-curl... curls can get good press, but it seems like all the curls that good press are perfectly styled and contrived curls, rather than natural looking ones. So you're allowed to have either curly or straight hair, as long as you got it by using all sorts of products and gizmos in the process rather than just leaving your natural texture. Where's the money in letting your hair be as it is, after all?
As far as REAL people... I dont think there's an overwhelming opinion in favor of either curls or straight hair. Lots of people like both, like me....

January 26th, 2009, 04:34 PM
I really like my curls, and I like to encourage them to their maximum definition. They can be delicate, and the canopy curls fall out at the least provocation.
However my DH has told me on numerous occasions that he likes my hair best after it has been combed out, and he even likes it after I apply the *boom* stick. :( He even pointed out a lady once and told me THAT is the kind of curly he likes. She was maybe a 1C with some flippiness going on. Layers at the shoulder, length at BSL.
I don't get it. I guess I don't have his dream hair.

January 26th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Most days I use zero product or tools and I know exactally what my hair will do. hang there... strait...

I'll never get complements on hair texture, but I do save amazing amounts of time!:D

January 26th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I dont think either one is ultimately more desirable, but it seems to me that there is way more anti-curl sentiment in the media and advertising. Actually, maybe they are more anti- natural texture than anti-curl... curls can get good press, but it seems like all the curls that good press are perfectly styled and contrived curls, rather than natural looking ones. So you're allowed to have either curly or straight hair, as long as you got it by using all sorts of products and gizmos in the process rather than just leaving your natural texture. Where's the money in letting your hair be as it is, after all?
As far as REAL people... I dont think there's an overwhelming opinion in favor of either curls or straight hair. Lots of people like both, like me....

I agree with liseling.

January 26th, 2009, 07:44 PM
I think curls are seen as cute for wee ones, but for adult professional women, it's like, "Why don't you do something about that mess???" (Maybe it's similar -- or worse! -- for men; I don't mean to be gender-biased; just speaking from my experience as a woman.)

As liseling says, the good curls in the media are those that are contrived. Faked into being. And very different from mine, which are willful and wayward, and one day look full, the next stringy; one day neatly coiled, the next frizzy or only slightly waved.

But I've always liked my hair. It's always been desirable to me! (Embrace your hair-essence. It's a good thing. ;) )

January 26th, 2009, 11:48 PM
Embrace your hair-essence. It's a good thing. ;)

I like that quote :) "Embrace you hair-essence".
Almost sounds like a commercial or something :grin:

January 26th, 2009, 11:57 PM
yes. they look so elegant in updos. I want curly hair for my prom but there is no way my hair is coming close to that curling iron!

January 27th, 2009, 12:43 AM
I prefer straight hair, but that's because it's what I've not got! I discovered my hair was curly about six months ago (rather than a frizzy mess!). Since then, people who see me note a BIG difference, and love the ringlets and curls, so it seems to be more popular.

I have a kind of theory though - I think that if you go with how your hair wants to be, it suits you the best. I love straight, fine, swishy hair, but I have thick wurly hair. When I stop trying to make my hair something it's not, and let it be itself, it looks its best. Hmmmm.

I think straight hair is more eye catching and beautiful - I do - BUT I have found that long curly hair is much more forgiving. Since I found out how to care for my hair, I've had almost no bad hair days, my hair looks pretty good most days, the curls do have a certain oomph to them, lol.

January 27th, 2009, 01:35 AM
In the country I live in, many more people have wavy and curly hair than straight hair. The reason you don't see it as much on the street is because everyone and their sister (who is not on this board, haha), flat irons their hair beyond recognition. I don't think it's rare in the slightest.

As far as more desirable, the clear answer is no because there is no such thing as the most desirable hair texture. The most (and really, the only) desirable thing about hair is its health. Healthy hair is always more aesthetically pleasing to look at and feel.

