View Full Version : Getting a little discouraged

December 27th, 2008, 06:19 PM
My hair is bone dry and very frizzy these last few days. The temps are up in the 70s and the humidity is even higher. I've been looking at other long-hairs and mine feels so short and *blah* now when I look at it.:(
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December 27th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Don't feel discoraged because you're not "there" yet. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Plus if you get your goal length it will look even more impessive because of your curls.:)

hang in there you have a great start.

December 27th, 2008, 06:34 PM
What you can do when that happens is: squirt a bit of conditioner (a heavier one) into a spray bottle, fill up the rest with water, shake, then spray it here and there, scrunch those bits and then usually the frizz eases up. Or you could put your hair up & out of the way with a hairband or with a clip or sticks.

December 27th, 2008, 06:38 PM
ahw don't get discouraged!!
i beat the frizz with a tiny tiny amount of olive oil before i leave the house!
You'll get there one day, most of us are on a journey to gorgeous hair, you just have to be patient!

December 27th, 2008, 06:40 PM
You've probably been getting the same weather I've been dealing with, so I can empathize. Today especially my hair has been frizzy, uncooperative and otherwise a pain in the rear. Toss it up in a bun or braid and say to heck with it!

December 27th, 2008, 06:45 PM
Two words for you my curly friend...

Cocconut Oil.

Here is how I do it to keep curls like in my siggy...

Wash- I use shampoo or a shampoo bar. Depends on my mood. I'm not fussy about it. (though I do use Natural Essences not something super abrasive.)

Towel turban / dry a little bit, while I apply my facial creme etc.

Then, I grab my trusty ziploc of all natural cocconut oil. (It's congealed /solid-ish but it warms to liquid in seconds just by the body heat of my palms.

I use a generous amount on my ends and then work it towards my scalp. By generous I mean a dime size amount that I generally get in one "pinch" of the bag.

Then I let my hair naturally dry for about 1 hour. Then I braid it up!

My ends the next morning will be smooth as silk and soft as a kittens butt. And Shiny? Omgosh...since I started using this routine, my hair "Glistens!"

SO if you're feeling it- Give this a shot!

Works for me!

December 27th, 2008, 07:18 PM
I usually have coconut oil on hand because that's what I cook with. None right now. :(

I have all my hair under a really sexy hairnet right now. I'm getting ready to go to bed and going to see if this helps with it getting caught and tangled. I can't sleep with a pineapple or buns - they don't stay up.

I am going to do a ACV rinse tomorrow and try Aussie 3 minute miracle. I will definite get some more coconut oil if that doesn't work. I'm just frustrated right now because I finally had my winter routine down and my hair was doing great and then this stupid warm/very humid front sweeps through. 71 on Christmas. yuck.
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December 27th, 2008, 08:07 PM
I have a lot of trouble with dryness in winter. Usually I dampen my hair and then put a bit of oil on it. You could also try a nice SMT. =)

Don't worry so much about the length, you WILL get there, and curly hair looks so much more impressive than straight hair when it's long.

December 28th, 2008, 12:32 AM
As a curly girl, I can understand why you're discouraged. My hair is about 3.5" now from my hip when I pull it straight but it can jump up to almost APL at times - :justy: My hair goals are quite moderate as I want my hair to be waist curly but it has to reach my hips when straight to bounce up. My hair bounces up at least 6" which is a year's growth! However, you've come such a long way. I first saw you posting on another forum and I was amazed at how much your hair had grown. It really helps me to look at the profiles of girls with curly hair which puts into perspective rather than follow the path of straight haired girls which we obviously can't relate to. Some things in our favour is that we don't necessarily need a blunt hemline and it's easier to trim our hair and less often and thus don't have to trim as often and curly hair hides a lot of sins :) And yes, our hair will look amazing when we reach our goals!

December 28th, 2008, 01:21 AM
Sounds like it's time to try a new conditioning treatment. That always cheers me up when I'm down about my hair; I feel like I'm doing something for it. And you never know when you'll run across your holy grail treatment. There are tons of recipes around this site, pick one and try it!

December 28th, 2008, 02:07 AM
Aw, thanks everyone.

One fear I have is breakage during the night because my hair is just long enough to get caught and snag when I turn over. I'm such a rough sleeper and my hair is very fine that it will not stay in a ponytail or bun during the night. I decided to try a hairnet with a scarf tied around my head. It's working so far - it's been in for 6 hours and not come out. Now if I could only find a solution for my insomnia. :)
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December 28th, 2008, 05:02 AM
Everyone has those days when they just feel that it is hopeless and a lost cause, that your hair doesn't seem to have made much progress in comparison to everyone else. But those long hairs had those moments too, and it just means that when your hair finally is amazingly long it will mean all the more to you because of the dedication and work you put in to getting it there, so hang in there so that we may all become dangerously jealous of your luxorious, long curls, remember that they seem to grow more slowly, so it is considered an even greater achievement when they are long, hang in there!!! :D:D:D

December 28th, 2008, 08:52 AM
What you can do when that happens is: squirt a bit of conditioner (a heavier one) into a spray bottle, fill up the rest with water, shake, then spray it here and there, scrunch those bits and then usually the frizz eases up. Or you could put your hair up & out of the way with a hairband or with a clip or sticks.

I second the idea of a mister. Not like it's ever that warm here, but when it is a bit warmer, I do like the feeling of misting my length, especially if I'm wearing my hair down. This is much easier than trying to oil my hair and figure out what it is it wants from me when I oil it!

December 28th, 2008, 08:56 AM
My hair started to get really happy when I added the condish and honey after my AVC rinse. I heard a little, "Ammmmmmmmmmmen," chorus going on.
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December 28th, 2008, 09:06 AM
We all started short at some point. I can't tell you how many times I got discouraged on my journey, but I knew cutting it wasn't going to help anything

December 28th, 2008, 10:55 AM
I use coconut oil for humidity.

However, as far as breakage, why nottry a satin pillowcase? They work for me, and my hair is semi-fine (I think) and breaks easily.

December 28th, 2008, 11:09 AM
I use coconut oil for humidity.

However, as far as breakage, why nottry a satin pillowcase? They work for me, and my hair is semi-fine (I think) and breaks easily.

My hair is very fine and prone to breakage. It's getting caught under my shoulders, under the pillows, and then getting pulled when I rolled over or sit up that worries me about getting broken. It isn't the rough texture of my pillowcase or blankets. The hairnet with scarf worked really well last night. I'm afraid I'd slide right off the bend with silk or satin. ;)

I also think I have too much time on my hands right now to cruise the web and look at hairsites and worry about my hair. It's easier when I cowash, plop, and then airdry at work. I'm too busy to think about my hair. I've been off since last Tuesday because of holiday break.
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