View Full Version : Hair straightening

January 7th, 2009, 05:05 PM
I feel foolish asking, but do any of you straighten your hair? I straightened mine for the first time today in so long, and I felt tremendously guilty! Afterwards, I felt like "what the hell am I doing? I'm aiming for optimum growth and health, and here I am straightening :O"
Do any of you straighten once in a while, and find that your daily care/vitamins routine seems to make up for it?

January 7th, 2009, 05:10 PM
I straighten probably once a month, give or take a few days. I do feel a little guilty, but you know what? My hair is here for my pleasure and I will enjoy it (although I don't want to destroy it). Don't feel so bad! :)

January 7th, 2009, 05:13 PM
I straighten mine every now and again but not too often probably about 3 times a year but I alsways do a deep oil after. My avatar is me with straightened hair, I like it for a change and especially so if im feeling short because it makes it look longer!

January 7th, 2009, 05:24 PM
i do it maybe once or twice a year.. i do feel guilty when i do

January 7th, 2009, 06:01 PM
I feel guilty too but guilty in a nice way!

January 7th, 2009, 06:05 PM
I've just given up straightening!!
trying to get used to my waves, I will feel guilty if i ever did it again though, haha!

My sister asked if she could have my straighteners when she comes home in June, and I didn't want to say yes, I'm not ready to let them vanish yet!!!

January 7th, 2009, 06:35 PM
I still use my flat iron or my curling iron on occasion and yes I do feel a little guilty. I use a heat spray on my hair first to help a little. There are just still some times when I want a different look. If I don't enjoy my hair now it'll just drive me crazy and I'll cut.

January 7th, 2009, 07:44 PM
I have never touched a straightening or curling iron.

I just wanted to add some info to it :)

Occasional straightening on a lower setting will not do that much damage. Heat like that makes the moisture in your hair get close to boiling. Thats how hair breaks, the heat causes almost a little explosion.
Also over time the keratin softens up and when it cools down again it will be misshapen, causing an unusual not so pretty wave pattern in the hair. Single strands can feel rough and uneven.

I cant tell you whether to do or not to do it...but knowing about what it causes may help you decide better.

My addiction used to be hair dye...I wanted to stop for years..I could never do it. But when my hair suddenly broke off I stopped overnight and never went back to chem. hairdyes again.


January 7th, 2009, 07:51 PM
I don't, at the moment, because I've got fragile ends that I want to avoid trimming until I reach hip length. Once I'm at a point where I'm okay with trims, then yes, I'll probably straighten my hair for a special occasion every so often. Use a heat-protection spray, they help the iron glide over the hair faster, so the heat isn't applied for as long, also use the lowest heat setting you can, and only do each area once, and I really doubt it'll ruin your hair. You may find that you need to trim more than non-heat stylers, which may delay reaching your length goals, but if you're okay with that, then go for it. Hair is to be enjoyed!

January 7th, 2009, 08:04 PM
Yes, I do use my flat iron... I don't use it everyday.... probably more like 2-3 times a week. I know it's not good for it, and thus I have cut down. I use to straighten every single day, not good.
My hair is very wavy and has a tendency to get frizzy really easily, so straightening with my ionic cermaic straightner on the lowest heat setting helps reduce the frizz dramatically.

I am looking for more ways to help with this problem myself. I use leave in conditoner after I wash my hair to help with dryness and have been washing my hair only 2-3 times a week. This seems to help some, but it still gets the frizzed look unless I use the straightner... Aww. what's a girl to do? Lol

January 7th, 2009, 08:28 PM
Yes, I do use my flat iron... I don't use it everyday.... probably more like 2-3 times a week. I know it's not good for it, and thus I have cut down. I use to straighten every single day, not good.
My hair is very wavy and has a tendency to get frizzy really easily, so straightening with my ionic cermaic straightner on the lowest heat setting helps reduce the frizz dramatically.

I am looking for more ways to help with this problem myself. I use leave in conditoner after I wash my hair to help with dryness and have been washing my hair only 2-3 times a week. This seems to help some, but it still gets the frizzed look unless I use the straightner... Aww. what's a girl to do? Lol

Well, it's likely that the "frizz" you're seeing is exacerbated by heat styling and the subsequent damage. It'll be easier to cut back when your hair is longer and you can wear it up more easily.

January 7th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Well, it's likely that the "frizz" you're seeing is exacerbated by heat styling and the subsequent damage. It'll be easier to cut back when your hair is longer and you can wear it up more easily.

I really do hope so! Right now, I try to just leave it up anyways, and if I need to, flat iron it.... Hopefully when it gets longer, the weight will weigh it down some.

January 7th, 2009, 11:55 PM
I actually usually straighten my hair ALL the time.. I have naturally curly/wavy hair but I do not like fixing it so.. So usually as I am drying it I will straighten it that way OR I may get the straight iron after it.. Just depends.... but yeah I do and I dont feel guilty. I have think hair too so it makes my hair look thinner!

