View Full Version : What's with the annoying little hairs?

December 15th, 2008, 07:54 PM
Since I've found this board I've been trying to wear my hair up, or at least back, as often as possible, which I never did before. It sounds kind of silly, but doing this, I can't help but notice a lot of short hairs all around my face, especially around my temples. Most people have them, I guess, but I really have plenty of them. They stand in all directions around my face and look really silly; they make my hair look even more messy tied than untied. I don't know what to do with them, and I worry whether they're the result of breakage.

... I'm becoming really hair-obsessed, I suppose :lol:. But I never noticed these before and I really can't miss them now that I'm tying my hair back -- and they're driving me crazy. I don't know what to do with them. I hate gels and sprays.

December 15th, 2008, 07:57 PM
Re-growth. The little 'fuzzies' are new hairs growing. Remember, each hair folicle/opening you have grows more than 1 hair in it (Can). So, if you shed 1 hair, you still can have three coming out, and you get those little fuzzies. Always around your hair line. Constantly growing new hair. So, be happy!! It's a good thing. You can try doing some updos when hair is damp to avoid the fuzzies/keep them at bay.

December 15th, 2008, 08:00 PM
I have those too.

I'm more than positive it's just new growth. I always used to pluck my white hairs out and once they grew back in they were like that. And they tend to stick out right on top of my head ha!

If it really bugs you though, you can rub a little bit of aloe gel on your hands and smooth them down. Not sure what other substitutes for gel there are. Anyone else have ideas?

December 15th, 2008, 08:19 PM
That's interesting, it never occurred to me that it could be regrowth. I'll probably try aloe gel, I've noticed some cheap one last week-end, while I wasn't looking for it.

December 15th, 2008, 08:23 PM
I used to have ... for lack of a better description... spit curls. I couldn't stand the hair in front of my ears so I'd have the stylist trim it. Now it's all growing out and :justy: it's annoying. It's about 5 inches long on one side and about 7 inches long on the other. Plus I have all this fine hair on the nape of my neck that escapes.

I've found that if i put a bit of coconut oil on these areas when they are wet before I braid it can keep them laying flat a lot longer. Exceptions: Really windy days, hoodies, hoods on coat, collars, can make them fall out faster.

Peggy E.
December 15th, 2008, 08:29 PM
Boy, my hair's going to be nice and thick in ten to twenty years..... That's about the speed these stupid little frizzy monsters are growing!

Like yours, mine stick out in all directions, but are also wavy - which just serves to make them stick out more. Drat it all!

But if they're new growth, how come they never seem to get any longer than, maybe, six inches?

The best thing I've found, when I'm desperate and can't stand it anymore, is to spray a light coat of hair spray on an old toothbrush and then lightly brush the spray over the "new growth" areas. This will tame them for a few minutes without using an undue amount of hairspray, which I don't like to do.

Because I only wash my hair once a week, I don't want to use a lot of products that should be more frequently removed from my hair.

December 15th, 2008, 08:31 PM
I've found that if i put a bit of coconut oil on these areas when they are wet before I braid it can keep them laying flat a lot longer. Exceptions: Really windy days, hoodies, hoods on coat, collars, can make them fall out faster.

I have an oily scalp, so I'd better avoid using anything oily near it (suddenly in doubt: is aloe gel oily? My understanding is that it isn't, but I've never used it).

December 15th, 2008, 08:35 PM
I have an oily scalp, so I'd better avoid using anything oily near it (suddenly in doubt: is aloe gel oily? My understanding is that it isn't, but I've never used it).

No, it's not oily. I used it as a moisturizer as well for my oily skin and it doesn't oil it up more. Just hydrates :)

December 15th, 2008, 08:35 PM
I've got a load of them, too. They definitely see a good share of handling, so they get damaged easily, but I think that at least a portion of the ones near the face simply have a very slow growth rate, or a short terminal length, between that of head hair and those itty bitty hairs on most of the face.

Don't think of them as messy. Think of them as "softening your updos" to make them look less severe. (yeah, I guess fuzzy = !severe...)

December 15th, 2008, 08:50 PM
threading :evil:

Seriously ^.^ If the little hairs are really really bothering go to your nearest Indian salon and talk to the lady there on getting them threaded, eventually they're stop growing back (takes a few years though).

December 16th, 2008, 02:52 AM
Boy, my hair's going to be nice and thick in ten to twenty years..... That's about the speed these stupid little frizzy monsters are growing!

Like yours, mine stick out in all directions, but are also wavy - which just serves to make them stick out more. Drat it all!

But if they're new growth, how come they never seem to get any longer than, maybe, six inches?

Same here!

I have a canopy of these from my hairline to about chin length, sticking out from my length like burrs. When my hair is freshly washed, they stick out more. For updos, I have to wait until my hair is dirty, then use some oil or leave-in to slick them down. However, even then, on days like today, I have a fuzzy and annoying halo. Putting hair gel in would help, but today I just put water on them and used about ten bobby pins to try to hold as many of them up and away as possible.

These hairs are part of why I really don't like wearing my hair up. I hope, like Peggy E, that in ten years they are a normal length!

December 16th, 2008, 05:30 AM
I have quite a lot myself and I find them coming around my face. Personally I like them- they frame my face and "soften it." And they curl sometimes too!!

Think positive about them- New growth!! :)

December 16th, 2008, 05:42 AM
I wash my hair every three to four days, and on the day on which I wash I find they tend to stick out if I wait for my hair to dry before putting it up, and so I do the updo damp usually. On later days there's usually some sebum to tame them.

I also, in the past couple of months, have started using conditioner on my scalp. I mix about two parts shampoo to one part conditioner, and this helps me both to stretch out washings (presumably because I'm not sripping my scalp) and helps with the frizzies, because the hair is less dry, even after washing it.

December 16th, 2008, 06:14 AM
Alot of people on LHC call it their halo. It's very normal. Yes growth.

December 16th, 2008, 07:37 AM
I have tons of it, in the morning when I fix my bun it isn't so bad, by 5:30, I look like I have been through a wind tunnel with fuzzy hair going every which way. But it's my hair and I am more than happy to put up with it! ;)

I have pics when I was 4 or 5 years old and it's the same, fuzzy, it's obviouslly always been this way lol. :D

You can try aloe vera gel or a leave in conditioner to smooth or tame them, or just let them be in their natural state.

December 16th, 2008, 07:48 AM
Oh, I have ton of these too! The ones on the sides are little ringlets.

December 16th, 2008, 07:58 AM
I have a lot of them, it starts getting frizzy when I go to school, water helps slightly, with or without conditioner.