View Full Version : Is it true that the longer the hair you have, the more weight and thicker it is?

December 9th, 2008, 08:57 AM
Just curious... My hair is about shoulder length right now and is about medium thickness, but I remember when it was longer it felt alot thicker. Is it true that when the hair is longer it provides more weight and overall thickness to the hair?

What do you think?

December 9th, 2008, 09:00 AM
Well, hair tapers as it gets longer, so the ends of your hair would be thinner.

It would be heavier, though, as there's more hair, and it could feel thicker simply because there's more hair.

December 9th, 2008, 09:02 AM
The thickness isn't going to change. The number of hairs on your head is determined by genetics. You could lose thickness because of a variety of things, but increase thickness? I don't think so.

December 9th, 2008, 09:08 AM
it would be heavier just beacuse it's more hair.
Thicker no.
But maybe your buns or updos feel 'thicker' because there is more hair.

December 9th, 2008, 09:13 AM
Only heavier, I think.

December 9th, 2008, 09:14 AM
My hair is indeed heavier but not as thick as it as at the base. So my hair isn't thicker as it gets longer.

December 9th, 2008, 09:18 AM
Heavier, sure. My hair feels heavier and swingier since it has grown. Thicker, I don't know. DH seems to think so, but I attribute any gained thickness (as in more hairs, not the thickness of a single hair) to stopping bleaching 4 years ago. I think I fried a lot of hair off then.

December 9th, 2008, 09:18 AM
it would be heavier just beacuse it's more hair.
Thicker no.
But maybe your buns or updos feel 'thicker' because there is more hair.

I think the more hair theory is right . I have always had fine and thin hair and this time when I had gone to my mom's place she said your hair has become long and thick. The baby hairs or the damaged ones have grown , but my hair 'thick' :uhh:

Peggy E.
December 9th, 2008, 09:19 AM
My hair simply seems thinner. It doesn't seem to be heavier, but I wear it up all the time and so might not notice.

There definitely is a widening of the "part" - very disconcerting, considering I don't wear a part in my hair.... :o(

December 9th, 2008, 09:23 AM
Heavier, yes. Thicker? I'm just guessing here, but I think not. The perception of added thickness probably depends on a few things...like whether or not you have layers or a strong taper or heaps of damaged hairs. When my own hair isn't layered (which, sadly, it is right now), it seems much thicker, and I don't have a severe taper even now so my hair does *seem* thicker when it's longer. I doubt that it actually is thicker, though.

December 9th, 2008, 09:26 AM
mine definitely *feels* thicker, because there is more of it (length wise) and because it is in better condition than usual. how thick my hair feels always depends on what products I've used recently as well

heidi w.
December 9th, 2008, 10:28 AM
Weight would change because you have longer hair.

Thickness would not change.

You can endeavor to preserve the volume/thickness one has, including caring for the hemline so there's an appearance of some volume.

Thickness can actually decrease over time....usually much later in life. Around 45/50 might be the first signs that people notice, at least women. Men can notice earlier. Women experience a downturn in time with hormones, often enough health problems that can affect hair growth or volume (such as a thyroid problem, or even diabetes or heart issues can have an effect)....women too experience baldness.

The thickness in our youth, up into our 20s will not persist forever. All of the body changes, just like life. Nothing remains the same for long.

One point: in the instance of longer tresses yet thinning, then there may be a change in weight to a lower weight from a previous measurement.

Hair doesn't weigh a lot, although when put up in an updo the weight and thickness can be perceived quite differently by the owner or even by onlookers. Example: I have A LOT of hair...when up, it doesn't look like what it becomes when I take it down. Many are surprised all that is up there. Right about now in my life, if I place all my hair up in one bun of some kind, it gets kind of heavy because of gravity pulling the weight of the twirled mass down. So more & more I have to break it up so as not to pull on forehead hairline or temple hairs overly.

heidi w.

December 9th, 2008, 11:02 AM
I dont really think you notice the weight as growth is gradual and any weight noticed I would think would be at waist and below. Though I cannot remember my hair feeling particular heavy at waist last time, when it was up it definatelly felt heavy. Thicker no your hair stays the same thickness but thins more at the ends as it grows, in my case anyway!

December 9th, 2008, 11:34 AM
I agree with everyone here, but also in addition, it is possible that if you have been washing your hair more often that it feels thicker because it is not being weighed down by the extra oil (grease) so much so often

December 9th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Just curious... My hair is about shoulder length right now and is about medium thickness, but I remember when it was longer it felt alot thicker. Is it true that when the hair is longer it provides more weight and overall thickness to the hair?

What do you think?
I always felt that my hair was thinner when it was longer. we'll see it hasn't been long for awhile.

December 10th, 2008, 02:43 AM
Well, my hair doesn't. It does not feel thicker (far from it), it only feels much softer and silkier because I care better for it, thanks to LHC :D.

Weight-wise, I haven't noticed a change. I have very fine hair, so I don't think weight will be a problem, even if I reach classic one day. I guess, weight might be a cause for concern when you have very thick and strong hair.

December 10th, 2008, 03:48 AM
There are several factors working for hair thickness: genetics, health and hair care.

As hair gets longer there is more of it, so it just seems thicker.

December 10th, 2008, 03:56 AM
My hair is so much heavier now it's longer.
But it's so thick too, it's not suprising !!

December 10th, 2008, 03:58 AM
Ofcourse the thickness wouldn't change unless you were damaging it before and than start caring now. But I've experienced that on some people longer hair gives more hair effect and they think it must be thicker to get there. I've had comments like "your hair must be so thick to get there" in live person but again some people judge hair by the ends and if you grow your hair very long it's inevitable to get a taper so you'll get thin comments too.

December 10th, 2008, 08:08 AM
My hair is getting 'thicker' because I've finally grown out my bangs, so it's adding more to the over all 'length' of my hair. However, I find it does 'thin' out at the ends, simply because the longer it gets, the more weathered the ends can get.

I grew my hair out with the intention of 'thinning' it as when I was a kid, my hair was really thick. I know I've shed some of that as I've aged. I'm hoping to keep what I have on my head, but as I'm only 39, that's probably a pipe dream..though, my grandmother on my dad's side had thick hair into her 60s, and my great grandmother on mom's side had a long gray braid. Not sure if it was thick or not, but I can hope, right? ;)

December 10th, 2008, 08:30 AM
Considering that people on this site, at least, start treating their hair better when they grow it out, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with thicker hair when it gets longer. If you stop bleaching your hair, or brushing it way too hard with some nasty brush, or flat ironing it daily, or whatever your personal hair sin was, then it will stop breaking. I personally discovered I have a nasty sensitivity to shampoo, and I think hairs that couldn't grow well while I was regularly bathing my scalp in a chemical that it hated are now growing out.

It isn't a feature of your hair being longer, but it seems to be a fairly regular feature of hanging around on LHC. A lot of people comment on how their hair is thicker!