January 8th, 2009, 01:31 AM
I have never touched a straightening or curling iron.

I just wanted to add some info to it :)

Occasional straightening on a lower setting will not do that much damage. Heat like that makes the moisture in your hair get close to boiling. Thats how hair breaks, the heat causes almost a little explosion.
Also over time the keratin softens up and when it cools down again it will be misshapen, causing an unusual not so pretty wave pattern in the hair. Single strands can feel rough and uneven.

I cant tell you whether to do or not to do it...but knowing about what it causes may help you decide better.

My addiction used to be hair dye...I wanted to stop for years..I could never do it. But when my hair suddenly broke off I stopped overnight and never went back to chem. hairdyes again.


So how you manage to keep color of your hairs without using any dye ? any natural dye or something similar.
p.s.: your hairs are awesome

January 8th, 2009, 03:32 AM
I completely destroyed my hair form using a hair iron every day for years. I can't even look at one without cringing still. After I gave it up, I had a few relapses and felt incredibly guilty.

I havn't touched a straightener for about a year or just over now and my hair is thanking me for it!

January 8th, 2009, 04:08 AM
I straighten my hair anywhere from twice a week to twice a month. It varies on my mood, how I'm feeling about my hair, and, most importantly, if I'm going out or not. However, my goal is only about hip length and I don't dye my hair anymore. I have a few splits but nothing overly nasty so I feel like I can get away with it. I add heat protection serum stuff beforehand, I'm not sure if it helps or not. I never used to use heat protection stuff until a month ago and my hair was ok. I take a multivitamin but I don't think it makes a difference to my hair. I use a moisturising conditioner when I shampoo because I really notice a difference in my hair when I don't. I've trimmed about 2.5inches off twice since September so that's probably helping my ends a lot, but I'm doing this to remove layers and is not necessary nor does it contribute to growth, anyway. However, I do plan to trim at least every 3 months now (maybe a half inch to an inch) to compensate for my hair straightening even though I did go for more than a year without trims and lots of straightening and my hair seemed fine and grew from less than BSL to nearly hip. But all this is just me. Your hair will be different.

I really think the choice is yours. You can straighten your hair and if you notice damage or that its hindering your growth then straighten less or not at all.

Ms. Hollywood
January 8th, 2009, 06:13 AM
I straighten my hair anywhere from twice a week to twice a month. It varies on my mood, how I'm feeling about my hair, and, most importantly, if I'm going out or not...

I really think the choice is yours. You can straighten your hair and if you notice damage or that its hindering your growth then straighten less or not at all.

I agree with crystal, I straighten maybe a couple of times a week then not for a month. Just depends on the look I want and if I feel like it. Doing it too often is bad for it of course but it is your hair and you should enjoy it too. HTH :p

January 8th, 2009, 03:06 PM
So how you manage to keep color of your hairs without using any dye ? any natural dye or something similar.
p.s.: your hairs are awesome

Thank you, I use red Henna. That plus my natural color gives me this dark burgundy.

January 8th, 2009, 08:39 PM
Personally, I won't ever touch a straightening iron again. I should sell mine actually as it's just going to collect dust in my closet. I do believe it damaged my hair severely... there was a period of time where I was using it everyday and putting biosilk on my hair. My hair did look fantastically pin straight and shiny but now I realize it wasn't worth it as my hair is all dry, damaged and crimpy/uneven waves. I truly feel I need to let my hair cool down naturally, without ironing and by limiting blow dryer as much as possible and using cool setting instead of heat. Blow dryer is something that I'm not completely ready to give up. However, I haven't used one since Christmas. I have very dry/split ends and I believe they are due to the previous heat damage I caused my hair.

January 8th, 2009, 08:42 PM
I never blow dry and I straighten once every six months or so. When I do, it is just to give me an idea of how my hair is without the random wurles that live there. I did it earlier today, and know that I won't be doing it very often because when my hair is more straight, it is obvious that it hasn't been trimmed in a long time. ;)

January 8th, 2009, 11:18 PM
It's true that you will find it difficult to grow long hair if you're using a hair straightener regularly. I was using mine once a week and even with deep treatments and using the coolest setting it destroyed my hair. Irregularly it's probably okay and won't affect your growth too much, but using it even every week can cause problems.

January 9th, 2009, 01:13 AM
I straighten my hair once every few months, if it's a special occasion and/or I feel like a change. I think my curls look prettier than my hair when it is straightened, as I can never get it to lay completely flat! I don't feel guilty; my hair is there for me to enjoy!!

