View Full Version : Style help

December 5th, 2008, 10:29 AM
I have never had long hair. My hair is just now touching my shoulders and is about the longest it has ever been. I plan on growing out over the next 2 years. As I understand it, average hair grows 1/2 inch per month? So I hope to be about 10 inches longer or close to waist and that should include a couple trims to even the ends.

I can just get my hair into a ponytail, but do not very often. I am totally inapt at doing anything besides barrettes to hold the front. Can anyone point me to or explain a few styles I could start working on?

Thank you

December 5th, 2008, 10:35 AM
Someone has a good post in the articles section about styles for shorter hair. Also check out you tube.

December 5th, 2008, 10:36 AM
Almost forgot, This may have been discussed and I am just running short on time that I can be on the internet today.

I am at a point that I need to decide if I will have bangs or just let that grow. My hair is basically one length in the back and the sides are slightly layered to the front. My current bangs are to the bridge of my nose. I have trimmed my bangs myself once since I got it cut in this style. It was at the bottom of my hair line in the back and has grown I would guess 2 inches? Is it better to have bangs or not with long hair?

thank you

December 5th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Bangs or not is a personal preference, I believe. It doesn't change much about how you take care of the hair, except that you may need to wash 'bangs only' once in a while.