View Full Version : white hair in your twenties?

December 15th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Yes, i have LOTS of white hairs... even thought I'm just 24... I don't know why it is, and it really doesn't matter to me by now... but I often ask myself if it's normal, and how is going to be my hair at 35... totally white?! :o
Since 20 I never die my hair, just henna every 2 months, it works ok for white hair during the first 3 weeks, and then the henna seems to disappear and my white hairs are showed again... :mad: i wish henna could die my hair longer!!

December 15th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Same age as you and I have a nice streak forming about an inch back from my hair line. Henna fades on me too though I just henna for conditioning occasionally as I am too lazy to do so regularly and I like the white streak.

Yes it is normal to have white hairs at this age. Some people get them earlier than others, it's genetics. Did either of your parents or grandparents go gray early?

Another possibility is a mineral deficiency. Maybe have a doctor do a blood test to check for anything like that?

December 15th, 2008, 03:26 PM
I found my first white hair when I was about 16 or so. I started playing with hairdye in college though so I didn't notice them multiplying until I grew out the dye a couple years ago. Now at 30 I have quite a collection :)

They're not so bad.

December 15th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Starting to gray younger doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to all-over gray faster.

I started seeing white hairs in my mid-twenties; more than twenty years later, my hair has about as much gray as most people my age.

During my thirties I highlighted my hair a little to blend in the white hairs; now I henna. I get fantastic coverage of my white hairs with the henna, so I only have to re-henna my roots as they grow in. Do you use a body-art-quality henna? How long do you leave in the henna mixture?

December 15th, 2008, 03:38 PM
Starting to gray younger doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to all-over gray faster.

I started seeing white hairs in my mid-twenties; more than twenty years later, my hair has about as much gray as most people my age.

During my thirties I highlighted my hair a little to blend in the white hairs; now I henna. I get fantastic coverage of my white hairs with the henna, so I only have to re-henna my roots as they grow in. Do you use a body-art-quality henna? How long do you leave in the henna mixture?

Joyjoy has a point. I had some white hairs in my twenties, but didn't really experience very noticeable greying until my fourties. OTOH, greying slowly is not necessarily better. It can mean decades of inbetween salt and pepper hair.

I use henna, and it helps, but it gradually gets less effective as the hair gets greyer. I have been using 'brown henna', which is a mix of henna and some anonymous herbs, but that is not a good match for my natural hair colour, which was originally very dark. DW found a recipe for me using henna and black walnuts, which we will probably try once we get around to buying the walnuts.

ETA: WARNING: henna mixes can ruin your hair if they contain metal salts, but only if you have also used synthetic dyes, which I never have.

December 15th, 2008, 03:44 PM
A girl I know started getting gray hairs when she was 16. Her dad was the same way. :)

December 15th, 2008, 03:47 PM
I've had a few grays since I was 12, but they don't seem to be multiplying particularly quickly. YMMV, of course, but it could be that you'll just maintain a small crop for a long time, rather than graying out.

On the other hand, streaks are cool.

I always wished the story that for every gray you pull out, 7 will grow in its place. I could use the thickness... :D

December 15th, 2008, 04:12 PM
I come from a family that does "premature gray" on both sides. I started having a LOT of gray/white hair when I was 26, and started coloring it then... That was almost 37 years ago... (Me and "L'Oreal" are on a first-name basis...) But I'm not ready to let it go, because I know it would not come in "even"...It would be like my grandmother's hair--white around the face with this big dark patch of ugly stuff at the crown.

Cheer up! It could be worse...You could start thinning out like my mother did... (Fortunately, I take after my dad's side of the family!)

December 15th, 2008, 04:16 PM
I have been going grey since i was 16. Periodically the number increases but there are long periods where it seems to be unchanged. As for henna not holding, well not all henna is equal and there are alot of different options. Have you checked out nightshade's articles or the Henna thread?

Silver & Gold
December 15th, 2008, 04:45 PM
I found my first grey hair when I was 20. Nearly 30 years later and I have a couple streaks in my temple area and then a sprinkling over the canopy. If I wear my hair down it looks as if I have golden blond hair with some highlights but if I pull it back you can really see the streaks and the white hair on top and I look like a proper salt-n-peppered old lady.

