View Full Version : ezcomb?

December 2nd, 2008, 10:35 AM
Anyone tried an ezcomb yet? I saw them on tv the other day and just googled their
website. They look like they might get caught in your hair easily and end up tangled? They
do look nice. Sort of a cheaper version of the african butterfly thing,but pretty reasonably
priced. Anybody buy one yet? :)


December 2nd, 2008, 12:48 PM
I say spend the extra dough on the real thing. I love my African butterfly comb. The ezcombs are made of wire, look MUCH less sturdy, and don't appear to hold as well. Just my opinion. :shrug:

January 11th, 2009, 08:27 PM
Has anyone tried the EzComb which has been advertised on TV? It appears to be two regular "side" combs connected by stretchy beaded elastic attached to each comb.

DH saw it and told me to visit ezcomb.com
When we viewed the site he said it was the same commercial he saw on TV! I hope it's all right to mention the website. If not, mods please delete and thanks!

I wonder if the beads would get caught in the hair? Not very expensive and looks good in the advert of course!:D

ETA: Sorry, I forgot to do a search to see if this had been discussed already! There is already a thread. If you will do a search with ezcomb you can view the replies and disregard this posting! Again I am sorry for the duplicate thread.........my bad! )o:

January 11th, 2009, 08:54 PM
I have a few by hairzing which look exactly how the ezcomb looks. I really love them. they don't get tangled in my hair at all and they hold really well. The teeth on them bend back very easily if they get bent out of shape. They are also very easy to use.

ETA: I do have short hair though so I can't attest to how they'd hold up in really long or heavy hair.

May 6th, 2009, 09:16 PM
I just got one. Compulsive buy *sigh*. It seems to hold well, although I haven't played with it too much yet. We shall see.

May 8th, 2009, 12:48 AM
I have a couple of hair zings, not ezcombs. I think the ezcombs don't come in different sizes, no? I need the large size hair zings.

They can get caught in my hair, but most things can. I just have to be careful how I put them in and take them out. Here's a pic:



November 26th, 2010, 05:08 AM
My EZcombs arrived today, after a brief but eventful fight I am going to send them back:rolleyes: The metal combs don't really want to go into my hair (very fine) and the felt very unsecure.
I am going to stick with my Stylee, these I can put in without a mirror, I don't get all tangled up in it and as they are fabric covered they are kinder to the hair!
I would recommend them to anyone!:cheese: one of mine is at least 6 years old and I do wear it quite often!

November 26th, 2010, 07:45 AM
I've used the EZCombs and Upzings for years, and I love 'em! Just did a Google image search on both, I don't see any difference in the two, so I'm lumping them together. I have very fine hair, but a LOT of it, and they hold very well in my hair. When it was long and I was a flight attendant, I had one of those things in my hair for up to 16 hours, to the point where the combs would leave dents in the back of my head. Now that I'm growing it back out, they were the first of my old hair toys that I can use - because the bases of the combs sit a couple inches apart in the back of the hairstyle, they hold my still-too-short sides up, where none of my other toys do just yet. So I'm thrilled that I can wear some of my old shiny things - I have about 5 of 'em!

I've never used an African butterfly comb, will have to try one when my hair gets longer to compare it with the EZComb/Upzing.

November 27th, 2010, 09:44 AM
I have bought these combs and like them very much, they don't hold very tight in my fine slippery hair, but that is okay. I did not find they got tangled either. I also like the stylee :)