View Full Version : Redken deep fuel treatment

January 9th, 2009, 10:24 AM
Okay, I had been using this Redken deep fuel treatment about once a week for years. I want to attempt cone-free for the new year, but used it again a few days ago after a disaster with a soap bar (JR Ligget, or something like that - horrible!).

So if I want to go cone free again, do I need to clarify with either baking soda or clarifying shampoo (I have herbal essences degunkifying). Or will washing it with a non sls but detergent shampoo be enough? (burt's bees).

Sorry for the silly question - though I have had long hair most of my life, I have never gone cone free. My allergist and my other docs think the less chemicals the better, so I'm trying it. I am just kind of bumfuzzled as how to go about it! This is all new territory for me!

It absolutely horrified me to read the ingredients on the back of this - I'd never done that before and never realized there could be that many different chemicals in one product! No wonder my scalp burns!

Oh, and any suggestions to replace it are very welcome indeed! (I'm thinking SMT right now).

Thank you all so much!

January 10th, 2009, 04:05 AM
Okay, I had been using this Redken deep fuel treatment about once a week for years. I want to attempt cone-free for the new year, but used it again a few days ago after a disaster with a soap bar (JR Ligget, or something like that - horrible!).

So if I want to go cone free again, do I need to clarify with either baking soda or clarifying shampoo (I have herbal essences degunkifying). Or will washing it with a non sls but detergent shampoo be enough? (burt's bees).

Sorry for the silly question - though I have had long hair most of my life, I have never gone cone free. My allergist and my other docs think the less chemicals the better, so I'm trying it. I am just kind of bumfuzzled as how to go about it! This is all new territory for me!

It absolutely horrified me to read the ingredients on the back of this - I'd never done that before and never realized there could be that many different chemicals in one product! No wonder my scalp burns!

Oh, and any suggestions to replace it are very welcome indeed! (I'm thinking SMT right now).

Thank you all so much!

Whether or not the non sls poo will take out the cones depends on the cones. If I were you I'd go on and use the herbal essences to be sure it all gets out. The cones in that are pretty intense, and will most probably need the sls.

Btw, I relate....and I'm a stylist. An smt would do wonders for moisture and protein depending on what you use for it. There are also some good natural conditioners out there that are non-chemical. I love aubrey organics ones myself....when I need both moisture and protein I add the Honeysuckle rose to the Swimmers condish.