It's kinda odd, like I have two heads of hair. But I enjoy it because I can actually decide how old I want to look just by how I style my hair. Good for the theatre where I play ages as young as 35 and as old as my own age.

December 15th, 2008, 04:49 PM
I'm 19 and have maybe 10 white hairs. My mother had totally white hair by her 30's. Have you tried doing your whites separately and for a long time than the rest of your hair? If you leave henna on your hair overnight, maybe go for a whole weekend in foils on the white hairs? I don't henna, so I don't know, but it's something to try.

December 15th, 2008, 04:53 PM
I found my first grey at 21- it may have been there before, but I found it at 21.
My oldest son and daughter always had some glinty hairs from the get go; by glinty I am not sure if they are white as in blonde or white as in grey.
My dad's mother said he was born with 5 grey hairs on his newborn head, ha ha!

December 15th, 2008, 06:07 PM
I use henna, and it helps, but it gradually gets less effective as the hair gets greyer. I have been using 'brown henna', which is a mix of henna and some anonymous herbs, but that is not a good match for my natural hair colour, which was originally very dark. DW found a recipe for me using henna and black walnuts, which we will probably try once we get around to buying the walnuts.


Have you tried mixing Indigo with your Henna. I also naturally have very dark, almost black hair with lots of gray. I do the Henna/Indigo two-step process. It does a great job covering the grays.

December 15th, 2008, 06:23 PM
My boyfriend has a nice sprinkling of grey and white hair, and he's only 23. Occasionally I find a hair or two of my own, and I'm 22. Personally, I think the word "distinguished" is never a terrible descriptor for ones self XD I just say it adds character.

December 15th, 2008, 06:29 PM
Im 28 and I'm getting a sizeable chunk of grey hair in my crown.
I started getting it around 20

December 15th, 2008, 06:33 PM
I started at 21 and have some good streaks now that are ever widening.
Ford fairmont (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Ford_Fairmont)

December 15th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I'm 22 and I found my first grey (white, actually) hair earlier this year. I have a handful of them now. I don't think it's strange to find them in your twenties. How are we to know these days what is normal? A lot of people dye their hair before the whites show up.

December 15th, 2008, 06:54 PM
What is your natural hair color? Redheads tend to lose pigment overall first, then blonds, and the darker colors generally take longer to truly lose pigment. My great aunt was a redhead and I know she was snowy white by the time she was 35.

I am growing out my dye, but I can tell evening with the hair darkening effects of pregnancy I am getting some softer brown/silverish tones. I love it, though ;)

December 15th, 2008, 06:55 PM
My father started going white in high school, and I've never even seen him with his original brown hair. At 40, I'm starting to see white strands sprinkled thoughout all my hair.

Until recently, I only had one really great half-inch stripe of white hair that originated at my front hairline. Whenever I french braided my hair, people could see that white stripe woven throughout the braid. Lot's of compliments on that! Fun times trying to apply semi-perm color to the rest of my hair while avoiding my treasured virgin stripe.

I always enjoy telling people that PePe LePew is my real father!! :smirk:

December 15th, 2008, 06:59 PM
Ooops, I forgot!

A friend I worked with started getting white bits in his black hair. He really hated it, so I'd periodically grab a black Sharpie and color those strands. It worked!

December 15th, 2008, 09:00 PM
i am 23 and i have two white hairs that first showed up when i was like 21. i pluck them, but they always come back. its weird because my mom didn't even start to go grey until she was in her late 30s.

December 15th, 2008, 09:10 PM
I found my first grey when I was 14, I thought it was hilarious but plucked it out and played with it for hours, showing it off. I didnt find it again till I was 20 and my sister was doing my hair for a wedding. It was the full length of my hair so obviously the same one. She plucked it out, it did look weird having just one amongst my really dark hair, but funnily I never noticed it in all those years. When I was 14 and found it it was the full length of my hair then, so I must have been really young when my first came in.

I started genuinely getting greys a couple of years back, coincided with the time my dad was dying, so it was stress induced im pretty sure. I have a fair few at just 28, but no one notices them unless I point them out. Most of my friends are starting to get greys too, I think its normal to start in your 20s.

