View Full Version : Do you ever feel this way?

December 12th, 2008, 09:52 AM
:hmm: I"m a little frustrated... I know waiting is part of the hair growing process, but I wish it was long already! lol

I know probably alot of you feel the same way... I guess I just need some encouragement. I'm trying to be patient... I know that things like this take time, so I"m willing to wait, but anyways... that's where I'm at right now.

Hope you are having a great day over there!

God bless

December 12th, 2008, 10:04 AM
I feel that way too sometimes. I am trying to just let it pass.

December 12th, 2008, 10:12 AM
I feel that way sometimes. I try to keep my mind (and hands) off of it.

December 12th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Can definitely relate!

This is my third time re-growing from a very short cut, so I'm not feeling the impatience quite so much this time. Try keeping in mind that you ARE making progress. Your hair COULD be even shorter than it is now had you decided to grow your hair at a later time, or cut it for some goofy reason. Er, I hope that makes sense! It's a little thought that helped me in impatient moments of the past!

Also, there are benefits to shorter lengths! I remember once my hair started to get beyond mid-back I kinda almost missed the shoulder-length stage when it had more movement and was in the way a little less. So this time I'm actually looking forward to reaching the shorter milestones a bit more instead of just wishing them past!

Not sure if any of this helps, but I've totally been in your shoes several times before! So remember, your hair is already longer than it COULD be, and try to find the benefits of the shorter lengths while you have it! With perseverance there always comes that awesome moment when you catch yourself in the mirror or feel your hair brush against your arm and think "holy crap! My hair is LONG!". You'll be there before you know it ;)

December 12th, 2008, 10:31 AM
Yes, I think we are all impatient to some degree. It's only natural to want what you desire most, as soon as possible.

Long hair is definately NOT an instant gratification item, lol.

So often, when we desire or want something, clothes, tv, stereo etc. (hairtoys - ahem, ahem) we are used to getting them fairly quickly, hair is a labor of love. It's like a baby, it doesn't grow up (or rather down) at a rapid pace. Like children, one day we look and they have grown and we can hardly believe our eyes.

Hubs and I went to DQ the other night and they had a video camera with the screen facing where the customer can see it, but it was the back of us that we were looking at. I must have danced around and shook my head, swung my hair and acted like a fool for 20 minutes in front of that thing. I was amazed that the person in that monitor was ME!

Heck, no one else was there, so I indulged myself! ;)

But yes, yes, yes, I want it and I want it now. It's worse when my hair was REALLY short and I wanted to see some progress, now I have learned patience (to a point, lol)

December 12th, 2008, 10:34 AM
I'll "eighteenth" the idea that we've all been in that boat sometimes. Just know that every millisecond, your hair is growing!
ETA: Something that helps me is if I make a different hair project instead of growing. So, I'll vow to try 2 new hair treatments and blog about their results. Or I'll vow to try 4 new hairdos in the next month. That gives me something hair related to focus on besides growth.

December 12th, 2008, 01:19 PM
Thanks everyone for all of your replies!:) I am feeling somewhat better about things. I just have to watch myself that I don't get bored! That is a big no no for me! Lol!
That's why I cut my hair so much in the past. I think a good way to help me not focus on the growth so much, is to experiment with different hairstyles and also more ways to keep it in better condition.

Thanks so much!! I can't wait for it be really long!! That will be awesome!:)


December 12th, 2008, 01:23 PM
When I look at your avatar, you're shoulder length, I am too. I think that's the hardest length (besides pixie length) to grow out. You aren't quite short haired, but you don't have long hair either, and a lot of updo's don't yet work because it simply isn't long enough. A lot of doubts creep up on you, should I cut it, should I grow it...

There have to be more shoulder length ladies on here, right? :cool:
Don't we have a thread yet? Maybe we need one! (not sure if there is one or I'd start one)

December 12th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Oh yeah, I feel this way. It was really bad when I first joined here and lasted till BSL. I am stil impatient, but not nearly as bad :lol:

Pegasus Marsters
December 12th, 2008, 01:33 PM
Yep. Lots of us have had to learn to put our hair up and forget about it. Hair grows whilst life is going on. If all you can do is sit and wait for your hair to grow then things must be fairly boring. :lol:

Maybe it'd be a good time to start a new hobby to take up the free time where you're wishing your hair was long?

December 12th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Yup, growing takes a loooong time.

Just keep it in good shape, keep it protected and do other fun stuff while waiting. Gotta think up some hobbies. :D

December 13th, 2008, 04:29 PM
I've grown out from short cuts several times and the longest stretch for me is shoulder to BSL. Once I got there, it seemed to go faster. Maybe, once my hair was BSL, I was able to see how much growth I had attained and knew it was only a matter of time.

December 13th, 2008, 04:44 PM
Yes, day to day mine feels like it is taking forever to grow. That is why I take monthly pictures, and am often startled by the visible difference in length. ;)

December 13th, 2008, 04:49 PM
Yup, growing takes a loooong time.

Just keep it in good shape, keep it protected and do other fun stuff while waiting. Gotta think up some hobbies. :D

What about Word Games? :cheese:

Love and Hugs!
WD :)

December 13th, 2008, 05:01 PM
I've been trying to grow for over ten years. :( But I did so many things wrong that I'm only just now getting a little longer. And since I want to grow all the way to anklebone, I have a l-o-n-g way to go.

Yes, I wish it were there yesterday. I wish it were there last week. Oh, face it...I wish it were there years ago.

I console myself with the idea that barring some catastrophe it will never be this short again, and just try to focus on keeping it healthy and good-looking while it's on its way. :)

December 14th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Oh yes. It's really difficult to be patient. *Sigh*

December 15th, 2008, 12:10 AM
I'm VERY impatient for it to grow. It grew soooo fast before twice, and now that I REALLY want it long - it's going SOOOO S...L...O...W..... ARGH! :justy: