View Full Version : Brushes

January 20th, 2009, 06:16 AM
I have a friend who is growing her hair long, but still likes to use a brush. Does anyone have any suggestions for a brush. I did suggest BBB, of course. Is there any brand in particular that's really good that I can suggest for her?

January 20th, 2009, 07:11 AM
It depends on her hair. Thin, fine hair probably needs something gentle--maybe a natural bristle brush. Thick, tough hair can take the cheap, plastic, Goody brushes.

January 20th, 2009, 07:15 AM
It depends on her hair. Thin, fine hair probably needs something gentle--maybe a natural bristle brush. Thick, tough hair can take the cheap, plastic, Goody brushes.

I use a wide tooth comb for my hair but I am thinking of getting a brush just to use on my scalp where it is bare in the back (I am not good at massages). Do you think a cheap Goody brush would work for me?

January 20th, 2009, 07:35 AM
http://www.kentbrushes.com (http://www.kentbrushes.com/)

January 20th, 2009, 07:39 AM
I'm quite happy with my BBB. But I do have a wide-tooth wooden comb that I use for detangling, and I used to have a wooden paddle brush that I loved, but when it broke, I didn't find myself replacing it. :p

January 20th, 2009, 07:42 AM
I guess my hair is thick and tough enough to handle those cheap, plastic goody brushes. The one I use has been off the market for more than a decade, though. It originally was my husbands, but he's bald now (not due to the brush!!!) and really doesn't require it. My hair doesn't tangle or snag with it at all. The closest match that they currently carry is called a rubber based brush.

January 20th, 2009, 07:46 AM
I use a wide tooth comb for my hair but I am thinking of getting a brush just to use on my scalp where it is bare in the back (I am not good at massages). Do you think a cheap Goody brush would work for me?
I dunno, plainjanegirl. I hate to give brush advice and I'm sure the consensus here is to stay away from the cheap, Goody brushes. But with VERY THICK hair I need something that will actually softly scratch my scalp. I want to FEEL it. And those brushes are the only thing that work for me. I guess you could try it. They're cheap and if you don't like it you can give it away. Good luck.:)

January 20th, 2009, 08:15 AM
I use one of those cheap goody brushes, just to smooth my updos. I never brush my length with it though. That's what my wide tooth comb is for :) Brushes feel very nice on the scalp though hehe.

Linda K
January 20th, 2009, 11:09 AM
Do any of you use the - u-m-m - Mason ??? something or other?
I read about them somewhere - sticker shock - even at Ebay but from what I'd read it sounded like they were really worth it.

January 20th, 2009, 11:27 AM
Mason Pearson have lots of great brushes. Expencive, but the best.

January 20th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Mason Pearson have lots of great brushes. Expensive, but the best.Yes, this is the one I use and I like it very much.

January 20th, 2009, 03:11 PM
Thanks everyone! :)

January 20th, 2009, 11:21 PM
Widu (http://www.widu.com/) has some really pretty brushes & combs for all hairtypes, styles and lenghts

January 21st, 2009, 09:58 PM
Denman brushes were recommended to me... I bought one at Sally's for around $10 I think. It is like using several combs in the hair at once... the bristles are very hard. I like it... and think it's OK for my hair. I prefer to use it on my hair wet rather than dry.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:27 PM
I love the tangle teaser I just got.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:44 PM
I usually finger comb, or use a wide-toothed detangling comb. However, I have a brush similar to this from Urban Spa (http://www.urbanspa.ca/) which I just LOOOOOVE. It's got a tan base and the pegs are all wood (no steel ones):

Page: http://www.theforevergroup.com/urbanspa/detail.asp?product_id=US-61000

January 24th, 2009, 09:05 AM
I usually finger comb, or use a wide-toothed detangling comb. However, I have a brush similar to this from Urban Spa (http://www.urbanspa.ca/) which I just LOOOOOVE. It's got a tan base and the pegs are all wood (no steel ones):

Page: http://www.theforevergroup.com/urbanspa/detail.asp?product_id=US-61000

The page wouldn't open for me. Is this the brush you are talking about:

I am interested... as long as it has no balls at the end of the bristles and no holes/areas at the base of the bristles where hair could get caught/tangled/ripped?