December 15th, 2008, 09:13 PM
I just turned 28 and I've got a small halo of white hairs. I actually wish that the whole front would go white so that I'd look like Rogue from the X-Men...:o

ole gray mare
December 15th, 2008, 10:09 PM
You'll probably not find my answer encouraging! ;)

I had a few as a teenager...I think as young as 12. After I had my son (at age 20) they started coming in much faster and I started dyeing by age 21 to cover it up. Hated dyeing my hair for various reasons...it just bothered me on a fundamental level. So I stopped at age 26 and 19 years later, well...you can see in my avatar.

December 15th, 2008, 11:20 PM
My boyfriend is twenty-one years old and he already has greys all throughout, probably about a quarter of his new growth. I think they showed up when he was around eighteen.

Judging from other responses, I take it greys in your twenties are fairly normal.

December 16th, 2008, 03:52 AM
My Boyfriend is 23 and has a FULL head of white hair. He started going grey at 13 (same as ole gray mare). He dyes it black now. His whole family on his mothers side went grey around the same age too.

December 16th, 2008, 03:58 AM
One of my cousins has had some gray hairs since she was in high school.

December 16th, 2008, 04:09 AM
Ive only ever found 1 and havent found it again although guess it must be back there somewhere :)

One grandmother went completely white (lovely!) during her twenties but the other one is 81 and still only has a few!

DBF at 28 has quite a lot of grey/white coming in at his temples but rest is very dark still, think it looks quite nice really :)

December 16th, 2008, 04:12 AM
... So I stopped at age 26 and 19 years later, well...you can see in my avatar.

Your hair's very very beautiful ole gray mare! :)

I've noticed a couple white hairs since my early twenties but this year at age 25-26, suddenly the whites started pouring out of my head. I love gray hair so that must be lucky I guess:)

December 16th, 2008, 09:45 AM
Wow!!! I feel so supported! :p

Mira-chan: I do blood checks regularly and everything it's ok, so I think it's no for mineral deficiency, maybe just genetic... but my mum and dad becae white haired so late, so... it's a ancient gen, probably from grandmother...

Joyjoy: I don't use body art quality henna... just a mixture for light brown hair from "Radhe Shyam" which contains henna mixed with other herbs... do you think body art quality henna can die my hair longer?? where can I buy it? :cheese:
Ole gray mare:... your hair is wonderful!! If having white hair means having your hair I want it now! :)

Ok, I really don't hate my white hairs, but I find they re coarser and unmanageables :(... what do you do to avoid the frizzy?

December 16th, 2008, 09:59 AM
I think BAQ henna would do better for your hair, you should check out nightshades article, it has a list of reputable suppliers.

December 16th, 2008, 10:07 AM
Eagerly awaiting advice on frizzy greys. My hair has soft S and Z waves, but some of the greys are more like W's and M's!!!

December 16th, 2008, 11:55 AM
What is your natural hair color? Redheads tend to lose pigment overall first, then blonds, and the darker colors generally take longer to truly lose pigment. My great aunt was a redhead and I know she was snowy white by the time she was 35.

Nooo!! :p
I had dark golden/reddish blonde hair up until my twenties (most people called me a redhead, so I guess it was more red than blonde) and then it got really ashy and I started noticing a lot of white hairs. I remember my hairdresser at the time saying "Didn't your hair used to be red??" Now I'm 29 and have more whites than I can keep track of scattered all over my head and concentrated on the top. I've never found a gray hair, just white everywhere. Henna seems to cover them up well, but I don't know what I'll do when it gets more white. I already notice all the white hairs growing back in three weeks after I henna, but I try to only do the roots every four weeks. I know my grandmother and great uncle had beautiful snow white hair, but I don't know when their hair started changing color.

December 16th, 2008, 02:59 PM
Oh that would be cool to have streaks of white/grays (or a full on head lol) sometimes i think I get one but it's just the random REALLY light blond.. silver hair is so awesome..