Elaine-I get exactly the opposite, hahaha. By far, I receive more comments on the texture of my hair than anything else. Color comes in a close second, with length being a distant third, oddly enough. Girls on campus frequently ask me how I flat iron it but keep it so long and without damage. That's always an awkward conversation and some girls have even refused to believe me! Aha, oh well... don't really care.

January 27th, 2009, 01:50 AM
I have a kind of theory though - I think that if you go with how your hair wants to be, it suits you the best.

Yeah, what she said! :)

January 27th, 2009, 03:04 AM
I think it is influenced by culture and marketing.
Many successful, independent women who dare to live the life they want (referring to sexual independence here, too!) in the media are currently portrayed with locks (if it isn't a short businesscut). This attributes make them appealing to potential partners, too.
But you do not see that locks muchin daily life! They are frequently badly maintained or mutilated with a flat-iron on a daily basis.
So beautiful locks are special and indicate and independent spirit - who wouldn't like to have that!

Ok, I wouldn't want to have them. I like my flat hair a lot (it could be a bit THICKER, but no curls, thank you). I love the way it flows round my body, how manageable it is and it suits my face. I favour a kind of Virgin-Mary-look (sorry if that sounds disrespectful) with a middle part ä- and have you ever seen her portrayed with LOCKS in classical painting?

January 27th, 2009, 12:06 PM
I do sometimes feel that I look more "professional" if my hair is straighter (I'm wurly but sometimes my hair is quite straight... it's a 2c/3a thing ;) ). I guess I feel like I look more "groomed" if my hair is straightish and sleek. I can relate to what Darkwaves said.

:hmm: I also agree that most of the curls coveted by the public are very contrived. In the magazine shoots, people with curly hair are often flat-ironed and then recurled - so why is that more "acceptable" than natural curls?!

Who knew hair could be so political? :laugh:

Tap Dancer
January 27th, 2009, 12:32 PM
Are curls more desirable? No, I don't think so. I'm very happy with my straight hair and I've never in my life wished I had curly hair. People with curly hair get compliments on their curls and people with straight hair get compliments on the shine. ;) At least that's what I've noticed.

January 27th, 2009, 03:27 PM
I agree that healthy hair is the most beautiful. I tried to answer this question and honestly. I really like both straight, curly and wavy hair at different times for different reasons. Straight hair looks so much more tame, and maneagable and doing something other than the crazy stuff my hair likes to do. I was curly in highschool, more wavy (but crazy unmaneagable wavy) after my children, and now that i've been taking better care of my hair i'm seeing more curly again. Straight hair just seems to do what it's told. But I really do like the same craziness of curly hair that makes it so frustrating. mostly it's other peoples hair I like the best ;)

I think loving your hair as is and making it as healthy as possible really makes it beautiful. straight or curly. :D

ETA: oh and i'd hoped one of my boys would get curly hair. my youngest has just the slightest curl at the end of his hair. i'm not cutting it anytime soon. It's just adorable!

January 28th, 2009, 05:26 AM
My theory is that curls are desirable if you don't have to care for them yourself! :lol: The old "the grass is always greener" thing kicks in here.

I am totally with you on that one! I hate the extra time and products I have to use on my curly hair. I used to have poker straight hair until about 3 years ago and it was sooooo easy. Wash, condition and leave to air dry. Now the curl fairy has 'blessed' me I have to wash, condition, defrizz and then find a style for the day that makes the mop look 1/2 way decent and neat. I long for the days of wash and go hair.

Has any one else had their hair turn like mine? It was poker straight and then heaven knows what happened and lo and behold there were curls... and lots of them!

January 28th, 2009, 06:50 PM
Curls are seen as cute, straight hair is seen as sexy. This is why people like curls in kids, it's more innocent and cherubic I guess. :confused:

January 28th, 2009, 06:56 PM
It is so true that you always want the hair you do not have. Mine is wavy/cury/frizzy.I always wanted straight hair. I hoped my kids would have straight hair.
They don't.