January 24th, 2009, 09:08 AM
ok... now I can see the image in your reply but the brush I see looks like it has metal bristles and then wooden ones in the center? Whereas, the one I linked to appears wooden bristles all around. Would this brush be good at preventing rips/snags/damage?

January 24th, 2009, 09:42 AM
The page wouldn't open for me. Is this the brush you are talking about:

ok... now I can see the image in your reply but the brush I see looks like it has metal bristles and then wooden ones in the center? Whereas, the one I linked to appears wooden bristles all around. Would this brush be good at preventing rips/snags/damage?

Yes, the one I have it identical to the one you posted in that link.

It feels WONDERFUL to use, and I haven't noticed any snags or ripping. However, for the record, I have fairly slippery hair that doesn't tangle much anyway.

January 24th, 2009, 12:26 PM
Yes, the one I have it identical to the one you posted in that link.

It feels WONDERFUL to use, and I haven't noticed any snags or ripping. However, for the record, I have fairly slippery hair that doesn't tangle much anyway.

Thanks for the reply. So, here is the brush you use, which I am also interested in (so everyone can see):
Are there any other opinions on this brush. It's hard to tell from the picture. To me, it looks as though the base is good and closed (no holes around the base of the bristles which is a good sign as it won't snag hair. Also, it looks as though there are no balls on the ends of the bristles, which is another good sign. Or perhaps there are small balls? It is so hard for me to see the picture well.

Can you give any more information about the brush for us? Does it have balls on the end of the bristles, does it have holes in the base?

Also, if I am interested to buy... where could I get such a brush in NY? I just tried amazon and ebay and do not see it :mad: Hopefully I can get one!

January 24th, 2009, 05:53 PM
Thanks for the reply. So, here is the brush you use, which I am also interested in (so everyone can see):

Also, it looks as though there are no balls on the ends of the bristles, which is another good sign. Or perhaps there are small balls? It is so hard for me to see the picture well.

Also, if I am interested to buy... where could I get such a brush in NY? I just tried amazon and ebay and do not see it :mad: Hopefully I can get one!

Nope, no balls on the ends of the bristles.

If you to http://www.urbanspa.ca and follow the links, it eventually takes you to a photo/oder page of the first brush I posted. I'm not sure why JUST that one, since the link to get there shows BOTH. Anyway, from there, there is a "shopping cart" option, so I guess you *can* get them online. However, on the homepage there is contact info at the bottom of the page. They might be able to tell you if you can order that one, or if it's available in the US (I wouldn't be surprised, in NY).

ETA #1: I just did a search on Google for these words:
urban spa essentials hairbrush ...and it brought up lots of other sites. You might want to check those out.

ETA #2: I can't stress how much I love this brush :D I've never been "in love" with a brush before.

January 24th, 2009, 08:18 PM
I have a brush with wooden bristles that I got at Wholefoods; the brand name is Earth Therapeutics. I mostly use it when oiling my hair, to help distribute it down the length. I prefer this brush over a BBB, there is less static with wooden bristles.

January 25th, 2009, 09:09 AM
Nope, no balls on the ends of the bristles.

If you to http://www.urbanspa.ca and follow the links, it eventually takes you to a photo/oder page of the first brush I posted. I'm not sure why JUST that one, since the link to get there shows BOTH. Anyway, from there, there is a "shopping cart" option, so I guess you *can* get them online. However, on the homepage there is contact info at the bottom of the page. They might be able to tell you if you can order that one, or if it's available in the US (I wouldn't be surprised, in NY).

ETA #1: I just did a search on Google for these words:
urban spa essentials hairbrush ...and it brought up lots of other sites. You might want to check those out.