January 9th, 2009, 01:53 AM
As stupid as it is whenever I trim (about three times a year) I straighten too...mostly to see how long it's gotten. I look STUPID with straight hair! :)

January 9th, 2009, 02:04 AM
i never straighten!! i dont heat style, and my hair loves me for it, and i have very few split ends. i think that a persons natural curl or lack of is always the most flattering.

January 9th, 2009, 06:11 AM
I quit straightening when I joined here. Strangely enough my hair seems to be straightening out by itself.

January 9th, 2009, 07:47 AM
I straighten my hair about once a month, and I actually don't feel bad about it. I haven't noticed much damage as a result, and my hair is still growing.

January 9th, 2009, 08:24 AM
Here in portugal people only started to use an iron not long ago so usually to have straight hair people use a hair dryer. I actually have one iron but i have not used it since joining and even before it was too much work for me. When i want straight hair i use the hairdryer in a medium heat and that is enough for me. I only do it about once every two months.
And yes i freak out when i see smoke comming out from peoples hair when using ironing system. i dont want it for myself

January 9th, 2009, 05:29 PM
I quit straightening when I joined here. Strangely enough my hair seems to be straightening out by itself.

yeah, isn't that strange... the same thing is happening to me. I am noticing that my hair isn't as wavy as I thought it was. Or maybe it's just getting healthier so frizzing/waving less. I always had straight hair as a kid so maybe.... I can always hope :eyebrows:

January 23rd, 2009, 06:32 PM
I do straighten probably about once a week. I do feel a bit guilty about it. :confused: I try to take good care of my hair though so it doesn't get too damaged.

January 23rd, 2009, 08:21 PM
I straightened it 2 or 3 times last month because i was going to chop it all off. Now i wish i hadn't. I got loads of splits. It could be from cones, straightening or brushing less gently.
I'd say don't do it unless you HAVE to, use heat defensive product and put it on the lowest setting.

January 23rd, 2009, 08:32 PM
I straighten my hair 2-3 times a year. And then I baby the ends the rest of the time. Since I'm in the no-trimming club for 2009, I'm hoping I can resist the urge to straighten my hair this year.:pray:

January 23rd, 2009, 09:06 PM
I completely unashamedly use curling iron's, hair styling products and even commercial dye. I don't do this every day, only when I wish to feel my best, and its my choice. My hair is not going to scold me, and if an LHC'er came out of my bathroom tile to shake a finger at me, I'd be a bit surprised LOL!!

If I gain damage, its on me, so its what I am willing to deal with. I feel no guilt whatsoever on doing what is right for me on any given day, as my hair belongs to me, and no one else.

No one should feel guilty.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:26 PM
Unfortunately, I straighten my hair every time I wash. D; I'm not allowed to let my hair go curly. My mom hates it that way. >.<;
At least the most frequent I wash my hair is once every two weeks (my hair is way too dry for much else). Right now, I think I'm going on week number three. Or four. I'm not counting. XD

January 23rd, 2009, 09:57 PM
I have to admit to being a relative newbie to a straightener!
I've probably only had mine for 4 months or so, and use it once a week.
They may not be that kind to hair, but it sure does a great job of taming my frizz!

If I have any advice at all about straighteners, don't buy a cheap set.

January 24th, 2009, 01:53 AM
Oh I know how hard it is to quit straightening :( You know it does damage, you can SEE the damage but the way it looks is just so addictive :p I've recently quit as well, and trying to learn to like my slight waves :) Heehee goodluck to anyone else trying to quit the straightening too! ;)

Oh another thing I've been wondering is what's ionic about ionic hair straighteners? An ion is an atom with a positive or negative charge because it shared electrons with another atom or molecule :confused: What's that got to do with hair lmao :p

January 24th, 2009, 03:02 AM
I straighten my hair every now and then, pretty irregularly, probably just a few times a year. But I have been straightening my hair more often now that it's shorter, I think I straightened it 4 or 5 times since I cut it. :lol: Before I only did it maybe twice a year, when I got a trim.

I do kind of feel guilty, not because of what anyone else would think, but because I'm always kind of afraid of damaging it. But usually my hair is ok. :shrug:
Straight hair every now and then is nice because I can brush and even comb it :laugh:, it's less frizzy, feels smoother, and is easier to tame. It also shows me the length better, which is encouraging. :)

January 24th, 2009, 03:11 AM
When I used to straighten my fringe every day I noticed that if I ran my fingers through it after straightening it with my GHDs I would get hundreds of tiny bits of hair breaking off!!
No wonder it would not grow!
They went back in the box and I have only used them twice I think since I have moved to Australia!!

January 24th, 2009, 03:27 AM
I used to use a flat iron pretty much every day. I am trying to stop using it altogether, but it's hard to do when you have to go to special events ( I like to use heated styling tools for formal events). I went to the Marine Corp ball in Las Vegas yesterday and I felt really guilty after using the heated styling tools. I deep conditioned before I styled my hair though, so I am really hoping that will make up for it!