December 16th, 2008, 05:09 PM
I'm actually jealous lol. I shouldn't worry about it too much, I'd love to have streaks of white. Work it, it looks kik ass

December 16th, 2008, 05:37 PM
It's perfectly normal. It's just the curse of genetics in my case. I had a few strands that grew in white at the roots when I was 12-13. It hasn't progressed much beyond say, two dozen strands? I expect a good portion of it will be turning white by the time I'm thirty though, all of the aunts on my dad's side of family (whom I take after) pretty much had all-white hair by their forties.

December 16th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Pretty much everyone in my family got their first white/grey hairs in their teens. My cousin Tommy was the worst though. He had about 50% salt and pepper when he hit 30 and now he's almost completely white at 40.

I've got a smallish streak that sits right above my temple and you can really only see it when my hair is pulled back. I first noticed it when about 2 years ago. Mine came about due to stress I believe. But it's a natural thing and I've noticed that coloring my hair a lighter blonde will camoflauge it, but won't dye the white ones. But I'm trying to stay away from the color as much as possible.

December 17th, 2008, 12:36 AM
I started getting grey hairs when I was 24 maybe it has to be genetics or kind of lifestyle
tension, depression or lack of enough sleep.
anyone thought what could be the exact reason behind ?
any suggestion for vitamins.

December 17th, 2008, 10:48 AM
I have 2 grey hairs exactly at the hairline so cant hide them...:(. I tried pulling it off many times..and it jus comes back..Left it and got convinced myself that its jus sign of Wisdom...:)

December 17th, 2008, 02:09 PM
Early gray runs in my family too. We've had several people be completely white headed in their 20s and live to be 80 plus, so it didn't harm them. I am on the wrong side of 40 and only have a few gray hairs, so I really can't tell you how to feel.

Some people around here henna every week or 2, so that's an option.

December 17th, 2008, 02:29 PM
If I had hair which was a lovely salt n pepper or if it was all one colour, I would just leave it because I think long silver hair is beautiful at any age.

Why not just let it be and see whether you like it or not after a week or two :)

I'm maybe weird for my age, because I only have a very small amount of grey at my temples and even that cant be seen very much. My father is in his 80's and he still has a full head of rich brown hair.

So I think it is genetics (as others have said) and maybe we should all just embrace that with which we have been blessed. I dunno :rolleyes:

December 17th, 2008, 02:36 PM
I started to get some gray in my twenties, although it didn't amount to much for a long time. By my early forties I had a nice skunk stripe that looked very cool, but when more white hairs started appearing randomly and my gray stripe turned into a gray blur, that's when I turned to coloring. (Now I color with henna and I still have a stripe, but it's red. Hence the name.)

It's interesting how much people vary in how they go gray. My former boyfriend had beautiful glossy black hair with nary a gray in sight while we were together (in his early to middle forties). His brother, who was two years younger, had hair that was about half gray -- and he had started going gray when he was 16.

December 17th, 2008, 04:50 PM
I've stated this before many a time, but I would love to go white in my twenties. Or now. Definately now.

I think itd look so cooool.

December 17th, 2008, 05:03 PM
I started getting white hairs at 16. I'm 30 now & only have a few more. I wouldn't worry too much

December 17th, 2008, 07:39 PM
I am 29 and I too have white hairs. The white hairs are coarser and stronger feeling than my brown hairs. The whites aren't too visible though.

January 23rd, 2013, 09:41 PM
Oh that would be cool to have streaks of white/grays (or a full on head lol) sometimes i think I get one but it's just the random REALLY light blond.. silver hair is so awesome..

I have black hair but have some random light blond hairs. Does that mean those are going to turn white soon, or is it normal to have dark here with random light blonde hairs??? Just wondering. I have whites too, but I hope these aren't whites in the making. I'm depressed enough about my 26 white white ones.

January 24th, 2013, 06:08 AM
It has something to do with your health/diet. Something you are lacking (vitamin/mineral deffeinceny) and/or too much processed foods, or genetically altered meats and dairy. This is only my opinion and what I've personally found to be true/

wheat grass can reverse the graying and eating a more whole and raw food diet can stop it as well. It actually worked for me.

January 24th, 2013, 06:26 AM
I found my first greys at 12 years of age. I'm 28 now and I find more and more all the time. Thankfully my silvers are the same texture as the rest of my hair, and I really don't mind them. Also DBF says he likes the way they sparkle.