View Full Version : Oil vs Conditioner

Um Enis
January 24th, 2009, 04:44 PM
Do any of you use oil instead of commercial conditioner with a commercial (especially SLS based) shampoo?

How do you use it? Pre-shampoo deep oiling? Light after shampoo oil? Both?

Has anyone tried oil instead of conditioner with a regular shampoo and not liked it?

Any feedback is appreciated?

January 24th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I don't use a commercial conditioner, but I do use conditioners daily:silly:

Oils work beautifully for my hair. I also use butters, catnip tea, and a homemade detangler depending on what my hair needs.

I use shampoo, about once a week, the brand changes depending on what smell I want.

January 24th, 2009, 05:09 PM
I dont use commercial shampoos or conditioners. I use soapnuts to wash (and condition) and catnip to also condition and add slip to my hair. I use oils daily only lightly on my ends and I do a deep oil once a week, which I keep on overnight. I love the results I get from this routine.

I have only been doing this for ?4 weeks and my hair is so much nicer from going natural.

The only commercial product i put on my scalp is mega tek.

January 24th, 2009, 09:17 PM
*listens* I use commercial shampoo, so very interested ^_^

January 25th, 2009, 01:18 AM
I usually use a commercial conditioner, but if I've run out, I just use a light sheen of coconut oil after I wash. That said, my shampoo isn't SLS-based.

January 25th, 2009, 03:55 AM
I do both - store-bought conditioner and wet (more like damp) oiling with Jojoba oil after washing. I don't go for the expensive stuff, just normal and cheap coneless condish is enough for me.
If I had more time, I would use kitchen-shampoo like the honey-egg-shampoo more often, skip the conditioner and only oil. But since I am driving 2 hours one direction daily just now, that is not possible.

Herzogenaurach, Germany

January 25th, 2009, 08:49 AM
Since finding LHC I've educated myself on coconut oil and as that restores all protein and vitamins that the commercial shampoo and conditioner strips from your hair it's the best conditioner. So I'm doing a soak-in once a week where I massage coconut oil through out all my hair and then bundle it all ontop of my head and put a shower cap on. Leave it in for 1-2 hours then wash hair with organic shampoo about twice to get all the oil out. My hair has never felt so health before. I started it last week and will faithfully do it every week now cause it has made me LOVE my hair in a whole new way.

January 25th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Do any of you use oil instead of commercial conditioner with a commercial (especially SLS based) shampoo?

How do you use it? Pre-shampoo deep oiling? Light after shampoo oil? Both?

Has anyone tried oil instead of conditioner with a regular shampoo and not liked it?

Any feedback is appreciated?

When I first started, I was using Pantene/commercial shampoo and cone conditioner and trying to oil after washing, heavy pre-wash oils, the works. My hair got crunchy. The shampoo didn't get a heavy oiling out, even after three shampoos; I didn't know a CO-wash would probably have gotten it out!

It seems for my hair that cone conditioner and oiling = crunchy hair. Once I stopped using cones the oil did wonders for my hair.

I think you'd be okay with SLS shampoo and oil only, if your scalp handles SLS.

January 25th, 2009, 01:06 PM
I used to do SLS shampoos & cone conditioners, but my hair was always dry-ish and only happy the day I washed it. I figured out that cone conditioners irritate my scalp and build up on my hair, and non-cone conditioners simply don't work. As my hair gets longer, I don't want to wash it every day anymore, so I've been looking around for a solution. I did COs for a while with some success, but I still needed to condition or it got dry and staticky very fast. I tried a little coconut oil after washing instead, but that wasn't enough either.

Last week I switched to shampoo bars (SLS-free; right now I'm trying Chagrin Valley's honey-beer-and-egg bar), and that seems to have been a move in the right direction: I went two washes without conditioner at all -- just the soap and a vinegar rinse -- and my hair feels great. It's very cold this winter and I'm getting a little static the day after washing, but today I'm going to put a little coconut oil on it and maybe that'll be enough. My hair has NEVER been happy without copious amounts of cone conditioner before, so I'm really thrilled with the shampoo bars so far!


January 25th, 2009, 05:18 PM
Using oil instead of conditioner can be tricky, and not too many master it, lol. We've had a couple of forum-wide attempts. This thread (http://archive.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=61123) from the archive is one of the longer threads. :smile:

January 25th, 2009, 05:31 PM
I use a Lush-shampoo and condition with catnip. Most of the time I oil slightly directy after washing on wet hair (Jojoba-oil or some lush massage-bar, in winter sometimes a paraffine-based oil).
In the past I regularly used conventional conditioner, the only difference it made was, that I could easily comb my hair when it was still wet. Now I wait until it's dry but then it's just as easy.

January 26th, 2009, 06:05 AM
I used to apply lots of conditioner on my hair and oil it only slightly after washing. Now I've started to reduce the conditioner and use more coconut oil instead. It works well for me, but maybe it's also due to it being winter and my hair might therefore need more care.

January 26th, 2009, 12:27 PM
I use both. Oh, and I wash with sulfates too.

Oil is quite difficult on my fine hair - it can look greasy very fast, so I stick to only the lightest oilings. I try to oil on damp hair, and since my nape hairs get damp while showering and are my waviest and coarsest hairs, this seems to be helping them finally grow.

I can only use conditioner from the ears down, except for the occasional SMT, where teh benefits of honey on my scalp outweigh the greasiness/darkening of conditioner. I do use a leave-in (goth rosary).

However, I only use "natural" conditioners with very rare 'cone use (Avalon Organics or Dove).

I feel that my hair likes and needs both, but I have to be careful.

January 26th, 2009, 12:33 PM
I condition and do a light oiling with coconut oil afterwards when the hair is towel-dry. Actually, it's mostly to help detangle it - I just rub some oil into my fingers and run them through the lengths.

January 26th, 2009, 12:34 PM
I used to use oil as a conditoner when I used shampoo bars. It worked really well for me.

January 26th, 2009, 01:02 PM
For a while, I just shampoo'd and oiled. It worked pretty well, but I like my conditioner :shrug:

January 26th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Oil as a long deep soak before shampooing. I get up in the morning, oil scalp and length, then throw a scarf on my head to protect the furniture and provide some heat to help it soak.

Then wash with Dairy Whip (lovin' that stuff) and condition with cheapo Suave afterwards.

Been doing this for three weeks, and the roots of my hair seem to be getting thicker. We'll see.