View Full Version : Waist-length rope and four-strand braids.

December 14th, 2008, 04:03 AM
I'm suffering from short, stubbly braid phenomenon. My hair is at elbow length when dry, flirts with the small of my back when wet, but as soon as I braid it? Forget it. A ponied rope/4-strand ends up shorter than BSL. I'm rather short, and my hair is of moderate thickness.

So, I'm here to ask: How long was your hair before you had a waist/belly-button-length braid for rope and 4-strand types? Am I in for a very long wait?

December 14th, 2008, 06:44 AM
Probably a long wait, I'm afraid. :(
I'm currently between tailbone and classic, and my rope or 4-srand braids (starting from a pony in the middle of my head) are around waist on me. My hair thickness is just over 4".

ETA: Actually, I think the braid tassel might be just below my waist.

Peggy E.
December 14th, 2008, 08:23 AM
Ditto what was said above. Toss in the fact that so much of my length seems to be very fine, fairy tale ends, and you can't even see the bottom foot of my braids! :o(

There's a few thick, nice crossovers and then, bam!, hit the wall time! Miles of little wispy stupid microscopic braid....

Your hair is nice and thick, though, so you won't have this mess as do I. But when you braid your hair, you take up so much of it in the side-way layering. If you want a longer braid, why don't you start it from the nape, rather than in a higher ponytale? Make it a bit longer, anyway.

December 15th, 2008, 05:29 AM
Thank you both for your responses.

Oh, well. Perhaps, in another year.