View Full Version : It has been an interesting year!

December 10th, 2008, 08:32 PM
Tonight I realized that it has been almost a year since I first joined LHC. I obviously don't post much, but wanted to say thank you to all of you for the things I have learned here. My hair has changed and is changing for the better.
I first learned about c-w-c and added that to my routine and I learned about using SMT's. The SMT's helped my hair quite a lot, and it feels like satin after I do one. My hair has gotten shinier and feels great instead of scritchy and crunchy and dry.
For a while, in the early part of the summer, it seemed like my new routine was working perfectly for me, but then my hair and scalp went odd. I couldn't please it anymore, it was greasy, dull and lanky and then it went into a massive shedding. I lost at least a third of my hair and that made me sad. I still don't know why it did that, except that it may have been due to dieting, or stress. I'm just pretending that my hair had to "detoxify" and it was unhappy for while but now it's better. Sometime around October it rebounded and started growing again, I got a whole bunch of baby hairs and it got thicker. The greasy, lanky and dull thing went away and it's back to being shiny and looking nice. I'm happy I persevered with the hair care and didn't give up on it.

So, anyway, thank you everyone. I really enjoy this forum:)

(p.s I can try posting some pictures, if some kind person can point me to a thread about how to do that. )

December 10th, 2008, 09:04 PM
That's so awesome! I've only been on about six months, but that's made a huge difference. I can't wait to see what a year will bring!

I do CWC too--it's wonderful isn't it? I need to try SMT.

December 11th, 2008, 08:11 AM
Yes, cwc has made a huge difference for me. My hair just loves it.

December 11th, 2008, 08:26 AM
Congratulations on your LHC *almost* birthday!

December 11th, 2008, 08:36 AM

As for posting photos. What I use is tinypic.com and I then you copy and paste the code for forums into the same box where you type up your post and the photo shows, but I always make my photos smaller first, or they'd be huge.
Good Luck.