ETA #2: I can't stress how much I love this brush :D I've never been "in love" with a brush before.

Thanks very much. I am very interested :) I will check out the links and google it too. I had only checked amazon and ebay as those are my usual haunts and surprisingly neither of them had it. I will check some other sites online... I'm just so cheap... I hate to pay shipping :o

January 25th, 2009, 09:26 AM
Nope, no balls on the ends of the bristles.

If you to http://www.urbanspa.ca and follow the links, it eventually takes you to a photo/oder page of the first brush I posted. I'm not sure why JUST that one, since the link to get there shows BOTH. Anyway, from there, there is a "shopping cart" option, so I guess you *can* get them online. However, on the homepage there is contact info at the bottom of the page. They might be able to tell you if you can order that one, or if it's available in the US (I wouldn't be surprised, in NY).

ETA #1: I just did a search on Google for these words:
urban spa essentials hairbrush ...and it brought up lots of other sites. You might want to check those out.

ETA #2: I can't stress how much I love this brush :D I've never been "in love" with a brush before.

Ok, I am so stupid... I got results on both amazon and ebay today. It helps when you know the name of the brush! This brush (the second one pictured, all wood with no balls on the ends of the bristles and no metal bristles surrounding) is called the Urban Spa Massaging Hairbrush :cheese: And it looks incredible!!!!

January 25th, 2009, 07:37 PM
I have a giant Bass brand paddle brush- I can't find a good picture of it, but they carry them at the Whole Foods near me. It's got a natural rubber cushion and a rectangular wooden body and quills. There's nothing to "catch" my hair, and the wooden quills do much better at smoothing oil down my hair than a bb brush ever has in my thick hair. And it feels so nice on the scalp! I swear that it is the best brush in the world. I've gone as far as giving them to other people who have long hair and they agree as well. I think a good wooden brush is probably the very best thing for people who have difficulties with bb brushes.

January 26th, 2009, 04:59 PM
I have a giant Bass brand paddle brush- I can't find a good picture of it, but they carry them at the Whole Foods near me. It's got a natural rubber cushion and a rectangular wooden body and quills. There's nothing to "catch" my hair, and the wooden quills do much better at smoothing oil down my hair than a bb brush ever has in my thick hair. And it feels so nice on the scalp! I swear that it is the best brush in the world. I've gone as far as giving them to other people who have long hair and they agree as well. I think a good wooden brush is probably the very best thing for people who have difficulties with bb brushes.

oh, that one sounds nice. Do show us a picture if you can get one. :)

January 26th, 2009, 07:37 PM
oh, that one sounds nice. Do show us a picture if you can get one. :) Ask and ye shall receive. I couldn't find a good picture of this one by itself. Here is a picture of mine, and a closeup so that you can see the fabulous rounded tips on the bristles.


Closeup (please do ignore the brushlint- this is a working model). The bristles are a bit shiny from the oils. They're also very, very smooth.


I love this thing. The lettering on the handle says "BASS Wood Bristle" and there's an 18, which I think is the product model number.

January 26th, 2009, 08:54 PM
Ask and ye shall receive. I couldn't find a good picture of this one by itself. Here is a picture of mine, and a closeup so that you can see the fabulous rounded tips on the bristles.


Closeup (please do ignore the brushlint- this is a working model). The bristles are a bit shiny from the oils. They're also very, very smooth.


I love this thing. The lettering on the handle says "BASS Wood Bristle" and there's an 18, which I think is the product model number.

Thanks! Due to your picture and nice description I was able to find the brush!!! :cheese:
That's the one!!!! Oh, it does look nice. I'm going to ask my husband to get it for me for Valentine's Day I think... oh, I feel so guilty buying all these brush and hair accessories at once but I really don't have many decent brushes and still have my old damaging ones in my desk at school and car. So, these good brushes will be a good investment! :eyebrows: