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January 15th, 2009, 05:16 AM
I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, I searched and didn't find anything - if it has, I would appreciate a link to the thread!

I have been getting really horrible migraines lately, almost every single afternoon. I know it's not my hairlength, but I'm at a loss as to what else it could be (well, I have an idea, but... no real way to test it). My question is... What is the best hairstyle you can come up with to minimize damage when you've got a scarf double-wrapped around your head as a blindfold (I use a satin scarf, at least), pillows over your head, and are tossing and turning a lot? I'm starting to get broken off "layers" around chin length from my hair snapping and breaking in braids, and ponytails aggravate my headaches - I've been keeping it loose, but wind up breaking off hairs detangling, too. I can't win... Any suggestions?

January 15th, 2009, 05:57 AM
My usual plan for migraine hair is to wind it into a loose bun and slide a buff over my head. I sleep this way most every night, too, just so I don't end up a tangled wreck in the morning. I don't get breakage and it's comfortable - nothing pulls, no big lumps. And I can put a blindfold on if I need to when I get the headache.

January 15th, 2009, 06:20 AM
What's a buff? I've heard people mention them, but haven't got a clue.

January 15th, 2009, 06:49 AM
If you get migraines at the same time of day every day, could it be caffeine withdrawal? If you formerly had caffeine and now don't, that will definitely trigger withdrawal migraines.

January 15th, 2009, 06:55 AM
It may be worth speaking to a professional, as undertreated migraines can transform into a different entity, "chronic daily headache (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/chronic-daily-headaches/DS00646/DSECTION=when-to-seek-medical-advice)" (a specific diagnosis), that responds to somewhat different treatment. Link is to Mayo Clinic article for patient information.

Buffs (http://www.buff.es/en/catalog_headwear.php?t=1) are tubular sections of fabric (microfiber usually, I think) that can be used in a variety of ways. Link is to photos on the original site. You can scroll sideways to see more there.

January 15th, 2009, 10:28 AM
I can only speak for myself, but I discovered that the vast majority of my migraines were due to stress. Once I got out of a 9-year-long awful relationship, suddenly I was magically cured! LOL! I rarely get one anymore.

But yes, a buff seems like it would be the gentlest thing for your hair while not pulling on your head or squeezing it too tight.

There is also a thing out there called a Migra-Cap (http://www.migracap.com/). I used to have one, and loved it, but unfortunately I lost it in a move. It is basically a cap/blindfold that has icepacks sewn inside. There is also a hole at the top for your ponytail to go out of, so you could pull your hair out of the hole and make a loose bun I suppose.

Good luck!

January 15th, 2009, 11:08 AM
Thanks! I'm pretty sure it's not caffeine withdrawal, I haven't stopped drinking anything caffeiney lately, and I'm actually less stressed than I have been in the past few years. I think it might be sensitivity to sunlight, actually, and there's no way to avoid sunlight where I live... I'd go see a doctor about it, but I can't afford to. (I'm also an obligate glasses wearer, so sunglasses are out:( )

Looking at these buffs, I think I could make one pretty easily. Thanks, Hue! I will also definately be looking in to those Migracaps.

January 15th, 2009, 11:12 AM
You are most welcome. :)

If you don't have an objection, please keep us updated as to your headaches and sewing projects. I'd love to hear how it turns out. Good luck!


Added: I know finances are an issue for most of us these days, but if you find yourself more debilitated, there might be a sunglasses option. My husband uses tinted shades that clip onto his prescription glasses, and he swears by them. Alternatively, maybe a visor that shades the face?

And finally, should it be of use to you, I have remarkable success in winnowing out free clinics and medical services. Just PM me with a general location if that ever might be of help.

Again, good luck. :)

January 15th, 2009, 11:53 AM
My migraines are hereditary and they morph with age. I used to get random ones, now they turn up as a PMS symptom. I'm a rabid caffine addict, but consumption or non-consumption of such doesn't impact the migraines one iota with me. I cannot wear a bun or ponytail when I have one, it has to be totally loose, but as I lie flat on my back and don't move until 45 minutes after taking my pills, I get negligible damage. I usually just drape my hair off to the side over a pillow.

January 15th, 2009, 12:32 PM
Huh, I'd never thought about that - My headaches are usually worst about 1-1.5 weeks before I 'start'...

It's strange - light dead on doesn't bother me as badly as light in my peripheral vision, where most sunglasses don't cover. I've been tempted to borrow a pair of DBF's welding goggles (Think 'Riddick') to see if that helps some when I have to go somewhere. I'll take looking strange and blurry vision over these headaches any day! but the straps would probably kill my hair, too.

January 15th, 2009, 12:37 PM
My hair is rather thick and heavy, when I was younger it was about mid-back and I started to get a lot of headaches from the weight of it. My scalp also hurt, that was the main reason I got it cut. The headaches stopped but I missed my hair. xD I never tried any other method to relieve the pain but yeah.... You're not the only one who has experienced it. =)