View Full Version : everyday style for sun protection

January 11th, 2009, 04:31 PM
So i am moving to australia for 6 months at the end of the month (very very nervous), i am studying at a different college there, and I need a protective hairstyle for everyday, largely being in the damaging sun. I don't want to just get a hat/cap or anything, as these can result in damage from friction/rubbing/etc etc. I was thinking about maybe a silk scarf everyday wrapped around, but i worry that prolonged use would lead to damage, also i recently baught a hair stocking (like wig cap thing) but stretchy, which i am waiting for to arrive, which i plan to use when i am sleeping, but perhaps sometimes in the sun if i like the look of it. But do you guys have any other suggestions? usually i wear my hair tied back in a bun everyday, (one of them buns which you pull hair back into a scrunchie and then wrap the hair around the base of the scrunchie and then pull the scrunchie back over the hair-sorry for that poor description, i don't know what the type of bun is called?? lazy bun??). Anyway, I really don't want sun damage from the sun so need to establish a style before i arrive there. I don't want additional stress alongside having to be in a whole different country all alone. Also with regards to sunscreen products (i live in uk), often i find them to be very greasy? do any guys in the uk know any really good types? As i don't think i will have time to get some shipped from america. How do you guys (if you live in sunny places) protect your hair on a daily basis?
Thanks for the help in advance :)

January 11th, 2009, 06:18 PM
I know a lot of people hate cones with a vengeance, but it is still the best way I know of to protect your hair from UV damage, and both heat and cold.

January 11th, 2009, 06:49 PM
I live in Australia and Ive never found the sun too much of a problem for my hair, mind you it does depend on how much time you spend in it.

Id still wear a hat if I were you if its really sunny and your going to be out in it a while, remember you still have to protect your face.

For everyday I'm not sure how much of an issue it would really be for just 6months, especially considering some of that time will be winter. What part of Australia will you be coming to? There is a big difference between Melbourne and the gold coast for sun exposure.

I would think braids and a hat would be the most protective, just look for a soft hat, like one thats more cotton and floppy, maybe look for a lined hat otherwise. The hat I mostly use is from one of the cancer council shops, its very protective and I dont find it causes alot of friction.

A bandana or scarf would definitely work, I guess if you wore one alot it would cause some friction, but I wouldnt imagine any more than any other everyday handling. Personally Im a big fan of bandana's, they are comfortable, protective, and unless I tie my nape hair into it by accident (yes have done it a number of times) there doesnt seem to be any damage.

Buns would be great for everyday, wont protect the scalp hair as much as a hat, but would certainly protect the length, especially a braided bun. You could wear a bun cover for even more protection (I've never worn one, but I have wrapped my buns in a bandana before).

Good luck with your study! Hope you have a really good time :)

January 11th, 2009, 10:57 PM
Coconut oil has SPF properties-- you could oil regularly with that, either lightly or heavily, depending on how you'd like to wear your hair (in a bun, you could probably oil more heavily without issue). Henna also has sun protection built in-- however, you'd have to want henna-red hair.

There's also buffs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buff_(headgear)). I'm scarf-dumb, but I can keep a buff on. However, I feel that I also look really dumb in scarves (I suppose I have nun-ish features), so I never wear mine. There are UV buffs with extra SPF protection, however the normal buffs also have SPF, like any fabric. They are supposed to breathe better than normal fabrics, but your head will still probably be hotter than normal-- that's important to consider in Australia.

Argh! I know I had links at one point, but I can't find anything now. But from one thread I've seen, olive oil, sesame seed oil, and camellia oil all also have some SPF effect (mild, like SPF 4-6).
Here's another:
Shea butter has an SPF of 6.
Jojoba oil has an SPF of 4.
Sesame oil has an SPF of about 4.
Coconut oil has an SPF of about 4.

Here's some helpful threads I pulled up while searching for my source.
How to protect hair from the sun. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=5972)
Sunscreen for hair (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=4224)

General consensus: best results are just to cover it up.

I would choose a light or heavy oiling with coconut oil everyday over wearing a buff or fabric, but that would just be me. :shrug: It's easier, cooler, and allows for a lot more variety in looks.

January 12th, 2009, 01:39 AM
For everyday I'm not sure how much of an issue it would really be for just 6months, especially considering some of that time will be winter. What part of Australia will you be coming to? There is a big difference between Melbourne and the gold coast for sun exposure.

Hey, thanks everyone for the advice already. I am going to Sydney, which I have heard has got a bit more sun than melburne. I do like wearing bandanas too, i Have a supposedly 'satin' one which may always be beneficial.
Many thanks